

  If Europe didn"t have olive oil, what would have taken its place, or would people have changed their diet completely and lived without oil?
  Joan Carles Martin
  "historically speaking the countries which relied on olive oil were very much in the minority, confined entirely to southern Europe."
  Well, yes but no. The Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Greece, France… were orders of magnitude more populated than the north and some other parts of Europe.
  It’s not really useful to compare today demographics to those of the past.
  Bradley Betts
  I wasn’t. When I said ‘historically speaking’, I was referring to the fact that today olive oil is available in the north and butter in the south, when historically that would not have been the case. Perhaps I should have been clearer.
  Louis Kolkman
  Not sure about the butter. As butter can spoil easily in warm weather, I would think the would have chosen another oil (or oil-like substance) because those would keep better in the warmer climate of the Mediterranean
  I don"t know if that"s true because India has a longstanding tradition of using butter and butter-derived products in their various cuisines. It"s undeniable that Indian summers are often hotter and more humid than the Mediterranean ones.
  Stepan Lisovsky
  In 2019, coffee overtook tea in popularity in Russia. Not long before that, beer overtook vodka also.
  Glejdi Kapo
  Cattle raising is/was an activity throughout Europe (and everywhere else). It has nothing to do with North vs. South Europe.
  Zoran Borut Vresnik
  Nope. Mediterranean area is not good for cattle. You need wide pasture, but we have only stones and grass sometimes.
  Goat, sheep that"s for Mediterran, but no cow.
  Mick von Bornemann
  Plenty of cows arround the Med, the difference is relative, not absolute.
  Zoran Borut Vresnik
  This is coast in my country Cow my ass
  Colin Reid
  Regarding Tea Europe versus Coffee Europe, I’m pretty sure tea was at least as popular as coffee in Poland until quite recently, and I would guess tea has long been widespread throughout the former Russian empire. European Turkey also belongs in Tea Europe more than Coffee Europe, but it seems that during and after the Ottoman era, Turkish coffee was a much more successful import than Turkish tea among the other peoples of the Balkans.
  Jeff Verkouille
  Tomatoes, potatoes, tea, and coffee are very much not European: the first two were crops developed by the indigenous peoples of the Americas, and the latter two are from East Asia and Africa/Arabia respectively.
  It’s great Europeans appreciate these foods and drinks, but that doesn’t make them European. Heck, you can’t even grow tea or coffee in Europe!
  Jason Harris
  It"s not that they"re European, or even originally European, it"s just that an awful lot of each of them is consumed in Europe, and there isn"t an equivalent alternative that originates in Europe. I, for one, will certainly not be going back to a morning cup of broth or posset (hot milk curdled with wine or ale, apparently!)
  Mithur Sheridan
  The potato one is very wrong, at least in what refers to Spain. We eat a lot of tomato, but even more potato.
  Corrin Lakeland
  So, if I prefer tomatoes, wine, butter and coffee
  Then Slovenia is pretty much the only place to be?
  Charles Stuart
  In recent times, cold pressed virgin rapeseed oil has been promoted in the UK as our equivalent to olive oil, as a flavoursome and healthy oil that doesn"t have to be imported.
  Bradley Betts
  Yes it has, and it really is an excellent cooking oil. However, modern cultivars of rapeseed weren’t around until the 1970s
  Chris Sturt
  Interesting. I wonder why northern Europe went with butter and not other vegetable oils that we now have like rape sead and sunflour. They all grow well in the climate.
  Mehmet Fatih Yüksel
  Sunflower is originated from North America, so there was no way it could be grown in Europe before Columbus (and it took a while after him that sunflower got to be known and cultivated in Europe, roughly in the 18th century).
  Rapeseed is native to the Old World, and has long been known in Europe. But in its original form, it has high levels of erucic acid, which induces heart diseases, therefore it was understandably cultivated in very low amounts. It took until the 1970s that rapeseed cultivars low in erucic acid were bred (and that also happened in North America - Canada, to be specific, which is why those cultivars are collectively known as canola), after only which rapeseed has become a common source of edible vegetable oil.
  直到20世纪70年代才培育出芥酸含量低的油菜籽品种, 这也发生在北美,具体来说是加拿大,这就是为什么这些品种被统称为油菜籽,此后菜籽才成为一种常见的食用植物油来源。
  Katarzyna Czarnas
  Sunflower doesn’t like spring freezes, so in more northern countries like Poland it doesn’t thrive well.
  Rapeseed is much better, because it can be sown in autumn and harvested in early summer, but it needs fertile soils. Low-erucic variants are quite recent and people in the past were aware that rapeseed oil and mustard oil can be toxic when eaten frequently.
  In the medi times flax oil (linseed oil) was quite popular.
  Butter, lard, goose lard and other animal fats are popular mainly because northern countries have short periods of hot summers, but long, cold winters, which are non-growing season. Solid fats don’t spill, preserve well and can be made even in winter.
  Rachele Trevisan
  I love butter and I can"t stand the taste of olive oil, it"s pretty much the only thing I can"t eat. I hold an Italian passport. The homemade butter from my homeland the Alps is really good (but I like Kerrygold too)
  Alan Canzian
  I’m from extreme north Italy, which is traditionally branded as south europe, even thought it’s central, and we can see that in traditions.
  I can’t think of any traditional recipe which uses olive oil instead of butter, but olive oil use is widely spread anyway
  That’s to say that olive oil’s use spread in the last ..20 years, but it has always been much more butter.
  Not to mention production.
  I guess same could happen throughout Europe, as its known to be more healthy than animal based fat
  I saw olive oil being sold everywhere outside Italy
  Graham Pearson
  I"m not convinced: butter needs refrigerated, making it less suitable for Southern Europe. It seems more likely to me that they would use some other form of vegetable oil, or animal fat.
  Ciprian Cladoveanu
  Actually, Romania (others - without olive trees- in Eastern Europe, too) uses sun flower oil, not butter.
  Bradley Betts
  Yes, but not historically. Sun flowers are new world plants, we didn’t have them until we discovered America in the 1600s.
  Mehmet Fatih Yüksel
  Well, those maps are all from a publication named "Atlas of Prejudice" so they entail a fair bit of prejudice, bigotry, and generalization.
  Bradley Betts
  No they don’t. They are generalised, yes, but it’s called the Atlas of Prejudice because the author is taking the mickey out of national stereotypes, not because he himself is prejudiced.
  They’re not exhaustively accurate, they’re just there to demonstrate a point.
  Andrea Valenti, works at University of Pisa
  Actually, most of Europe did not use olive oil up until relatively recently.
  The only ones who had access to olive oil were the people living in regions with a mediterranean climate, such as Spain, Greece, southern France and southern Italy.
  I am from a mountain town in northern Italy, and my grandparents still used mostly animal oils (such as butter and pig"s fat) instead of olive oil up until after the end of the war. It was cheaper, as many families already had animals like cows and pigs, and growing olive trees was not really an option due to the climate being too cold.
  Allen Jones, lives in Montana, North Dakota
  Hemp was cultivated in many parts of Europe and Central Asia thousands of years ago, as old or older than olives, and it’s seed oil takes relatively little technology to extract, also in use thousands of years ago. Hemp grows much faster than the several years it takes to develop olive fields (hemp can produce 4 crops per year in warm places and 2 crops in places with long cold seasons.) It’s oil has as many or more applications than olive oil and higher production volumes so in many ways it was the substitute oil for millennia in some of Eurasia.
  Grapeseeds also produce a cooking oil. Obviously there’s a lot of grapes in Europe up into Northern Europe’s river valleys.
  I think rapeseed/canola was a central Asian plant but could well be wrong and that’s productive for cooking oil in large, cheap quantitities.
  Post 1500’s and if North American corns were planted as enthusiastically as potatoes (don’t seem to have been), corn oil is a very common cooking oil today.
  An oil seed crusher is basically a series of heavy rollers so something that could be powered by men turning a big crank, harnessed oxen, or a waterwheel so quite ancient technologies for large scale production beyond hand tools like mortar and pestle.
  Animal fats were in short supply up until modern feedlots and plentiful animal feed from harvested grains like corn so the pigs and cattle didn’t walk off much of their calories as they do roaming large pastures. Devoting a lot of a big grain harvest like wheat in North Africa/Egypt to making lard/pig fat wasn’t much of an option with famines every few years a norm.
