

  unit 1 will people have robots?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. study at home on computers 在家通过电脑学习
  2. in the future 将来
  3. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁
  4. in 100 years 一百年之后
  5. a piece of paper 一张纸
  6. more/few trees 更多/更少的树
  7. more/less pollution 更多/更少的污染
  8. space station 太空站
  9. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见
  10. talk to/with sb. 与…谈话
  11. fall in love with… 爱上……
  12. live alone 独自居住
  13. go skating 去滑冰
  14. be able to do sth. 能够做某事
  15. go to hong kong on vacation 去香港度假
  16. one day 有朝一日
  17. world cup 世界杯
  18. come true 实现
  19. in space 在太空
  1. do you think there will be robots in people’s homes?
  2. will kids go to school? 孩子们会去上学吗?
  3. there will only be one country. 将只有一个国家?
  4. people will live to be 200 years old. 人们将活到二百岁。
  5. will people use money in 100 years? 一百年后人们还用前钱吗?
  6. there will be more/fewer people. 人们将会更多/更少。
  7. there will be less free time. 闲暇时间会更少。
  8. what do you think sally will be in five years?
  9. i’ll live in shanghai, because i went to shanghai last year and fell in love with it.
  10. one day i might even visit australia.
  11. what will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?
  unit 2 what should i do?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. keep out 不让......进入
  2. argue with ... 和……争吵
  3. out of style 过时
  4. in style 流行的
  5. call sb. up = call sb. 给某人打电话
  6. talk on the phone 用电话交谈
  7. a ticket to a ball game 一场球赛的票
  8. pay for 付款
  9. find out 查明……
  10. be surprised at sth./doing sth. 对……感到惊讶
  11. get a part time job 找到一份兼职工作
  12. borrow sth. from … 从……借到……
  13. lend sth. to sb. 把……借给……
  14. ask sb. for sth. 向某人请求
  15. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth 为某人买……
  16. the same as 与......同样的
  17. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事
  18. get on well with sb. 和某人相处得好
  19. have a fight with sb. 与某人打架
  1. what should i do? 我应该做什么?
  2. you could borrow some money from your brother.
  3. i think you should ask your parents for some money.
  4. he could get a tutor to come to his home.
  5. they are the same as my friends’ clothes.它们和我朋友的衣服是一样的。
  6. but i just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend.
  7. i can’t think what i did wrong. 我想不出我做错了什么。
  8. i’m very upset and don’t know what to do.我很不安,不知道该做些什么。
  9. you left your homework at home. 你把作业忘在家里了。
  unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. in front of… 在……的前面(范围外)
  2. get out of … 从……出来
  3. take off 起飞
  4. barber shop 理发店
  5. an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历
  6. shout toat sb. 朝某人喊叫
  7. at the doctor’s 在医生的诊所
  8. land on … 降落……
  9. call the police 报警
  10. follow sb. to do sth. 跟随某人做某事
  11. walk down … 沿着……走
  12. jump down 跳下来
  13. train station 火车站
  14. come in 进来
  15. run away 逃跑
  16. think about … 考虑……
  1. what were you doing when the ufo arrived?
  2. i was standing in front of the library. 我正站在图书馆的前面。
  3. while the boy was walking down the street, the ufo landed.
  4. the girl was shopping when she saw the alien get out.
  5. isn’t that amazing! 这多么令人吃惊啊?
  6. i was sleeping. how about you? 我在睡觉,你呢?
  7. davy met another dog outside the station.
  8. she didn’t think about looking outside the station.
  unit 4 he said i was hard-working.
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. have a surprise party 举行一个惊喜的聚会
  2. be mad at sb. 生某人的气
  3. on friday evening 在星期五晚上
  4. first of all 首先
  5. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站
  6. be supposed to do sth. 被期望或被要求
  7. pass on传递
  8. do well in 在……方面做得好
  9. have a cold 感冒
  10. in good health 保持健康
  11. end-of-year exams 年终考试
  12. report card 成绩单
  13. get over 克服
  1. she said she was having a surpring party for lana on friday night.
  2. lana thinks she’s coming to my house to study. 拉娜想来我家学习。
  3. i’m mad at marcia. 我要被玛西娅气疯了。
  4. lana said she would go to marcia’s house on friday night.
  5. i’m good at speaking. 我擅长口语。
  6. how’s it going? 一切进展如何?
  7. i hope that grandpa is well now. 我希望爷爷现在康复了。
  8. i’m sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.
  9. my history teacher said i could do better. 我的历史老师说我能做得更好。
  10. that’s all about all the news i have for now. 目前我就有这么多消息。
  unit 5 if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. go to the party 去参加聚会
  2. have a great/good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快
  3. let sb. in 让某人进入
  4. take away 拿走
  5. all the time 总是,一直
  6. make a living 谋生
  7. go to college 上大学
  8. travel around the world 环游世界
  9. make a lot of money 赚很多钱
  10. get an education 受教育
  11. get injured 受伤
  12. mobile phone 手机
  13. in fact 事实上
  14. spend time with sb. 与某人度过时光
  1. if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!
  2. half the class won’t come. 班上一半的学生不会来。
  3. i’m going to the school party. 我要去参加学校的晚会。
  me, too. 我也参加。
  4. don’t bring friends from other schools. if you do, the teachers will ask them to leave.
  5. for many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.
  6. if you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love.
  7. this can make life difficult. 这会使生活很困难。
  8. if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.
  unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. raise money 筹钱
  2. collect stamps 集邮
  3. run out of… 用尽
  4. by the way顺便说一下
  5. be interested in对……感兴趣
  6. fly kites 放风筝
  7. three and a half years 三年半
  8. a pair of skates 一双滑冰鞋
  9. the first…to do sth. 做某事的第一个人
  10. the whole five hours 整整五个小时
  11. by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下
  12. on my seventh birthday 在我第七个生日
  13. finish doing sth. 做完某事
  1. how long have you been skating? 你滑冰有多长时间了?
  i’ve been skating for five hours. 我一直滑了五小时 。
  2. when did you get your first pair of skates?
  3. for every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.
  4. the skating marathon has been going for five hours.
  5. alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the whole five hours.
  6. thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster.
  7. the first one i ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday.
  8. i have a big one with bears in it, and another one with penguins.
  9. if you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me.
  unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. mind doing sth. 介意(反对)做某事
  2. turn down 调低
  3. not at all 根本不,一点也不
  4. right away 立刻
  5. in a minute 马上
  6. do the dishes 洗盘子
  7. put on 穿上
  8. wait in line/cut in line 插队
  9. sth. happen to sb. 某人发生某事
  10. go back to… 回到……
  11. get annoyed 变得生气
  12. welcome to… 欢迎到……
  13. a bit 一点……
  1. would you mind turning down the music? 你介意把音乐声关小一点吗?
  no, not at all. i’ll do it right away. 不,一点也不,我马上就去。
  2. would you mind not playing baseball here. 你介意不要在这打棒球吗?
  sorry, we’ll go and play in the park. 对不起,我们到公园去打。
  3. sure, that’s no problem. 当然,没问题。
  4. ok. i’ll put another pair. 好的,我穿另一条。
  5. could you (please) make dinner? 请做晚饭好吗?
  6. the pen you bought didn’t work. 你买的这支笔不能用。
  7. i get annoyed when someone talks to me while i’m reading.
  8. this happens to me all the time in the school library.
  9. perhaps in the future i should try not to be so polite.
  unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. get sth. for sb. 买某物给某人
  2. receive sth. from sb. 从某人处收到某物
  3. a lucky guy! 一个幸运的小伙子!
  4. leave school 毕业,离校
  5. not interesting enough 不够有趣
  6. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭
  7. an 80-year-old grandmother 一个80岁的老奶奶
  8. hear of… 听说
  9. make friends with 和……交友
  10. these days 目前
  11. not…at all 根本不
  12. different kinds of 不同种类
  13. give away 赠送
  14. fall asleep 入睡
  15. make sb. happy 使某人高兴
  16. someone else 别人
  17. rather than 胜于
  1. what should i get my mom for her birthday? 我应该为我的妈妈买什么?
  how about a scarf ? (买)一条围巾怎么样?
  no, that’s too boring. 不行,那太没意思了。
  2. what’s the best gift you have ever received?
  3. why don’t you get her a scarf? 你为什么不送她一条围巾呢?
  4. that’s not interesting enough. 那不够有趣。
  5. what a lucky guy! 真是个幸运的家伙!
  6. dogs are too difficult to take care of. 狗太难照料了。
  7. sometimes i don’t have enough time to spend with her.
  unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. have been to 曾经到过某个地方
  2. have gone to 到某个地方去了
  3. have been in 呆在某个地方
  4. space museum 太空博物馆
  5. water park 水上公园
  6. neither… nor… 既不……也不……
  7. a theme park 一个主题公园
  8. walk around 四处走动
  9. on board 在船上
  10. a flight attendant 空中乘务员
  11. take a ride 兜风
  12. end up 结束
  13. all year round 全年
  14. such as 例如
  15. during the daytime 在白天
  16. wake up 醒来
  1. have you ever been to an amusement park? 你曾去过游乐园吗?
  2. me, neither. 我也没去过。
  3. disneyland is an amusement park, but we also call it a theme park.
  4. you can see disney characters walking around disneyland all the time.
  5. i want to study in an english-speaking country.
  6. it’s fun to learn another language. 学另一门语言很有趣。
  7. i decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.
  8. it was because i could speak english that i got the job.
  9. maybe when i leave school i’ll think about becoming an english teacher rather than a tour guide!
  unit 10 it’s a nice day, isn’t it?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. look through 浏览
  2. come along 出现
  3. get along 相处
  4. by noon 到中午为止
  5. have a good day 祝一天愉快
  6. thank-you note 感谢信
  7. think of 想起
  8. have a family dinner 有一个家宴
  9. heavy traffic 交通拥挤
  10. at least 至少
  11. be careful 小心
  1. he’s really good, isn’t he? 他真棒啊,是不是?
  he sure is. 确实是。
  2. i hope so. 我希望如此。
  3. it’s a nice day, isn’t it? 今天天气真好,是不是?
  4. do you think it’ll stop by noon? 你觉得中午的时候它会停吗?
  5. what do you think of the school? 你认为这所学校怎么样?
  6. sometimes it isn’t easy being the new kid at school.
  7. i feel like part of the group now. 现在我觉得是小组的一部分了。
  8. i was having a hard time finding it until you came along.
  9. friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.
  unit 1 how do you study for a test?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. not at all = not in the slightest 根本不
  2. end up (with…/doing…) 结束……
  3. make mistakes in… 在某方面出错
  4. later on 随后
  5. be afraid to do … 害怕做某事
  be afraid of… 害怕……
  6. laugh at … 嘲笑某人
  7. take notes = write down the notes 做笔记
  8. make up 组成
  9. deal with = do with 处理
  10. be angry with 对……感到生气
  11. go by(时间)过去、消逝
  time goes by. 时间流逝。
  12. try/do one’s best to do … 尽力做谋事
  13. break off 突然终止
  14. make/use flashcards 制作/使用抽认卡
  15. make a vocabulary list 制作词汇表
  16. read/speak aloud = read loudly 大声说
  play the cd too loud 把cd放太大声
  17. practice the pronunciation 练习发音
  18. get the pronunciation right = pronounce right 发音准确
  19. specific advice/suggestions 详细而精确的建议
  20. memorize/recite the words/text 背书
  21. read the textbook 读课本
  22. english grammars 英语语法
  23. feel differently 感觉不同
  24. frustrate sb.= make sb. frustrated 使某人沮丧
  find … frustrating 发现某事令人沮丧
  25. speak quickly/fast 说得很快
  26. get/be excited 激动
  an exciting match/game 一场刺激的比赛
  look excited 看起来很激动
  look at sb sadly 伤心地看某人
  27. spoken/oral english 英语口语
  28. full comma 句号
  29. regard … as a challenge 把某事视为挑战
  30. impress sb. 感动某人
  be impressed 被感动
  be impressed deeply by… 被某人深深感动
  31.have trouble/difficulty(in)doing做事有困难
  32. look up the words in a dictionary 用字典查
  33. feel/touch soft 感觉/触摸柔软
  34. study for a text 为考试作准备
  36. work with … 与某人一起工作
  35. listen to tapes 听磁带
  listen to the teacher carefully 认真听课
  36. ask … for help 寻求帮助
  he is asking for help. 他正在求救。
  ask … to do … 叫某人做某事
  tell … about … 告诉某人某事
  37. improve my listening/speaking skills 提高听力/口语技能
  38. enlarge the vocabulary 扩大词汇量
  39. watch english news 看英语新闻
  40. understand the voices 听懂(说的内容)
  41. learn a lot/much 学了很多
  42. join an english club 参加英语俱乐部
  43. keep a diary in english 用英语写日记
  44. review notes 复习笔记
  45. write original sentences 写新颖的句子
  46. practice conversations with 与某人练习对话
  47. do well/ok 做得好
  48. get mad at … 生某人的气
  49. the best way to learn english 学英语的最好方法
  50. be fair/unfair 公平、不公平
  51. on duty 值日
  it’s one’s duty to do …做某事是某人的职责
  it’s our duty to distribute to the society.
  52. be lost/missing 丢失
  53. young adults 青少年
  54. see a psychologist 看心理医生
  55. get a lot of practices 得到许多练习
  56. end up doing … 最后做某事
  57. become unhappy 变得不高兴
  58. behave with sb. 与某人相处的方式
  59. stay angry 持续生气
  60. change problems/troubles/difficulty into challenge 把困难变成挑战
  61. solve the problem 解决问题
  62. realize sth.= sth. come true 实现
  63. make a complete sentence 造完整的句子
  64. complete/finish doing sth. 结束做某事
  65. the secret of sth. ……的秘密
  the secret of becoming a good language learner is practicing .
  66. an important part of sth. 最重要的一部分
  67. developing country 发展中国家
  developed country 发达国家
  68. with the help of sb. 在某人帮助下
  help sb. (to) do sth. = help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事
  69. compare a to b 把a与b进行对比
  70. physical problems 生理缺陷
  71. find a pen pal 找笔友
  72. in a positive way 用积极的方法
  73. last for a long time 持续很长时间
  74. first of all 首先
  75. to begin with 以……开始
  76. make sb. laugh 使某人笑
  77. help a lot/a little 帮助很大/一点
  78. have disagreement 意见不合
  79. decide not to do 决定不做某事
  80. talk to each other 互相谈话
  81. too much + n. 太多……
  much too + adj. 太
  82. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉
  83. regard sth. as a challenge 把……视为挑战
  how do you learn english?
  how do you study for a test?
  have you ever studied with a group?
  do you learn english by reading aloud?
  i study english by (working with a group…)
  yes, i do that sometimes/often….
  yes, i have. i’ve learned a lot that day.
  you can always do….
  you (maybe you) should find a pen pal.
  why don’t you (not) join an english club to practice speaking english?
  what about listening to tapes?
  4. i study by working with friends. mary said they learnt by using english.
  by doing…
  5. unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy.
  unless = if … not
  6. let’s not worry about our problems.
  let’s face the challenges instead.
  instead; instead of
  unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. used to 过去常常
  he used to be thin.
  i used to like riding.
  i didn’t use to like tests.
  2. be interested in = take an interest in 感兴趣
  3. be afraid of = be terrified of 害怕
  4. go to sleep with the light on 开着灯睡觉
  5. eat candy [u] 吃糖
  6. chew gum [u] 嚼口香糖
  7. chat with sb.= have a chat with sb. 与…聊天
  8. fuzhou daily 福州日报
  9. daily life 日常生活
  10. die(v.)-dead (adj.) -death(n.) 死
  he died in 1990. he has been dead for 3 years.
  he is dying. 他将死/临终。
  11. afford sth./to do sth. 负担得起
  he couldn’t afford to pay for his child’s education.
  12. cause a lot of trouble (for sb.) 引起很多麻烦
  13. get into trouble with the police 陷入警察手
  14. be patient with sb. 对……有耐心
  15. finally = in the end = at last 最后
  16. make a decision on sth./doing sth.决定做…
  =make up one’s mind to do sth
  =decide to do sth
  17. head teacher 班主任
  head master 校长
  head group leader 组长
  monitor 班长
  18. it’s necessary to do sth. 必须做某事
  19. to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊
  be surprised at sth. 吃惊于……
  to my surprise, a phone call changed his life.
  20. even though = even if (+让步状语从句)即使
  even though he is eighty, he looks young
  and healthy
  21. no longer = not...any longer 不再(延续性)
  no more = not…any more 不再(短暂性)
  22. take pride in = feel/be proud of 为…而自豪
  i take pride in being a chinese.
  i am/feel proud of being a chinese.
  23. pay attention to sth./the grammar 注意语法
  24. give up 放弃
  don’t give up. 不要放弃
  25. a couple of days 两天
  26. look different 看起来不同
  look the same 看起来一样
  27. waste water 浪费水
  waste one’s time 浪费时间
  28. wear glasses/contact lenses戴眼镜/隐型眼镜
  29. have a good memory 记性很好
  30. have long/straight/curly hair 留着……发型
  31. on the swim team 在游泳队
  32. people sure change. 人的确在变。
  33. for a long time 很久
  34. make sb. stressed out 使某人筋疲力尽
  35.have/like/hate gym class上/喜欢/讨厌体育课
  36. paint/draw pictures 画画
  37. be/live alone 独处/单独居住
  feel lonely 觉得孤独
  38. walk to school = get to school on foot 步行上学
  take a bus = go by bus = go on a bus 乘车
  ride a bike = go by bike = riding 骑车
  39. worry about sth./sb.= be worried about sth./sb. 担心
  40. study all the time = study all along 一直学习
  41. a six-year-old brother 一个6岁的兄弟
  42. spend time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事
  43. take sb. to a concert 带某人去音乐会
  44. hardly ever 几乎不
  45. change a lot 改变了许多
  46. in the last few years 近几年
  47. can’t stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事
  48. problem child 问题小孩
  49. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物
  50. look after = take care of = care for 照顾
  51. as…as 与……一样
  as well as… 与……一样好,也
  as well as she could 尽她全力
  52. send sb. to + 地点 送某人去某地
  53. it’s + adj.+ to do sth.
  54. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
  55. lose weight 减肥
  56. make a diet 节食
  57. make terrible noise 吵闹
  58. a top student 尖子生
  59. take a deep breath 深呼吸
  60. shout at the top of one’s voice 高声喊
  61. be used to doing 习惯于做某事
  the boy is used to telling a lie. 那男孩习惯撒谎。
  62. be used to do 被使用于
  money is used in many ways.
  wood is used to make paper.
  –…, is that you? –yeah, it is. it’s….
  –hey, …. don’t you remember me? –oh, you’re …, aren’t you?
  you used to have long hair.
  but you used to be really quiet, didn’t you?
  you were always friendly.
  did you use to be thin (fat, tall, short….)?
  i used to do….
  i used to be….
  i used to do….
  i wasn’t very outgoing.
  5. don’t you remember me? = do you not remember me?
  6. i play soccer and i’m on the swim team.
  7. i go to sleep with my bedroom light on.
  8. my life has changed a lot in the last few years.
  9. it seems that yu mei has changed a lot.
  10. his mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education.
  11. the head teacher said it was necessary to talk with his mother.
  it is necessary for sb. to do….
  = sb. need to do….
  = there is need for sb. to do….
  12. i realize that since my father died, i have been afraid of being alone and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.
  ( realize + 从句)
  13. my biggest problem is that i’m too busy. (表语从句)
  14. to do this, she had to work, and so was not often at home.
  15. his mother looked after him as well as she could.
  as + adj./adv. + as… can/could = as + adj./adv. + as possible
  unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. choose one’s own sth. 选择某人自己东西
  have one’s own sth. 有某人自己的某物
  2. should do sth. 应该做
  shouldn’t do sth. 不应该做
  3. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
  be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事
  should be allowed to do sth. 应该被允许做某事
  4. get one’s driver’s license 获得某人的驾驶执照
  5. have/get/find/look for a part-time job 找/有/得到一个兼职工作
  6. a fifteen-year-old student 一个15岁的学生
  fifteen-year-olds 15岁的学生/孩子们
  the + adj./old/young 一类人(复数)
  7. get one’s ears pierced=pierce one’s ears穿耳
  have/get sth. done 使……被做
  have/get one’s hair cut = cut one’s hair 剪头发
  have/get the shoes repaired = repair the shoe 补鞋
  8. go to the mall with sb. 和某人去购物/商业街
  9. be sure (of/about sth.) 确信......
  be sure that + 从句 确信
  make sure 确认
  10. too wild = not serious enough 太鲁莽,不够冷静
  too young = not old enough 太年青,不够老
  too silly/foolish = not smart/clever enough 太愚蠢, 不够聪明
  11. too...to = not + adj. + enough to = so...that... 太……而不能
  enough money/ + n.
  12. work at night 在晚上工作
  work every night 每天晚上工作
  13. stop wearing that silly earring 停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环
  14. seem to (do) 似乎
  15. look cool/clean/smart 看起来酷/干净/聪明
  16. spend time with friends/sb. 花时间与某人在一起
  17. so do we.= we do, too. 我们也是。
  18. would like to do 想要做
  19. wear one’s own clothes 穿某人自己衣服
  20. concentrate on 全神贯注
  concentrate energies on studying 把力量贯注于学习
  21. feel comfortable 感觉舒适
  22. be good for 对……有益
  23. design one’s own uniforms/sth. 设计某人自己校服/某物
  24. a good way to do/of doing sth. 一个做……的好方法
  25. keep + n.+ adj. 保持……怎么样
  26. study in group 在团队学习
  27. learn a lot from sb./each other从…学到许多
  28. have an opportunity to do 有机会做……
  = have a chance to do
  29. go back to school 回校
  30. a good experience for sb.是一个好经历
  31. have hobbies 有爱好/有兴趣
  32. as much as sb. want 尽某人想要
  as much as one would like to尽某人想要做......
  33. a running star 一个田径队员
  34. on/in one’s school running team 在田径队
  35. a professional athlete 一个职业运动员
  36. achieve one’s dream = realize 实现某人理想
  37. in every one of one’s races 某人每场比赛
  38. make decisions for sb./oneself为某人做决定
  39. be serious about sth. 对……过度认真
  40. on school nights 上学晚上
  41. seem strict 似乎严格
  42. spend time on sth. 花时间在某物上
  spend time in doing sth. 花时间做某事
  43. a chance of achieving one’s dream 实现梦想的一个机会
  44. get in the way of sth./doing sth. 妨碍某事
  45. get to class late = be late for class 上课迟到
  46. study with sb. 和某人学习
  47. at least 至少
  48. finish a test early 很早完成考试
  take the test 参加考试
  pass the test 考试过关
  fail a test 考试不及格
  49. eight hours’ sleep a night 一晚上8小时睡眠
  50. have a special day 有特别的一天
  51. sing songs 唱歌
  52. perform a play 表演
  53. visit a primary school 参观小学
  54. help (to) teach young student 帮助教小学生
  55. be a great experience for sb. 对某人来说是一个很棒的经历
  56. do other jobs 做其他工作
  57. write to a newspaper office 写给报社(投稿)
  58. volunteer in a newspaper office 在报社做自愿者
  59. both a and b 两个……都
  60. be sleepy 困倦的
  61. a long week of classes 上一周的长课
  62. have friday afternoons off 星期五下午休息
  63. reply to sb. = answer the letter 给某人回信
  i think teenagers should be allowed to do sth.
  i don’t think teenagers should be allowed to do sth.
  six-year-olds should (not) be allowed to drive.
  you have to be 18 years old before you are allowed to drive a car.
  do you think teenagers should to be allowed to ( work at night; go out on school nights;…)?
  i agree with you.
  i disagree with you. i don’t agree.
  4. he doesn’t seem to behave many friends.
  = he seems not to have many friends.
  that might seem strict.
  5. our teacher believeed that if we did that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.
  6. the other day, my friends and i talked about the rules that we have in school.(定语从句)
  7. i can’t choose which pair of jeans to buy, they both look on me.
  teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.
  8. only then will i have a chance of achieving my dream.(倒装句)
  unit 4 what would you do?
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. what if 如果……将会怎么样
  2. not…in the slightest 一点也不,根本不
  3. plenty of +可数n./enough + n.很多的,足够的
  4. get along with 与……相处
  5. let down 使……失望或沮丧
  6. come up with 针对问题提出想法
  7. first-aid book 急救书
  8. come out 出版, 发表
  9. have/find a million dollars 拥有100美元
  10. medical research 医学研究
  11. wear a tie/necktie 戴领带
  12. worry about = be worried about 担心
  13. get pimples 长了小脓疱
  14. what if 如果......将会怎么样
  15. feel/be confident 感到自信
  have confidence in sth/doing sth. 做某事有自信
  16. a shy person 一个害羞的人
  17. without permission 不允许
  18. permit (allow) sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事
  19. be permitted to do sth. 被允许做某事
  20. bother sb. 打扰某人
  21. not…in the slightest 根本不
  not…at all 根本不
  22. get/be annoyed at sb. 对某人生气
  annoy sb. 使某人生气
  27. fairly confident 相当自信
  28. plenty of + 可数名词(复) 足够
  enough + 可数或不可数名词 足够
  29. a good listener 一个好的听众
  30. represent our class 代表我们班
  31. let sb. down 使某人失望
  32. run up with sb. 赶上某人
  33. come up with 提出
  34. get the medical help 取得医护帮助
  35. make sb. + adj. (comfortable) 使某人舒服
  36. stay with sb. 与某人呆在一起
  37. put sth. under sth. 把某物放在某物下面
  38. the burned area 受伤的面积
  39. (cold) running water (冰)自来水
  40. stop doing sth. 停止做某事
  41. have a lot of experience 有许多经验
  42. be confident of sth. 对某物自信
  43. millions of 成百上万
  44. hundreds of 成百上千
  45. be dangerous of/doing sth. 做某事危险
  46. talk to sb about sth. 与某人谈论某事
  47. hide oneself from sb. 藏起来让人找不到
  48. internet friend 网友
  49. in a public place 在公共场所
  50. make a speech 发表演讲
  51. in the front of (在内部) 在……前面
  52. in front of (在外部) 在……前面
  53. talk a lot 健谈
  54. get nervous 紧张的
  55. look terrible 看上去糟糕的
  56. lucky you 你非常幸运
  57. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人
  58. do a personality survey 做一个个性调查
  59. speak in public 在公共场合说话
  61. give a speech 给一个演讲
  62. do sth. better 做某事更好
  63. have a cold 患感冒
  64. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人那借某物
  65. without permission 没经允许
  66. ask for one’s permission 请求某人的允许
  67. be in a movie 演电影
  68. with a new student 和一个新学生
  69. have dinner at one"s house 在某人家吃晚饭
  70. pretty/rather/fairly confident 相当自信
  71. social situations 社会情况
  72. …what you want 你想要的内容
  73. catch up with sb. 赶上, 追上(学习)
  74. the rest of sth. 剩余的东西
  75. have a rest/break 休息
  76. have a first-aid book 有一本急救书
  77. on a nearby shelf 在靠近书架的位子
  79. cover sth. with sth. 用某物盖住某物
  80. be covered with sth. 被……覆盖
  81. press sth. hard 用力挤压
  82. go upstairs 上楼
  83. go downstairs 下楼
  84. fall downstairs 从楼上摔下
  85. burn /hurt/injure oneself by accident 自己在事故中烧伤/受伤
  86. be burned 被烧伤
  87. injure one"s knee 某人的膝盖受伤
  88. feel some pain 感到有些疼
  89. feel painful 感到疼痛
  90. offer sb. sth. 提供某人某物
  91. refuse sb. sth. 拒绝某人某事
  92. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事
  93. be helpful 有帮助的
  94. treat sb. as sth. 对待某人为……
  95. give money to charity 给慈善机构捐钱
  96. give money to medical research 给医学研究捐钱
  97. put money in the bank 把钱存入银行
  98. watch it grow 看着它上涨增值
  99. buy snacks 买小吃
  100. build a school 建立学校
  101. buy a big house for my family 为我家买一个大房子
  102. travel around the world 游览全世界
  103. help other people 帮助其他人
  104. newspaper article 报纸文章
  105. do with = deal with 处理
  106. give advice on sth. different situations 不同情况下给某物一些建议
  107. ask sb. for advice 向某人寻求建议
  108. clean cloth 纱布
  109. a deep cut 一个深的伤口
  110. hurry to do sth. 快速做某事
  111. how to get 怎么样得到
  112. annoy people 使人们生气
  133. the rest of the student 剩余的学生
  134. the rest of ……的剩余的部分
  115. plenty/enough friends 许多朋友
  116. a company of … 一群……
  117. be easy to get along with 容易交往/相处
  118. rather than 胜于
  119. a rather than b a胜于b
  120. would rather do a than do b 宁愿做a也不愿做b
  121. think of 思考
  122. say something bad 说坏话
  123. have a problem 有一个问题
  124. english speech contest 英语演讲比赛
  125. represent the class 代表班级
  126. come top 名列前茅
  127. in the school exams 在校考试
  128. a top student 一个尖子生
  129. let sb. down 使人失望
  130. be terrified of doing sth. 害怕做某事
  what would you do if you have a lot of money.
  what would you do if you won a million dollars.
  i’d give it to charities.
  i’d put it to the bank.
  if i were you, i’d buy some expensive things.
  if i were you, i’d give it to medical research.
  4. he doesn’t know what to wear.
  he doesn’t know what he should wear.
  5. what if everyone else brings a present.
  what if…. = what shall we/i do if…. = what will happen if….
  6. you would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.
  unit 5 it must belong to carla.
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. belong to 属于
  2. hair band 发带
  3. use up 用完
  4. belong to (sb.) = must be one’s 属于某人的
  5. have a picnic =go on a picnic =at a picnic野餐
  6. possible/impossible (形)-possibly/impossibly (副) 不可能maybe/probably/perhaps 可能
  7. listen to symphony 听交响乐
  8. in a symphony hall 在交响乐大厅
  9. at an optometrist appointment/date 与配镜师有约
  have an appointment/date with sb.与某人有约
  10. have a math test on algebra 数学考试考代数
  11. be crucial to sb. 对某人来说至关重要
  12. be crucial for sth. 对某事来说至关重要
  13. it’s crucial to do/that从句
  14. count 30% to the final exam 在期末考占30%
  15. count from 1 to 100 从1数到100
  16. discount 打折
  17. final exam 期末考试
  18. finally = at last = in the end 最后
  19. be/get/feel anxious about sb./sth. 对…忧虑
  20. be/get/feel worried about = worry about
  21. the owner of ……的主人
  22. chase sb. = run after sb. to catch him/her 追赶某人
  23. in the shy 在天空中
  24. a strange creature/animal 一种奇怪的动物
  25. catch sth./the bus 赶上某物/公共汽车
  26. catch up with sb. 赶上某人
  27. extreme fellow/kid/guy 极端的人
  28. make noise (不可数) 吵闹
  29. be noisy (adj.) 吵闹的
  30. in the neighborhood (of….) 在……附近
  31. footsteps in the hallway 走廊上的脚步声
  32. the director of….. 主管
  33. escape (from + 地点) 从……逃跑
  34. the dog is barking. 那只狗在叫。
  35. strange smell 奇怪的味道
  36. smell strange 闻起来奇怪
  37. lift a big stone 举起一块大石头
  38. pretend to do sh. 假装做某事
  39. pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事
  40. attempt to do sth. 试图做某事
  41. whose + n./which + n.
  42. favorite author 最喜欢的作家
  43. little kid 小孩
  44. because of + n./doing sth. 因为……
  because + 从句
  45. strange people 陌生人
  46. next door neighbor 邻居
  47. little by little 一点一点地
  48. capital letter 大写字母
  49. strange event 奇怪的事
  50. used to 过去常常
  51. in our neighborhood 在我们的附近
  52. local school teacher 当地学校的老师
  53. strange noise 奇怪的声音
  54. extremely worried 非常担心
  55. be interviewed 被采访
  56. local newspaper 当地报纸
  57. call the police 报警
  58. have fun 开玩笑
  59. anything strange 许多异同
  60. at first 首先
  71. have one`s own idea 有某人自己的主意
  72. get in the window 从窗户进来
  73. escape from + 地点 从……逃跑
  74. get off 下车
  get on 上车
  75. be less of a problem to do sth. 做某事不成问题
  it is less of a problem to help her.
  it must be one’s .= it must belong to sb.
  sb. must be…
  sb. must be doing…
  there must be….
  sb. must have done…
  it can’t be one’s.
  sb. can’t be …
  there can’t be….
  sb. can’t be doing…
  sb. can’t have done…
  it could be ali’s. she studies french.
  it might belong to alice. she plays the guitar.
  might/could be doing….
  there might /could be….
  might/could have done….
  it might be put off by rain.
  it could rain this evening.
  5. whose book is this? = whose is this book?
  6. it is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.
  it is + adj. + n. + to do….
  unit 6 i like music that i can dance to.
  ⅰ、useful expressions:
  1. yellow river 黄河
  2. on display 展览;陈列
  3. remind of 提醒
  4. to be honest 老实说;说实在的
  5. be bad for 对……有害
  6. stay away from 与……保持距离
  7. be in agreement 意见一致的
  8. barbecued meat 烧烤肉
  9. tag question 反意疑问句
  10. music that i can dance to 随着音乐翩翩起舞
  dance to the music
  11. have great lyrics 极大抒情
  12. music that i can sing along with 可以跟唱的音乐
  sing along with 跟唱
  13. play different/all/some/many kinds of music
  14. write one’s own songs/lyrics 写自己的歌/自写作词
  15. loud and energetic 大声并且有活力
  16. be full of energy 充满活力
  be full of = be filled with 充满
  17. play quiet and gentle songs 弹奏轻柔典雅的歌曲
  18. like sth./dislike sth. 喜欢/不喜欢……
  prefer a to b 比起b来更喜欢a
  prefer to do a (rather than do b)
  = would rather do a than do b 比起b来宁愿作a
  19. take sth./sb. to + 地点 带某人/某物去某地
  20. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事
  21. brazilian dance music 巴西舞曲
  22. heart string 心弦
  learn sth. by heart 用心学会作某事
  23. latest movie/book 最近的电影/书
  24. over the years 多年来
  25. look for entertainments 寻找乐趣
  26. have a few good features 有一些优点
  27. be sure to do sth. 肯定做某事
  28. one of… ……之一
  29. best known = the most famous 最杰出的
  30. in the world today 在当今世界上
  31. the best loved sth./sb. 最忠爱的人/事
  32. photos of people and the countryside 人物与乡村风景照
  a photo of people and the countryside
  33. interest sb. 使某人感兴趣
  be interested in = take an interest in 对……感兴趣
  34. a world class sb./musician 世界级人物/音乐家
  35. miss this exhibition 错过展览
  36. musical group 乐队
  37. pretty strange 十分奇怪
  a pretty girl 一个漂亮的女孩
  38. come and go 潮起潮落
  39. have lots of energetic 充满活力
  40. in the morning 在早上
  on monday morning 在星期一早上
  41. have a great time 玩得愉快
  42. a good place to visit 一个参观的好地方
  43. lucky to be here 很幸运能在这儿
  44. six-month english course 六个月的英语课程
  45. so much to see and do 如此多要看和要做的
  46. a chinese music concert 一个中式音乐会
  47. most of… ……中大多数
  48. traditional music 传统的音乐
  49. suit sb. fine 非常适合某人
  50. go for +目的地 去某地
  51. lots of 许多
  52. different kinds of 不同种类
  53. what to try 尝试什么
  54. film festival 电影节
  55. go on a vacation 去度假
  56. feel sick 感到恶心
  57. a movie poster 一张电影海报
  58. taste good/delicious/bad/sweet 尝起来美味/难吃/甜
  59. keep healthy = stay healthy 保持健康
  60. a group of young people 一群年青人
  61. get together 聚在一起
  62. discuss this question 讨论问题
  63. be good for 对……有好处
  63. be good at = do well in 擅长于……
  64. prefer (not) to do sth. 更(不)喜欢做某事
  65. fast food 快餐
  66. take care of 照顾
  67. sweet desserts 甜品
  68. actually = in fact 实际上
  69. in laboratory testing 实验室测验
  70. some types of oil 一些类型的油
  71. in oil 用油
  in ink 用墨水
  72. increase the risk of cancer 增大致癌机率
  73. the risk of doing sth. 做某事的危害
  74. even if 即使
  75. eat nuts 吃坚果
  76. eat a balanced diet 饮食均衡
  77. eat biscuits and hamburgers 吃饼干和汉堡包
  78. have a good balance 饮食平衡
  what kind of music do you like?
  do you like music?
  how do you like music?
  what do you think of music?
  what do you like?
  what’s your hobby?
