

  "It’s easier to be KD, Bron, and etc, You gone need a a lot of training trying be Steph Curry though"要想成为 KD、勒布朗、库里哪个更难?
  美国网友: Steph Curry
  Steph is within the normal size and we"ve never seen anything close to what he"s done. Theres probably 1000"s of people with Stephs natural gift for ever 1 KD or 1 LeBron yet Curry is just as impactful because hes that skilled and talented. It takes more work to get as good at the game as Steph is.
  斯蒂芬在正常尺寸范围内,我们从未见过任何与他所做的接近的事情。可能有 1000 人拥有斯蒂芬斯的天赋,永远拥有 1 个 KD 或 1 个勒布朗,但库里同样具有影响力,因为他技术精湛,才华横溢。要像斯蒂芬一样擅长游戏,还需要付出更多的努力。
  I"m firmly convinced that a good part of Curry"s ability is God-given. It"s not all work ethic.
  That"s why I don"t know if I should agree with him or not. His release, hand eye coordination, shooting/scoring ability. Of course it has been honed over time
  Curry was born with hand eye coordination that"s off the chart. He also works his butt off. But lebron works as hard as anyone else out there too. Lebron"s so obviously one of the biggest film junkies in the league it"s silly. KD...ok yeah maybe he"s a hair lessor.
  The 1 in a billion combo of height and coordination and size doesn"t hurt....but neither does Curry"s maybe greatest eye hand coordination ever hurt...while also being a top 10 or so percenter in height on the planet earth.
  十亿分之一的身高、协调性和体型不会受到伤害……但库里也许是最出色的眼手协调能力也没有受到伤害……同时也是地球上身高前 10% 左右的人。
  Yeah cause remember when he wasn’t working on his shot with a professional NBA sharp shooter on NBA rims and had to work at subway to make money to get a car?
  Naw neither do I.
  That man has put the time in and had the best training possible from the earliest age possible.
  Remember Klay said "like I might be able to beat him shooting in an empty gym, but I ain’t got all night...I got other stuff I want to do with my life"
  Curry obviously has talent but he has out the work to make that talent turn into production -
  as someone once said- I"m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it...
  I think the same can be said of luck as talent...the harder you work the more talent you seem to magically have
  Btw—— his dad still thinks he can beat him in shooting in an empty gym...and you don’t know if he is wrong
  是的,因为记得当他没有在 NBA 篮筐上与职业 NBA 犀利射手一起练习投篮时,不得不在地铁上工作赚钱买车吗?
  the hand eye coordination, the touch and feel for the ball, perfect combination with his quickness... those are god given...
  You will see more Stephen Curry soon in the future, lil kids will be growing up shooting threes. Jordan was a prime example of this, it will be the same with Curry.
  I am very, very confident we"re not going to see anything like Curry any time soon, let alone multiples. He"s Babe Ruth. Just like Jordan. How many copies of him did we see? Kobe was a very respectable facsimile. Tracy McGrady on a good day. That"s about it.
  I used to workout with this guy...5"9 about 165 and he could bench 450 all day no issue. He was a weird guy in a lot of ways but he was a lot of fun to workout with. He couldn"t squat due to flexibility. He was just a really odd dude. Anyway, he was just gifted AND worked hard. He also enjoyed it....likely because he was good at it.
  Genetics are what they are, and there"s no question about it, freaks do freak things because they"ve got freaky genetics. It"s easy to see a monster like Lebron or Shaq and think "oh genetics". But Stockton was a freak genetically too. So is Curry. You simply can"t work so hard you don"t need freak genetics to be the NBA. Hell making a D1 college is pretty much out of the relm of possible for average genetic guys who work themselves to death....but the NBA is complete and utterly impossible. Forget being GOOD in the NBA.
  我曾经和这个家伙一起锻炼...... 5"9 大约 190 并且他可以整天卧推 450 没问题。他在很多方面都是一个奇怪的人,但和他一起锻炼很有趣。由于柔韧,他不能蹲下。他只是一个非常奇怪的家伙。不管怎样,他只是天赋异禀并且努力工作。他也很喜欢……可能是因为他很擅长。
  遗传就是他们的样子,毫无疑问,怪胎做怪胎是因为他们有怪胎。看到像勒布朗或奥尼尔这样的怪物并认为"哦遗传学"很容易。但斯托克顿在基因上也是一个怪胎。库里也是。你根本就不能这么努力地工作,你不需要怪异的基因就能成为 NBA。对于那些努力工作至死的普通基因人员来说,创建一所D1大学几乎是不可能的......但NBA是完整的,完全不可能的。忘记在 NBA 表现出色吧。
  Shooting is 90% genetics 10% work...
  射击是 90% 遗传 10% 工作......
  Steph has an incredible work ethic. I mean, so do the other guys mentioned, of course. Does genetics play a role, of course, but steph comes into each season in phenomenal shape and all of that is work.
  Seems unnecessary to call out LeBron and KD in the tweet, and Curry almost definitely has his own version of god given talent that cannot be replicated. But he is probably the best player at 6"3" or shorter in NBA history? I can"t think of anyone unless we"re going way back to the 60"s with Jerry West.
  似乎没有必要喊出勒布朗和 KD,而库里几乎肯定有他自己版本的上帝赐予的天赋,无法复制。但他可能是 NBA 历史上身高 6 英尺 3 英寸或更短的最佳球员?除非我们和杰里韦斯特一起回到 60 年代,否则我想不出任何人。
  To an extent is right, but Curry has a lot of physical gifts that are not as apparent. His flexibility, touch and hand eye coordination are simply not things you can just learn. It"s not a coincidence his brother and father are also all time great level 3pt shooters.
  在某种程度上是对的,但库里有很多不那么明显的身体天赋。他的灵活性、触觉和手眼协调能力根本不是你能学会的。这并非巧合,他的兄弟和父亲也是历史上出色的 3 分射手。
  I’m not saying Curry doesn’t have good athleticism, compared to a normal person. Curry is taller and far more athletic than the average person, so of course he has some athletic advantage over a normal person.
  What I’m saying is where does Curry stand compared to other NBA players when it comes to physical advantages. Where does Curry stand when it comes to physical advantages compared to the other elites of the NBA?
  All I’m saying is players like LeBron or KD have a bigger physical advantage than Curry. So Curry to equal their impact, needs to be more skilled to close that gap. And I believe that is the main point Jennings is making as well.
  我要说的是,在谈到身体优势时,库里与其他 NBA 球员相比处于什么位置。与NBA其他精英相比,库里在身体优势方面处于什么位置?
  我要说的是像勒布朗或 KD 这样的球员比库里拥有更大的身体优势。因此,库里要与他们的影响相提并论,需要更加熟练来缩小差距。我相信这也是詹宁斯提出的主要观点。
  You need to have a lot of training to have the impact of any of those guys - you"ll be hard pressed to find anyone that trains harder than those three. All three have certain physical gifts/traits that no amount of training can achieve. But I do believe that a 6"3" player having an impact on the game at the same level of Steph Curry is a bit more difficult.
  你需要进行大量的训练才能像这些人中的任何一个一样产生影响——你很难找到比这三个人训练更努力的人。这三个人都有一定的身体天赋/特征,这是任何训练都无法实现的。但我确实认为,一个 6"3" 的球员在斯蒂芬库里的同一水平上对比赛产生影响要困难一些。
  Agreed. Unbelievable quickness, great coordination, amazing mobility and agility. A lot of physical gifts that can’t be taught and are simply genetic. Curry has very good athleticism it’s just not as apparent as he doesn’t look like a physical specimen.
  Love Nash and think he"s got the GOAT coordination in NBA history next to Steph, but I have to believe that"s hyperbole. There are Div 1 college players who can"t shoot in the low 70s consistently. It takes in insane amount of reps and practice to even sniff that
  喜欢纳什,并认为他在 NBA 历史上拥有仅次于斯蒂芬的 GOAT 协调能力,但我不得不相信这是夸张的。有些 Div 1 大学球员不能一直在 70 年代低位投篮。甚至需要大量的重复和练习才能嗅出它。
  I don"t agree. Steph actually had to revamp his shot in high school.
  Revamping your shot is harder the older you are. Most guys can do it pretty easily in highschool. I say this from experience, I"ve revamped my shot 3 times now, first in highschool, then twice after because of injuries that made it difficult to shoot like I used to. It"s a lot of work, but it was pretty easy when I was in highschool. The other two times, there are more growing pains.
  年龄越大,改造你的投篮就越难。大多数人在高中都可以很容易地做到这一点。我根据经验这么说,我现在已经修改了 3 次投篮,第一次是在高中,然后是两次,因为受伤使我很难像以前那样投篮。这是很多工作,但是当我在高中时很容易。另外两次,有更多的成长痛。
  The way I see it more people can become Curry if they train hard like Curry does. You can"t be Lebron or KD unless you are born into a freak like body, not even 1% of NBA players ever born have the body to do it. So depends what you mean by "easier." KD and Lebron is "harder" because its literally impossible unless you win the genetic lottery. Impossible is the highest level of "hard"
  在我看来,如果像库里那样刻苦训练,就会有更多人成为库里。你不能成为勒布朗或 KD,除非你天生就拥有一个怪胎般的身体,甚至连 1% 的 NBA 球员都没有天生的身体来做到这一点。所以取决于你所说的"更容易"是什么意思。KD 和勒布朗"更难",因为除非你赢得基因彩票,否则这几乎是不可能的。不可能是"硬"的最高境界
  How are we defining "becoming Steph", "KD", or "LeBron?"
  All three have generational, God-given ability and work ethic to do what only they can do. I"m of the opinion that you can"t "work" on becoming either of the three.
  Genetics and natural gifts played a role.
  Steph has much more natural talent than his father and his brother.
  His hand-eye coordination, balance, control, awareness, anticipation, vision, IQ, quickness, shiftiness is unmatched and you can"t just teach that stuff. These are attributes that Steve Nash had, but Curry is just on another level. Athleticism is not simply speed and jumping ability. Combine that with an incredible work-ethic and you get an MVP.
  Curry essentially maximized his incredible natural talent. I would never say what Curry does is something the average person could do ,even with an insane work-ethic. They can"t. Even his brother couldn"t and he was given the same resources and is known to have a great work-ethic as well.
  他的手眼协调、平衡、控制、意识、预期、视力、智商、敏捷性、多动性是无与伦比的,你不能只教那些东西。这些是史蒂夫纳什所拥有的属性,但库里只是在另一个层面上。田径运动不仅仅是速度和弹跳能力。将其与令人难以置信的职业道德相结合,您将获得 MVP。
  Why do people think elite shooting is all practice? It really isn"t, we aren"t all born with equal hand eye coordination.
  I mean yeah, KD and LeBron have better natural gifts to excel in the NBA.
  我的意思是,是的,KD 和勒布朗有更好的天赋可以在 NBA 中脱颖而出。
  I don"t think it"s so black and white.
  Steph is unbelievable but it"s hard to play like a guard at 7 feet like KD does, and hard to do the same with LeBron"s build, too. Most guys if they had the build of KD and LeBron would try to be power forwards and centers instead of expanding their game to be more versatile.
  斯蒂芬令人难以置信,但很难像 KD 那样在 7 英尺高的地方打出像后卫一样的比赛,而且很难用勒布朗的身材来做同样的事情。大多数人如果拥有 KD 和勒布朗的身材,他们会尝试成为大前锋和中锋,而不是扩大他们的比赛范围以使其更加全面。
  This has to be one of the most ignorant posts I"ve read in a while.
  Steph has a lot of natural ability that has helped him along the way. It"s just that fans are too used to measuring such gifts in terms of height, speed and jumping ability. Its not a coincidence for instance that his dad is one of the best shooters of all time. There"s a high degree of hand eye coordination and distance control that he inherited from him.
  Yeah maybe it is all nurture over nature, but the guy is the son of great NBA shooter. There has to be some kind of gene that was passed down with great hand-eye/Spatial coordination.
  是的,也许这一切都是自然而然的,但这个家伙是伟大的 NBA 射手的儿子。必须有某种基因以出色的手眼/空间协调性传下来。
