

  HOW DOES A  6-foot-2 point guard whose self-described weight is "175 soaking wet" rank right up there with the NBA"s best big men in paint scoring?
  "Because motherf---ers can"t stay in front of me," Ja Morant told ESPN after pondering the question for about as long as it takes him to get from the 3-point line to the rim with a clear lane.
  一个身高 6 英尺 2 英寸、自称体重"175 磅"的控球后卫如何 与 NBA 内线大个子并列得分第一?
  " 因为这些混蛋根本没办法一直保持在我的身前 ,"贾莫兰特在思考这个问题后告诉 ESPN,他找到了从三分线到篮筐的突破线路。
  Morant laughs, but there is truth to his jest. The Memphis Grizzlies" 23-year-old superstar became the first guard to lead the league in points in the paint in at least 25 years last season, doing so with a repertoire of moves to get around, under and sometimes over even the tallest defenders in the league.
  Morant"s blink-and-he"s-gone burst, ability to change directions at full speed and ballhandling skills are certainly significant factors in his interior scoring dominance. So are the bunny-like hops that allow him to occasionally dunk on 7-footers in traffic.
  莫兰特笑了,但他的笑话是有道理的。孟菲斯灰熊队23 岁的超级巨星在上个赛季成为25 年来第一位在内线得分领先联盟的后卫,他用一整套动作绕过防守球员在内线翻江倒海。
  莫兰特的瞬间爆发、全速变向的能力和控球技巧无疑是他内线得分统治力的重要因素。像兔子一样的跳跃也是如此,这让他偶尔可以在7 英尺高的地方隔扣对手。
  But it"s too simple to point only at the spectacular as an explanation for how one of the league"s smallest players routinely dominates where size and strength typically reign supreme.
  Consider one early November game, where on four separate plays, Morant displays the combination of explosiveness, finesse, feel and film study that makes him such a unique force in the paint.
  想想 11 月初的比赛,在四场不同的比赛中,莫兰特展示了爆发力、技巧、手感和录像研究的结合,这使他成为三秒区中有如此独特的力量。
  "People look at that athletic stuff, but that happens once a game or once every two games," Grizzlies shooting guard Desmond Bane said of Morant"s highlight-reel dunks and ahead of the team"s game against the Atlanta Hawks on Monday (8 p.m. ET on NBA TV).
  "But he finishes with 26 points and 20 of them are in the paint, so it"s like, how the hell did he get the other 18?"
  "他最终得到 26 分,其中 20 分在三秒区,所以就像,他到底是怎么得到另外 18 分的?"
  IN THE OPENING  minute of the Grizzlies" Nov. 11 home win against the Minnesota Timberwolves, Morant goes to work.
  He uses a screen from bruising center Steven Adams -- the NBA"s version of a run-blocking right tackle -- near the left sideline about 30 feet from the basket. Anthony Edwards can"t work around it, giving Morant the opportunity to isolate against Rudy Gobert with a runway in front of him.
  在灰熊队 11 月 11 日主场战胜 明尼苏达森林狼队的开局,莫兰特就开始进攻内线。
  他在距离篮筐约 30 英尺的左侧边线借住中锋 史蒂文亚当斯的掩护。 安东尼爱德华兹被挡死没法跟上防守,这让莫兰特有机会点名 鲁迪戈贝尔。
  Morant stays in first gear as he dribbles slowly down the middle of the floor, seemingly waiting for the right split second to accelerate. Gobert tries to remain an arm"s length from Morant, but is most concerned about protecting the rim, aware of potential backdoor cuts for lobs or layups as well as the threat of Morant attacking.
  "Obviously, he"s very athletic and a very crafty finisher, but he can really pass," Gobert said. "The lob, the pass to the shooters -- as a defense, when the guy who"s got the ball in his hands most of the time can find the open man, that"s what separates the good from the great."
  As Morant crosses the free throw line, Gobert gives just a little too much cushion. Morant leaps off two feet in front of the dotted line -- going up, up, up -- and releases a right-handed floater just above the three-time Defensive Player of the Year"s outstretched arm. Swish.
  "Getting to 2 feet, elevating and just a touch shot right over the front of the rim," Bane said. "That"s his bread and butter. He"s jumping higher than you, and he"s got the touch. That"s tough. That"s tough."
  "他的起跳高度达到 2 英尺,抬高出球点,"贝恩说。"那是他的天赋。他跳得比你高,而且他有手感。防守他真的很难。"
  Defenses are usually fine with forcing contested floaters, which are typically low-efficiency shots. Not for Morant, who has made and attempted the third most floaters in the league this season, according to Second Spectrum tracking data.
  Morant made 44.7% of his 215 floaters last season, according to NBA Advanced Stats, while leading the league with 16.6 paint points per game. He"s shooting 40.7% on 91 floaters this season while averaging 14.5 paint points, which ranks seventh in the league.
  根据 NBA Advanced Stats 的数据, 上个赛季,莫兰特总计完成了215记抛投出手,命中率为44.7%,场均16.6分的油漆区内得分排名联盟第一位。本赛季,莫兰特至今完成了91次抛投出手,命中率为40.7%。场均油漆区内得分为14.5分,排名联盟第七位
  Those floaters frequently come late in the shot clock, when Morant has to create something and it"s the best available option. But there"s a benefit to taking floaters when he finds a comfortable pocket of space, such as the shot over Gobert.
  "It allows me to not receive contact every time," Morant said, "being able to have that floater right before I get to the big."
  MORANT PUMP-FAKES  at the top of the 3-point arc and then crosses over between his legs, right to left, as he sizes up 6-foot-9 Timberwolves forward Jaden McDaniels.
  Morant waves off a screen from Adams. He"s happy to go one-on-one against McDaniels. There"s a little more than four minutes left in the first quarter when Morant floors the gas pedal.
  莫兰特在三分线弧顶假 动作,把球从右手换到左手,同时他对身高 6 英尺 9 英寸的森林狼队前锋 贾登麦克丹尼尔斯的防守进行了评估。
  He drives left, the direction a second-row Wolves assistant coach keeps shouting to deny. The scouting report surely mentions Morant drives left 61.4% of the time, per Second Spectrum, eighth-most among 58 players with 200 or more drives this season.
  Once Morant gets a step on McDaniels, as Adams said, "it"s a wrap."
  Adams walls over Karl-Anthony Towns in the paint to prevent any help from coming. But McDaniels, who averages 1.2 blocks per game, is still in decent position to challenge Morant from behind with his seven-inch height advantage.
  Morant, however, goes with a goofy-foot lefty layup, leaping off his left foot instead of the right, getting the ball on the glass just a split-second quicker than McDaniels" rising hand. It"s one of the wide variety of layups Morant works on to start every inpidual workout, and he"s equally comfortable with either hand, actually finishing at a higher clip (57.7%) with his left this season.
  然而,莫兰特用一个愚蠢的左脚上篮,从他的左脚而不是右脚跳起,将球放在篮板上的时间比麦克丹尼尔斯的上升手快一瞬间。这是莫兰特在每一次个人训练时都会尝试的各种各样的上篮之一,而且他对任何一只手的使用同样自如,实际上本赛季他用左手完成了更高的命中率 (57.7%)。
  "I can"t just rely on dunking every single play, so I have to have different types of finishes to be able to get my shot off," Morant said, "whether it"s high off the glass, same leg/same hand, reverse, hanging in the air forever."
  On another play midway through the second quarter, Morant catches the ball on the right wing and decides to run pick-and-roll with Adams. Edwards goes over the screen, allowing Morant to get in front of him. Morant stops, pinning Edwards on his back and essentially out of the play, dribbling in place as he surveys the floor.
  Morant sees Wolves reserve guard Bryn Forbes sagging to help and Towns in drop coverage. As Grizzlies wing John Konchar respaces along the arc, Forbes nervously takes a couple steps that direction, giving Morant the alley he anticipated.
  Morant takes one dribble forward and launches into Towns, switches the ball from his right to left hand in midair and finishes over a 7-footer who flailed his arms but never got off the floor. And-1.
  莫兰特看到狼队替补后卫 布林·福布斯 和唐斯正在补防位置。当灰熊队的边锋约翰·康查尔沿着弧线为莫兰特拉开空间时,福布斯紧张地朝那个方向走了几步,给了莫兰特他预期的突破空间。
  莫兰特向前运球并顶住唐斯,在半空中将球从右手换到左手,最后越过了一个 7 英尺高的球员,后者挥舞着双臂,但一直没有离开地板。
  "He has the ability to manipulate the screens or the defensive coverages, so then he can get downhill where he obviously thrives," Grizzlies coach Taylor Jenkins said.
  "He"s got an unbelievable ability now to study what teams are doing to him and know ahead of time, "This is how I"m going to break it down.""
  THERE"S A LITTLE  less than seven minutes remaining in the fourth quarter when Forbes switches onto Morant on the right wing, well past the 3-point arc. Forbes crowds him, and Morant breezily blows by him to the right.
  Towns and McDaniels are back, both waiting in the paint for the small guard who made them look silly earlier in the game. No problem for Morant; it"s just time for a little trickery in the trees.
  第四节 还剩不到 7 分钟时,福布斯在右翼换上了莫兰特, 莫兰特轻松突破福布斯的防守 。
  来到内线尝试挑战戈贝尔和麦克丹尼尔斯 ,他们都在内线等待那个在比赛早些时候让他们看起来很傻的小后卫。莫兰特没问题;是时候玩点小把戏了。
  Morant jump-stops in the lane, just shy of the restricted area, and pump-fakes. As Towns and McDaniels leap in unison to challenge a shot that isn"t coming, Morant ducks under and lays the ball up and in while barely leaving his feet.
  "Ja somehow finds a way to navigate through those cracks, whether it"s pivots or leaping over people or whatever the case may be," Bane said. "He gets even skinnier in those cracks."
  莫兰特在禁区附近跳停,假动作。当唐斯和 麦克丹尼尔斯 一起被晃起时,莫兰特低下身子, 几乎在没有起跳的情况之下,完成了终结
  Four minutes later, the Grizzlies are putting the finishing touches on the win as Adams sets another high screen for Morant. Edwards lackadaisically goes under the screen this time, and Morant zooms toward Towns, driving to his right down the middle of the floor.
  Just before the free throw line, Morant suddenly and smoothly changes directions, putting the ball in his left hand. That forced the big man to flip his hips.
  Once again, Towns is in trouble.
  "When he attacks, he"s not off-balance and can always cut back," said Adams, who faced Morant four times as an opponent. "Some people when they attack, once they go that way, it"s hard for them to cut back. He"s balanced all the time, so he always has the option of switching the angle, you know what I mean? That"s so difficult to guard."
  As Morant goes up for a lefty finish, Towns runs into him, drawing his sixth foul. The contact bumps Morant off-balance, with the 12 on the back of his jersey nearly parallel to the floor, but Morant somehow switches the ball to his right hand and puts it up softly on the glass. As Morant is sprawled out on the baseline, the ball rolls around the rim and goes in.
  Morant sits up and flexes his wiry arms as the FedEx Forum crowd goes into a frenzy. His team of trainers frequently pound him with pads while Morant practices finishes during his offseason workouts, preparing for moments like this.
  "He definitely has tons of moments where it catches you, but it doesn"t surprise you, because you expect that out of him," Jenkins said. "He"s always got something up his sleeve."
