

  预习与检测翻译下列词组1.比预料的 _______(than expected)2.对...有信心______(be confident in/be confident that)3.嫁入(某家)_______(marry into)4.拉进,缩(头、腹),缩减,(火车)进站;_______(pull in)5.赠送;放弃;泄露;出卖_________(give away)6.发出;放出(声、光、电等);用完耗尽;分发________(give out)7.有做...的意向;打算做某事______(have the thought of doing)8.靠...为生_____( get along on)9.帮助某人摆脱困境______(help....out)10.某事降临到...头上______(sth. happen to sb.) 知识探究一.重点单词1.expect vt.希望,预期,认为,猜想,期盼i"m expecting a letter from him soon.我在期盼他尽快来信。__will he come back tomorrow?__i expect so/not.—他明天会回来吗?—我想会的/不会。as we expected, he came here on time.正如我们所预料的,她及时来了。拓展:(1)i expect so .我想是这样的(2)expect to do sth.盼望做某事(3)than expected比预料的(4)i expect not. = i don"t expect so.我认为不是这样。(5)expect sb to do sth.期待某人做某事(6)expect+代词/名词或that从句 盼望,预料(7)expect和look forward to的区别expect 指确信"某事必将发生,某人会到来而等候着", 多用于好的事情,也用于坏的事情。look forward to 指"以特别愉快的心情期待着"。i am expecting her.我正等待着她。i am looking forward to seeing her.我期待着见她。运用:选择填空(1)--what do you think of the novel?--very good. it is much more interesting than____.a. expecting b. expected c. was expected d. to be expected答案: b than expected比预料的。(2)--why does your sister look so serious.--she is _____the result of the exam.a. waiting b. expecting c. hoping d. wishing答案: b expect+代词/名词或that从句 盼望,预料。(3)--do you think the stars will beat the bulls?--yes. they have better players, so i ____them to win.a. hope b. prefer c. expect d. want 答案: c expect sb to do sth.期待某人做某事。(4)i"ve worked with children before, so i know what ____in my new job.a. expected b. to expect c. to be expecting d. expects 答案: b expect与 what构成动宾关系。_2. confident adj. 自信的she is confident of victory.她对胜利有信心。i am confident that we will eventually overcome diseases like aids and sars.我深信我们终将战胜"爱滋"、"非典"之类的疾病。拓展:confident常用下列句型:(1)be confident in对...有信心(2)be confident that...对...有信心(3)confident还有"确信"之意,后常接of短语或that从句。(4)self-confidence n.自信confidence n.信任;信心;自信(5)gain sb."s confidence 取得某人的信任 (6)give one"s confidence to sb. 信任〔赖〕某人运用:选择填空(1) she never loses _____in life in face of difficulty.a. her heart b. chance c. thought d. confidence 答案:d be confident in对...有信心。(2) he looks _____of getting the job.a. confident b. certain c. exciting d. good答案: a confident还有"确信"之意,后常接of短语或that从句。3.marriage n.婚姻,结婚they have a very happy marriage.他们有一个美满的婚姻。拓展:(1)be married to 与...结婚(2)get/be married 结婚(3) marry sb. to sb.把某人嫁给某人(4)marry sb.与某人结婚(5) marry sb. off将(女儿)嫁出去(6)marry up(将若干部分)配给(7)marry into嫁入(某家)运用:选择填空(1) she ____until she was in her thirties.a. was married b. wasn"t married c. married d. didn"t marry答案:d marry 为不及物动词。(2) ann ___for nine years she married ____the family.a. has been married; / b. has been married; into c. got married; / d. got married; into 答案:b marry 为不及物动词,不能与一段时间连用。marry into嫁入(某家)。4.encourage vt.鼓励;激发he often encourages me to study maths.他经常鼓励我学数学。拓展:(1)encourage sb. in sth鼓励,支持某人(2) encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事(3)be encouraged at/by因某事受到鼓励运用:翻译下列句子(1)在学习上我们应当鼓励学生们。答案:we should encourage our students in studies.(2)他总是鼓励我努力学习。答案:he always encourages us to study hard.5. disaster n. 灾害, 灾难, 不幸we were all shocked by the disaster.这场灾难使我们所有人大为震惊。拓展:(口)彻底的失败our plan ended in disaster.我们的计划以彻底失败告终。disaster的形容词形式是 disastrous运用:翻译下列短语或句子(1)自然灾害 答案: natural disaster(2)灾区;灾难性局面 答案: disaster area(3)他的晚会真是失败,一半的客人都没有来。答案:his party was a real disaster because half of the guests didn’t come.6. promote vt.1) 晋升 he certainly ought to be promoted because he has achieved a lot of goals for the firm.他应该要提升因为他为公司实现了很多的目标。2) 促进;发扬;引起the prime minister"s visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries.首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。拓展:promote 还有许多其它意思:1)使人(尤其是学生)升级 (+to) pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade.通过考试的学生将升到高一个年级去。2) 促使(法律等)通过they succeeded in promoting a bill.他们成功地使议案获得了通过。3)发起,创立several bankers promoted the new company.好几个银行家联手创立了这个新公司。4)宣传,推销(商品等)her new job in the company is to promote the new product.她在新公司的工作就是促销这一新产品。promote 的名词是promotion, 意思是"提升,提倡,推销,促销"。运用:完成句子(1)为了迅速提升,他更加刻苦地工作。in order to ____ ____ quickly, he worked harder.答案: be promoted(2) 我的工作主要是推销。my job is mainly concerned ___ _____.答案:with promotion7. injury n. 1) (人,动物的)伤害;( 健康的 )损害she escaped from the accident without injury.她在这次事故中没有受伤。2)(精神上的)伤害;损人的事most people protect themselves from injury to their health.大多数人保护自己使健康不受伤害。3)(对物体的)损伤,损害an injury to the roof made us waste much money.屋顶的损伤使我们浪费了许多钱。拓展: harm, hurt, wound 与injury 的区别harm:比较抽象,通常是看不见摸不着的伤害.比如,吸烟有害健康。暴力电影有害未成年人身心健康.此处"有害"就是"harm"。 hurt:可指身体某个部位疼痛,也可以是心理上的伤害。 比如:lisa was hurt so bad by her ex-boyfriend. i got my finger hurt by the door. wound:主要是皮肤或者肉体的伤口。比如,bullet wound 枪伤。injury: 指在意外事故中"负伤,受影响",也可以指对感情,声誉,机会等的不利影响。运用:用harm, hurt, wound 与injury 的适当形式填空。(1)smoking does ___ to our health.答案: harm(2) i fell and_____ my right leg.答案: hurt(3) the soldiers were badly____ in the legs.答案:wounded(4) the scandal(丑闻) has ____ the star’s reputation.答案:injured8. commit vt.犯(罪),做(错事等)li lei committed an error in dealing with the business.李雷在处理这一业务时犯了一个错误。拓展: commit当动词讲还有其它的常见意思:1) 使承担义务;使作出保证;使表态 (+to) i didn"t commit myself to anything.我没有作任何承诺。2) 把...交托给;把...提交给;把...付诸 (+to) my child was committed to the nurse"s care.我的孩子被交给护士照顾。3) 把...押交;把...判处 (+to) the judge committed her to 7 years" imprisonment.法官判处她7年徒刑。4)拨出,指定...用于 (+to) our company has committed much money to building new factories.我们的公司已经拨出很多钱建造新工厂。运用:选择填空she is such an honest person that she can"t have_______the theft. a. done b.committed c.commit d.do 答案: b 固定搭配,后面是一种罪行(如robbery, theft,crime)的时候都要用commit9. react vi. 作出反应,反应 (+to) how did he react to the news?他对这个消息反应如何?拓展:react vi.其它的意思有:1) 影响,起作用 (+on/upon) we react upon each other.我们互相影响。2) 抗拒,反抗 (+against) children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。3)起反作用,回过来起作用 (+on/upon) unkindness often reacts on the unkind person.恶人往往有恶报。respond与react的区别区别在于: react和respond 都是"反应"的意思,但用法不一样。 react是那些下意识的、直接的反射行为,而respond则是一种理性的、主动的反应。 运用:选择填空people can______badly to certain food additives. a. respond b.react c.act d. behave 答案:b二.重点短语1.pull through 度过难关,成功逃避危险;恢复健康the robber pulled through escaping from the prison.那个抢劫犯从监狱里成功逃脱了。the doctors pulled me through.医生们帮助他恢复了健康。拓展: pull 是英语中常见的单词,与它连用的词组还有: (1)pull on穿上(衣服鞋袜) (2)pull back拉回,后退; (3)pull in拉进,缩(头、腹),缩减,(火车)进站; (4)pull off脱下(衣服鞋袜); (5)pull away逃走 (6)pull down拆毁  (7)pull over拉到一边,推翻; (8)pull down拆毁,拉下;运用:用适当的介词或者副词填空(1) he had no sooner got to the platform than the train pulled ____of the station. 答案:out(2) i saw a pla man pulling ____his clothes and jumping into the river to save the drowning boy. 答案:off(3) they managed to pull ____despite all the difficulties. 答案:through(4) she pulled him ____and whispered the news to him. 答案: over翻译下列句子(1)他帮助我渡过了难关。答案:he helped to pull me through the difficulty.(2)好好护理可以使他恢复过来。答案:good nursing will pull him through. (3)他们渡过了一个又一个的困难。答案: they pulled through one difficulty after another (4)我们希望这场大病他能逃过来。答案:we hoped that he would pull through. 2.give up 放弃(念头、希望等) don’t give up hope.别放弃希望。give up 还有" 让出;戒绝"的意思。如:he gave up his seat to an old man.他让座给一位老人。i wish i could give up drinking.拓展:(1)give sb a lesson给...一个教训(2)give....a call/ring给...打个电话(3)give out发出;放出(声、光、电等);用完耗尽;分发(4)give off发出(液体、气体、雾、光、烟等)(5)give in放弃(争辩、竞争等);投降(+ to);递交、呈送(6)give a hand给予帮助(尤指体力活)(7)give back归还;恢复(8)give away赠送;放弃;泄露;出卖(9)give a talk/speech做报告;演讲运用:选择填空(1) don"t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _____the shocking ending.a. give away b. give out c. give up d. give off 答案: a give away赠送;放弃;泄露;出卖。(2) the soldier ____the secret when they published him. a .gave off b. gave away c. gave up d. gave over.答案:b give away赠送;放弃;泄露;出卖。(3) the moon gives ____no light of its own.a. off b. up c. in d. away 答案:a give off发出(液体、气体、雾、光、烟等)。(4) he is a man easy to give ____ others.a. in to b. up to c. off to d. out to 答案: a give in to sb 向某人让步/屈服。3. come to 逐渐达到某种状态,终于how did they come to know each other?他们是怎么认识的?拓展:come to 还可以表示:1)共计my bill came to $120.我的帐单共计120美元。2) 涉及when it comes to japanese, i know nothing.谈到英语,我一窍不通。3) 苏醒过来when she came to, she found herself in the hospital.她苏醒过来时,她发现自己躺在医院里。4) 被继承the house came to her when her parents passed away.父母过世后,房子就归他了。5)达成they came to an agreement in the end.他们最终达成了协议。come to与get to 用法类似,常常与表示静态的动词如know, understand, love like等连用运用:翻译下列句子(1)他渐渐认识到自己的错误。答案:he came to realize his mistakes.(2)总有一天你们会喜欢上这个城市的。答案:you will come to love the city in time.4.have the thought of doing 有做...的意向;打算做某事he had no thought of annoying her.他无意惹她生气。let us have his thoughts on the subject.让我们听听他对这个问题的看法。it"s not difficult to read his thoughts.不难看出他的意思。we had second thoughts about buying the car when we discovered the price. 我们知道了车价后,对买这车子后又另有想法了。拓展:与thought有关的词组很多,如: (1) be deep in thought深思 (2) be lost in thought陷入沉思  (3) have no thought of无意做某事  (4) read one"s thoughts猜测某人的想法,看出某人的意图  (5) without thought不加思考,不加考虑 (6) give thought to sth=give sth thought对...加以考虑,考虑... (7) on second thoughts重新考虑运用:选择填空(1) she had no ____of annoying him.a. meaning b. idea c. plan d. thought  答案: d have no thought of无意做某事。(2) lost in ____, he almost knocked into a big tree in front of him.a. thinking b. thought c. considering d. consideration 答案:b be lost in thought陷入沉思。含有过去分词的系表结构,应该用过去分词作伴随状语或定语。5. get on 1)融洽相处;进展 they don"t live together now and are getting on much better with each other.他们现在不住在一起,相处得比以前更加融洽了。everything was getting on very well.一切进行得很顺利。2) 出人头地he"s sure to get on in the world.他一定会出人头地。3)登(车);上(马)拓展:含有 get的短语有: 1) get on well with=get along well with 与...相处融洽our teacher is getting along well with the students.我们的老师与学生们相处得非常融洽。 2) get along on 靠...为生 she can"t get along on 150 yuan a month. 她每月靠150元活不下去。3) get on 还有"上车",过活","(年纪)老起来"等意思。(4)get on the floor 步入正题our time is limited, so let’s get on the floor.我们的时间有限,让我们步入正题。 运用:翻译下列句子 (1)你的工作进展如何? 答案:how are you getting on with your work? (2)你近来好吗? 答案:how are you getting along?选择填空(1)you may ________ the taxi at the crossing. the school is just across the street. a. get on b. get off c. get out d. get out of 答案 c (2)he is not an easy man_______.a. get on b.to get on c.get on with d.to get on with答案: d 6. happen to... sth. happen to sb. 某事降临到...头上 a bad thing happened to him last night. 昨晚他遇到可一件倒霉事。拓展:(1) it happened that... 碰巧...(2) sb. happen to do sth.碰巧干某事运用: 选择填空 (1) he was late, what happened ____ him? a. to b. for c. in d. on 答案: a sth. happen to sb. 某事降临到...头上。  (2) yesterday i ______hear the news that tom would go to japan for further study. a. happen to b. happened to c. happen d. happened 答案: b sb. happen to do sth.碰巧干某事。7. at the age of与by the age of 拓展:(1) at the age of表示"在……岁时",后面接基数词,强调某一时刻的情况或动作,用于一般过去时,作时间状语。例如: at the age of six,he began to learn english.他六岁的时候开始学英语。 (2) by the age of表示"到……岁的时候"、"在……岁以前",后面接基数词,强调到某一时刻为止的结果,用于过去完成时或将来完成时,作时间状语。例如: by the age of sixteen,he had learned to drive a car.到十六岁的时候,他已经学会了开小汽车。 运用:翻译下列句子(1) she learned to play the piano at the age of ten.答案:她十岁的时候学弹钢琴。 (2) you will have learned more than 10000 english words by the age of twenty. 答案:到你20岁的时候,你将学会10000多个英语单词。8. on one"s own 独立无助地i can"t carry it on my own; it"s too heavy.我无法独自携带它,太重了。拓展:on one"s own有时相当于alone 或by oneself。运用:句型转换 1) he is on his own today. he is ____ today.答案:alone 2) i can do it on my own. i can do it ___ ___.答案:by myself
