

  Many good answers here but many are missing the most critical component of Japanese economic dominance here, which is the exchange rate of the Yen vs the Dollar.
  Please go to Google and type "USDJPY historical chart". There you will see that the yen was extremely cheap all the way up to mid 1985, with 1 US dollar being able to buy 200–250 Japanese yen. With the Japanese yen being so cheap, they could sell their "better" cars at extremely competitive prices compared to American cars, thus "dominating" their industry.
  On September 22, 1985 the US and Europe took the Japanese finance minister to the Plaza Hotel in New York City, effectively put a gun to his head and told him to intervene in the currency market to, exact words, "increase the competitiveness of US and European products."
  Now look back at the USDJPY chart after that meeting. The Yen strengthens to where 1 dollar buys only 100–150 yen, effectively making Japanese products 2x as expensive. Suddenly the "better" Japanese cars were not so hot anymore and American cars became more competitive.
  Meanwhile in Japan, their GDP stopped growing, stock index stopped growing, their population stopped growing. The US however had high growth in GDP, stock and population over the same period.
  The 90’s internet and tech boom happened in the US and not Japan.
  The main point is that the United States stopped Japanese economic dominance by bullying Japan into submission. With disastrous results for the Japanese economy and country overall.
  That being said let’s move on to China.
  China learned many lessons from the Plaza Accord of 1985. The main one is that they will not allow the US to bully them into submission and let the same thing what happened to Japan happen to them. They are getting ready to fight to the end to maintain their economic dominance. They are increasing their military. They are building a network of allies. And they are doing a thousand other things that Japan could/would not do.
  In my opinion, China will be the next world economic superpower, period. The US will try to do the same thing to China as it did to Japan (economic pressure) and the same thing it did to the USSR (economic, military, diplomatic pressure) but it will fail to stop China from "overtaking" the US economy.
  How the overpampered and self proclaimed "leaders of the free world" Americans will react to getting pushed to the #2 spot is what will define geopolitics, and American politics and society in particular, for the rest of this century
  Political and History gadfly
  The problem Japan had was twofold. It was too small, China being 10 times larger, and it made the same mistake the US made in its last recession. It let overleveraging of inflated real estate undermine the economics of the country. Today, Japan is still trying to recover. It pumps more funds into the economy, borrowing from it’s domestic retirement savings, desperately trying to refloat its economy. By doing so, it is buying time to recover. It may not work. What is happening is Japan is getting old and with her past and current culture of not allowing foreigners become long term residence, her population is on a decline.
  ".Japan remains definitively stuck, despite a long and aggressive experiment with ultralow rates. A quarter-century after its property bubble burst, a penny-pinching generation has come of age knowing only economic malaise, stagnant wages and deflation—a condition where prices fall instead of rise." The enduring mystery of Japan"s economy"。
  China knows and studies the Japanese history that led to her success and now failure decline. China has copied Japan’s rise and is shift gears like Japan into technology. Having said that, times are changing because technology is already here and moving at a frightening clip. Most developed countries are using robotics and AI to improve their manufacturing. With this strategy, China hopes to beat the issue of falling labor resources caused by demographics. China is also more open to the outside world. The US complains about restrictions to China, but all developing countries try to protect their nascent industries, especially those that the feel are in the national interest. Do you see restrictions on Walmart, McDonalds, or Pizza Hut? There are restrictions on the auto, infrastructure, and financial areas of the economy, but China promised to open China up more. As that happens, it will accelerate China’s growth into the future with further FDI from a broad spectrum of foreign countries. That, and the ability of foreigners being able to get permanent residency in China broadens China’s ability to integrate more smoothly into the world. It also ties other countries into the economics of China. Things like the BRI will also broaden her soft power as China rises. Japan never attempted to develop a world infrastructure base. Her international ventures were limited to factories abroad where it made economic sense because of tariffs and economics.
  China also knows that STEM is key to technology. China graduates 8 times more STEM university students than the US. China is creating a new university or a foreign/China campus every week. China knows education is her future.
  China also is structured so she can plan long term and with focus, something Japan tried, but it didn’t bear as much structural fruit as we see with China. You see China more focused and has the ability to look long term at solutions to her rise. Even the US can’t do this well so, in the long run, China will beat the US in the economic race. That is exactly what Trump and others fear. The attack on ZTE, the trade war, the demand for China to end her subsidies on research (Made in China 2025), her calls to limit Chinese STEM students studying in the US, are all signs that the US sees as a threat to her world dominance. We are losing our leadership by not competing.
  If war doesn’t preclude this rise, China is on her way to be dominant in the next industrial revolution, it is the technology revolution. China plans to be the top dog. Today, the US is top dog, but we are whittling away our leadership because our leaders are taking us back to old technology and reduced focus on education for the masses. We seem to be aiming at elitism among the rich and abandoning our middle class. The vision that we see today, is almost polar opposite of China.
  "What is Made in China 2025? Made in China 2025 is a blueprint for Beijing"s plan to transform the country into a hi-tech powerhouse that dominates advanced industries like robotics, advanced information technology, aviation, and new energy vehicles. The ambition makes sense within the context of China’s development trajectory: countries typically aim to transition away from labor-intensive industries and climb the value-added chain as wages rise, lest they fall into the so-called "middle-income trap." Chinese policymakers have diligently studied the German concept "Industry 4.0," which shows how advanced technology like wireless sensors and robotics, when combined with the internet, can yield significant gains in productivity, efficiency, and precision." Why Does Everyone Hate Made in China 2025?
