

  Are younger teachers better than older teachers?
  Alisa Boyd
  Oh, those young teachers, fresh out of college! They’re cute! They’re full of energy! They’re passionate! They’re perky! Did I mention cute? Surely they’re better teachers than the old, worn-out models inhabiting sections of the school building.
  噢,那些刚从大学毕业的年轻老师!他们好可爱!他们精力充沛!他们充满激情!他们自信满满!我提到可爱了吗? 他们当然比老教师更好,老教师就像居住在学校建筑里的破旧模型。
  Unfortunately, it’s a myth that those youthful, energetic, cute young teachers are superior. Why then, does it seem that school districts prefer them?
  #1. They’re cheap. A teacher with only a Bachelor’s and no experience costs far less than one with a Master’s and 15 years’ experience.
  # 1.他们便宜。一名只有学士学位且无经验的教师的成本远低于一名拥有硕士学位且有15年经验的教师。
  Are there exceptions? Of course. I’ve seen youngsters reach consciously competent after just three or four years; I’ve seen oldsters who are still unconsciously incompetent. In general, though, the development of a teacher’s craft takes years, just as it does with any other craft. But that’s the subject for another question, "Is teaching an art, a science, or a craft?"
  凡是都有例外?当然。我看到过年轻人在三四年后就能有意识地胜任; 我见过一些老人们无意识中仍然无能。不过,一般来说,一项教师技能的发展需要多年的时间,就像其他任何技能一样。但这是另一个问题的主题,"教学是一门艺术,一门科学,还是一门手艺?"
  Rich Kern
  Well, this could cause a debate! I would say that in any job, experience matters. Experience give background in areas universities can’t teach. Discipline, educational strategies and classroom management come from being in classroom with real students. On the other hand, a school does need youth. Their energy and enthusiasm help invigorate a school.
  这可能会引起争论! 我想说,在任何工作中,经验都很重要。在大学无法教授的领域,经验提供了背景。纪律、教育策略和课堂管理来自于与真正的学生在课堂上。另一方面,学校确实需要年轻人。他们的精力和热情使学校充满活力。
  Joanne Serin
  As a group, I don’t think they’re better or worse. A big plus is that they have been raised with technology and are, therefore, more competent and at ease with it. I ’m an excellent teacher, but Zooming and other technology I’ve tried to learn this year in order to substitute online really overwhelms me. On the other hand, they are inexperienced and just need more time and practice to hone their abilities.
  Ruth Watin
  Yes and No.
  Young teachers lack experience. They tend to make subject matters difficult. They may have the knowledge but their lack of experience would hinder them in making their students understand better. So better look for a young teacher with experience rather than one without experience because it really matters in the teaching and learning process. This is my opinion.
  Dania Khelfa
  I wouldn’t say better when comparing teachers who are young to those who are older. Both bring forth advantages and disadvantages when looking at what they have to offer students.
  As an advantage, younger teachers are more aware of current social cues and thus can relate more easily to the generation that they are teaching in terms of sharing content knowledge and expectations.
  However, one notable disadvantage is that younger teachers may not earn the respect of their students if the students see the teacher to be just like them. The students may not value what this teacher has to offer them. The line between educator and friend may be blurred to the point that students don’t take what this teacher has to offer seriously.
  On the other hand, students will see the older teacher as having more knowledge due to their years and may value what the teacher has to offer if the students are serious about what they are studying. If students find that what the teacher has to offer is of no use to their current generation then there could be a lack of interest on the part of the students since the students will deem this teacher too hard to relate to.
  Whether young or old, the teacher has to be relatable to the students in order for them to value what the teacher has to offer on content knowledge and expectations in society. Therefore an older teacher would need to be able to keep up with technology and the social cues to the current generations, so that younger students can’t get one over on the teacher!
  When it comes down to it, students learn more from teachers they like and can relate to irregardless of whether the teacher is old or young.
  As far as older teachers I can only refer to my experiences. Teaching is the same behavior but content and goals are ever evolving. Older teachers have turned to steel and have come to terms with the demands of the career but the expectations are always changing. Instructional goals and ways to do it remain moving targets. Older teachers can’t reuse lessons year after year so they are adapting all the time. In my state of MD. you are required to earn a Master’s Degree or comparable number of advanced college credits to remain certified within 10 years. Further you have to continue taking college courses throughout your career. When I retired I had my Master’s Degree plus thirty other college credits. That is how older teachers stay up to date with material and new theories and applications that young teachers get.
  My conclusion to your question is neither and both. The truth is the best teachers are those who work on a team with a variety of people. Young teachers bring their enthusiasm and ideals and energy. The rest bring to the table what they have learned through time and experiences. TOGETHER they form a team of the best teachers.
  Kathleen Crader
  In some ways yes, in others an older, experienced teacher is better. Younger teachers bring an enthusiasm and the latest techniques and technology to their teaching. Experienced teachers bring that experience, knowledge of presentation techniques that are effective in teaching students well.
  Joanne Vicente
  No, but older teachers aren’t better than younger ones, either. There are many things that make a teacher good or bad, and age is rarely one of them.
