

  unit 1 star signs
  part 1: teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)
  unit goals
  use ‘it is’+ adjective+ ‘of"…+ ‘(not) to’- infinitive to express opinions about a person’s actions.
  use the verb ‘to be’ +adjective + ‘enough’ + ‘to’-infinitive to describe a person’s characteristics and abilities.
  learn different parts of a sentence.
  use vocabulary to talk about characteristics and discuss which students have suitable characteristics to be the chairperson of the students’ union.
  write a letter of recommendation based on characteristics.
  vocabularyleader; cooking; attention; peace; energy; fault; sense; humour; match; chairperson; mark; library; quality; similar; energetic; active; patient; modest; practical; fair; silly; successful; wise; easy-going; unfair; lively; suitable; personal; pide; save; argue; forgive; dream; explain; pack; pass; celebrate; recommend; probably; without; around
  expressions1. it says i’ll have lots to eat and drink today.
  2. you shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast then.
  3. millie is already familiar with the 12 animal signs of the chinese horoscope.
  4. a year is pided into 12 different star signs.
  5. some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.
  6. you are patient and do not give up easily.
  7. you worry too much at times.
  8. you are practical and you always pay attention to details.
  9. do my characteristics match what my star sign says about me?
  10. mr wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us.
  11. sandy has been on the phone for hours.
  12. for more details, please call master zhang on 5556 0678.
  13. i don’t think he’d be able to organize things well.
  14. we’re writing to recommend david as the new chairperson of the students’ union.
  15. he is never afraid of making a speech in assembly.
  16. he can do anything if he tries his best.
  17. we think david has all the qualities to be a good d chairperson.
  18. i’m worrying about my ability to do the extra work.
  structures1.it’s silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.
  (‘it is’+ adjective+ ‘of"…+ ‘(not) to do’)
  2. daniel is kind enough to help his friends at all times.
  (‘to be’ +adjective + ‘enough’ + ‘to do’)
  period 1 comic strip + welcome to the unit
  teaching goals
  to identify the symbols that represent the star signs.
  to learn the names of 12 star signs.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 warming-up
  first, i will use some dialogues to revise the structures ‘ it’s + adj + to do’ and ‘should (shouldn’t) do’. i will talk with my classmates about their summer holiday. for example, i will have a talk like this: how did you spend your summer holiday? how did you feel? the new term begins. what should we do? what shouldn’t we do? what is it important / necessary / useful… for us to do? what isn’t it … for us to do?
  step 2 presenting
  after having a talk, i will say, "ok, it’s time for us to learn english with eddie and hobo. we should listen to their talk carefully. after listening, please tell me what hobo brings to eddie."
  step 3 practicing
  1. play the recorder. then ask one of the students to answer the above question. (hobo brings eddie the newspaper.)
  2. i will play the recorder again. then ask some more questions:
  1) what do you think of hobo when he brings eddie the newspaper? (it’s nice of him to bring eddie the newspaper.)
  2) what does hobo ask eddie to read? (he ask eddie to read his stars.)
  3) what does the newspaper say? (it says eddie will have lots to eat and drink today.)
  4) what does hobo do at last? how does eddie feel? (hobo eats up eddie’s food. eddie feels angry.)
  step 4 read and act.
  i will ask my students to read the dialogues after the tape and then together. before acting out the dialogue, i will ask students to read it in roles.
  step 5 presenting
  i will show students some cards of star signs. explain that they are western star signs. the star sign system is based on the month you were born in, rather than the year you mere born in.
  step 6 practicing
  1. teach student how to read the name of each star sign correctly.
  2. explain to students that each picture in part a represents a star sign. ask them to complete part a.
  3. ask students to complete part b. explain each star sign represents a period of time in a year.
  4. ask students whether they know what their star sign is. encourage them to say the name of their star sign aloud.
  step 7 consolidation exercise
  1. 看墙上的标志牌,上面写着"不准吸烟"。
  look at the sign on the wall. it says, "no smoking."
  2. 你这么好送我一个漂亮的礼貌。
  it’s nice of you to give me such a nice present.
  3. 你抄袭他作业是不对的。
  it’s wrong for you to copy others’ homework.
  4. 你没必要担心没有饭吃。
  you don’t have to worry about not having meals.
  5. 我们不应该把宠物带到学校。
  we shouldn’t bring our pets to school.
  step 8 doing homework
  1. read and revise the name of each star sign.
  2. read and recite ‘comic strip’.
  3. do some more consolidation exercises
  period 2 reading ((ⅰ)
  teaching goals
  to understand what star signs are and what they represent.
  to get to know the main idea of the text.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 warming-up
  first, i will ask students some question: when were you born? when is your birthday? do you know what your star sign is? (if they don’t know, ask them to find their star signs on page 4 and page 5)
  step 2 presenting
  i will say, "there are 12 months in a year. there are 12 star signs in a year, too. we can also say: a year is pided into 12 different star signs. now. i will show you a table please find out what star signs are in a year"
  datestar signcharacteristic
  21st mar – 20th aprariesenergetic, active, impatient, selfish
  21st apr – 21sh maytaurusstubborn, hard-working, patient
  22nd may – 21st jungeminicurious, clever, outgoing
  22nd jun – 22nd julcancerkind
  23rd jul – 22nd augleostrong, confident, generous
  23rd aug – 22nd septvirgomodest, practical
  23rd sept – 22nd octlibrapolite, fair, elegant
  23rd oct – 21st novscorpiopowerful, silly
  22nd nov – 20th decsagittariushumourous,
  21st dec – 20th jancapricornbusinesslike, successful, patient
  21st jan – 18th febaquariuskind, wise, strange
  20th feb – 20th marpiscesgenerous, kind, gentle, easy-going, creative, imaginative
  step 3 practicing
  1. ask students to read the text silently and finish the lists of "date" and "star sign" in the table.
  2. read the text after the tape. then finish the list of "characteristic" in the table. if students meet new words, i’ll ask them to guess their meanings. if they can’t. i’ll explain.
  3. ask students to finish part b on page 6. check the answer in class. (1. e 2. c 3. h 4. b 5. a 6. f 7.d 8. g)
  step 4 doing activities
  1. i will ask students some questions in order to make students get familiar with the name of each star sign and adjectives.
  ① kitty’s star sign is gemini. what’s she like? (she is a curious and clever person. she is outgoing. she loves to talk.)
  ② amy’s birthday is on december 10th. what kind of person is she? (she has a good sense of humour.)
  ③ simon was born on 20th march. what does she like to do? (he likes to dream about everything.)
  ④ jim’s star sign is libra. how is he? (he is a polite and fair person.)
  ⑤ when were you born? what’s your star sign?
  ⑥ do your characteristics match what you star sign says about you?
  2. ask students to finish part c, on page 6. check the answer in class. (1. f 2. t 3. f 4. t 5.t 6. f)
  3. read the text together.
  step 5 consolidation exercise
  1. 被分成 be pided into
  2. 放弃 give up
  3. 时而 at times
  4. 照料 take care of
  5. 省钱 save money
  6. 注意 pay attention to
  7. 保密 keep secrets
  8. 幽默感 a good sense of hummer
  9. 梦想 dream about
  10. 与……争论 argue with sb.
  step 6 doing homework
  1. read and retell the text
  2. do some more consolidation exercises.
  period 3 reading (ⅱ)
  teaching goals
  to understand and use the expressions in the text.
  to recognize and understand vocabulary about characteristics.
  to use adjectives to describe someone’s characteristics.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 making a revision
  i will ask my students to read the text together and then ask some questions to revise the text.
  1. is aries lazy? (no. aries is energetic and active.)
  2. which star sign likes saving money? (cancer)
  3. a person loves to talk. he is curious and clever. what star sign may he be? (he is stubborn and doesn’t the change. he is curious and clever. what star sign may he be? (he may be gemini.)
  4. jack is taurus. what is he like? (he is stubborn and doesn’t like change. he is a hard-working person. he is patient and doesn’t give up easily.)
  5. amy was born on 1st september. how is she? (she is a modest person. she is a practical person)
  6. does sagittarius like jokes? (yes. sagittarius has a good sense of humour.)
  7. which star sign has the best imagination? (pisces.)
  8. if your birthday is on 10th february. what star sign is he? (aquarius)
  step 2 practicing
  1. i will give students some exercises to revise the vocabulary.
  a. 根据英文解释填写合适单词
  1. she is an (full of energy) person.
  2. these two books are very (alike, but not the same)
  3. he is very (wanting to know sth. very much)
  4. he is never with his students. (not patient)
  5. the man is a person. (thinking first of one’s own needs without thinking of others.)
  6. he is very . (relaxed in manner)
  7. he is a person. (having or showing a not too high opinion of one’s abilities)
  8. the boy is very . (able to make something new)
  ( 1. energetic 2. similar 3. curious 4. impatient 5. selfish 6. easy-going
  7. modest 8. creative )
  b. 选用词组的正确形式填空
  be pided into, share… with, give up, t ake care of, save money
  pay attention to, argue with, dream about, keep secrets, deal with
  1. what can we do this matter. (to deal with)
  2. please your hand writing. (pay attention to)
  3. he often his parents about some problems. (argues with)
  4. a year 12 months. (is pided into)
  5. he is generous. he is willing things others. (to share … with)
  6. he is helpful. he likes others. (taking care of)
  7. don’t your dream. (give up)
  8. he is imaginative. he likes everything. (dreaming about)
  9. he wants to buy a nice present of his mother. (to save money)
  10. i can tell him everything. because he can for me. (keep secrets)
  2. read the text and ask students to finish part c2 on page 7. when students have completed all the answers, give correct answer to each question. highlight where students cam find the answers in the passage.
  3. i will ask students to read the description of their star signs on pages 4 and 5. ask them to finish part d1 on page 7. then ask them to write whether the characteristics listed under their star sign match the characteristics they have listed.
  4. i will pide the class into pairs. ask students to write down five words that describe their partner’s characteristics in part d2.
  step 3 consolidation exercise
  a year is pided into 12 different star sign.
  he is selfish at times.
  it’s not easy to give up smoking.
  we should save water.
  please pay attention to details.
  she likes to argue with others.
  he often for give others for their faults.
  he has a good sense of humour.
  she is so imaginative that she likes to dream about every thing.
  what my star sign says matches my characteristics very well.
  step 4 doing homework
  1. read and try to recite the text
  2. revise the vocabulary and sentences in the text
  3. do some more consolidation exercises
  period 4 vocabulary
  teaching goals
  to use adjectives to describe characteristics.
  to recognize whether an adjective is positive or negative.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 warming - up
  i will help students review the twelve star signs by showing them pictures of star signs. ask students to say the names of star signs correctly and talk about each star sign. for example, "samuel was born on 5th april" someone says he is selfish and impatient at times, but i don’t think so. i think he is kind and energetic. (students can look at the passages on page 7 and talk about their friends’ characteristics according to the star signs.)
  step 2 presenting
  when students are talking about their friends’ characteristics, i will write down the adjectives they use. then i will ask students to tell which are good characteristics and which are bad ones. let one of the students guess the opposite of the word "fair" (fair - unfair)
  step 3 practice
  1. ask students to finish part a on page 8. then check the answer in class.
  (1. active 2. selfish 3. proud 4. strong 5. outgoing 6. impatient
  7. hard-working 8. unfair)
  2. explain what ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ mean and ask students to choose some of the adjectives of part a to make sentences like this:
  ① i’m generous, patient and modest but i’m lazy at times.
  ② my best friend is …, but… at times.
  3. sum up the rules of forming opposites.
  ① fair – unfair, important – unimportant … (un-)
  ② honest – dishonest … (dis -)
  ③ polite – impolite, possible – impossible, patient – impatient … (im - )
  ④ correct – incorrect, active – inactive (in - )
  ⑤ regular – irregular … (ir -)
  ⑥ lazy – hardworking, easy – hard modest –proud…
  4. i will show students five pictures on page 8 and let students to talk about each picture.
  picture 1. what is he doing? (he is dreaming)
  what is he dreaming about? (he is dreaming that he has wings, and meets up with extraterrestrial being – et) how is he? (imaginative)
  picture 2. what is she doing? (dancing) what do you think of her, active or inactive? (active)
  picture 3. who is he? (mt. wu) what’s he doing? (he is explaining things to the students). is he patient? (yes.)
  picture 4. what’s sandy dong? (she is donating money to project hope.) how is she? (generous.)
  picture 5. what does the girl’s gesture mean? (you are great. you are the best. you are clever) what does daniel’s gesture mean? (no. i’m not the best. don’t speak too highly of me. ) how is he? (he is modest.)
  5. after talking about each picture, ask students to finish part b on page 8. then check the answer in class. (1. imaginative 2. active 3. patient 4. generous 5. modest .)
  6. let students describe one of their friend or family members according to part b. for example: my father is willing to help others any time. he is helpful.
  step 4 consolidation exercise
  1. he is . he never gets angry. it’s easy to make friends with him.
  2. she likes talking to others. she is very .
  3. the boy is full of energy. he is .
  4. he often thinks of himself instead of other. he is .
  5. she is . when she meets a stranger, her face will turn red at once.
  (1. easy-going 2. out-going 3. energetic 4. selfish 5. shy)
  step 5 doing homework
  1. revise the adjectives
  2. write a short passage to describe your friends’ characteristics.
  period 5 grammar (ⅰ)
  teaching goals
  to use ‘it is’+ adjective+ ‘of"…+ ‘(not) to’- infinitive to express opinions about a person’s actions.
  to use the verb ‘to be’ +adjective + ‘enough’ + ‘to’-infinitive to describe a person’s characteristics and abilities.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 warming - up
  i will help students review the sentence pattern: "it is + adj + ‘for ’… + ‘ (not) to - infinitive". i will ask students some questions to practice this sentence pattern. for example :"is it necessary to learn english?" help students answer :"it’s necessary for us to learn english." write down the sentence pattern on the blackboard. (practice more sentences)
  step 2 presenting.
  i will say, "if sandy helps you with your homework, what do you think of sandy? " (he is kind.) so you can say, "it’s kind of sandy to help me with my homework." then i will ask students to read the two sample sentences on page 9 and write down the sentence pattern "it’s + adj + of sb + to do sth". then i will ask students to say the difference between ‘for’ and ‘of’ in these two sentence patterns.
  step 3 practicing
  1. make new sentences with these two sentence patterns.
  ① 你这么做太自私了。 it’s selfish of you to do so.
  ② 你这么做没必要。 it’s not necessary for you to do so.
  ③ 学习游泳对我来说很难,你教我学真是太好了。 it’s hard for me to learn how to swim. it’s kind of you to teach me how to do it.
  2. i will say, "we know different people have different characteristics, so they do different things. now, let see what our friends at a birthday party." ask students to finish part a on page 9.
  check the answer
  (1. it is 2. to make 3. of 4. generous 5. to give 6. selfish
  7. to eat 8. to organize)
  3. tell students we can use this sentence pattern to express what we think of someone’s actions. let students look at the words in the tip box : careless, clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, polite, selfish, silly, wrong, let students make sentences.
  step 4 presenting
  i will say : "i think you’re very hard-working students. you have learnt so much knowledge today. and you are still sitting here. you are all patient. you are patient enough to study for hours. write down this sentence pattern ‘to be + adj + ‘enough’ + ‘to do’ on the black board. tell students we can use this pattern to describe a person’s personality and abilities. let students read the sample sentence on page 10."
  step 5 practicing
  before we do the exercise on page 10, i will ask students to cover the adjectives on the right and work on their own to write the sentences for part b. remind them that they need to rearrange the order of the words and choose a proper adjective for each sentence. then check the answer in class.
  step 6 consolidation exercise
  it’s kind of you to help me with my english.
  he is kind enough to think of others.
  is it necessary for us to learn english?
  it’s silly of you to do so.
  he is confident enough to give a talk in front of the whole school.
  step 7 doing homework
  1. revise the two sentence patterns
  2. do some more consolidation exercises
  period 6 grammar (ⅱ)
  teaching goals
  to distinguish the different parts of a sentence.
  to use the basic sentence elements to make up a sentence.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 presenting.
  i will say, "everyone has a body. we have all parts we need, so we are healthy. in the same way, a sentence must have some parts. then it can be a complete sentence. it can express certain meaning. this period, we will learn different parts of a sentence. i will write down a sentence on the blackboard, e.g. ‘the boy under the tree likes to play football after school very much.’ then i will ask students to shorten the above sentence to give the main idea of it, e.g. ‘the boy likes to play football.’ i will explain to students that a sentence can be pided into different parts. we can add or remove the different parts of a sentence to clarity the meaning of it."
  step 2 practicing
  1. ask students to read the sample sentences on page 11. tell students that each sentence part has its own name and tell them the names of different parts of a sentence. explain to students that the basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate. to make a sentence richer in meaning, we can add predicative, objects, attributives and adverbials to the sentence with additional information.
  2. ask students to finish part c1 on page 12 using the table on page 11 as a guide.
  check the answer. (1. a 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. c)
  3. ask students to find a sentence from their english book, then ask them to identify the different parts of the sentence.
  4. ask students to complete the sentences in part c2 on page 13, and choose the correct sentence element in brackets. check the answer. (1. the football, direct object 2. for hours, adverbial 3. andy, subject 4. is packing her school bag, predicate 5. hungry, predicative
  6. hard – working, attributive)
  step 3 consolidation exercise
  1. our school is very beautiful.
  there was a heavy rain yesterday.
  2. we like sports very much
  i have a lot of friends.
  3. he is a clever students.
  there are many apple trees in the garden.
  4. they want to play football after school.
  do you like cooking?
  5. you must stay at home.
  i have learnt 3.000 english words so far.
  6. do you feel happy every day?
  i got angry when i heard the news.
  7. he found the place easily.
  they are lonely from time to time.
  8. he didn’t come to school because of his inures.
  we had a meeting for farther discussion yesterday.
  (1. a heavy rain 2. a lot of friends 3. apple 4. cooking 5. have learnt 3.000 english words 6. angry 7. from time to time 8. for further discussion)
  step 4 doing homework
  1. revise different parts of a sentence.
  2. do some translation exercises to understand different parts of a sentence better.
  period 7 integrated skills
  teaching goals
  to understand the context of a horoscope, in both its written and spoken forms.
  to consolidate the information from reading and listening, then determine the facts.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 presenting
  i will present the new lesson like this. as we have learnt, some western people believe a person’s star sign is based on his or her birthday. they believe the star sign can tell us about a person’s character. for example, a person born under the sign of pisces (between 20th feb — 20th mar) is generous, kind, gentle and easy – going. a person born under aries (between march 21 and april 20) is energetic and active.
  in china, people believe the chinese horoscope describes character and can foretell future events. in the chinese horoscope, there are twelve animals. a person’s animal sign is connected to his or her birth year. every animal has a different type of character. people born in the year of the rat are friendly. those born in they year of the monkey are smart and good at making money. many people believe that the rat and monkey are a good match.
  millie wants to find out what the chinese horoscope about her this month. she is reading master zhang’s forecast. now read the forecast and help millie complete her notes as much information as possible.
  step 2 practicing
  1. ask students to read the advertisement then information in millie’s notes as they can. remind them that they with not be able to compete all the answers. the answers for nos. 3,5 and 6 are from the advertisement.
  2. i will play the tape once without stopping. if necessary, play the tape again, stopping after each answer or sentence so that students have time to fill in their answers.
  3. check the answer (1. good luck 2. bad luck 3. friend 4. fun 5. success 6. money 7. wisely 8. party 9. health 10. healthy 11.sick). then ask students to read millie’s notes.
  4. play the tape and ask students to finish part a3 on page 15.
  5. check the answer:
  ( amy’s predictions: 2. bicycle 3. cooking 4. find 5. the police 6. cinema 7. seat)
  master zhang’s predictions: 2. will meet a new friend 3. success at school 4. will be given some money 5. remember to spend it wisely 6. go to a party 7. problems with my health)
  step 3 doing activities
  i will pide the class in groups and ask them to talk about "what will happen to our school in september?"
  step 4 consolidation exercise
  it’s a mixture of ice and water.
  we won’t have anything to celebrate this month.
  you will have success at work around the middle of the moth.
  many presents will be given to you at your birthday party.
  you have problems with your health. you should have a good nest.
  step 5 doing homework
  1. read and recite millie’s notes.
  2. do some more consolidation exercises
  period 8 speak up + study skills
  teaching goals
  to exchange information about others.
  to talk about a person’s characteristics.
  to recognize and understand different levels of formality in english language, both when writing english and speaking english.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 warming - up
  i will help students review how to describe a person’s character. i will ask students the following questions: who is your best friends? what do you think of him / her?
  step 2 presenting
  first, i will ask students to listen to the tape with books closed. after listening, ask them to answer "what are they talking about?" (they’re talking about a chairperson.) then i will present new words ‘students’ union, ‘suitable’ ‘be able to’ like this: our school has a students’ union, it needs a chairperson. who will be suitable? the suitable chairperson must be able to work for all the students well.
  step 3 practicing
  1. i will help students understand the usage of ‘be able to’ by the following questions:
  ① is a child of 5 able to speak?
  ② were you able to swim at 6?
  ③ will you be able to pass the maths exam next time?
  then i will ask students to change "be able to" in above three sentences into "can".
  2. i will ask students to read part b after the tape. then i will ask the following questions:
  ① who does millie think would be a good chairperson?
  ② why does she think so?
  ③ does kitty agree with millie? why or why not?
  3. i will ask students to read the dialogue in roles. and then read together.
  step 4 doing activities
  i will pide class into groups to talk about:
  ① who would be a good chairperson, peter, suzy or david?
  ② who would be the most suitable monitor in our class this term? why?
  step 5 presenting
  i will tell my students that when we speak or write, we can use formal or informal language. we use formal language with our teachers or strangers. however, when we speak or write to our friends, we can use in formal language. then i will lead students to go through the table or page 16.
  step 6 practicing
  1. i will ask students to read kitty’s letter and check it to see if she is using formal language.
  2.i will ask students to work in pairs to underline parts of the letter which they believe are inappropriate and explain the reasons.
  step 7 consolidation exercise
  1. 我五岁时就会弹钢琴了。(2种)
  i could play the piano at the age of 5.
  i was able to play the piano at the age of 5.
  2. 我想到一个解决此问题的方法。
  i came up with an idea to solve this problem.
  3. 他比我谦虚多了。
  he is much more modest than i.
  4. 我想推荐peter当学生会主席。
  i would like to recommend peter as the chairperson of the students’ union.
  5. 还有谁愿意为学生会工作?
  who else is willing to work for the students’ union.
  step 8 doing homework
  1. read and recite ‘speak up’.
  2. do some more consolidation exercises
  period 9 main task
  teaching goals
  to recognize ideas and build a justification for those ideas.
  to use examples to support ideas.
  to write a formal letter with the correct degree of formality.
  to write about a person’s characteristics and abilities.
  to present a recommendation.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 presenting
  i will present the new lesson like this: the new school term begins. we need to choose a new chairperson of the students’ union. what qualities do you think the chairperson of the students’ union would have? what should he be like? i will ask students to give as many adjectives as they can to describe what a chairperson should be.
  step 2 practicing
  1. i will ask students work in pairs to complete the flow chart in part a. then ask each pair to give their answer for one number of the chart.
  2. i will ask students to work on their own to fill in the blanks in part b. remind them to use the flow chart one page 17 as a guide. check the answer in class.
  3. i will ask students to read the letter together and ask some of the students to say what each paragraph mean.
  4. tell students to work in pairs to make a flow chart about someone from the class like part a on page 17.
  5. ask students to write a formal letter of their own. remind them to use the flow chant they made as a guide. also remind them to use kitty and millie’s letter as a model. encourage them to add new and additional information if they can.
  step 3 consolidation exercise
  1. 她害怕晚上单独出去。
  she is afraid of going out alone at night.
  2. 恐怕明天要下雪。
  i’m afraid it’s going to snow tomorrow.
  3. 我通常在午饭后休息半小时。
  i usually spend half on hour having a next after lunch.
  4. 他是足够的聪明常在数学考试中拿满分。
  he is clever enough to get full marks in maths exams.
  5. 他从不介意帮助我。
  he never minds helping me.
  6. 她具有做个好学生全部品质。
  she has all the qualities to be a good student.
  7. 他利用暑假剩余时间帮助老人。
  he used the rest of the summer holiday to help the elderly.
  8. 他从不会忘记他要做的事。
  he never forgets to do the things he needs to do.
  step 4 doing homework
  1. read the text on page 18.
  2. write a formal letter to recommend one of your classmates as the monitor of your class this term.
  period 10 check out
  teaching goals
  to revise the vocabulary of this unit.
  to revise the grammar of this unit.
  to give students the chance to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary items learned in this unit, and to get confidence
  teaching procedures
  step 1 presenting
  i will help students review the vocabulary of this unit like this:
  ① what should a suitable chair person of the students’ union be?
  ② what kind of person is not suitable to be the chairperson of the students’ union?
  step 2 practicing
  1.i will ask students to finish part b on their own.
  check the answer (1. generous 2. creative 3. impatient 4. selfish 5. energetic 6. curious)
  2.i will give students some more exercises to review the vocabulary of this unit.
  a 根据英文解释写出句中单词
  1. his shirt ( go well with) his trousers very well.
  2. it’s ( clever; bright; smart) to take a map and a mobile phone when you travel.
  3. i’ll never ( stop feeling angry with sb. who has done sth. to harm you) him for what he has done.
  4. please be (not talking much about your own abilities) when you ask others for help..
  5. these two book are (alike, but not the same)
  6. he is an (full of energy) student.
  (1. matches 2. wise 3. forgive 4. modest 5. similar 6. energetic)
  1. we should pay a to what teachers say in class.
  2. people can’t live w air or water.
  3. he has a good sense of h , and he often makes us laugh.
  4. he is a generous person. he is willing to forgive others for their f .
  5. a year is d into 12 months.
  6.he is so s________ that he only thinks of himself.
  7.amy is e_________ enough to make friends easily.
  8.suzy worked all night. so she looks t______ now.
  9.lucy is p_______ enough to wait without getting angry.
  10.it is c_______ of jim to make so many mistakes in the exam..
  11.he has all good q to a good monitor.
  12.david is confident. he is not afraid of making a s_______ in assembly.
  13.it is generous of sam to buy a large chocolate car for my birthday g .
  14.he likes to dream about everything. he is i .
  15.they often a with each other, because they often have different opinions.
  (1. attention 2. without 3. humour 4. faults 5. pided 6. selfish 7. easy-going
  8. tired 9. patient 10. careless 11. qualities 12. speech 13. gift 14. imaginative 15. argue)
  step 3 presenting
  i will help students review the grammar of this unit like this:
  why do classmates choose david to be the chairperson of the students’ union?
  i will ask students to answer this question with the sentence patterns ‘it is + adj + of + sb + (not) to do sth’ 和 sb / sth + be +adj + enough + to do sth’
  step 4 practicing
  1. i will ask students to finish part a on page 19 on their own. then check the answer (1. of 2. good enough 3. to take 4. to say)
  2. read the dialogue together.
  3. i will give students some more exercises to revise the grammar of this unit.
  1. 你那样说是不对的。
  it’s wrong of you to say that.
  2. 他真傻,这么简单的题目都不会做。
  how silly of him not to work out such an easy problem.
  3. 你能帮我真是太好了。
  it’s kind / nice of you to help me.
  4. 他把作业落在家,真是粗心。
  it was careless of her to leave her homework at home.
  5. 对这个孩子来说搬这个盒子比较困难。
  it’s quite difficult for the child to carry the box.
  6. 对一个舞者来说,保持苗条是重要的。
  it’s important for a dancer to keep fit.
  7. 他很富有可以买车。
  he is rich enough to buy a car.
  8. 她够聪明,算得出这道数学题吗?
  is she clever enough to work out this maths problem?
  9. 他不够壮而搬不动那个重盒子。
  he isn’t strong enough to carry the heavy box.
  10. 他很有耐心在这儿等了4个钟头。
  he is patient enough to wait here for 4 hours.
  step 5 doing homework
  1. read and recite part a on page 19.
  2. review the whole unit for the coming exam.
  part 2: teaching material (第一部分:教学材料)
  1.you shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast. (p.2) 你不应该担心没早饭吃。worry about not doing sth., 意为"担心做不成某事",about是介词,后接名词或动名词(即动词-ing形式), 而 not doing就是其否定形式。如:my mum often worries about me. 我妈妈常为我担心。 don’t worry about not drinking water.不用担心没水喝。
  2.a year is pided into 12 different star signs. (p4) 一年被分成12个不同的星座。be pided into意为"被分成…",这是一个被动语态的句子。又如:a year is pided into four seasons. 一年分成了四个季节。 the whole class is pided into 4 groups. 全班分成了四组。
  3. some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics. (p4) 有些人相信,属于同一星座的人具有相似的性格特征。similar,在这里是形容词,其意思是"相似的"。如:we have similar hobbies.我们爱好相仿。my teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers. 我的教学风格和多数老师相似。 the two houses are similar in size.这两座房子大小差不多。
  4. you are patient and do not give up easily. (p4) 你很有耐心不会轻易放弃。patient,在这里是形容词,其意思为"有耐心的"如:she’s very patient with young children.她对幼儿特别有耐心。其反义词是impatient; 作名词时patient意为"病人"。如:the patients are taken good care of in this hospital.这些病人在这家医院被照料的很好。
  give up,意思是"放弃",在句中可带宾语,也可不带宾语,带宾语时,宾语可以是名词、代词或动名词。如:at last, he gave up his foolish ideas.最后,他放弃了他那些愚蠢的想法。 you’d better give up smoking.你最好把烟戒掉。i like playing football, but i have to give it up because of too much homework. 我喜欢踢球,但由于作业繁忙我不得不放弃。
  5. you like saving money and cooking. (p4) 你喜欢节约和烹饪。这里save作动词,其意思为"积攒",如:i’m saving for a new bike.我正攒钱买辆新自行车。 另外save还可以理解成"挽救""拯救",如:doctors were unable to save her. 医生未能把她救活。
  6. you love peace and do not like to argue with others. (p5) 你喜欢和平不喜欢与别人争论。这里argue作动词,意思为"争论""辩论",短语argue with sb. about sth. 意为"与某人争论某事"如:he always argues with his brother about politics.他和他兄弟总是争论政治问题。 还可以理解为"论述"和"表明",如:columbus argued that he could reach india by going west. 哥伦布论证说向西去就能到达印度。his accent argues him (to be) a northerner.他的口音表明他是北方人。
  7. you are businesslike and are often successful. (p5)你有条不紊,成功率高。successful,在这里作形容词,意思为"成功的",如:his uncle is successful in his business.他叔叔事业有成。successful的动词形式为succeed,一般用作不及物动词, succeed in sth./doing sth.表示"在某方面取得成功"。如:this time i succeeded in passing the exam.这次我成功得通过了考试。successful的名词形式为success, 如:we all hope the show to be a great success.我们都希望这次表演成功。
  8. you like to dream about everything. (p5) 你喜欢幻想。dream about/of,这里dream是不及物动词,意思是"做梦""梦见""梦想",后面接介词about 或of短语。如:i didn’t dream last night.我昨晚没做梦。i dream about/of traveling around the world我梦见环游世界。what did you dream about last night?你昨晚梦见什么? dream也可做及物动词,后接同源名词dream 或that从句。如:i dreamed a sweet dream last night. 我昨晚做了个美梦。he dreamed that he was in shanghai.他梦见在上海。dream还可以用作名词,意为"梦""理想"。如:our dream will come true one day.我们的梦想总有一天会实现的。
  9. daniel is clever, but he never shows off. (p8) 丹尼尔很聪明,但他从不炫耀。shows off,这里show off意思为"炫耀自己",如: he just likes showing off. 他就喜欢卖弄自己。show sb./sth. off意为"炫耀某物"。如:she wanted to show off her new husband at the party.她想在晚会上炫耀她的新婚丈夫。
  10. daniel is kind enough to help his friends all the times. (p10) 丹尼尔太好了,他在任何时候都帮助他的朋友。 at all times, 意为"随时, 永远",在句中作状语, 常置于句末。
  又如: i am ready to help you at all times. 我随时都愿帮助你.
  11.he is imaginative enough to come up with new ideas. (p15) 他充满想象力,能想出新点子。come up with, 意为"找到或提出 (答案、 办法等)", 在句中作谓语, 后边接用名词宾语。相当与 "think of"又如: at last he came up with the answer to the difficult question. 最后他找出了这个困难问题的答案。
  1. our teachers are always (耐心的) to us.
  2. all my classmates think david is a good ____________.( 主席)
  3. last year, he (积攒) enough money to buy a computer.
  4. daniel is ______________ (合适的) person for the job in our class.
  5. his tie ( go well with) his shirt very well.
  6. please be (not talking much about your own abilities) when you make friends with others.
  7. i’ll never ( stop feeling angry with sb. who has done sth. to harm you) him for what he did.
  8. people can’t live w air or water.
  9. amy is e________ enough to make friends easily.
  10. he has all the good q to be a leader.
  1.is she very good at (plan) things?
  2. the student is very (energy) and outgoing.
  3. he did his best to give up (smoke) last year.
  4. it’s correct (not let) strange persons come into your house.
  5. he got the best medical treatment from orbis without (pay) any money.
  6.students __________ ( give) too much homework every day!
  7. pc is short for ___________ ( person) computers.
  8. –thanks a lot. -it is my _________ ( pleasant).
  9. you should be confident enough ________ (take) this job.
  10. he isn’t afraid of (make) a speech in front of the whole school.
  ( ) 1. a year is pided ____________ 12 months.
  a. in b. into c. about d. of
  ( ) 2. it’s creative ____________ you ____________ this good idea.
  a. of, come up with b. for, think of
  c. of, to come up with d. for, to think of
  ( ) 3. a ____________ person cares only about himself / herself instead of others.
  a. impatient b. selfish c. unfair d. curious
  ( ) 4. amy wants to be a good teacher. the underlined part is ____________.
  a. predicate b. predicative c. adverbial d. attributive
  ( ) 5. you shouldn’t worry about ____________ breakfast then.
  a. having b. not having c. not have d. have
  ( ) 6. you should study hard, ____________ you can’t catch up with others.
  a. otherwise b. because c. though d. so
  ( ) 7.i don’t think you are as ________ as my uncle. he’s much ________ than you.
  a. smart, smarter b. smart, smart c. smarter, smart d. smarter, smarter
  ( ) 8. he will ____________ the chairperson of the students’ union.
  a. recommend b. be recommended
  c. recommend as d. be recommended as
  ( ) 9. –would you mind ____________ the window for me? –it’s too cold.
  a. open b. close c. opening d. closing
  ( ) 10. sandy isn’t ____________ to help his teacher ____________ the work.
  a. active enough, with b. inactive enough, with
  c. inactive enough, on d. active enough, on
  1. she loves to look after others. (改为同义句)
  she loves to others.
  2. he had lunch but he didn’t wash his hands. (改为同义句)
  he had lunch his hands.
  3. my brother is energetic. (改为同义句)
  my brother is .
  4. you are kind enough to give your seat to the old man. (改为同义句)
  it’s ___________ you ____________ your seat to the old man.
  5. he bought me some nice gifts. (改为一般疑问句)
  ____________ he ____________nice gifts you?
  6. he is outgoing. (对划线部分提问)
  what do you him?
  1.i will have a lot of to eat today.
  2.the board writes, "no smoking."
  3.you a generous people and you like to help poor people.
  4. if you need my help, please call me at 83844578.
  5. mr. wu often explains things for us.
  6. she is kind with everyone and never says a bad word about anyone .
  7. it’s silly of you don’t listen to your teachers carefully in class.
  8. millie is worrying about not pass the exam.
  9.i wish you a good luck.
  10.he is the suitablest student for the chairperson of the students’ union.
  you don’t have to our support.
  a year 12 months.
  please details.
  he always .
  i tried some times, but i in the end.
  jim music.
  he likes to .
  can you to solve this problem?
  how do you spend the summer holiday?
  i at home alone.
  please me.
  i often in the maths exams.
  do you mind my english?
  she for hours.
  i would like the chairperson of the students’ union.
  一、1. patient 2. chairperson 3. saved 4. suitable 5. matches
  6. modest 7. forgive 8. without 9. easy-going 10. qualities
  二、1. planning 2. energetic 3. smoking 4. not to let 5. paying
  6. are given 7. personal 8. pleasure 9. to take 10. making
  三、 bcbab aadda
  四、1. take care of 2. without washing 3. full of energy 4. kind of , to give
  5. did, buy any, for 6. think of
  五、 1. 去掉of 2. writes- says 3. people-person 4. at- on 5. for-to
  6. with-to 7. don’t- not to 8. pass-passing 9. 去掉a 10.suitablest-most suitable
  六、1. worry about not having 2. is pided into 3. pay attention to
  4. forgives others for their faults 5. gave up 6.has a good sense of
  7. show off 8. come up with /think of an idea 9. the rest of
  10. am not afraid of staying 11. keep the secret for 12. get full marks
  13. helping me with 14. has been on the phone 15. recommend simon as
