

  1.道歉信1.1.写作储备1.1.1.单词1.1.1.1.apology 道歉1.1.1.2.trouble/bother 麻烦1.1.1.3.forgive 原谅1.1.1.4.regret 后悔1.1.1.5.available 有时间的、空闲的1.1.2.短语1.1.2.1.be terribly/awfully sorry 十分抱歉1.1.2.2.convey my heartfelt apology to sb.(传递、表达) sb. an apology(欠) for all inconvenience 为所有造成的不便而道歉1.1.2.5.put sb. into much trouble 给某人添了很多麻烦1.1.2.6.can"t/couldn"t be present 无法出席 不能到场1.1.2.7.fail to do 没能做成某事1.1.2.8.be reluctant to do/be unwilling to do不想...不愿意... occupied with doing/be busy with doing 忙于... up for one"s inconsideration 弥补某人的考虑不同1.1.2.11.fix another time for sth to do 再找一个时间1.1.2.12.Keep one"s appointment/engagement to do sth 遵守约定做某事1.1.2.13.express my deep regret over 为...表示深深的遗憾1.1.2.14.do sb. wrong 冤枉某人1.1.2.15.break one"s promise/word食言1.2.重点句式1.2.1.首段1.2.1.1.I am terribly/awfully sorry that I failed to do sth 我非常抱歉没能做成某事(过去) am terribly/awfully sorry that I can"t/couldn"t do sth 我非常抱歉不能做某事(将来) am writing this letter to convey my heartfelt apology to you 我写这封信的目的是想你表达真切的歉意1.2.2.中间段1.2.2.1.The reason why I failed to do/couldn"t do sth was that I...我未能.../不能...的原因是我... I wish I could do sth 我多希望我能...(将来) I wish I had done sth 我多希望我已经...(过去) should/could have done sth,but... 我本应该/本能够...但是... happens/happened that...on that day 那天碰巧1.2.2.6.I have no choice but to do...我别无选择只能...1.2.3.末段1.2.3.1.Hopefully you can accept my apology and understand my situation 我真心希望你能接受我的道歉,并理解我的处境1.2.3.2.Would you mind fixing another time for...?你介意再找一个...的时间吗? am wondering if it is convenient for you to do sth.Lf not,please inform me that time suits you best 我想知道你是否方便...如果你不方便,请告诉我什么时间最适合你。1.3.三段论1.3.1.P1三句话:对不起、我不能、我道歉1.3.1.1.过去:I"m terribly/awfully sorry that I failed to do1.3.1.2.将来:...that I can"t/couldn"t do1.3.1.3.I"m terribly/awfully sorry that I failed to keep my engagement to wait for you 对不起我没能遵守约定在公园门口等你1.3.1.4.写作目的1. am writing this letter tp convey my heartfelt apology to you 我写这封信的目的是想你表达真切的歉意1.3.2.P21.3.2.1.How I wish I had done sth1,However it happened that sth2.I could not but do sth3,which was of great importance to me.Consequently,I had no choice but to break my promise with you.I believe that if you were me ,you would make the same choice.为了过去该做,但是没能做成的事道歉1.3.2.2.为了将来要做,但是不能去做的事道歉 had done-could do/happened-happens/was-is/had-have1.3.3.P31.3.3.1.再致歉Once again,I do apology for any inconvenience caused1.3.3.2.求理解Hopefully,you could accept my apology and understand my situation1.3.3.3.说补救I am wondering if it"s convenient for you to do sth+时间,If not,please inform me when you are available.2.残疾人类2.1.P1:你好+我是+因为+所以2.1.1.我是李华,一个热心的公民,我一直很关心残疾人的需求I am Li Hua,a warm-heartfelt citizen,who has paid a lot of attention to the needs of disabled people2.1.2.我从报纸上得知你是我市新建图书馆的总工程师I learned from the newspaper that you would be the architect for the newly-built library in our city2.1.3.我写这封信的目的是提出一些建设性的建议,可以使图书馆为残疾人所用I"m writing this letter to pose some constructive suggestions,which can make the library available to the disabled2.2.P2:建议句式+话题素材2.2.1.建议句式2.2.1.1.I think it advisable that sb.(should)do..."s recommended that sb.(should)do... recommendation is that sb.(should)do... I were you,I would do...2.2.2.话题素材2.2.2.1.洗手间:The library should have at least one wheelchair-accseeible restroom wish enough room for a whealchair to pull up next to the toilet seat2.2.2.2.过道:Aisles should be wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs2.2.2.3.电梯:There should be elevator to all floors of the library and the buttons should be reachable from a wheelchair2.2.2.4.停车场:There should be sufficient parking spaces marked with the international symbol for the disabled2.2.2.5.坡道:There should be not too steep ramp with yailings on both sides2.2.2.6.书架:Shelves should be reachable from a wheelchair2.2.2.7.桌子:There should be reading tables of varying heights throughout the library2.2.2.8.盲人专用设备:There should be computers equipped with screen reading programs2.3.P3:我希望+我相信+请回信2.3.1.我希望,你能考虑我的建议Hopefully,you can take my proposals into consideration/account2.3.2.我相信只有通过这些途径,图书馆才能照顾到残疾人I holg the firm belief that only in these ways can the library cater for the disabled2.3.3.请回信,如果有任何不明白的地方请毫不犹豫的和我联系,来讨论进一步的细节If there is any confusion found,please contact me with no hesitation to discuss further details3.感谢信3.1.词汇3.1.1.感谢 appreciate、appreciation、gratitude3.1.2.无私的 selfless3.1.3.毫无保留的 unreserved3.1.4.大方的 generous、generosity3.1.5.真诚的 sincere、heartfelt3.1.6.给予 render3.1.7.盛情款待 hospitality3.1.8.指导 instruction、guidance3.2.短语3.2.1.借此机会take the opportunity3.2.2.回报某人的善意 repay one"s kindness3.2.3.用分数回报某人的期望repay one"s expectation with excellent grades3.2.4.善意的关心和及时的帮助kind care/concert and timely assitance3.2.5.不断地鼓励constant encouragement3.2.6.向某人因某事表达谢意convey my heartfelt gratitude、appreciation to you for sth3.2.7.因某事而对某人感激be grateful tosb. for sth.3.2.8.溢于言表beyond words、description3.2.9.毫不夸张地说There is no exaggeration too say that...3.3.句式3.3.1.P13.3.1.1.我很高兴的告诉你I am more than delighted to inform you that...我写这封信的目的是对...向你表示最衷心的感谢I am writing this letter to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you for...我借此机会对...向你表示衷心的感谢I take this opportunity to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you for...3.3.2.P23.3.2.1.我对你的慷慨相助的感激之情溢于言表My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond works3.3.2.2.没有什么能抹掉我们没好的记忆Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories3.3.3.P3总分总(首句:正话正说,末句:正话反说)正是因为你(的帮助、努力、指导、鼓励)我才It"s because of you(your...)that I ...我遇到什么困难3.回首往事looking back3.心不在焉absent-minded3.参与学习be engaged in、get involved in3.心烦意乱沮丧不已upset and discouraged3.表现不好poor performance in3.3.3.3.你帮了我什么(总分)Fortunately,it was you who helped me,sth1,sth2,sth33.3.3.4.毫不夸张地说,没有你,我就不能...There"s no exaggeration to say that without...I couldn"t do/have done...3.4.段式模板3.4.1.P1两句话:背景+目的3.4.1.1.背景:我很开心的告诉你...I"m more than delighted to inform you that..."ve been back home safely from sp."ve got a higt score in the final exam3."ve preformed well in the competition3."ve done sth3.4.1.2.目的:常见感谢原因3.您给予的帮助the kind/timely assistance you have offered rendered3.在...期间你的盛情款待和善意your hospitality and kindness during my story in sp3.4.2.P23.4.2.1.正是因为你我才能享受我的丹麦之旅It"s because of you that I could enjoy my journey in Denmark3.4.2.2.起初我很难适应国外的生活At the beginning,I had difficutty adjusting/adapting myself to the life in a foreign country3.4.2.3.幸运的是,是你帮助我,舒适的房间、美味佳肴、也别是你友好的家人,都让我感到宾至如归Fortunately,it was you who helped me,The comfortable room,tasty cuisines and especially your friendly family all made me feel at home3.4.2.4.你介绍朋友给我,来帮助我融入当地的文化You introduced your friends to me to help me fit in with the local culture3.4.2.5.此外,在你的带领下,我有机会参观一些名胜古迹,并接触到独特的文化和美丽的风景Moreover,under you guidance,I had a chance to visit some hietorie spots and be/keep exposed to unique culture as well as beautiful scenery3.4.2.6.毫不夸张地说,没有你的帮助和善意,我不可能对外国文化有一个全面而清晰的理解There"s no exaggeration to say that without your help and kindness,I couldn"t have had an overall and clear comprehension of foreign culture3.4.3.P3三句话:再致谢+不会忘+咋回报3.4.3.1.再致谢:我对你...的感激之情溢于言表My appreciation to you for your ... is beyond works3.4.3.2.不会忘3. will I forget sth3. will be able to erase our wonderful memories4.科技类4.1.停课不停学4.1.1.Online courses make learning easily accessible to those who are advised to stay at home when their living area is struck by the novel coronavirus.Taking online course at home,means we can axoid unnecessary contact with people and reduce the risk of catching and spreading any infectious illness4.2.时间灵活4.2.1.The floxible learning hours are a boon for students who have a hectic schedule to improve themselves.Students are able to learn at their own pace and without the constraint of time and space,making it possible for them to make progress outside classrooms4.3.可回放4.3.1.Online classes are easily recorded.Therefore,student can replay the video for course,review after class and adjust the pace of a course to their own needs4.4.缺乏监控4.4.1.Students are not under direct supervision from their teachers while studying.Those who are less self-controlled and self-disciplined can be easily distracted at home.It"s common for students to run other applications in the background while they have the broadcast software on which can lead to a lower learning efficiency4.5.健康4.5.1.Since they always stare at a computer screen for many hours,they are more likely to have poor eyesight and headaches4.6.受网络影响大4.6.1.The delivery of courses will be largely affected by the functioning of the online media platform,electronic devices and the internet access4.7.学习习惯培养4.7.1.Online courses contribute little to the cultivation of some good learning habits and skills such as keeping up regular and timely attendance,interacting and cooperating with classmates5.利弊型议论文5.1.Pecentty the issue of pras and cons of xxx has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.Generally speaking,it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows.In the first place,优点1,Moreover,优点25.2.Just as a popular saying gose,"every coin has two sides",this topic is no exception,To begin with,缺点1,In addition,缺点25.3.To surn up,wu should try to bring the advantages of xxx into full play,and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case,we will definitele make better use of the xxx
