

  词 组 专 题
  part one: 动词短语
  i、动词+介词(at, for, after, on, to, with, of, from, in, into, through, about等)构成的词组,相当于一个及物动词,其宾语只能接在介词之后。
  they finally agreed on the plan. this job calls for skills and patience.
  the bank was broken into last night. we’ll think about it.
  ii、动词+副词(up, off, out, away, on, in, over, down, about,round/around等)构成的词组
  1. 一部分为不及物动词短语,不能直接加宾语, 也无被动。如:break out, come about, come out
  2.一部分为及物的动词短语, 其宾语如果是名词,可前可后;若是代词,则只能放在当中。
  you can call your teacher up=you can call up your teacher you can call him up. we’ll think it over.
  iii. 动词+副词+介词: 相当于及物动词
  we must make up for the lost time. 我们必须弥补失去的时间。 do i have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得除掉我的习惯?
  iv. 动词+名词 / (反身)代词+介词: 相当于一及物动词
  he never helps me without trying to take advantage of me. ( 利用) in school, i often take charge of various activities. (负责 / 管理)
  1. v+about(介词:关于):皆为及物短语动词
  ask / inquire about: 询问…的情况 care about: 在乎;/介意;关注 quarrel about/over为…争论/争吵
  argue about/over为…争论/ /辩论 debate about /on为/关于…辩论 discuss about讨论,议论
  worry about:担心 concern about:关心,挂念 know/learn about:了解
  read about:读知, 阅后得知 talk about:谈论 hear about:听说(=hear of)
  complain about(抱怨/投诉) bring about带来,造成 think about:考虑
  speak about:谈到,谈论(=speak of) set about doing sth着手做某事 do sth about...想办法/采取措施解决...
  walk/go about:四处走动 move about:四处走,经常搬家 wander about:漫步/徘徊
  hang about :闲荡 come about : 发生 look about/around:环顾;(商店中)四处看
  2. v+across(介词或副词)
  come across...:偶遇(=come upon) run across...:偶然发现/碰到 cut across: 抄近路穿过/横越; 影响
  put /get(…) across to sb: 解释/传达,使某人明白… it took me an hour to get my intention across to her.
  3. v+after(介词)
  be after:寻求,寻找,追求 go/run/chase after:追赶/逐 look after:照顾
  take after: 长得像;学某人的样 ask after:探问/询问 name... after...:以…名字命名...
  4. v+along
  come along 跟着一起来will you come along with me? 进展/进步she is coming along nicely after the operation.
  bring/take…along把…带来/去 get along /on 相处;进展 get along/on with sb/sth与某人相处;在...进展
  5. v+against(介词):
  argaue against:(发表意见)反对/反驳 be against:反对 fight/struggle against:与…做斗争
  go against:违背,反对;对...不利the case might go against him. he went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned. turn against:背叛; 对…采取敌对态度 . even those who are once for him begin to turn against him.
  warn against: 警告不要, 提醒提防 i would warn against such an adventure
  prevent /guard / provide against预防 we have to provide against accidents. these rules can prevent /guard against accidents.
  6 v+ apart(副词或形容词: 分别/分开的)
  take apart拆开;剖析 tear apart:扯/拆开,使心碎 tell …apart:分别/区别
  set apart:区别,突出 fall/come apart: 瓦解/崩溃
  7. v+ round(副词)
  get round 传开来; 四处走动it was not long before the news got round that tracey was dating james.
  get sb round: 说服某人he is determined and won’t give in—see if you can get him round
  get round to( doing) sth: 终于去做/找到时间做 i haven’t even got round to unpacking from my holiday yet.
  come round:恢复/苏醒pour some water on his face he"ll soon come round. don"t scold the boy; he"ll come round in time.
  改变意见she will never come round (to our way of thinking).
  (非正式的)来访,到来;绕道 come round when you have time. christmas will soon come round.
  bring.. round/around(to...): 使某人恢复知觉 we managed to bring her round with some smelling salt.
  说服某人改变想法bring him round to our point of view
  把话题转到... he brought the discussion round to football.
  8. v+aside(在一边,另外)
  put/leave/set…aside:留出/拨出以备专用; 撇开/搁置一边不考虑 lay aside:暂放一边 throw aside:抛弃
  aside from = besides 除...外(还有)
  9. v+as(介词:充当/作为)
  serve as:充当,用作 act as: 扮演,充当 work as: 充当,担任…工作 function as:充当(…功能)
  10. v+at(介词)
  shout /yell at:对…叫喊 knock at:敲 laugh at:嘲笑 fly at:扑向
  point at:指向/着,对准 come at:袭击,达到 go at:扑向,尽力干 catch at:想抓住,渴望
  shoot/fire at:向…开火 aim at旨在;瞄准;企图 target at把…瞄准… attempt at 尝试/企图; 努力
  look at:看 stare at:盯着看;凝视 glare at:怒视 glance at瞥见,看一下(浏览)
  call at sp:访问某地 drop in at sp顺便走访某地 arrive at:到达; 达成 arrive at conclusion/agreement
  work at:从事,钻研 wonder at:对…惊奇 estimate at: 估计
  11.v+ away(副词)
  put away: 放好/收好;储存备用;舍弃 give away:赠送,分送; 泄露 turn away:解雇; 把…打发走
  send away:驱逐,解雇 clear away:清除,移走 wear away: 磨掉,(时间)消逝
  throw away:扔掉,抛弃 take away:拿走 smooth away:克服,消除
  pass away:去世/逝世 go away:走开,离开 die away(风/声音)渐息/渐弱;(树木)凋零/枯萎
  12. v+ back(副词)
  keep back:阻挡; 隐瞒;扣留 hold back:忍住,抑制住 bring back: 拿回;使…回想起,使恢复
  take back:带回;撤销/收回(说的话) give back:归还;反射(光等) get back 找回/取回;回来
  call back:回电,召回处理 answer back:回嘴 pay back:偿还,向…报复,回报
  13. v+by(介词或副词):
  go by路过某地; 时间过去 pass by经过某地;(时间)逝去 stand by旁观(=look on);准备行动;支持/忠于某人;坚持/遵守
  14.v+ down(介词或副词)
  turn down:调低(音量等);拒绝某人 let sb down 使某人失望 put down:放下,记下,镇压
  note / put / take down:记下 take down取下;记下;拆卸 tear/pull down 拆毁
  break down: 出毛病;破裂;崩溃;分解 burn down烧毁 cut down: 削减,减少;杀死,砍倒
  keep down压制;控制,缩减开支 hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) 缩减 slow down使慢下来,减缓
  knock down击/撞倒;拆除;使降价 bring down使降落/下降,降价 go down:下降,减少;沉没
  go down with生…病 lay down:放下,铺设 hand down:传递,遗传下来
  pass down: 传下来 fall down落下;跌到;倒塌;失败;证明是不行的 die down:渐熄
  calm down 平静/镇定下来 settle down定居;平静下来 settle down to安定下来专心于
  get down: 从…下来;下车;写下;使沮丧 get down to开始认真做,着手做
  make for:向…前进; 有利于/促进 head for驶向,走向 set sail for /set off for向某地驶去/出发
  leave for动身去某地 look for:寻找 hunt for搜索,寻找
  call for:需要/要求; 提倡; 邀约/约请(call for sb) wait for:等待 care for喜欢,关心
  apply for请求/申请 answer for 对…负责 be to blame for... 应对...负责
  pay for 偿还, 赔偿 stand for 代表,意味着,主张,支持 send for 派人去请某人
  go for: 袭击;适用于;想要获得;喜爱 ask for:要求/要; 找某人(ask for sb) run for竞选
  praise/punish/scold sb for...因..赞扬/惩罚/责骂sb account for是…的原因;解释;占据 allow for:考虑到;顾及
  arrange for: 安排 struggle/fight for:为…而斗争 fall for:迷恋/对…倾心;上某人的当
  hope/wish /long for sth:希望/渴望 be dying/eager/thirty for...渴望
  16. v+forward(副词)
  bring forward:提出; 将…提前 put forward 提出; 促进;将钟拔前 push forward:推进/继续进行
  look forward:展望未来 look forward to (doing) sth盼望,期待 carry forward:推进;发扬
  17. v+from(介词):
  learn from:向…学习 suffer from:遭受/忍受 recover from:康复/恢复
  hear from (~sb):收到某人信;有某人的消息 die from 死于… result from由…引起
  rise from由…引起/带来 differ from=vary from与…不同 benefit from得益于
  date from:始于 =date back to originate from:起源于 tell /distinguish...from...把...和...区别开来
  18. v+in(介词或副词))
  succeed in(doing) sth在…成功 fail in在…失败; 在…不足/疏忽 believe in信任,信仰;相信…存在
  lie in在于 result in 造成/引起 let in 让…进入;放…出来
  take in接受/吸/纳;理解,领会;欺骗某人 bring in引进;挣得(钱报酬等);生产/ 收获 get in 进入;收获/收割;插入(话)
  break in闯入;打断/插话(不及物) burst in 闯入;打断(不及物) cut in 插嘴, 插入超车
  turn in交还/上交;检举/告发(~oneself自首); 睡觉,向内拐 draw in:收网 check in 登记, 报到
  give in屈服/让步(give in to sb/sth) pull in 车子进站;靠边停下(=pull over) hand in 上交
  drop in顺便走访(drop in on sb / at sp) bring in 挣得/赚;引进;生产 send in呈报,递送,提
  call in召集/请来, 回收 end in...:以…告终 share in:分担
  compete in:参加…(竞争) join in:参加 participate in:参加
  take part in参加 fill in:填写 involve... in:...使...卷入...
  19. v+into(介词)
  get into 进入,卷入 look into 窥视/观察;调查 inquire into: 调杳
  cut into 侵犯, 打断 break into 闯入;打断 burst into 闯入,突然…起来(~tears/laughters)
  pe into潜入;钻研 knock/run into偶然碰到某人 bump/knock/run into撞上
  fall into:分成(类/组);开始 develop into:发展成 turn/ change into变成
  20. v+of(介词) 新课标第一网
  think of 考虑,想到/起, 认为(think of...as...) hear of听说(=hear about) die of 死于…
  dream of/about 梦见;梦想做 talk of/speak of 谈到/提到 tell of叙述、讲述
  consist of(由…组成=be made up of) approve of:赞成/批准 become of:..怎么样(what will become of tom?)
  21. v+off(副词或介词)
  set off出发 (=set out), 引爆;引起 start off 出发(=start out) ring off 挂断电话
  take off脱衣;打折(take 20% off),请假(take 2 days off); 起飞,突然成功/盛行起来 hang off 畏缩不前, 迟疑 show off 炫耀/卖弄;使显眼 come off 举行/进行;成功;结果(~ well) go off 离开; 爆炸,声音响起 pay off还清债务; 得到回报,获得成功 cool off 变凉/冷却;冷静 drop off 让某人下车
  break off 折断,中断 cut off 切断, 断绝, 截断,中断 turn off(关掉, 避开;使厌烦(~sb),
  give off 发出(光、声音等),散发出(气味) call off 取消;制止住(~ the dog) put off 推迟;使打消/不想;使厌
  see sb off 为某人送行get off 下车 keep off 避开/不接近(=stay/keep away from) send off派遣, 解雇,送行
  come off从…掉下来 pull off 脱/扯下; 努力实现/赢得 fall off(vt) 从…掉下来;(vi) 下降/降低
  22. v+on(介词或副词):
  get on 上车 take on 呈现;雇用;承担;受欢迎/流行 call on 拜访某人;号召/呼吁
  depend on 依赖/靠;取决于;信任 rely on 依赖, 依靠 operate on 给某人动手术
  work on 从事/写书;影响 live on 以...为主食;靠...生活 insist on坚持(~doing sth)
  agree on就…达成一致 act on对...起作用, 按...行动, 作用于 comment / remark on/about评论
  focus on 集中于,以…为中心 concentrate on 专注于 fix on:确定/选定(日期/地点等)
  hold on 别挂电话/稍等;坚持 hang on 不挂断 walk/move on 继续前行
  go on发生/进行, 继续 catch on变得流行, 理解 look on旁观; 看待(~ sb as…)
  put on 穿上, 装出/假装; 上演, 增加 try on 试穿 pull on 匆忙地穿/戴
  have…on 穿着 turn on 打开,展现出 catch on 钩/卡/绊在…上
  bring on(=bring upon)引起/惹来; 使加速生长 count on 依靠;期待,指望 carry on 继续开展,进行下去
  23. v+out(副词)
  give out vi 用尽/精疲力竭; vt.分发, 发表/布, 发出(气味/热) run out vi.用光/耗尽 run out of... vt.把...用光
  burst out 迸发;突然..起来(~laughing/crying) break out vi.爆发 set out 出发; 着手(~ to do sth)
  start out 出发 stand out(突出;显眼) stick out突出/显眼; 伸出,
  come out 出来;长出; 公开; 出版;结果 go out 出去, 熄灭, 过时 turn out 结果是; 生产
  work out vi.锻炼, 结果; vt..算出,解决,制订出,了解某人 die out 灭绝,(习俗)逐渐消失 look/watch out (for...)当心
  pull out撤离,离站(=pull away) check out 付帐后离开 drop out中途退出;辍学
  help sb out 帮助摆脱困难 make out理解;辨认出;编造 figure out计算出;领会到
  act out表演出来;把…付锗行动 speak out大胆/大声地说 read out大声地读出来
  send out放出,发送, 派遣 put out关熄/扑灭; 生产,困扰某人 hand out:分发
  cut out 切掉/裁剪出;中止 leave out 省去, 遗漏, 不考虑 bring out 使显露; 生产
  wear out:穿坏/用坏;使疲劳(=tire sb out) find out弄明白/查明;揭发 tear out撕下, 扯下
  let out 发出叫喊;泄漏; 放宽/大;出租 carry out 实施,执行 try out 试验
  point out 指出 pick out 挑选出 keep out 把…挡在外面
  think out:想出 clear out:清除,扫出 kick out:解雇
  24. v+ over(副词)
  think over仔细考虑 hand over 移交;让与 take over 接任;接管;接收
  get over做完;痊愈/康复;克服 look over 翻阅/浏览;检查 go over 仔细检查;复习
  turn over 打翻;翻页/阅;移交;反复考虑 run over:浏览,车压过 win over:战胜;争取/说服
  watch over: 查看,监视 pull over( vi) 靠岸, 开到路边 come over (vi)上前来,顺便来访
  25 .v+through(介词或副词)
  look through审核;浏览;看穿 break through 突破;克服 go through 经历;仔细查看;被批准/通过
  cut through抄近路,凿穿 see through 看穿,识破 live through:度过;经历…而不死
  get through接通电话;通过; 完成;使被理解/了解(get sth through/across to sb) put through给某人接通电话;完成
  bring sb through 使脱险,使渡过难关 务员 pull through恢复健康;使某人度过难关
  fall through:失败/未能实现 carry through:完成/坚持到底
  26. v+to(介词)
  listen to听 belong to属于 reply to回答
  respond to对…应答/回应 react to:对…产生反应/作出回应 apologize to 向某人道歉
  agree to 同意某事 add to 增加,增添 stick to坚持(stick to sth)
  turn to 转向/致力于;求助于;查阅/参考 come to涉及/谈及;达到;突然想起(sth come to sb)合计,苏醒(~ oneselfsth
  sth occur to sb /it occurred to sb that突然想起 lead to 通向;导致 contribute to 对…作贡献;促成/造成
  refer to 提到;涉及;参考/查阅(=turn to) object to 反对 attend to 专心于;照顾
  take to 喜欢; 沉溺于 apply to 适用于 appeal to吸引(~sb);;呼吁/上诉;
  get to到达,抓住问题的要害 amount to总计/共达(=add up to=come to);等于/相当于 point to 指着
  see to 负责/注意;关照(see to it that…) drink to:祝酒/为…干杯 adust/adapt to:适应
  keep to:不离开/固守;遵守(~the right) attach… to…把…附/粘在…上 attach importance to:重视
  attach oneself to依恋/接近(be attached to:附属于,爱惜/爱慕) attend to专心;照顾,护理
  subject...to... 使…服从,使…遭到/经受... be subjected to... 受到,遭遇到,经受
  devote...to... 奉献/致力于(be devoted to...) commit oneself to 献身于,致力于
  27. v+up(副词)
  make up组成/构成;虚构; 补足/弥补(make up for…);整理/包装;和解(make up with sb);化妆
  set up 建起/竖立,建立事业/成立组织; set oneself up as自称为 think up 想出;捏造
  put up 举起;张贴,建造;提供资金,为…提供食宿(put sb up) warm up:使变暖;热身运动
  do up 束起/系/扣/拉上; 重新整修/收拾齐整; 打扮(do oneself up); 包起来/包扎
  pick up捡起;收听;(无意)学到/买到/染上;接人/取货;增加/改善(pick up speed/health) ;pick oneself up再爬起来/振作精神
  take up 占据, 拿起/开始从事, 继续(take up the story/song) clear up 整理;消除 show up揭露;露面
  turn up出现/露面;开大声 hang up 挂断电话 step up加快;促进/增加/提高
  speed up: 加速 break up分手;破碎;分裂 split up分手/离
  come up 走近; 上升/发芽; 被提出 go up 上升/增长;被建起来 clear up 放晴
  stand up 站立;耐用/经得起;(论点、论据等)站得住脚 get up 起床 ring /call sb up 给某人打电话
  look up 查寻/找;抬头看/尊敬;好转 keep up 保持/维持(体温/勇气等) send up 发射;长出
  give up 放弃/停止 cut up 切碎,使受苦(cut sb up) bring up培养;提出; 呕吐
  break up 打碎,结束,驱散 wake up 叫醒 draw up:草拟/拟定;汲取
  use up 用光(vt) eat up 吃光 join up 连接起来
  light up 照亮,点亮 hold up 举起,阻碍/延迟 fix up:整理,安排/提供
  tear up 撕毁,取消合同 open up:打开;开拓/开发 round up 赶拢,围拢
  mix up:弄混/拌和; 混淆 stay up:熬夜 sit up: 熬夜/不睡觉
  dig up:挖起/掘起 close up:关闭,使靠近 build up:增进/强;
  add up:加起来 add up to...总计 cheer up:使振奋
  28. v+with(介词)
  agree with同意某人;与…一致; 适应 disagree with: 不同意某人;和…不一致 meet with 偶遇, 遭受
  begin/start with 以…开始 end / finish /close with以…结束 to begin with首先(插入语)
  go with 伴随;与...相配 stick with/at 坚持做/使用,忠于 vary with:随着…而变化
  do without没有…也行,用不着,将就 go without没有…也行;不吃/喝/用 quarrel/debate/argue with sb 与某人吵/辩论/争论
  do with处理(常与what连用) deal with应付/处理;与...交往/做生意;论及/涉及
  29. go ahead前进,请吧,继续(go ahead with sth) look ahead 向前看,考虑将来 burst forth突发/爆发, 喷出
  leave behind留下; 遗忘/忘带 fall behind(vi/vt, 落后) leave alone让…独自呆着;听其自然,不要去管不干预
  get close to靠近 catch/ keep up with赶上 do well in:在…干得出色
  work hard at:在…努力 look forward to:盼望 do away with / get rid of(除掉)
  get along/on with与某人相处,在…进展 put up with忍受 get down to(sth /doing sth)着手
  drop in on sb/at sp顺便拜访某人/某地 break away from摆脱;除掉 give in to向…屈服/让步
  go along with与…一起去;赞同/附和 look/watch out for当心 get/go through with完成
  go in for: 对…感兴趣;参加/从事 look donw upon/on 轻视 look back upon/on回顾
  look up to尊敬仰望 make up for 弥补 keep away from远离,避免
  go ahead with继续 go/carry on with 继续 fit in with与…相处融洽
  run out of把…用光 stick up for为...辩护, 支持/维护 keep in with:受…欢迎/与…相处好
  think highly of(高度评价) come up with 想出 face up to 勇敢地面对
  come down on 归结为,涉及到 cut down on削减 act up to按...办事, 实践
  live up to做到/不辜负,与名副其实 add up to总计/合计 break in on/upon 闯入
  come in for出发 接受, 继承 come up to达到/符合标准;比得上/等于 stand up for支持
  date back to追溯到 fall in with同意/与…达成默契;同…作伴 put in for申请
  sign up for:报名参加 fill up with:用…装满 turn out for:出席
  get away from:逃离… end up in...:以…告终 come in for:得到,受到
  get through to:理解;打通…电话 get down to:着手;认真从事 come up to:达到;符合
  pull out of:从…中退出 hold/hang on to:坚持/抓住…不放 keep out of:置身于…之外;不接近
  get ahead of:胜过,超过 cut down on:减少 tear oneself away from…: 忍痛离开/与…分开;挣开
  make a plan for:为制定计划 take/develop an interest in:对…有/产生兴趣 take a photo of:给…拍照
  keep records of:记录/载 have difficulty/problems with: 在…有困难/问题 give advice on sth:就…提出意见
  make friends with与…交朋友 shake hands with sb:与…握手 show respect for尊敬
  say goodbye to向某人告别 say "yes/no" to同意/拒绝 say thanks to向某人致谢
  say hello/hi to向某人问好 set an example to给某人树立榜样 make fun of捉弄/取笑
  form the habit of养成…习惯 have/take a look at看一看… have a word with与某人交谈 have words with与某人吵架 have mercy on同情 show mercy to同情/怜悯,宽恕
  have/take pity on同情 help oneself to随便吃/取用 adapt oneself to适应
  adjust oneself to适应 devote oneself/time/life to致力于/奉献于 attach oneself to参与
  address oneself to向...讲话,力于/着手 make use of利用 make the most/best of:最好地利用
  take advantage of:利用(人或弱点) take (no)notice of(不)注意 pay attention to注意
  take a message for为…带口信 take care of当心 keep an eye on密切关注
  keep a watch on:监视 have an effect on:对…有影响 take part in参加
  play a part/role in在…起作用/扮演角色 take the place of代替 catch sight of看到
  get/catch hold of抓住 give birth to产生/养育 give rise to 引起, 使发生
  take account of考虑 take pride in(=be proud of) apply one’s mind to 专心于
  put one’s heart and soul into全神贯注于 do harm to 给…带来伤害 do good to:给…带来好处
  do wrong to迫害某人/在某人身上使坏 cause/do damage to:对…造成损害 fix one’s eyes/attention on盯着
  keep on terms with同某人交往 make sense of搞清...的意思 mak choice of 选定
  have a go at...尝试 make a deal with与某人交易 make a pe for 向...冲去
  make preparations for(=prepare for) make one’s way to向…前进 make rom for 为…腾出空间
  make a study of学习/研究 have an idea of对…有所了解 have a knowledge of 对…有所了解 have the honor of:很荣幸 make an apology to sb 向某人道歉 take aim at 瞄准
  set fire to放火烧(=set…on fire) take delight in以…为乐事 give way to 给..让路/让步
  show concern for对…表示关注 take charge of 负责/管理 put/bring an end to结束
  have faith /trust in信任 take possession of 占有/拥有 take sides in偏袒/拥护,支持
  place place an order for订购 keep pace with:跟上/和步调一致 have a taste for:爱好/对…感兴趣
  keep track of: 记录,留心,跟踪 make progress in:在…进步 take possession of:占有/拥有;占领
  play a trick/tricks on:捉弄 play joke on:开...的玩笑 have a gift for/of:有…的才干
  have a talent for:有…天赋 have an ear for善于/有…鉴赏力 turn a deaf ear to:充耳不闻
  have/get access to:有(进入/使用)的权利/机会 keep your mind on:专心于/专注于 (=put your mind to)
  take an active part in ; play an important part/role in; make full use of; have a bad effect on
  五、v+… +介词+名词
  frighten/scare sb to death把某人吓死 beat …to death:把…打死 take …into consideration把…考虑在内
  put.. into use 把…投入使用 put…into practice 把…付诸实施 turn… into reality 把…变为现实sentence/condemn… to death处死某人 take…for granted认为…理所当然 put…in prison:把某人关进监狱 take…in one’s arms把…抱在手上 learn…by heart 牢记 make oneself at home:随便;不拘束
  keep/bear…in mind:记住牢记...在心 have... in mind 记住,考虑到,想到 bring/call…to mind:使回想起 have …on your mind:有…心事/担心 put… to the test测试 bring … back to life:使..苏醒/生动
  take…by surprise 使…大吃一惊;突然袭击 make…to one’s own measure 按某的的尺寸定做
  keep…to oneself:不把…告诉别人 tear…to pieces:把…撕碎 come to one’s help/rescue:来帮/救某人
  come into use 开始得到使用 come into being / existence开始形成/存在 come to life 苏醒过来, 变得活跃come to light 暴露/被发现 fall to pieces:变成废墟,崩溃 rise to fame/power:走红/掌权
  rise to one’s feet:站起来 struggle to one’s feet:挣扎着站起来 drop sb a line: 给某人写短信
  name…after…根据…命名… congratulate sb on sth:因…而祝贺某人 fill…with…:给…装满…
  load…with…:给…装载… rob sb/sp of sth:抢某人/地的某物 steal sth from sb/sp:偷某人某物
  require sth of sb向某人要求… request/demand sth of/from sb向某人要求… expect sth of sb:对某人有…期望
  change… for…用…交换… change…into…把…变成… protect sb from/against保护某人免受
  stop/keep/ prevent… from阻止某人做 forbid sb from doing sth:禁止某人做… warn…of/against…:警告…注意
  keep sth from sb:不让某人知道某事 keep …out of…:不让…进入;不让某人卷入 keep…to…使某人遵守…
  spend/waste… (in) doing 花费/浪费…做某事 spend…on sth把…花在…上 save/rescue sb from…把…从…救出free…from:把…从…解放出来 mistake…for…错把…当成… take…for…误认为…是… compare…to…把…比作… compare…with/to…把…与…相比 lend…to…:把…借给…
  borrow…from…从…借来… base…on…:把…基于… refer to…as…把…称作为… think of…as…:把…看作… look on…as…: 把…看作… treat/regard/consider…as…: 把…看作… recognize …as…:公认/认可…为/是… admit …to/into…让…进入… cure sb of a disease:治愈某人的病 fool/trick sb into doing sth:骗某人做某事 frighten… into /out of:吓得…做/不做 judge…by/from:根据…判断…
  tear… off/from/out of…:把…从…撕掉 help/assist sb with sth assist sb in doing sth aid sb in/with sth
  persuade /convince sb of sth:说服某人相信某事 charge (sb) some money for sth: 因…而收某人费 offer sb some money for sth:因某物向某人开…价 buy/sell sth for some money: 以…价格买/卖…
  tell… from…/ distinguish…from…区别…与… talk/persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事praise/punish/criticize/honor/forgive/excuse….for… be praised/punished/honored for…
  attach… to把…附/粘在…上attach importance to:重视 attach oneself to:依恋 be attached to:附属于;爱惜/爱慕
  take one’s place就位;代替某人(=take the place of sb) take place 发生 take actions/ an action采取行动
  take steps/measures采取措施 take medicine 服药 take one’s temperature 量体温
  keep one’s company 陪伴某人(=keep the company of sb) take one’s time别慌忙 take an exam:参加考试
  take one’s seat:就座 keep one’s head 保持冷静 keep/lose one’s temper 控制/发脾气keep one’s word/promise:守诺言 break one’s word/promise:食言 keep a secret:保密
  make faces:做鬼脸 make sense有意义,意思明白 take effect 生效
  make a difference(to…):有影响/作用 have a rest:休息 catch fire:着火
  do a good deed:做好事 do some cooking/cleaning/washing make tea/coffee/:泡荼/咖啡
  make a fire:生火 make/give/deliver a speech:发表演讲 give a talk/lecture:作报告/讲座
  take a chance/risk:冒一冒险/碰碰运气 seek one’s fortune:碰运气/寻出路 make a fortune:发财
  have a go/try:试一下 want a go:要试一下 use one’s head:动脑子
  七、" 系动词+形容词"
  come true:变成现实,实现 come loose 松动 come short 缺乏/不足 come alive 活跃起来;活灵活现
  get lost:迷路 get married:成婚 get dressed:穿好衣服 get ready:准备好 get worried:担忧
  go mad/wrong/bad:发疯/出故障/变质 go missing/hungry 不见了/挨饿 go red/white/pale:变红/白/苍白
  keep alive使存活 keep silent/quiet:保持安静 keep fit/healthy:保持健康
  fall flat完全失败/全无效果 fall silent:沉默下来 fall asleep:睡着 fall ill/sick:病倒 fall due到期, 满期
  have sth in common with…与…有一些共同之处 have sth to do with 与…有关
  enter one’s name for=sign up for: 报名参加 make ends meet: 收支相抵
  get to know: 结识 come to know/see/realize:逐渐/最终意识/领会到
  give sb. a hand:.给予帮助 give sb. a lift/ride: 让某人搭车 be all ears/eyes:全神贯注地倾听/看
  get in touch/contact with: 与…取得/失去联系 keep in touch/contact with:与…保持联系
  rush/run sb off one’s feet使某人非常忙  be rushed to one’s feet: 非常忙
  do all/what one can to do sth= do one’s best to do sth尽某人全能做某事 can’t help but do sth:只得…
  part two: 重要动词及其相关词组,短语
  add up to 合计达,总计 add...to...把... add up add to
  2. agree
  agree to do sth. 同意做某事 agree with sb. 同意某人的看法,与....一致; 适应
  agree on sth agree to sth
  3. answer for 对……负责 be responsible for... be to blame for....
  4. arrive at (in) a place 到达某地 arrive at a conclusion 得出结论 arrive at an agreement 达成协议,商定,谈妥
  5. break away from 脱离……
  break down 损坏; (把化合物等) 分解,(汽车)抛锚
  break in 闯入,强行进入,插嘴,打断
  break off 打断; 折断
  break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发
  break up 分解;分裂
  6. bring in 引来,引进,吸收
  bring on 引起,导致,使前进
  bring up 教育,培养
  7. build up 逐步建立
  call for 提倡,号召, 需要
  call in 召来,召集
  call on 拜访,访问
  call up 号召,打电话
  care for 喜欢;照顾(病人)
  carry off 携走,夺走
  carry on 继续下去; 继续开展
  carry out 开展,执行
  catch up with 赶上(或超过)
  change into 转换成,把……变成
  check in 报到,登记
  check out 查明; 结账
  clear up 整理,收拾, (天气)放晴
  come about 发生,产生
  come across (偶然)遇见(或发现)
  come back 回来,想起来
  come down 落,下来
  come from 出生(于),来自
  come in 进入,进来
  come off 从……离开,脱落
  come on 来吧,赶快
  come out 出来,(书等)出版,发行
  come to 共计,达到
  come true 变为现实,成为事实
  come up 上来,上升,抬头
  come up with 追上,赶上;想出(主意);找出(答案)
  compare to 与……相比
  compare with 与……相比
  congratulate...on 祝贺……
  connect to 连接,相连
  connect with 与……相连
  cut down 砍倒
  cut off 切断
  cut up 齐根割掉,切碎
  day and night 日日夜夜
  do one"s best 尽最大的努力
  deal with 处理,对付
  depend on (upon) 依靠,相信,信赖
  die out 消失,灭亡
  different from 与……不同
  pide up 分配
  pide...into... 把……分成……
  do some cleaning (shopping) 做扫除(买东西)
  dozens of 几十
  drop in 顺便走访(某人)
  due to 由于,因为
  each other 相互
  earn one"s living 谋生
  either...or 或者……或者……
  enjoy oneself 过得愉快
  even if 即使,尽管
  even though 即使,尽管
  ever since 自那时起直到现在
  face to face 面对面
  fall asleep 入睡
  fall ill 患病,病倒
  far away 遥远的
  far from 远离
  feel like doing 想要……, 感觉要……
  figure out 理解,想明白
  fill ... with 用……填充
  fill in 填充
  find out 查明,发现,了解
  first of all 首先
  for ever 永远
  for example 例如
  for good 永远
  from now on 从今以后,今后
  from then on 从那时起
  from... to 从……到……
  from time to time 不时,偶尔
  get along with 与……相处
  get away 逃; 离
  get back 返回; 回来; 回家
  get close (to) 接近
  get down 降下
  get down to 开始认真(做某事)
  get in 进入, 收获,达到
  get off 脱下(衣服等);下车
  get on 上车;过活
  get on with sb. 与……相处
  get through 通过,拨通(电话)
  get together 聚会,联欢
  get up 起床
  give away 分发
  give back 归还;送回
  give in 屈服,让步
  give out 分发
  give up 放?
  go ahead 走在前面,领先;干吧,干下去
  go away 走开,离去
  go by 走过; 经过; 过去
  go fishing (shopping, skat  ing) (去)钓鱼(买东西,滑冰)
  go for 主张
  go for a walk 散步
  go in for 参加,喜欢
  go off 走开
  go on 继续
  go on doing... 继续干某事,不停地干某事
  go on with 继续
  go out 出去, 熄灭
  go over 仔细检查,复习
  go through 浏览; 翻阅,通过
  grow up 长大成人,成长
  had better (do) 最好(做)
  hand in 上交; 交纳
  hand out 分发
  have a cold 患感冒
  hang on (打电话时)不挂断,等待片刻
  hang up 挂断电话
  have a gift for 对……有天赋
  have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快
  have classes 上课
  have fun with 玩得高兴
  have got to 不得不;必须
  have to 不得不;必须
  hear of 听说,知道
  hear from 收到……的来信
  help oneself to 请随便吃点
  help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事
  help...out 帮助某人解决困难
  hold on 等一等(别挂电话)
  hold one"s breath 不出气,屏住呼吸
  hold out 伸出;坚持,维持
  hold up 阻挡,使停顿
  hundreds of 几百,成百上千
  hurry up 赶快,快点
  in a hurry 匆忙,很快地
  in all 总之
  in a word 简言之,总之
  in common 共同,共有
  in debt 欠债
  in danger 处在危险状态
  in fact 事实上,实际上
  in front of 在……前面
  in need of 需要,缺少
  in order 按顺序
  in order that 为了
  in order to 为了
  in other words 换句话说
  in peace 安静,宁静
  in public 当众;公开
  in surprise 吃惊,惊讶
  in the end 最后,终于
  in time 及时,来得及
  instead of 代替,而不是
  join in 参加,加入
  join up 联合起来,联结起来
  just now 现在,刚才
  keep back 留下
  keep doing sth. 继续做某事
  keep off 勿踏; 勿踩
  keep on 继续(进行)
  keep one"s word 守信
  keep up 保持; 维持; 继续
  knock at 敲
  knock into sb. 撞上
  laugh at 嘲笑
  lead to 导致,导向
  let in 让……进来,放进
  let out 放掉, 泄露
  live on 以……为主食,靠……为生
  look after 照顾
  look ahead 向前看,展望未来
  look down upon 看不起,轻视
  look for 寻找
  look forward to 盼望
  look into 向……里面看去; 调查
  look out 留神,当心
  look through 看穿, 浏览
  look up 查找
  lots of 许多,大量
  make a face 做鬼脸,做苦脸
  make friends with 与……交朋友
  make up 和解,化装
  make up of 由……组成,构成
  make up one"s mind 下决心
  millions of 成百万上千万,数以百万计
  more or less 或多或少
  neither...nor 既不……也不……
  next to 紧接着,相邻,次于
  no doubt 无疑地
  no longer 不再
  not any more 不再
  not at all 一点也不,绝非
  not only ... but also 不仅……而且……
  not so...as 不像,不如
  not till/until 直到……才
  now and then 不时,偶尔
  now that 既然
  of course 当然
  on (the, an) average 平均,按平均数计算
  on duty 值日,值班
  on foot 走路,步行
  on show 展出,在上演(放映)
  on time 准时
  on/over the radio 通过收音机
  once again 再一次
  once more 再一次
  once upon a time 从前,很久以前
  one after another 一个接一个
  open up 开启;开创; 开辟
  or else 否则,要不然
  ought to 应该
  out of breath 上气不接下气
  out of order 运转不正常,出毛病
  out of work 失业
  over and over again 反复,多次重复
  pass by 经过
  pay attention to 注意
  pay back 偿还(借款等)
  pay for 付款
  pay off 偿清(欠款等)
  persuade sb. to do 说服
  pick out 选出
  pick up 拾起,捡起, 接收;开车去接……
  point out 指出
  point to 指向
  prevent ... from 妨碍, 防止, 预防
  put away 储存
  put down 记下
  put off 推迟
  put on 穿,戴上,上演
  put on a performance 演出
  put on weight 发福,增加体重
  put out 扑灭,关熄
  put up 挂起,举起, 贴(广告等)
  put up with 忍受
  rather than 而不,非
  refer to 提到,涉及,有关
  regard... as 把……看作
  ring back 回电话
  ring off 挂断电话,停止讲话
  ring up 打电话给
  right away 立即,马上
  right now 立即,马上
  run away 逃跑, 失控
  run out of 用完
  save one"s life 挽救某人生命
  scores of 许多,大量
  see...off 为某人送行
  sell out 卖完, 出卖
  send for 派人去叫(请)
  send out 发出,派遣
  send up 发出, 射出
  sentence...to death 判处死刑
  separate...from... 分开
  set down 放下
  set free 释放,解放
  set off 动身,起程;使爆发
  set out 出发; 开始
  set up settle down 建立创立 定居,平静下来
  show off 炫耀
  side by side 肩并肩,一起
  so as to 以便,为的是
  so far 到目前为止
  so far as (表示程度,范围)就……,尽……
  so long as 只要
  so...that 太……以至于……
  sooner or later 迟早,早晚
  speed up 加快速度
  spend...on 在……花钱
  stand for 代表,象征
  tick to 坚持
  stop doing sth. 停止做某事
  stop to do sth. 停下来做某事
  struggle against 同……作斗争
  such as 例如
  take away 拿走
  take it easy 别着急,别紧张
  take off 脱下,起飞
  take one"s time 从容,慢慢行动
  take out 取出
  take place 发生
  take sb. in the arms 搂抱
  take the place of 取代,代替
  take up 占去,占据(时间、地位等)
  talk about 谈论,议论
  talk of 谈论,议论
  the day after tomorrow 后天
  the day before yesterday 前天
  the more...the more... 越……就越……
  the other day 前几天,某日
  think about 考虑(是否去做)
  think of 想起,考虑;认为,看法
  thousands of 成千上万,几千
  throw away 扔掉
  too...to 太……以至于不……
  try on 试穿,试试看
  try out 试验
  turn down 关小,调低
  turn off 关掉(水、电、电视、收音机等)
  turn on 打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等)
  turn over 翻动,犁翻(土地)
  turn up 到达,来到;开大(声音)
  up and down 上下,来回
  used to sth. 习惯于
  used to do sth. 过去常常
  wait for 等候,等待
  wake up 醒来
  work out 算出,解决
  worry about 担心,烦恼
  wrap up 包好, 伪装
  write down 写下,记下
  write to 写信给……
  ----------the end---------
  part three:介词与形容词及名词短语
  be pleased/content/ satisfied/dissatisfied with. .. 对…(不)满意 be disappointed at/in/with:对…失望
  be pleased/surprised/amused/disappointed/delighted/terrified/shocked/amazed at sth 因/对…高兴/惊奇/逗乐…
  be experienced at/in:在…有经验 be/grow/become interested in:对…感/产生兴趣
  be known/recognized /referred to as:被称为/公认为 be regarded/treated/looked on/thought of/considered as 被看作
  be known for:因…而闻名be known to sb 为某人所知 be famous as:作为…而闻名 be famous for:因…而闻名
  be made of:由…制成(未经过大变化看得出原料) be made from 由…制成(经过变化看不出原料)
  be made in:在某处制造 be made into 被制成 be made up of 由…组成
  be tired of=be sick of = be fed up with=be bored with 厌烦/倦 be tired with/from:因…而疲倦
  be absorbed in 全神贯注于/专心于 be lost in 全神贯注于/ 沉湎于 be bent on=be buried in专注于/专心于
  be burdened with 负担 be loaded with 装载有 be filled with 充满
  be equipped with 安装有 be furnished with 安装有, 陈设有 be covered with盖满
  be crowded with挤满 be dotted with 占缀着/布满 be lined with 排满
  be connected with与…有联系 be associated with 与…相关 be related to与…有关
  be dressed in 穿 be /get caught in 受困于,遭遇 be/get stuck in 被困于
  be trapped in被困于 be engaged to 与某人定婚 be engaged in 从事于,忙于
  be/get married to 与某人结婚 be prepared for=be ready for be devoted to致力于/奉献于;深爱着
  be faced with 面临 be lacking in 缺乏 be/fall short of:短缺/缺乏
  be named after 根据…命名 be based on 以…为基础 be aimed at 针对,以…为目标
  be intended/meant for 是以…为意图的,针对…的 be attached to附属于;爱惜/依恋,执着于
  be admitted into/to sp 被…录取/允许进入 be accustomed to习惯于 be used to 习惯于
  be determined to do 坚决地要做某事 be ashamed of;对…羞愧 be proud of:为…自豪(=take pride in)
  be angry with sb / be angry at sth be strict with sb /be strict in sth be patient with sb
  be good/kind/friendly/cruel to sb be good for:对…有好处 be fit/suitable for:适合
  be suited to:适合 be free from:免于/没有 be far from远离;远远不
  be active in在…方面活跃/ 积极参加 be good at擅长 be weak in 差/不擅长于
  be rich in富含/盛产 be high/low in含…高/低 be worthy of sth/being done 值/值得 be worth sth/ doing
  be dying/thirsty/eager/anxious for sth渴望 be worried/anxious/concerned about 对…担心be curious about对…好奇
  be particular about/over讲究/挑剔 be careful of:对…小心 be capable of 能够
  be certain/sure of /about:对…有把握/确信 be aware of 知道 be afraid of害怕/担心(be afraid to do:不敢)
  be fond of:喜爱 be full of:充满(=be filled with) be busy with:忙于 (be busy doing sth)
  be popular with/among:受…喜爱 be successful in:在…成功 be/get close to:靠近
  be similar to:与…相似 be different from:与…不同 be similar/different in:在某一方面相似/不同
  be opposite to:与…相反 be second to 仅次于 be sorry for:对…难过/对不起
  be absent from:缺席 be present at:出席 be late for…迟到 be provided/supplied with:提供有
  all词组: above all:首先/首要 first of all:首先 after all:毕竟/终究 in all:总共,总之 at all:根本;到底
  wall词组:in a /some way:在某一方面/某种程度上 in many ways:在很多方面 in this way:用这种方法,这样
  in the/one’s way:挡路,防碍 on the way (to…):在(去…)的路上;即将… by way of..:途径/经由
  in no way:绝不 all the way:一直 the way to do sth / of doing sth:做某事的方法
  at a time:每次,一次 at one time:曾经/一度 at a high price:以高价 at birth:出生时
  at breakfast:早餐时 at first sight:乍一看/初见之下 at hand:在手边/附近(备用) at night/noon
  at first / at last at once:立刻/马上 at present:现在,目前 at the cost of:以…为代价
  at the end/beginning of… at the foot/bottom/head of at the mercy of:在…支配下/由…摆布
  at the moment:此刻 at times:有时/时常 at work: 在上班/工作 at the latest:至迟
  at the sight/thought/sound of…一看到/想到/听到…
  by air/land/sea/bus/plane by accident/chance:偶然 by mistake:由疏忽所致 by the hour/gram/ton:按小时/克/吨
  by weight/size:按重量/面积 by the light of:借助…的光 by the way:顺便问一下 by hand:手工
  in a few weeks’ time:几周后 in a flash:一刹那间 in a minute:一会儿,立刻 in no time:立刻,马上
  in a word:总而言之 in all/total:总共,总之 in other words:换句话说 in battle:战斗中
  in bed:在睡觉 in case of:万一 in charge of:主管/负责 in the charge of:由…负责
  in possession of:拥有/占有 in the possession of:由某人拥有 in danger:处于危险中 in debt: 负债
  in detail: 详细地 in a way / in many ways:在一/很多方面 be in the way /get in one’s way :挡路;妨碍
  in english/chinese in front of ...在...前面 in the front of...在...前部
  in exchange for:交换/流 in return for...回报... in future:以后 in the future:未来
  in general:一般地/大体上 in honor of:为向…表示敬意/纪念 in memory of:为纪念 in search of:为寻找
  in one’s search for..:寻找/求 in the hope of:怀着…的希望 in praise of: 赞扬 in harmony with:与…协调
  in line with: 与…一致/符合 in need/want of:需要 in one’s opinion:在某人看来 in order:整齐/有条理
  in order to do:为了 in pairs:成对地 in great numbers:在批量地 in ruins:成为废墟
  in reality/fact:事实上 in space:在太空 in preparation for:为…准备 in place:在适当的信置
  in public=publicly 当众/公开地 in peace:=peacefully平地/安宁地 in silence=silently沉默地
  in surprise=surprisedly惊奇地 in secret=secretly :秘密地 in particular=particularly尤其
  in a hurry =hurriedly in anger=angrily生气地 in doubt=doubtfully怀疑地 in a strange /proper /honest way(或manner) = strangely /properly /honestly in general = generally speaking
  in store:贮藏着/准确性备着 in use:在使用中 in that case:那样的话 in the first place:首先/第一
  in the form of: 以…的形式 in the middle/center of in the open air:露天 in the past:过去
  in terms of: 就…而言 in the eyes of:在…看来 in the name of:在…名义下 in this way:这样,有这种方法
  in the wild:在野外 in time for:及时赶上 in time:及时,终究/早晚 in turn:依次/轮流;反过来
  in trouble/difficulty:处于困境/麻烦中 in a difficult situation:处于困境中 in vain:徒劳/白辛苦
  in advance=ahead of time:提前 in short:简而言之 in no way / in no account 绝不
  in place of: 代替 in face of...面临 in favor of: 赞同, 支持/有利于
  in addition to: 除...之外 in addition:并且 in the direction of…:朝…方向 in good / poor health:健康状况好/差
  in spite of=despite:尽管 in relation to: 关于 in connectio with:与…有关/联系 in/with regard to:关于
  in agreement with: 符合..., (和)...一致 in accordance with:与...一致, 依照 in common with:和…一样
  in a low voice:低声 in a short while:不一会 once in a while偶尔
  in conclusion 最后,总之 in all总共,总之 in a word简言之,总之
  on purpose=purposely=deliberately:故意 on occasion=occasionally有时/偶尔 on all sides:各方面/到处 on an open fire:在篝火上 on average:平均 on board:在船/飞机/火车上
  on end:竖着;不停地 on foot:步行 on holiday:在度假 on one’s own:独立地
  on the way (to…):在去…路上;即将 on the air:在播放 on show/display/exhibition:在展出
  on the contrary正相反 on the farm:在农场 on the other hand:另一方面 on the right/left
  on the point of…:正要…的时候 on the radio通过广播/收音机里 on time:准时 on top of:在…上面
  on the move/go: .在活动中 on the run:在逃跑;在匆忙中 on business:在出差 on fire:着火
  on sale:上市;减价卖 on duty:值日 on watch:在监视 on march:在行军/进中 on strike 在罢工
  under construction正在建设中 under discussion/ consideration:在计论/考虑中
  under/control:在控制中 under way= in process 正在进行中
  under no circumstances/conditions没有那种情况下 under the direction /guidance of在…指导下
  with comfort=comfortably舒服地/自在地 with fear=fearfully恐吓地 with pride=proudly自豪地
  with respect=respectfully 尊重地 with skill=skillfully 熟练地 with care=carefully小心地
  with ease=easily 轻而易举地 with honor以优异成绩(graduate ~) with the purpose/aim of为了…目的 with the help/aid of with the development/increase of.... 随着...发展/增长 with time going by随着时间推移
  beyond imagination:无法想象 beyond price:宝贵的, 无价的 beyond comparison无与伦比的
  beyond doubt毫无疑问 beyond all praise:无法用言语赞美 beyond belief:.难以置信
  beyond description:无法形容 beyond oneself:精神错乱/ 忘形/ 失态
  for one’s sake/good/interest=for the good/sake/interest of sb: 为某人着想/好处/利益 for sale:待售
  for free:免费 for the present=for the time being:暂时 for ever:永远 for example/instance:例如
  for no reason, for the following reasons , for the purpose of…
  by no means 绝不 , by all means 当然可以 , by means of…: 借助于 / 用...
  by and by 不久以后;不一会儿 by and large 全盘;总的来说
  其它: up to: 忙于/从事/在做(be up to sth);胜任/适合;直到;由某人来定/负责(it is up to sb (to do sth)
  to one’s surprise/disappointment/satisfaction/astonishment/sadness
  as a result/consequence:结果,因此 as a result/consequence of...:因为/由于
  from then on=since then=ever since:从现在/那时起 from time to time:时不时地 from bad to worse:越来越
