

  (一) 、时态复习班别: 姓名: 一、英语句子要注意时间和动词的一致。二、各个时态表示的意义:1. 一般现在时:表示经常做的动作或存在的状态。通常和表示经常的时间连用。2. 现在进行时:表示正在发生的动作或事情。通常和表示现在的时间连用。3. 一般将来时:表示计划、打算、准备做某事。通常和表示将来的时间连用。4. 一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或事情。通常和表示过去的时间连用。三、表格:
  时间特征词一般现在时动词用原形或第三人称单数(s/es)every day/week,often,usually,sometimes现在进行时be(am,is,are) + doingnow,look,listen一般将来时1.be going to +动词原形2.will +动词原形tomorrow,next week,this morning/afternoon一般过去时1.动词过去式(ed/不规则的)2.be动词过去式was / wereyesterday,last weekendbefore,2 days ago四、时态口诀:1. 时间是经常,动词要用原形或第三人称单数。2. 时间是现在,动词要用现在进行时ing形式。3. 时间是将来,动词要用将来时be going to +动词原形。4. 时间是过去,动词要用过去式。
  (二)、特殊疑问词的复习一、 what:什么(问事情、事物;问爱好;问职业;问外貌)1.what is this/that? 这/那是什么?it is a/an +名词单数。2.what are these/those? 这些/那些是什么?they are +名词复数。3.what is it? 它是什么?it is a/an +名词单数。4.what are they? 他们/她们/它们是什么?they are +名词复数。5.what is your sister like? 你姐姐长得怎么样?she is tall and young.6.what does your sister like? 你姐姐喜欢什么?she likes ping.7.what do you usually do on the weekend?(一般现在时)i often visit my grandparents.8.what are you doing now?(现在进行时)i am reading a book.9.what are you going to do tomorrow?(一般将来时)i am going to watch tv tomorrow./i will watch tv tomorrow.10.what did you do last weekend?(一般过去时)i played football.与what有关的疑问词短语:1. what colour:什么颜色(问颜色)2. what time:几点钟(问时间/问几点钟)what time is it now? it is 7:30.3. what day:星期几(问星期)what day is it today? it is monday.4. what date:什么日期(问日期)what date is it today? it is june 1st.5. what’s the weather like today:(问天气)天气怎么样? it is sunny.what was the weather like yesterday? it was cloudy.6.what’s the matter with you?(问病症)你怎么了?i have a cold.7.what’s your favourtite food/colour/animal/sport/class/season?my favourite food/colour/animal/sport/class/season is…8.who is your favourite teacher? 谁是你最喜爱的老师?mr chen/miss li is my favourite teacher.二、 where:在哪里(问地点、位置、方位)where 配动词go1.where do you usually go every weekend?(一般现在时)i usually go to a park.2.where are you going now?(现在进行时)你现在去哪里?i am going to u.s.a. now.我去美国。3.where are you going to go tomorrow?(一般将来时)你明天打算去哪里?i am going to the bookstore tomorrow./ i will go to the bookstore. 我准备明天去书店。4.where did you go last weekend?(一般过去时)你上个周末去了哪里?i went to beijing last weekend.我上个周末去了北京。三、 who:谁(问人)1.who am i? you are mike. 2.who are you? i am amy. 3.who is he/she? he is mike./ she is amy. 4.who are they? they are mike and amy.5.who is the(this) boy / girl? he is mike./ she is amy. 6.who is that man/woman? he is my father./ she is my mother.四、 which :哪一个(问具体事物)1.which floor? it is on the 5th,room 5a.2.which bus can i take? you can take the no.3 bus.3.which bus can you take? i can take the no.5 bus.4.which bag is mike’s? the yellow bag is mike’s bag./the bigger one is mike’s bag.5.which season do you like best? i like summer best.五、 when:什么时候(问时间)1.when is your birthday? (in+月份, on +月+日)(1)my birthday is in october./ it’s in october.(2)my birthday is on october 5th./it is on october 5th.2.when is teachers’ day/national day/children’s day/women’s day?it is september 10th./october 1st./june 1st./march 8th.六、 why:为什么(问原因;用because答)1.why do you like summer? because i can swim in the sea.2.why does mike like fall? because he can fly kites.3.why do you like grapes? because they are sweet.4.why does john like apples? because they are sweet.七、 how:怎样(问交通方式;问身体状况;问心情,问感觉)1.how are you?:你好吗?(问身体状况)i am fine,thanks.2.how do you feel?:你感觉怎样?i feel sick.3.how does mike feel? (问心情)he feels happy./he is happy.与how有关的疑问词短语:how many:多少(问数量) how much:多少前(问价钱)how tall:多高(问身高) how old:多少岁(问年龄)how heavy:多重(问体重) how big:多大(问尺码、大小)how long:多长(问长度) how large:多少平方(问面积)1. how many days are there in a week? there are 7.2.how many months are there in a year? there are 12.3.how many seasons are there in a year? there are 4.4.how many people are there in your family? there are 4.5. how many brigdes are there in the picture? there is one.6. how many birds can you see? i can see 2 birds.7.how much is your pen? it is 2 yuan.8.how much are the books? they are 20 yuan.9.how tall are you? i am 168 cm tall.10.how tall is your father? he is 180 cm tall.11.how old are you? i am 12 (years old.)12.how old is mike? he is 11 (years old).13.how heavy are you? i am 35 kg.14.how heavy is amy? she is 32 kg.15.how big are your feet? i wear size 37.16.how big are your brother’s feet? he wears size 40.17.how long is the dog’s tail? it is 10 cm long.18.how long are your legs? they are 90 cm long.19.how large is your room? 你的房间有多大?it is 25 square meters.(平方米)八、whose:谁的(问属于谁的东西)1.whose pen is it? it is mike’s pen.2.whose bike is it? it is john’s bike.
  (2)一般疑问句的回答要注意前后一致!1、动词要用助动词do提问,do有三种形式:(1)过去时间用did提问。(2)一般现在时中的第三人称单数he/she/it用does提问。(3)其他用do提问。(4)用do/does/did提问,后面用动词原形。(5)用什么提问,用什么答。例子:1.do you go to school on foot? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.2.does mike go to school by bike? yes, he does./ no, he doesn’t.3.did you go to u.s.a yesterday? yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.2、名词或形容词要用be动词提问。be有三种形式:(1)i用am提问,过去时间用was提问。(2)he/she/it/单个姓名用is提问,过去时间用was提问。(3)其他用are提问,过去时间用were提问。例子:1.am i a student? yes, you are. / no, you aren’t.2.are you tall? yes, i am. /no, i am not. 3.is mike strong? yes, he is. /no, he isn’t.4.are they playing football now? yes,they are. /no, they aren’t.5.is there a cinema near here? yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.6.are there books on the desk? yes, there are./ no, there aren’t.7was it rainy yesterday? yes, it was. /no, it wasn’t.8were they happy yesterday? yes, they are./ no,they weren’t.3、特殊的:(1)现在进行时用be动词提问。(be+现在分词ing)(2)is he/she/it问,he/she/it is答(3)is there问,there is答;are there问,there are答.(4)are they问, they are答.(5)问i,答you; 问you(你),答i; 问we,答you(你们); 问you(你们),答we(6)问he,答he; 问she,答she; 问it,答it; 问they,答they.(7)用can问,用can答; 用must问,用must答; 用will问,用will答;用should问,用should答。例子:1.can you swim? yes, i can./ no, i can’t.2. can i go on foot? yes, you can.(sure,if you like)/ no,you can’t.3.can mike play football? yes, he can. / no, he can’t.4.can mike and john set the table? yes, they can./ no,they can’t.5.must i stop at a red light? yes, you must./ no, you mustn’t.6.must you wait at a yellow light? yes, i must. /no, i mustn’t.7.will you go to the park tonight? yes, i will. / no, i won’t.(will not)8.will amy read books this weekend?yes, she will. / no,she won’t.(will not)特别要注意:9.what should you do at a red light? i should stop at a red light.10.what must you do at a red light? i must stop at a red light.11.what can you do at a red light? i can stop at a red light.12.what do you do at a red light? i stop at a red light.
