

  module 1 garden city and its neighbours
  unit 3: the dragon boat festival (i)
  language focus:
  using adjectives to describe objects.
  e.g. a salty rice dumpling / a sweet rice dumpling
  using prepositions to indicate time.
  e.g. ... in summer. it"s on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month ...
  asking "wh-" questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person.
  e.g. what do people eat?
  what do people do to celebrate this festival?
  using connectives to link contrasting ideas.
  e.g. kitty loves the sweet rice dumplings, but she hates the salty ones.
  using the simple present tense to express preferences.
  e.g. loves / hates / likes
  using prepositional phrases to describe objects.
  e.g. salty ones with meat and green beans / sweet ones without red beans
  language skills:
  identify the main ideas of a new topic. listen for specific information.
  maintain an interaction by explaining.
  read written language in meaningful chunks. understand the connection between ideas by identifying linking words or phrases. recognize recurrent patterns in language structure.
  develop written texts by using appropriate linking words or phrases.
  1. student"s book 7a page 10.
  2. cassette 7a and a cassette player.
  3. workbook 7a page 5.
  cue the cassette.
  i. warming-up:
  ii. pre-task preparation:
  1. ask students what they like to do and eat to celebrate the dragon boat festival. encourage students to talk about this festival.
  2. review and introduce new vocabulary items in look and learn.
  3. play the recording: look and learn and look and read. students listen and follow in their books.
  4. play the recording again. students listen and repeat.
  iii. while-task procedure:
  1. students pair up to talk about the rice dumplings they like. have them complete the survey from in circle and write by circling and writing down what they have discussed with their partners. they are required to use the target language in their report, like this: i love ..., but i hate ... / my classmate loves ..., / but ... / we both love ..., but ...
  2. ask inpiduals to read their reports to the class.
  3. collect all reports and bind them into a book for circulation in class.
  4. conduct a simple survey to find out the most popular kind of rice dumpling among students by counting how many students like a particular kind of rice dumpling. ask some students why they like or dislike a particular kind of rice dumpling.
  iv. post-task activity:
  workbook page 5.
  v. consolidation:
  grammar practice book 7a pages 9 and 10.
  unit 3: the dragon boat festival (ii)
  language focus:
  asking "wh-" questions to find out the reason.
  e.g. why do we celebrate the dragon boat festival?
  using the simple past tense to talk about past activities and states.
  e.g. qu-yuan was born around two thousand years ago in china.
  using the simple present tense to talk about present states.
  e.g. nowadays, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to ...
  language skills:
  identify the mean ideas of a new topic. listen for specific information.
  open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions on a topic.
  read written language in meaningful chunks. recognize the presentation of ideas through paragraphing. re-read to establish and confirm meaning.
  gather and share information, ideas and language by using strategies such as question. develop written texts by presenting main and supporting ideas.
  1. student"s book 7a page 11.
  2. cassette 7a and a cassette player.
  3. photocopiable page 8.
  make a copy of photocopiable page 8 for each student. cue the cassette.
  ii. pre-task preparation:
  language learning activity:
  this section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language / vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.
  1. give students some time to read the story silently. then ask students: was qu-yuan sad? why? encourage volunteers to answer the questions.
  2. play the recording: look and read. students listen and follow in their books.
  3. play the recording again. students listen and repeat. ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the words.
  4. remind students of the use of the past tense in the story. go over the verbs in the past tense with students. invite the more able students to speak out and spell, if possible, the corresponding verbs in their present tense form.
  5. remind students to pay attention to the use of different tenses when talking about the past and the present in the story.
  6. distribute a copy of photocopiable page 8 to each student. students read the text on page 11 of the student"s book again inpidually. have them complete the list and write down the answers to the questions.
  7. to check the answers with students, invite some students to write the list on the board. then invite the more able students to answer the questions orally.
  unit 3: the dragon boat festival (iii)
  language focus:
  using modals to make an offer.
  e.g. would you like a piece of rice dumpling?
  using formulaic expressions to accept offers.
  e.g. yes, please. i really like rice dumplings.
  using formulaic expressions to decline offers.
  e.g. no, thanks. i don"t like rice dumplings very much.
  using modals to indicate preferences.
  e.g. i"d rather have a piece of pizza.
  language skills:
  recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements, and respond appropriately. identify the main ideas of a new topic. understand the speaker"s intention, attitude and feelings through his / her choice and use of language, gestures and facial expression.
  maintain an interaction by replying, asking questions and using formulaic expressions where appropriate.
  read written language in meaningful chunks. recognize recurrent patterns in language structure. understand intention, attitude and feelings stated in a text by recognizing features such as the choice and use of language.
  1.student"s book 7a page 12.
  2. cassette 7a and a cassette player.
  3. workbook 7a page 6.
  cue the cassette.
  i. warming-up:
  ii. pre-task preparation:
  language learning activity:
  this section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language / vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.
  1. review the names of the food and drunk items that students have learned previously, e.g. pizza, pancake, cookies, hamburger, lemonade, 7-up, coffee, etc. introduce new food items, e.g. chinese pudding, christmas pudding with the help of picture or photos.
  2. play the recording: look and say. students listen and follow in their books.
  3. students work in groups of three and use the modelled conversation in about you to do the role-play. have some groups come out and act the conversation.
  iii. consolidation:
  workbook page 6
  grammar practice book 7a page 11.
