

  滚滚长江,泱泱中华。毛泽东畅游长江时,挥毫留下了浪漫之作《水调歌头?游咏》,为我们描绘了"高峡出平湖,神女应无羌,当惊世界殊"的壮美图画。而今,葛洲坝上游兴建的三峡工程将成为世界上最大的水力发电站,万吨巨轮可驶抵重庆,三峡景色将更加绚丽多姿。 the yangtze river is home to one of the most beautiful natural scenes of china —the three gorges. but for generations, chinese people have long dreamed of taming the yangtze river for power generation and flood control. the river’s endless floods have brought destruction and death for centuries —1 million deaths in the 20th century alone. nowadays, along the yangtze river, the third longest river in the world, a great construction project, The Three Gorges Dam is in progress. once completed, it will be the largest and most powerful hydro-electric project in the world. towering 610 feet high and stretching 1.3 miles wide, the dam will create a reservoir that extends nearly 400 miles upstream thus changing the original landscape of this region.  the project has been under discussion in china since the idea of the dam was first proposed in 1919. The Three Gorges Dam is both a marvel of engineering and the greatest challenge its designers have ever faced. The Three Gorges Dam has been engineered to store over 5 trillion gallons(加仑) of water and to withstand an earthquake of 7.0 on the richter scale(里氏震级). the reservoir will allow 10,000-ton ships to enter the nation’s interior, which currently limits access to boats under 1,500 tons. in addition, the government says the dam will control terrifying floods and provide electrical power to china’s growing cities.  like china’s great wall, it will be one of the few manmade structures that can be seen from space. the chinese government and the dam’s engineers think of the project as a symbol of national pride. in early 1999 chinese premier zhu rongji inspected the dam site. he told the engineers, "the responsibility on your shoulders is heavier than a mountain. any care-lessness or negligence will bring disasters to our future generations."sure enough, engineers do shoulder heavy responsibility. we hope in the near future we’ll see a new wonder they create for china. open questions: 1. what will the people benefit from The Three Gorges Dam? 2. is there any negative influence of The Three Gorges Dam?  小字典 tame v.驯服reservoir n.水库propose v.建议withstand v.抵挡negligence n.疏忽 1. 限制性定语从句对所修饰的词加以限制,表示"……的人(或东西)",限制性定语从句描述的是主句不可缺少的一部分;非限制性定语从句对所修饰的词没有限制词义的作用,而只是补充说明,通常都有一个逗号把它和句子的其他部分分开,在译成中文时,这个从句常译成一个并列句。如: he is the man (who / that / whom) you’ve been expecting to meet.他就是你一直想见的那个人。 this is mr smith, whom / who you’ve been expecting to meet.这位是史密斯先生,你一直想见的那个人。 2. 在限制性定语从句中,that有时可代替who / whom / which,作宾语时可省略;在非限制性定语从句中,不能用that引导,关系代词作宾语时也不能省略。如: the person (that / whom) i just referred to is tom. there are 30 chairs in the hall, most of which are new. 3. 当先行词是专有名词或由物主代词/指示代词修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。如: charles smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. my house, which i bought last year, has got a lovely garden. this novel, which i have read three times, is very touching.  4. 非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句中的谓语动词要用第三人称单数。如: my son failed again in the exam, which made me very angry. 注意: 1. 关系代词that和关系副词why不能引导非限制性定语从句。 2. as或which引导的非限制性定语从句,可以修饰整个主句或主句的一部分。as引导的定语从句还可以放在主句之前,而which引导的非限制性定语从句要放在句末。如: as has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.  we shall have our final exams next month, as / which has been announced. 3. as引导定语从句时,意为"正如……那样",如: as we know, smoking is harmful to one’s health. 正如我们所知,吸烟有害健康。 1、[单词填空] 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1. a g_____ is a deep, narrow passage with steep rocky sides.2. this is a modern hotel and can _____ 1,000 guests at least. 3. he has ____ cancer, so there is little hope of his full recovery. 4. the r______ which is formed by The Three Gorges Dam is more than 500 kilometres long.5. my children, please r______ the snow from your shoes before coming in.6. when the flood struck, the wall was _____(淹没) by flood water quickly. 7. the people who believe in buddhism are called ______(佛教徒).8. he gave his father’s _____ (历史的) papers to the public library according to his father’s will.9. there are so many ancient cultural _____ (遗迹) in our country.10. the boy who is influenced by his father is studying ______ (工程学) at college.1. gorge 2. accommodate 3. terminal 4. reservoir 5. remove 6. submerged 7. buddhists 8. historical 9. relics 10. engineering【短语1】one after another【点拨】one after another在课文中意为"(三个以上)一个接一个地"。one by one = one after another = one after the other。如:we visited his office one after another.one by one people fell ill. 【拓展】in / by ones and twos = in / by twos and threes 意为"三三两两地"。如:after school, the students walked in ones and twos, chatting and laughing. 【短语2】have an effect on【点拨】have an effect on = affect, 意为"对……有影响",effect 前可用no / some / good / bad / little等修饰。如:smoking has a bad effect on our health.【拓展】1. bring / carry / put ... into / to effect 意为"实行"。如:the newly designed system will soon be put into effect. 2. in effect 意为"生效"。如:some old laws are still in effect in this region. 【短语3】look through【点拨】look through在课文中意为"浏览"。如:he looked through a few magazines in the evening.【拓展】look through还有"检查,仔细查看"的意思。如:look through this article for me, and tell me what you think of it.【短语4】bring an end to【点拨】bring an end to sth = bring sth to an end,在课文中意为"结束,终止"。如:the battle finally brought an end to the war.= the battle finally brought the war to an end. 【拓展】1. put an end to 意为"使……中止"。如:the american government is determined to put an end to terrorism. 2. come to an end 意为"结束"。如:at last the meeting came to an end. 【短语5】come true【点拨】come true在课文中意为"(梦想等)变成现实",不能用于被动语态。如:my dream finally came true.【拓展】realize也有"梦想等)实现"的意思,但要用被动语态。如:my dream was finally realized.  1、[完成句子] 请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 孩子应该尊敬父母,这是中华民族的传统。 children should ____ _____ _____ their parents, which is a chinese tradition. 2. 在北京,新的地铁正在建设之中。 new subways are still _____ ______ in beijing. 3. 他遇上了暴风雪,困在一个小木屋里。 he ______ _____ _______ a snowstorm and had to stay in a small wooden house. 4. 父母的行为对孩子有很大的影响。 parents’behaviour _______ _______ ______ _______ ______ their children.  5. 带着自信的笑容,他们一个接一个地走进了考场。 with confident smiles on their faces, they walked into the examination room _____ _____ _______. 6. 这家旅店为顾客提供最好的服务。(offer) _____________________________ 7. 为了建房子种庄稼,人们砍倒了很多树木。(cut down) _____________________________ 8. 他们听了我的课,但是我不知道他们领会了多少。(take in) _____________________________ 9. 我必须在付帐前核实一下这些帐单。(look through) _____________________________ 10. 你很难想象这个女人独自带大两个孩子是多么不容易。(bring up) _____________________________正确答案为:1. show respect for 2. under construction3. was caught in 4. has a great effect on5. one after another 6. the hotel offers the customers best service. 7. in order to build houses and plant more crops, people have cut down many trees. 8. they listened to my lecture, but i don’t know how much they have taken in. 9. i must look through these bills and check them before i pay them. 10. you can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had bringing up her two children alone. 常考单词指南 ------------作者:赵玉萍 发布时间:XX-5-24 【考点1】the lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _____ of courage and power. (XX上海)a. example b. sign c. mark d. symbol 【解析】答案为d。该句意为"老虎被称作森林之王,因为它是勇气和力量的象征"。example 意为"例子"。如:the monitor should set an example by arriving on time.sign 意为"符号,标记"。如:there is an exit sign above the door. mark 意为"标志,记号"。如:please put a mark under the word you may easily forget. symbol 意为"象征",故symbol为最佳选项。【考点2】bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _____. (XX天津)a. ability b. force c. strength d. mind【解析】答案为c。该句意为"比尔进行大量的体育锻炼,目的是增强他的体力"。ability指"能力",通常指做事情的能力,才干。如:he has the ability to finish the work well.force意为"武力,暴力"。如:the force of explosion is gigantic. mind 指"脑力,想法"。如:he changed his mind when he heard all the facts.strength 指"力气,力量",一般指体力,故strength为最佳选项。【考点3】all the employees except the manager _______ to work online at home.(XX 广东)a. encourages b. encourage c. is encouraged d. are encouraged【解析】答案为d。encourage 是及物动词,意为"鼓励,促进"。常构成encourage sb to do sth,其被动结构为:sb be encouraged to do sth;except the manager 是插入语,谓语动词要和all the employees保持一致。故d项为正确选项。【考点4】they took _____ against dangerous drivers after many serious traffic accidents had happened. a. measures b. measure c. a measure d. the measure【解析】答案为a。take measures to do sth 为固定搭配,意为"采取措施做某事"。如:we must take measures to prevent pollution.take measures against sth / doing sth 意为"采取措施制止……"。measure常见的搭配还有:make ... to one’s measure 意为"按照某人的尺寸做……"。如:the tailor made a suit to my measure.【考点5】—the experiment failed. —don’t worry. i _____ you try again.a. suggest b. ask c. request d. prefer【解析】答案为a。suggest意为"建议",引导that从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,即suggest sb (should) do sth。如果suggest意为"表明"时,从句要用陈述语气。如:his expression suggested he was angry.ask意为"要求",搭配为ask sb to do sth。require意为"请求",搭配为require sb to do sth。如:mr liu required everybody to write an essay.prefer 意为"宁愿,更喜欢",搭配为prefer sth / doing sth。如:i prefer playing basketball.  forecasts for the future ------------作者:molly 发布时间:XX-5-30  我们的未来会是什么样的呢?日新月异的高新技术让我们对未来充满憧憬,我们是世界的主人,让我们自由地畅想我们的未来吧! have you ever thought about the future life? without any doubt, our future will be dominated by advanced science and technology. here are some forecasts for the future. nanotechnology(纳米技术) will be used for everything. it can help guarantee the health of soldiers in the battlefield, and it also helps transform waste into foods that can be eaten. medical treatments based on nanotechnology will be put into practice before 2025. genetic engineering(遗传工程) will allow us to create the perfect human. parents might order a baby who will have the appearance of a barbie doll. powerful little motors will be added to small babies so that they can fly. future web sites will be made more interesting by making them more personal. people will choose to create a personal site that represents them. just like a shadow, it will reflect the true self of a person. photo albums and video clips kept in personal files give friends and families more pleasure. in this way, many people will stay closely connected in our disconnected world. wireless technology will be well used in hospitals to help doctors carry out an operation. wearable computers and mattresses with sensors will help nurses look after patients. the technology will accurately master patients’vital signs.  wind and tidal power will grow considerably in the next five years. since they are clean and produce no pollution, they will be widely used around the world. traditional energy, such as gas, coal will gradually give way to clean renewable energy. however, besides the bright prospects, here is also some deadly news. the environment will still deteriorate, the population may still increase and our world may not be in peace. however, we are the future generation and we have the ability to choose to help ourselves create a more beautiful and peaceful world.   小词典 dominate v.支配 guarantee v.保证wearable adj.可佩带的sensor n.传感器vital adj.生命的deteriorate v.恶化  open questions: 1. what do you think of the future? 2. how do you like the positive and negative influences of technology?
