

  lst period warming-up,speaking,and listening
  teaching aim:
  1. learn these phrases and words:
  criterion. colleague. staff. stick with
  through tick and thin. pull out of.
  2. enable the students to talk about the qualities and personality they have.
  3. enable the students to talk about social behavior and social relations.
  teaching difficult points:
  1. fill in the listening chart.
  2. how to solve the problems in students’ life.
  teaching method:
  1. asking and answering.
  2. discussing
  teaching procedures:
  step i: lead-in
  1. greetings.
  2. do a test
  suppose you are sitting on a bench and waiting for the bus, but suddenly your hat is blown away. what would you do then?(测试性格)
  3. what kind of person do you think you are?
  4. discussion:
  what criteria do you use to accept people as friends?(in groups four)
  5. speaking.
  tell students that having the reputation of being honest, responsible and reliable will bring benefits. then ask the students to discuss the three situations on page 93 to see if they have the reputation.
  1). imagine you are working in a big company that makes digital cameras. one of your colleagues has stolen one during the lunch break. after an investigation by the police, another colleague who is known to have stolen things in the past is suspected of having stolen the camera. you know that the camera was stolen by one of your best friends. what will you do ?
  2). during the summer you have taken a holiday job in your uncle’s food company. while working there you discover that the management does not take proper measures to ensure hygiene and safety of the food products that are prepared in its kitchens and will be delivered to the customers. you know that as a result of this some people may suffer food poisoning. this has been standard practice in the company for a long time, and all staff know about it. if you speak out, it will be easy for the boss to realize that it is you. what will you do?
  3). you are taking care of your neighbour’s baby girl, while your neighbour is taking evening classes. you have just put the baby to sleep, when your classmate calls you about a problem with her computer. you try to help her, explaining how to solve the problem on the phone, but she says it doesn’t work. your classmate does not live very far away, and you think solving the problem won’t take more tan ten minutes. to go there and come back by bike will only take about half an hour, and you will be back long before your neighbour comes back from her evening class. what will you do.
  example: s1: i will tell the manager that it is my friend that has stolen the camera.
  t: if you do so. aren’t you afraid your friend’s sadness? maybe he doesn’t want to make friends with you.
  s1: because we are friends and we must be honest. but i will try my best to do it better, neither make the manger be angry nor let the friend embarrass. for example,…
  6. discussion
  t: after that, we are clear that being honest, responsible and reliable will bring us benefits, and can let other people trust you. besides that, how to let other people trust you in you daily life?
  suggest answers:
  ①. keep your promises.
  ② put your words into action.
  ③ never boast.
  ④ say what you really think.
  step ii:listening.
  1. pre-listening.
  q1: do you think you are an outgoing boy?
  q2: how do you spend your time after school?
  q3: do any of you have a part-time job? why?
  q4: can you guess what the students in other countries do after school?
  2. listening
  ① listen to the summary of research into the ways of chinese students in auckland spend their leisure time. then finish the chart.
  frequency doing
  homework going to
  the cinema going
  shopping doing nothing
  at all
  ② listen again and write down the things working student spend their money on .
  ③ listen for the third time, write down the percentage of each thing.
  ④ draw a pie chart of the things working students spend their money on.
  ⑤ do true or false
  a. the survey was conducted among 400 foreign university students.
  b. the questionnaire has only one section.
  c. 40% of the students had part time jobs.
  d. most of the students want to know different people by having part-time jobs.
  prepare for the new lesson.
