

  [误] did you attend the football club?
  [正] did you join the football club?
  [析] join经常用于参加某个团体、政党,并作为其中的一个成员;attend则重点强调出会议、到场,而不一定进行具体活动,如: did you attend the meeting yesterday?而take part in则强调参与某些具体活动或运动,如: i take part in the football game.
  [误] i have finished my work just now.
  [正] i finished my work just now.
  [析] just now意义"刚才",所以句中的谓语动词要用过去式。
  [误] just i won the game.
  [正] i just won the game.
  [析] just单独使用时不应放在句首,而应放于① be动词之后,如: he is just a student.② 名词与一般动词之间。③ 用在第一助动词之后,如: i have just returned home. 但just与其他词组成词组时,如just now, just then, 则可用于句首和句尾。如: just then he saw the bus coming.
  just justly
  just常用于三种含意: ① 恰好,如: it"s just five o"clock. ② 仅仅,相当于only, 如: i have just enough money to buy a dictionary. ③ 不久前,如: i just missed my old friend; he left a few minutes ago. 而justly其意为"公正的",如: he was justly punished for his crimes.
  [误] she was keeping something to her father.
  [正] she was keeping something from her father.
  [析] "对某人隐瞒某事"要用"keep something from somebody"句型。
  [误] he kept to repeat the word again and again.
  [正] he kept repeating the word again and again.
  [析] keep doing something为连续不断地做某事。有时可以与keep on doing something互换。它们的区别在于keep doing something意为该动作一直不停地在进行中,如: when the train started, she kept waving her hand. 而keep on doing something则表示该动作可能停停顿顿但却一直在进行中,如: he kept on making the same mistakes in grammar.
  [误] we must keep up the times.
  [正] we must keep up with the times.
  [析] 这句话意为"我们必须赶上时代",keep up with是"赶上"之意,而keep up则是"坚持下去"的意思,如: keep it up, don"t stop now!
  [误] i lost the key of the door.
  [正] i lost the key to the door.
  [析] 英语中讲某某的东西一般要用of,而key, entrance, answer则多用to,如:"门的钥匙"为key to the door, "高速公路入口"为entrance to the highway, "问题的答案"为the answer (key) to the question.
  [误] this kind of books are not good.
  [正] this kind of books is not good.
  [析] kind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲those kinds of books are very good. 则是正确的。
  kind sort type
  kind和sort为同义词,意为"种类",而type则为"型号",如: what type of this car do you want?(你想要这种车的什么型号?)
  [误] someone was knocking the door.
  [正] someone was knocking at the door.
  [析] knock虽可以作及物动词,如: the car knocked a hole in the fence. 但作"敲门"讲一定要用作不及物动词: knock at (on) the door.
  [误] i want to know to play this game.
  [正] i want to know how to play this game.
  [析] 要注意英语中在不定式前加疑问代词或疑问副词的用法。如:i want to know how to do it / what to do / when to do it / where to go.
  know know of
  i know him.为"我很了解他。"而i know of him. 则为"我听说过他。"同样的用法还有hear和hear of这一词组。
  [误] he found a large number of mistake in his homework.
  [正] he found a large number of mistakes in his homework.
  [析] "a large number of + 复数名词",意为大量的。
  [误] this is the newest news.
  [正] this is the latest news.
  [析] "最新消息"应为latest news,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。
  last the last
  [误] i saw my brother the last week.
  [正] i saw my brother last week.
  [析] 当谈到与目前有关的上月、上星期等概念时只能用last month, last week, 而不能加定冠词,the last 可用于表示一系列词的最后一个,如: that was the last christmas i spent at home. 但the last可以用来表示持续到现在的一个长时期,如: i am busy for the last week.
  [误] yesterday i went home lately.
  [正] yesterday i went home late.
  [析] late即可做形容词又可作副词;而lately则意为"最近的",如: i haven"t seen her lately.
  late latter later lately
  late有两个比较级,指时间较晚应用later,如口语中常讲: see you later. (一会见。)而latter则指按顺序讲的后者,或靠后的,其反意词为former,如: the former president(前总统)。又如: i can understand the latter part of the story. 而lately则意为"近来"、"不久前"。 laughed at by his classmates. 中的at是不可省掉的。 laugh over 则指"笑着谈论"某事,如 we laugh over the film. (我们笑着谈论那个电影。)
  [误] we lied on the beach.
  [正] we lay on the beach.
  [析] 英文中有三个动词易混,在考试中也频频出现,它们的现在式,过去式,过去分词以及现在分词是:
  lay ( vt . 放) laid laid laying
  lie( vi . 躺) lay lain cying
  lie( vi . 说谎) lied lied lying
  [误] the teacher said:"you must study this poem by heart."
  [正] the teacher said:"you must learn this poem by heart."
  [析] study与learn在作"学习"讲时,常常可以互换,但learn侧重于学习成果或初级阶段的模仿性学习,如:the little baby is learning to walk. 而study则多侧重于学习的过程,如: i"m studying at this college. 而learn…by heart则是"记住"、"背诵"之意。
  [误] i"ll leave beijing to shanghai.
  [正] i"ll leave beijing for shanghai.
  [析] leave for一词组为"去某地",如对话中常讲i"ll leave for shanghai. 因所离开的地点是双方都知道的则可以省略。
  leave forget
  [误] i"ve forgotten my homework at home.
  [正] i"ve forgotten my homework.
  [正] i"ve left my homework at home.
  [析] 如果句中有地点状语则不要用forget, 而要用leave.
  [误] i have two lessons of english.
  [正] i have two english lessons.
  [正] i have two lessons in english.
  [析] "我有两节英语课。"这一表达法如上,但美国老师讲他有两节课时则多用"i have two classes." teach somebody a lesson 为"教训某人",或"要吸取教训",如: let this thing teaches you a lesson.
  [误] please borrow me your bike.
  [正] please lend me your bike.
  [析] borrow是指"借入",如: i want to borrow some books from the library. lend 是"借出",如: i can lend you my bike. 而keep为"借多久": 如 how long can i keep it?
  [误] he has fewer money than she has.
  [正] he has less money than she has.
  [析] less是little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。要注意前者修饰不可数名词,而后者修饰可数名词。
  [误] the teacher lets the students clean the classroom as a punishment.
  [正] the teacher makes the students clean the classroom as a punishment.
  [析] 虽然let, have, make有相同的用法,但make和have含有迫使某人做某事的意思。
  [误] let"s go to the park, will you?
  [正] let"s go to the park, shall we?
  [误] let us go to the park, shall we?
  [正] let us go to the park, will you?
  [析] let"s go的反意疑问句是shall we?而let us go的反意疑问句则是will you?
  [误] many people lost their life in the second world war.
  [正] many people lost their lives in the second world war.
  [析] life作为"生命"、"性命"时应为可数名词;当泛指一般"生活"讲时则为不可数名词,如: which do you prefer, town life or country life? 又如: life is not all fun.
  [误] there is a desk with a lit lamp on it.
  [正] there is a desk with a lighted lamp on it.
  [析] light有两个过去分词: lighted和lit,当用过去分词作形容词当定语时只能用lighted. light可以用作名词,如: the moon gets its light from the sun. 也可以作形容词,如: the classroom is very light. 还可以作动词,如: the little girl lit a match. 作形容词时还有"轻"、"浅"等意,如: this box is light. i like light blue.
  [误] my sister is very as me.
  [正] my sister is very like me.
  [析] as 作为连词其后要接从句,如: she is a good student as his brother used to be. 而like是介词,其后接宾语。
  [误] do you like swimming with me tonight.
  [正] would you like to swim with me tonight.
  [析] like作为动词当"喜欢"讲时,其后面可接不定式也可接动名词,用不定式多表达一个一次性的动作,如: i"m sorry i don"t like to go swimming tonight. 用动名词则表示一个习惯性的动作,如: i like swimming very much.
  like alike
  作为形容词,alike 一般不作定语,而只作表语,如; the twins are very alike.
  [误] would you like swimming with us?
  [正] would you like to swim with us?
  [析] 在would you like…这一句型中,其后面只能接不定式,而不能接动名词。 like的用法还要注意以下两点: ① he likes tom. 为"他喜欢汤姆。"② he is like tom. 为"他像汤姆。"第二句话的like为介词,而第一句话的like为动词。
  [误] you should hear the teahcer"s advice.
  [正] you should listen to the teacher"s advice.
  [析] hear多侧重于听到某事或某种声音,而listen to则侧重于听的倾向性。如: we listen but hear nothing. 例句为"听取某人意见",所以只能用listen to someone"s advice.
  [误] don"t worry, there is little time.
  [正] don"t worry, there is a little time.
  [误] there is a little water. shall i get some?
  [正] there is little water. shall i get some?
  [析] 要注意中英文在同一问题上的表达法是不同的。如中文"水不多了,我去取点吧。"英文要讲"没水了,我去取点吧。"
  little small
  little与small是近义词,在作定语时常常可以互换,如: a little girl或a small girl,但little一般不作表语,如: the car over there is small. 一句中不要用little. 作定语时little常常带有感情色彩,而small则带有对比的含义。
  [误] tom lives with his parents" money.
  [正] tom lives on his parents" money.
  [误] he lives on teaching.
  [正] he lives by teaching.
  [析] "靠吃某物为生"应用live on something, 而live by是"靠某种生活手段为生"。
  living alive
  living侧重于生活得很好,身体不错,如: my grandfather is still living in his eighties. 而alive则强调没有死而是活着的,如: is that cat alive or dead?
  [误] she wanted to do her homework lonely.
  [正] she wanted to do her homework alone.
  [析] lonely意为"寂寞的"、"孤单的",如: the old man felt lonely. alone则意为"独自的"、"单独的",如: he lives alone but he doesn"t feel lonely.
  [误] i have been studying long for the exam.
  [正] i have been studying for a long time for the exam.
  [析] long用作表达时间的副词时,在否定句及疑问句中最常用,但在肯定句中除与so, too, as…as连用外,一般要用for a long time.
  [误] i"ll call you as long as the book will be returned.
  [正] i"ll call you as long as the book is returned.
  [析] as…as引导的状语从句中可以用一般现在时表示将来。
  [误] how long do you go to see your parents? once a week.
  [正] how often do you go to see your parents? once a week.
  [析] 因为答语为每周一次所以问的是频率,要用how often.
  look for find
  look for 侧重于 "寻找"这个动作,如: what are you looking for? 而find则侧重于结果,如: it is very difficult to find a job. 这里不能用look for,因为真正困难的是"找到"工作。
  [例] he often looks back on his high school days.
  [析] look back on something 为"回顾"、"回想"。
  [例] i wish you wouldn"t look down on (upon) the children"s work.
  [析] look down on (upon) 为"看不起"某人或某事。
  [误] i"m looking forward to see you.
  [正] i"m looking forward to seeing you.
  [析] look forward to词组中的to是介词,所以其后要加名词或动名词,不能接不定式。
  [误] i can buy this dictionary now, because i have got much money.
  [正] i can buy this dictionary now because i have got a lot of money.
  [析] much money多用于疑问句与否定句中,而在肯定句中要用a lot of. lots of与a lot of之间无多大区别,两者都可以修饰可数与不可数名词,所以常常可以互换。
  [误] he is more happier now.
  [正] he is a lot happier now.
  [析] 不可用more来修饰比较级,能修饰比较级的词有very much, a lot, lots, any, no, rather, a little, a bit等。
  loud loudly
  这两个词含意相同,在日常用语中loud多与talk,speak, shout, laugh等动词连用,如:don"t speak so loud, you"ll wake the baby. 而在比较正式的场合才用loudly.
  loud aloud
  loud多指把声音放大,而aloud则指要出声不要默读。如: -what did you say? -oh, nothing, i was just think aloud. (我只不过自言自语。)
  [误] the little boy was made repeat the whole story.
  [正] the little boy was made to repeat the whole story.
  [误] the father made his son to do his homework from morning till night.
  [正] the father made his son do his homework from morning till night.
  [析] make 的句型为"make somebody do (doing) something".但在被动语态中原来被省去的不定式符号to要被还原回来。
  [误] i always do this mistake.
  [正] i always make this mistake.
  [析] 英语中do和make是十分不易弄清的两个动词,do常用于谈论工作时或某种不确定的活动时,如: do a favour(帮个忙),do one"s best(竭尽全力),do good(有益), do harm(有害),而多数情况下常用make, 如: make a suggestion, make a cake, make a bed(收拾床),make a noise, make money等等。
  [误] this wine was made of grapes.
  [正] this wine was made from grapes.
  [析] 当成品制成后,其原料的性质有所改变时应用make from,否则用make of, 如: this door was made of iron.
  [误] hard work can often make up a lack of intelligence.
  [正] hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.
  [析] make up是"创造"、"编织",而make up for是"弥补……的不足之处"。上句应译为"勤奋工作可以弥补天资的不足。"
  [误] we made up our mind to study hard.
  [正] we made up our minds to study hard.
  [析] mind这里是可数名词,使用时要特别予以注意make up one"s mind是"下定决心"之意。
  [误] our class is made of twenty girls and twenty one boys.
  [正] our class is made up of twenty girls and twenty one boys.
  [析] make up of…是"某物由……组成或构成"。
  [误] i have many friends.
  [正] i have a lot of friends.
  [析] many和much多用于疑问句或否定句中,而在肯定句中则用处不多,尤其在非正式谈话中。如:
  -how much money have you got?
  -i"ve got plenty.
  [误] you bought much too tomatoes.
  [正] you bought too many tomatoes.
  [析] too many后接可数名词,too much后接不可数名词,而much too后面接形容词,意为"太多"。
  [误] for many a weeks it rained a lot.
  [正] for many a week it rained a lot.
  [析] many a意为"好多"、"许多",但其后面要加单数名词
  [误] no matter what you did.
  [正] no matter what you did, i trusted you.
  [析] no matter是个词组,意为"不论",它的语法功能是起连接作用,所以不能用于一个单独的句子。
  it doesn"t matter这个词组则不是一个连接词组,所以可以和一个单句连用,如: it  doesn"t  mater what you say. (你说什么都不要紧。)
  [误] may be he is right.
  [正] maybe he is right.
  [析] maybe是副词,不要错用为may be.
  maybe perhaps
  这两个词的词意一样,maybe常用于非正式谈话,而perhaps则多用在正式文体中。如: maybe/perhaps the weather will get better. 而 julius caesar  is perhaps the greatest of shakespeare"s early plays.
  [误] i want to have my bike mended.
  [正] i want to have my bike repaired.
  [析] mend意为"缝补",如: my mother mended my coat. 而repair是"修理"。
  [误] could you mind to close the door?
  [正] could you mind closing the door?
  [误] try to make up your mind studying hard.
  [正] try to make up your mind to study hard.
  [析] mind用作动词时,其后加动名词;而用作名词意为"下定决心"时,其后要加不定式。  要注意do you mind if i smoke?的答语: 如果你不介意,应回答"no, go ahead."如果你不想让对方吸烟,则应讲"yes, please don"t."
  [误] i found my bag missed.
  [正] i found my bag missing.
  [析] missing为形容词,其意为"不见了"、"丢了"。在句中用作宾语补足语时不要误用missed,它作动词时多为及物动词,要接名词或动名词,而不接不定式。如: i missed the first train, i don"t want to miss seeing the famous football player. 在作补足语讲某物"不见了"时有missing, gone, lost等,如: i found my bag missing (gone, lost).
  [误] i took your pen by wrong.
  [正] i took your pen by mistake.
  [析] by mistake是"错拿了"、"误拿了"你的东西。wrong意为"错误",而by mistake为"弄混了"。如:
  [误] if i"m not wrong, you are mr brown.
  [正] if i"m not mistaken, you are mr brown. (如果我没弄错的话,您是brown先生。)
  [误] the teachers always mistook me as my brother.
  [正] the teachers always mistook me for my brother.
  [析] mistake…for…是"错把……当作……"之意,如: i took your book for mine.
  [误] this book is more better than that one.
  [正] this book is much better than that one.
  [析] 不能用比较级来修饰比较级,而应用much, rather等来修饰比较级。
  [误] more you read, more you learn.
  [正] the more you read, the more you learn.
  [析] 在"越……越……的"表达法中,形容词的比较级前要加定冠词。请注意more than one这个词组的后面要跟单数名词和单数谓语动词。如: more than one student is going to do part time job after school.
  no more than not morethan
  no more than应译为"只不过"、"才",如: he wrote no more than three books. 即他真正写了三本书。而not more than则意为"不会多于",如: he wrote not more than three books. 即他写的书不会多于三本。又如: he is no shorter than you. 应译为"你和他都不矮",而he is not shorter than you. 才应译为"他比你高。"
  [误] most of students are good at english.
  [正] most of the students are good at english.
  [正] most students are good at english.
  [析] most of这一结构后面的名词前一定要有一个限定词。
  [误] my friends are most teachers.
  [正] my friends are mostly teachers.
  [析] mostly意为"大部分的","主要的"。
  [误] the boy was asleep very much.
  [正] the boy was fast asleep.
  [析] 不是所有的形容词都可以用very来修饰,如fast asleep意为"熟睡",则是固定搭配。像interesting, exciting, surprising这些形容词化的现在分词,以及tired, interested这些形容词化的过去分词则要用very来修饰。
  [误] he must be in the office, and mustn"t go home.
  [正] he must be in the office, and can"t go home.
  [析] must加动词原形为对事情的肯定推测,而否定的推测则要用can"t加动词原形。
  [误] it must have rained now.
  [正] it must have rained yesterday.
  [析] "must+have+过去分词"为对过去发生事情的推测。这句话应译为"昨天一定是下雨了。"又如: i must go and call him. he must have forgotten it.
  must have to
  must用来表示说话者觉得某件事有必要去做,如i must stop smoking. 其意为:我自己认为我要戒烟;而have to则多用来表达由于来自外界的因素而不得不去做的事,如: i have to go to school tomorrow. must无过去式,当用在讲过去某件必须要做的事时要用had to, 如: when i was young, i had to go to the factory. 在否定句中mustn"t意为:一定不要做某事,如: you mustn"t tell this to tom. 而haven"t to则多意为没有必要去做,如: you don"t have to tell this to tom. 而英语中多用needn"t 来取代haven"t to.
  [误] i can"t play ping pong myself.
  [正] i can"t play ping pong by myself.
  [析] 第一句并无语法错误,myself为"我亲自要去",而by myself为"独自一人"。这句话要表达的意思是"我一个人无法打乒乓球。"而i want to play ping pong myself. 应译为"我自己想去打乒乓球。"
  [误] she was named of a flower.
  [正] she was named after a flower.
  [析] 以……命名应为name after,又如给某人取名应为the father named his son tom.
  [误] we came near to hit him.
  [正] we came near to hitting him.
  [析] 这句话应译为"我们几乎要打他一顿。"near to这一用法中to为介词,其后要接宾语,所以要接名词或动名词。near作介词时其后可加to也可不加to,如: i sit near the door, i sit near to the fire.
  by near
  we lived near the city. 与we lived by the city. 两句话都是对的,但其表达的意义有所不同,by在表达距离时比near更近,所以by the city是紧靠近某城市。
  [误] this room needs to clean.
  [正] this room needs to be cleaned.
  [正] this room needs cleaning.
  [析] 在表达某事需要做什么时,need后面如用不定式要用其被动态,如接动名词则要用主动态。
  [误] we need not to do it.
  [正] we needn"t do it.
  [析] need用在否定句、疑问句中一般用作情态动词,所以无人称变化也不加to,而在肯定句中则多用作实意动词,如: we need your help.
  [误] none of my parents is a teacher.
  [正] neither of my parents is a teacher.
  [析] 对两者的否定不能用none只能用neither, none用于三人以上的情况。
  [误] i don"t do my homework. neither he does.
  [正] i don"t do my homework. neither does he.
  [析] 这时应用倒装句。
  [误] neither you nor i are right.
  [正] neither you nor i am right.
  [析] neither…nor… 这一句型在应用时其谓语动词应以邻近的主语一致。
  [误] neither he studies nor plays.
  [正] neither does he study nor play.
  [析] neither, hardly, seldom等否定词位于句首时,谓语动词采用倒装形式。
  [误] never i have broken my word.
  [正] never have i broken my word.
  [析] never用于句首时起强调作用,要用倒装语序。但用于句中一般放于情态动词、助动词、或be动词后面,如: i shall never forgot the expression on her face. lost time is never found again. 用于成语中,如: better late than never. (晚做比不做强。)never mind没关系,如: "what did you say?""oh, never mind."
  [误] there are many news about the accident.
  [正] there is much news about the accident.
  [析] news是不可数名词,它没有复数形式,如果讲一条新闻要用a piece of news.
  [误] i read the news on today"s newspaper.
  [正] i read the news in today"s newspaper.
  [析] 在报纸上读到某一条新闻一定要用介词in,而on the newspaper是指把某物放于报纸之上,如: may i put the flower on this newspaper?
  [误] i came home very late yesterday night.
  [正] i came home very late last night.
  [析] "昨晚"一般要讲last night,而不应参照"昨天上午、下午、傍晚"的说法yesterday morning等套用。
  no none
  no是个限定词,它可以用在可数名词单复数或不可数名词前,如: no news is good news. 但如果名词前有另一限定词时则不能用no,而要用none of,如none of the students was here.
  no not
  要使句子具有部分否定的意思,我们用not,如: i can see you tomorrow, but not sunday. 如果是全部否定则用no,如sorry, there is no time to talk.
  no one none
  no one与nobody一样不能接of结构,如: no one wished me good luck. 而要用of结构时要用none, 如: none of my friends wished me good luck.
  [误] i never saw the painting before, or did i hear of it.
  [正] i never saw the painting before, not did i hear of it.
  [析] 注意在表达"既不……也不……"时不要用or作连词,而要用nor,并且要用倒装语序。
  [误] the students went to the park, but no the teachers.
  [正] the students went to the park, but not the teachers.
  [析] 要使一个句子或一个句子的某一部分为否定时我们要用not, 而不用no.
  [误] there is no my letter today.
  [正] there is no letter for me today.
  [析] no是一个限定词,用在名词前时,要注意这个名词前应没有冠词、物主代词或指示代词。
  [误] he not only was a writer but also an actor.
  [正] he was not only a writer but also an actor.
  [析] 在这一句型中not only之后的词与but also之后的词类必须一致,否则应为错句。如果这一结构用在主语位置,则谓语动词要与but also后面的主语保持一致,如: not only you but also i am wrong.
  [误] nothing but books were sold here.
  [正] nothing but books was sold here.
  [析] 要注意真正的主语是nothing而不是books,所以这一结构在学生的使用中经常出错。
  [误] i have nothing to do but to cry.
  [正] i have nothing to do but cry.
  [析] 在这一结构中but后面要用省to的不定式。
  [误] a number of news can be heard on tv today.
  [正] a lot of news can be heard on tv today.
  [析] a number of后接可数名词复数。
  [误] the number of students are ten thousand.
  [正] the number of students is ten thousand.
  [析] a number of 其意为"大量的",而the number of…是"某某的数量"。即the number of students意为"学生人数",所以要用单数形式的谓语动词。
  [误] it"s ten past five o"clock.
  [正] it"s ten past five.
  [析] o"clock所表达的时间是正点,如果要表达的时间是几点几分或差几分几点都不能用o"clock.
  [误] please come and see me once.
  [正] please come and see me one day.
  [析] once用来谈论过去的事情,而不能谈论未来。如果要谈及未来要用one day, some time等。
  [误] i met him one time when i was a student.
  [正] i met him once when i was a student.
  [析] 英语中一次应用once而不用one time,二次要用twice而不用two times.
  [误] my grandfather wants to live for hundred years.
  [正] my grandfather wants to live for one hundred years.
  [误] he threw away the old dictionary and wanted to buy new one.
  [正] he threw away the old dictionary and wanted to buy a new one.
  [误] his dog is bigger than my one.
  [正] his dog is bigger than mine.
  [析] 一般物主代词之后不用one,除非one前有修饰词,如my old one, 否则要用名词性物主代词。
  [误] one of the teacher is in the office.
  [误] one of the teachers are in the office.
  [正] one of the teachers is in the office.
  [析] one是句子的主语,其谓语动词应用单数,而of后面的名词要用复数名词。
  [误] one third of the books is sent to the students.
  [正] one third of the books are sent to the students.
  [析] 几分之几或百分之几这一结构用在主语位置,其谓语动词要与of后面的名词一致,如two thirds of the work is done.
  [误] are the banks opened today?
  [正] are the banks open today?
  [析] 要注意open即可用作动词、名词,还可以用作形容词,而close则不同。请看: are the banks closed today?这一句是正确的。
  [误] he doesn"t drink and smoke.
  [正] he doesn"t drink or smoke.
  [析] 否定句中的并列连词要用or而不用and.
  [误] he neither drinks or smokes.
  [正] he neither drinks nor smokes.
  [误] where are the others students?
  [正] where are the other students?
  [正] where are the others?
  [析] other作形容词时没有复数形式,且作为泛指讲时没有定冠词,如: ask some other eople. 而加定冠词后为特指。 the other可在句中作主语、宾语或定语,如: now let me show you the other. (宾语) he has two sons. one is a worker, the other is a teacher. (主语) others 只能作代词,而the others则为特指,如: there are five books. two of them are not good. i like the others.
  [误] she went out the classroom, taking a dictionary with her.
  [正] she went out of the classroom, taking a dictionary with her.
  [析] out of是指"从……里出来",使用时不要将of丢掉。
  [误] please give me two letter papers.
  [正] please give me two sheets of letter paper.
  [析] paper作为纸讲为不可数名词。
  [误] each student must write paper on what he learned.
  [正] each student must write a paper on what he learned.
  [析] 这里的paper作为论文讲,是可数名词。paper的这种用法还可以用于证件、报纸、考卷等。
  [误] my parents and i are both interested in football.
  [正] my parents and i are all interested in football.
  [析] parents即为父母、双亲,指两个人,加上自己为三个人,所以只能用all而不能用both.
  [误] the ship pasted the channel.
  [正] the ship passed the channel.
  [析] pass为动词,而past则为副词,不要混淆,如: my father has been ill for the past two weeks. all the students passed the exam.
  [误] please help me do this job, and i will pay for you later.
  [正] please help me do this job and i will pay you later.
  [析] 为某工作付给工人工资应为pay somebody, 而pay for something是为某物付款,如: you can buy all the things you want. i"ll pay for those.
  [误] there are five hundred peoples here.
  [正] there are five hundred people here.
  [误] there is only one people.
  [正] there is only one person.
  [误] people there is friendly.
  [正] people there are friendly.
  [析] people作为人讲时为复数名词,如要讲一个人应用one person, 而不能用people, 讲若干人时用people而不能加s,这样的用法还有police(警察)等,这些概念用单数时要换其他的词. 如: people-a person; police-policeman policewoman; youth-a young man/woman.
  [误] there are some spots in the picture.
  [正] there are some spots on the picture.
  [误] there is a young woman on the picture.
  [正] there is a young woman in the picture.
  [析] 指溅落在画面上的灰尘,污物是on the picture,即讲与画面内容无关的东西用on,而in the picture用于讲画面的内容。
  [误] what pity that her mother must always suffer!
  [正] what a pity that her mother must always suffer!
  [析] pity作为遗憾之事讲常加不定冠词;但要注意作为同情、怜悯讲则不加冠词,为不可数名词,如: i feel pity for you. 它还可以用作动词,如: he pitied the poor people.
  [误] i have pity for you.
  [正] i have pity on you.
  [析] 可怜某人时应用have (take) pity on somebody,这是个惯用法。
  [误] last year he went to america. he travelled from place to another.
  [正] last year he went to america. he travelled from place to place (from one place to another).
  [析] 到处译为英文时为from place to place请不要在place之前加冠词。这种用法在有些语法书中叫作零冠词用法,如:一户挨一户为door by door,手拉手为hand in hand.
  [误] the accident was taken place in that street.
  [正] the accident took place in that street.
  [析] take place为发生,它不能用于被动态,这样的词还有happen等。
  [误] there is no place in the bus.
  [正] there is no room in the bus.
  [析] room这里为不可数名词,意为空间,即没有地方了。place多指场所所在之地。
  [误] i came here to take place of mr smith.
  [正] i came here to take the place of mr smith.
  [析] take the place of 意为代替、取代某人某事。
  [误] do you want to play guitar?
  [正] do you want to play the guitar?
  [误] i like to play the bridge.
  [正] i like to play bridge(桥牌).
  [析] play作为玩讲时,在各种乐器前要加冠词,在各种体育运动前则没有冠词。
  [误] my friend pleased me to his birthday party yesterday.
  [正] my friend invited me to his birthday party yesterday.
  [析] please作为动词时其词义不是请,而是高兴、愿意等意,如: she always does what she pleases. (她总是想做什么就做什么。)又如: it"s hard to please all. 而please作为请讲时为语气词,多用于祈使句中,如: please come in.
  [误] both the teacher and the mother were pleased to the little girl.
  [正] both the teacher and the mother were pleased with the little girl.
  [析] 对某人表示满意、喜欢,应用be pleased with somebody. 对某事感到高兴和满意时多用be pleased at或about,但有时也可用with,却不能用of.
  [误] the boy gave his parents a lot of pleasures.
  [正] the boy gave his parents a lot of pleasure.
  [析] pleasure作为高兴、愉快、享乐、娱乐 讲时为不可数名词。
  [误] it is pleasure to work with you.
  [正] it is a pleasure to work with you.
  [析] pleasure作为一件或某件乐事、高兴之事讲时为 可数名词,如: it is one of my pleasures.
  [误] the police has not found the cause of the accident.
  [正] the police have not found the cause of the accident.
  [析] police为复数名词,它没有单数形式。如果要讲一个警察 要用a policeman,两个要用two policemen,或a policewoman, two policewomen.
  [误] i"m preparing the exam.
  [正] i"m preparing for the exam.
  [误] we"ll return in time for you to prepare for dinner.
  [正] we"ll return in time for you to prepare dinner.
  [析] prepare既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。作及物动词时 其后面所跟的事物是正在 准备的;而作不及物动词时for后面的事物是目标。如: i"m preparing for the exam. 应
  译为我正在为考试做准备。同样的用法还有search与search for.
  [误] don"t worry. i can present the meeting.
  [正] don"t worry. i can be present at the meeting.
  [析] present作为出席、在场讲时,是形容词而不应 用作动词。其动词意为 送给;赠给;提出,如: the reporter presented arguments of his idea.
  [误] she put off her red dress and put on the green one.
  [正] she took off her red dress and put on the green on e.
  [析] 与put连用的介词很多,一般来讲on与off是一对相反的意 义的介词,如: turn on (打开),turn off(关上),穿衣服是put on,但脱衣服却只能用take off,而put o ff是推迟、使某人下车、关掉之意,如: they put off the exam because t he national holiday. (因国家假日而推迟考期。)could you put me off at the town ha ll. (请在市政厅让我下车。)please put off the wireless before you leave. (走之前 请关掉无线电。)
  [误] there are two radioes in the classroom.
  [正] there are two radios in the classroom.
  [误] i heard the weather report through the radio.
  [正] i heard the weather report on the radio.
  [析] 在收音机中听到某事应为hear something on the ra dio,听收音机应为l isten to the radio. 这样的用法还有电视,看电视为watch tv,讲在电视上看见什 么节目为watch…on tv,如: i"m watching the football match on tv. 但注意,作为 一种通信手段时应为by radio, 如: police are talking to each other by radio.  rain
  [误] there is a small rain falling.
  [正] there is a light rain falling.
  [误] there is a big rain.
  [正] there is a heavy rain.
  [析] 大雨在英文中应为a heavy rain, rain cats and do gs 为倾盆大雨,小雨 为a light rain. 千万不要讲a big rain 或a small rain. 当作动词讲时,雨下得很 大可译为: it rains very much now/hard now/heavily now.
  [误] we reached to the town very late.
  [正] we reached the town very late.
  [析] reach作为到达讲是及物动词,而arrive为不及物动 词。但要注意reach的词组 搭配,如reach for, 为伸手去拿,如: the thief reached for the gun. reach ou t伸出手,如: he reached out and took an interesting book.
  [误] you must ready at once.
  [正] you must be ready at once.
  [析] ready为形容词,而不像中文中准备为动词。
  [误] i didn"t remember closing the door, so the thief c ame into the room directly.
  [正] i didn"t remember to close the door, so the thief came into the room directly.
  [析] remember其后接动名词,动名词所表示的动作已经做完, 如: i don"t remember meeting you. 其后如接不定式,不定式表达的动作还没有去做,如: do remember to tur n off the light before you leave.
  [误] the rest of the students is girls.
  [正] the rest of the students are girls.
  [析] rest作剩余部分讲时,the rest of…结构作主语时 其谓语动词应与of后面的名词的数保持一致。这种用法还有1/3 of, 80% of等。
  [误] the rest of the work are done.
  [正] the rest of the work is done.
  [误] my friends returned back to their second home town .
  [正] my friends returned to their second home town.
  [析] return即为返回,所以back是多余的。这句话还可以 表述为: my friends went back to their second home town.
  [误] we had a few rice and some bread.
  [正] we had a little rice and some bread.
  [析] rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。
  [误] we had a few rice and some bread.
  [正] we had a little rice and some bread.
  [析] rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。
  [误] the country is rich of oil.
  [正] the country is rich in oil.
  [析] be rich in 为盛产……。
  [误] the rich is not always happy.
  [正] the rich are not always happy.
  [析] 形容词加定冠词表示一类人,作主语时要作复数看待。
  [误] all his riches is no good to him if he is so ill.
  [正] all his riches are no good to him if he is so ill.
  [析] riches为财富,是复数名词,没有单数形式。像这 样的词还有goods(货物),greens(青菜),manners(礼貌)等。
  [误] we like swimming on the river.
  [正] we like swimming in the river.
  [误] we like boating in the river.
  [正] we like boating on the river.
  [析] 游泳用in the river,而在湖中划船要用on the river.
  [误] there are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make a room for her.
  [正] there are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make room for her.
  [析] room作为空间讲时为不可数名词。leave room for… 为给某人留点空地; make room for…为让位给某人,如: the young man made room for an old woman.
  [误] i ran across with an old friend at the school gate .
  [正] i ran across an old friend at the school gate.
  [析] run across 为偶然相遇。
  [误] the truck ran across the cat.
  [正] the truck ran over the cat.
  [析] run over为从……上辗过。
  [误] yesterday i ran to a storm on my way home.
  [正] yesterday i ran into a storm on my way home.
  [析] run into为撞上或撞在……上。
  [误] the brave man safed the boy from drowning.
  [正] the brave man saved the boy from drowning.
  [析] safe是形容词,如: they wished him a safe journey. safely是副词,如: the young man drives his car safely. 而safety是名词,如: safety island(安全岛),safety first!(安全第一!)但save是动词。
  [误] yesterday i got a postcard. it is the same that you got the day before yesterday.
  [正] yesterday i got a postcard. it is the same as you got the day before yesterday.
  [析] the same that意为"即是",而the same as才能译为"像……一样的。"
  [误] your book is not same as mine.
  [正] your book is not the same as mine.
  [析] the same as中的定冠词不能少。
  [误] his report wrote she is nineteen.
  [正] his report says she is nineteen.
  [析] 中文中常讲"报告上写到"、"信上写到",这样的"写"在英文中要用say.
  say speak talk tell
  英文中"说"一般有四个词,其中say和tell为及物动词。tell可以加双宾语,如please tell me a story. 而speak与talk为不及物动词。speak只有后面直接加"语言"时才是及物的,如: please speak english. 请看下句: he went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said.
  [误] as a boy his great ambition(抱负) was to go to the sea.
  [正] as a boy his great ambition was to go to sea.
  [析] go to sea为"去当水手、海员";而go to the sea=go to the seaside, 如: he want to go to the sea for his vacation.
  在"海中"游泳为in the sea; at sea为在"海上航行",如: i have a brother at sea. by sea为"坐船"、"由海路运输",如: we travelled to new york by sea.
  [误] i want to learn the second foreign language.
  [正] i want to learn a second foreign language.
  [析] 当作为"第二"外语,"再增加一个"时,不要用the second而要用a second. the second强调排队的次序,a second强调再增加一个。
  [误] he was seen leave the room.
  [正] he was seen to leave the room.
  [析] see作主动态时用作to see somebody do something, 而用作被动态时则是somebody to be seen to do something. 要注意惯用法let me see(让我想想)。
  [误] there are five sheeps on the grass.
  [正] there are five sheep on the grass.
  [析] sheep是单、复数同形名词,其他的还有: deer(鹿),fish(鱼)等。
  [误] i travelled on a yacht.
  [正] i travelled on a ship (in a yacht).
  [析] 虽然都是船,但游艇(yacht)要用in, 而ship要用on.
  [误] the little boy was a ill boy.
  [正] the little boy was a sick boy.
  [析] sick与ill作表语时都表示"有病"之意,如: he feels ill. 或he feels sick. 都对,但作定语时则只能用sick.
  [误] he is living in greece since 1978.
  [正] he has lived in greece since 1978.
  [正] he has been living in greece since 1978.
  [误] she has been quite different since came back from america.
  [正] she has been quite different since coming back from america.
  [析] 分词短语可以用在after, before, since等介词后面。
  [误] the boy was very asleep.
  [正] the boy was fast asleep.
  [析] 熟睡在英文中为fast asleep. 非正式英语中一般不常用he"s sleeping. 而常讲he"s asleep. 其形容词sleepy是"困倦的",如: i shall go to bed now. i"m so sleepy. "卧铺"英国人讲sleeping car,而美国人讲sleeper.
  [误] slow the door opened.
  [正] slowly the door opened.
  [析] slow与slowly的用法与意思相同,在口语中和路标中多用slow,如: tell him to drive slower. slow, dangerous bend. 但是如果用在动词前还是要用slowly.
  [误] she smiled to me.
  [正] she smiled at me.
  [析] "冲着某人笑"应为to smile at somebody.
  [误] it is such beautiful a book that every child likes it.
  [正] it is such a beautiful book that every child likes it.
  [正] it is so beautiful a book that every child likes it.
  [析] 关于so与such用法的区别有四种情况: ① 用于单数可数名词之前,其格式为"such+不定冠词+形容词+名词",而"so+形容词+不定冠词"。② 用于可数名词复数或不可数名词前,只能用 such,如: it is such good weather that we want to go for a walk. they are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. ③ 在只有形容词时只能用so,如: it is so good that i like it very much.④ 在many, much, few, little这四个词前只能用so而不能用such。如: i have so little money that i can"t buy the dictionary.
  [误] he got up early so as he could catch the first bus.
  [正] he got up early so as to catch the first bus.
  [正] he got up early so that he could catch the first bus.
  [正] he got up so early that he could catch the first bus.
  [误] do you have some lessone to prepare?
  [正] do you have any lessons to prepare?
  [析] 在疑问句或否定句中要用any; some多用在肯定句中,如: i have some money to buy it.
  在请求,或真心希望得到肯定答复时,在疑问句中也要用some,如: would you like something to drink?即真心实意希望为对方提供饮料。又如: could you lend me some money?即真心想要借到钱。
  [误] i have sometime thought that i should like to live in the country.
  [正] i have sometimes thought that i should like to live in the country.
  sometime sometimes some times sometime
  sometime为"某个时候"、"总有一天",如: we"ll meet again sometime next year. 或过去的"某一时刻",如: i saw her sometime in july. sometimes为"有时候"、"时常"、"常常",如: every man is a fool sometimes, and none at all times. some times为"若干次",如: i visited america some times. may be five or seven times. i am not sure. some time则是"一段时间"、"一些时候",如: i want to leave some time.
  [误] the room as soon as became crowded.
  [正] the room soon became crowded.
  [析] soon为"不久"、"很快",如: i"ll be there very soon. 而as soon as意为"一……就……",如: as soon as i finished my homework i went out to play football.
  [误] the report sounds well.
  [正] the report sounds good.
  [析] sound作动词时其后接形容词而不接副词,如: how sweet the music sounds!
  [误] are you going to run in the school sprot?
  [正] are you going to run in the school sprots?
  [析] sport用作可数名词单数时指具体的某项运动,如: basketball is an indoor sport. 而在泛指"运动"或"运动会"时要用其复数形式sports.
