

  外研版高中英语必修3 module5学案
  module 5 learning plan
  1. he r________ from the company in order to take a more challenging job.
  2. after a long a________, we decided to go to the park for our holiday.
  3. those facts were_______ (有影响的) in solving the problem.
  4. it would be against my_______ (原则) to lie to others.
  5. i believe him.i am sure of his_______ (诚实).
  6. we never thought the news _______ (传播) so fast.
  7. as we all know,edison made a great c________to the invention of electricity.
  8. i must _______ (强调) that what i say is confidential.
  9. pide the cake into e________parts.
  10. i will let you go only on one________ (条件).
  11. wood is ________ (软)than stone.
  12. these shoes are made of ________ (皮革).
  13. confucius is considered to be the most important__________in ancient china.
  14. chinese have many important __________ in history. for example, fireworks.
  15. confucius stressed the__________(重要性)of kindness, duty and order in society.
  1. be at war with ___________ 2. 养育;抚养 ___________
  3. 对……感兴趣 __________ 4.为……自豪 ____________
  5. 总之 _____________ 6. 第一次 ____________
  7. 责任感 ______________ 8. 因……而出名 _________
  9. 采纳某人的建议 _________ 10. live a ……life ________
  11. 值日 ___________ 12. 对……表示尊敬 ________
  13. 按重要性顺序___________ 14. join……to __________
  15. in the second half of eighteenth century _______________
  16. be crowded with _________ 17. spread through __________
  18. 直到那时_______________ 19. 首先 ______________
  20. with the development of industrial revolution ___________
  iii. 单项选择
  1. —do you know who first__________ electricity?
  —as we all know, benjamin franklin did.
  a. inventedb. discoveredc. noticedd. founded
  2. —i believe we’ve met somewhere before.
  —no, __________.
  a. it isn’t the same
  b. it can’t be true
  c.i don’t think so
  d. i’d rather not
  3. chaplin,who was __________by his mother, learned to act at an early age.
  a.picked upb.sent up
  c.put upd.brought up
  4. remember to put the magazines __________before leaving the reading-room.
  a.in the placeb.in order
  c.in the orderd.in need
  5. the dictionary is__________to my translation, but that one is__________.
  a.a great help;of no use
  b.great help;helpless
  c.very helpful;of no any use
  d.important;of few importance
  6. the girl is very shy, and never speaks until__________ to.
  a.spokenb.speaking c.is speaking d.be spoken
  7. 24 hours has passed after the explosion in the mine,but rescue efforts to recover the missing __________carried out.
  a.are still beingb.have already been
  c.are always beingd.will soon be
  8. an artist should ________beautiful things.
  9. ba jin ________a lot of famous works for our nation.
  10. greenland, __________island in the world, covers over two million square kilometers.
  a.it is the largestb.that is the largest
  c.is the largestd.the largest
  11. by the time jane gets home, her aunt______ for london to attend a meeting.
  a.will leave  b.leaves  c.will have left   d.left
  12. no progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of__________.
  a.othersb.the otherc.eitherd.another
  13. you have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of_________.
  14. now i’ve grown up, i no longer feel any________in my stamp collection.
  15. as is known, fresh air________health.
  a.contributesb.contributes to
  c.helps d.affects
  16. he always looks_______and says_______words, so his workmates calls him______man.
  a. soft, gentle, mild
  b. gentle, mild, soft
  c. mild, soft, gentle
  d. mild, gentle, soft
  17. don"t all speak at once! _______, please.
  a.each at one time b.one by one time
  c.one for each time d.one at a time
  18. —now that you like the car so much,why not drive it back?
  —well,i can’t afford__________car.
  a.that big ab.a that big c.that a big d.a big that
  19. most people usually have less money at the end of the month than__________at the beginning.
  a.which isb.which wasc.they haved.it is
  20. doctors have said that as many as 50 percent of patients don’t take medicine__________directed.
  21. —do you feel like__________there or shall we take a bus?
  —i’d like to walk. but since there isn’t much time left, i’d rather we__________ a taxi.
  a.walking;hire b.to walk;hire
  c.to walk;hiredd.walking;hired
  22. the girl got herself into a serious situation__________she was likely to lose control over the motorbike.
  23. i knew i shouldn’t accept anything from such a person, however, i just felt uncomfortable to turn down her__________.
  a.pleasure b.taskc.prescription d.request
  24. —are you ready to leave?
  —almost,i’ll be ready to go just as soon as i__________putting the clean dishes away.
  a.get through b.give upc.carry out  d.set about
  25. —he failed his exam.
  —but what did you__________? he never passes any of his exams.
  26. could it be in the bookstore __________you bought the dictionary yesterday you left behind your wallet?
  27. look out!don’t get too close to the house______roof is under repair.
  c.of whichd .that
  28. he’s got himself into a dangerous situation__________he is likely to lose control over the plane.
  a.where b.which c.while d.why
  29. i shall never forget those years__________i lived in the country with the farmers, __________has a great effect on my life.
  a.that;which b.when;which c.which;that d.when;who
  30. i don’t like __________you speak to her.
  a.the way b.the way in that
  c.the way which d.the way of which
  iv. 完形填空
  the famous british inventor george stephenson was born in 1781 and died in 1848.one of his  31 important inventions was the train. he  32  his first train when he was forty-four years old. when he was experimenting with the 33  engine on the train, he met with  34  from the government, the newspapers and the gentlemen in the country. they said that the noise and the smoke would  35  cows, horses and sheep, that the  36  would burst or that the hot coals from it would 37 their houses. at that time, 38 people believed what they said.
  george stephenson  39 the people that the train could go on small  40 ,could pull carriages 41 goods and passengers and there was 42  to them. it was a very 43  matter for him to 44  them believe. however, after 45 ,he was able to do it; and the first train that 46  by stephenson himself 47 what he had said.
  the first day  48 the people along the way  49  the noises of the train  50 and saw it running quickly to them, they ran back home as quickly as they could and closed their doors tightly, for they thought it a genius(妖怪).they did not dare to come out until it had passed.
  31. a.veryb.a lotc.mostd.much
  32. a.madeb.boughtc.introducedd.did
  33. a.electricalb.atomicc.steamd.oil
  34. a.successb.troublesc.peopled.pleasure
  35. a.killb.buyc.interestd.take away
  36. a.smokeb.noisec.driverd.engine
  37. a.pull downb.blow awayc.set fire tod.pass
  38. a.mostb.fewc.only a fewd.the rich
  39. a.saidb.spokec.toldd.warned
  40. a.roads b.riversc.steamd.rails
  41. a.short ofb.full ofc.empty ofd.without
  42. a.no great dangerb.dangerous
  c.a lot of danger d.few danger
  44.a.get b.causec.maked.force
  45.a.sometimeb.some timec.a few timesd.sometimes
  46. a.was soldb.was drivenc.was pulled d.helped
  47. a.believedb.seemedc.sensed d.proved
  48. a.ofb.whenc.whiled.for
  49. a.caught sight of b.listened to
  50. a.nearbyb.in the distance
  c.on the fard.from the distance
  v. 阅读理解
  many american presidents in the 19th century were born in poor families.they spent their childhood in little wooden rooms.they got little education.washington and lincoln,for example,
  never went to school and they taught themselves.lincoln once did jobs of a worker,shopkeeper and post officer in his early years.
  a large number of u.s.presidents had experiences in the army.the two best known were ulysses grant and dwight d.eisenhower.grant was a general(将军) in the american civil war and eisenhower was a hero in the second world war.it happened that they graduated from the same school—west point military academy(西点军校).one may be surprised to learn that both of them did not do well in the school.eisenhower,for example,was once fined(罚款) because he broke the rules of the school.
  the jobs of u.s.presidents are tiring.he must keep an eye on anything important which happens both at home and abroad.every day,a lot of work waits for him to do,and he has to make many important decisions.when franklin roosevelt was a child,he was once brought to visit president taft.the old president said to him,"when you grow up,you should not be president.it’s a tiring job."
  1. in the nineteenth century,many u.s.presidents__________.
  a. did not have much knowledge in their work
  b. had been workers,shop-keepers and post officers in their early years
  c. couldn’t receive good education before they grew up
  d. didn’t want to go to school during their childhood
  2. which of the following do you think is right according to the last paragraph?
  a. in the u.s. no one wanted to be president because it was tiring.
  b. none of the presidents except taft could do the tiring job.
  c. it is an important and tiring job to be a president in the u.s.
  d. president taft didn’t want roosevelt to be a president because he was too young.
  3. which do you think is the main idea of the second paragraph?
  a. many of the u.s. presidents had served in the army before they took office.
  b. only those who didn’t work hard at school but were good at fighting could be presidents.
  c. grant and eisenhower because well-known because they both graduated from west point military academy.
  d. eisenhower was president at the beginning of the second world war.
  vi. 短文改错
  i went out to see a film with my brother after
  supper.on our way to the cinema,we meet an american1. ________
  girl named alice,she had got lost and looked very 2. ________
  anxious.we went up to see that was the matter,we 3. ________
  then took him to the hotel.while going there 4. ________
  told her the great changes that had been taken place 5. ________
  in our country in the past few years and alice told 6. ________
  us a lot about youth in america.  7. ________
  although we missed the film,but we felt very happy8. _______
  for we had not only helped alice get out of troubles 9. ________
  also knew something abut the states. we see english
  can strength understanding and friendship.  10. _______
