

  unit 4 astronomy: the science of the stars
  listening, speaking and writinglisteningteaching goals 教学目标1 target language目标语言a重点词汇和短语 gravity, by chanceb重点句子i heard about how the idea of gravity has developed over a long period of time. pick out the information and draw lines from the list to where the things are on the suit of the astronaut. 2 ability goals 能力目标enable the ss to understand the different ideas about gravity. enable the ss to have a good understanding of the force of gravity in order to enjoy the stories fully and to become more involved and excited about studying space and the stars. 3. learning ability goals 学能目标enable the ss to appreciate that the science fiction stories are imaginary but based on fact. teaching important points教学重点listen to the material about the detailed information about different scientists and their ideas. complete the form , make true or false judgment and answer questions. teaching difficult points教学难点discuss with partners and have a debate to find out ways to solve the problems about what a spacesuit should be like. teaching methods教学方法a. discussion b. listening c cooperative learning d. debating teaching aids教具准备 a recorder teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式step i. revisioncheck homework exercise. part3 (p29): the fact isthat i don’t know who he is. whether he’ll come or not. that many people don’t know how far beijing is from reading, england.your difficulty isthat you don’t have enough money. that you don’t know how to grow apple trees.my problem isthat i don’t know his address. how long the journey would take us.the question isthat the snow is too heavy. where you can find a restaurant.the trouble ishow to get there in time. whether you can find a taxi in such a cold day.part3 (p64): 1. with the development of science and technology, people have come to depend more and more on the computer to deal with all kinds of things. 2. now that many problems exist which cannot be solved, wars will probably break out. 3. he gradually got the hang of this method of research after many years’ practice. 4. the presence of that famous director cheered up all the people at the meeting. 5. we should find some ways to prevent the harmful gas from spreading. 6. he is already exhausted. we should lessen his pain instead of disappointing him. step ii. listening (using language)1.the ss will hear different ideas about gravity of three scientists, and then fill in the blanks. t: have you heard of isaac newton? how much do you know about him? s1: he’s english.s2: he set up an idea which is called "gravity". t: what’s his idea about?s3: gravity made everything fall back to the earth. t: have you heard of albert einstein?s4: yes. he’s a jew. and he’s famous for his theory of relativity. t: how much do you know stephen hawking?s5: sorry, not very much. i know him just from the passage on page64,workbook..t: it doesn’t matter if you don’t know them much. today we’ll get more information about them. turn to page30. go through part1 quickly.2.listen to the tape three or four times and pause where it’s necessary. then check the answers with the whole class. t: are you ready? let’s listen for the first time. please pay attention to the date.(play the tape.) t: have you got the answers?s1: yes. isaac newton lived from 1642 to 1727. albert einstein lived from 1879 to 1955. stephen hawking was born in 1942.t: let’s listen to the tape again. please pay attention to the idea.(play the tape again.) t: have you got the answers? s2: yes. isaac newton: everything falls back to the earth because of a pull called gravity.s3: albert einstein: gravity is different in space.s4: stephen hawking: black holes would eat stars and they may also push stars out into space.t: excellent answers! have you got other information? or, what was their gravity about?s5: newton’s gravity is about earth. s6: einstein’s idea about gravity was about universe.s7: hawking’s idea was about black holes. t: i think we’ve solved this problem. now read four sentences in part2, decide which the best idea is. if you are not sure, we will listen to the tape for the last time.(after play the tape.) t: which one is the best? s8: no.3.t: why no.3? what’s wrong with the other three?s9: our listening passage didn’t mention how three men made mistakes. it only mentioned that other scientists found they made mistakes. so no.1 is not correct.s10: no.2 is not true because the three scientists wanted to explain how the universe worked and not how it began..s11: no.4 is too general and it doesn’t give enough details.t: your explanations are enough. so we choose no.3. then turn to page62, listening.step iii listening (wb p62)1.part1. t: who’s yang liwei? s1: he’s our hero who traveled into space on october15,XX. t: what’s the name of the spaceship?s2: shenzhou v.t: do you know what education and experience you need to become an astronaut?s3: no.t: ok. now we’ll listen to a conversation between yang liwei and a reporter. first, go through the six sentences in part1. now listen to the tape.(after listening)t: have you got that? now read the sentences and tell us true or false. if it’s not true, correct it.ask students to read them and check the answers with the whole class. answers: fftttt 2.part2. t: now focus your attention on part2. then we’ll listen to the tape again..play the tape and pause when the students need to write information down. then collect answers. information on yang liweithe exams he passedexcellent degree and 10 years’ trainingexperiencepilot for the air force of the plaphysical qualitiessmaller than 170cm, less than 70kgpersonal qualitiescalm, mature, hard-working3.part3. first ask ss to talk about the answer. if necessary play the tape again for ss to check the answer. answers: 1.there’s a special seat to throw him out of the space rocket if things went wrong. there are also a special door for another space rocket to rescue him 2.the answer can be different.step iv listening task (p65)t: do you want to have a space walk?s: yes, of course..t: but you know it’s dangerous, and it needs a great deal of practice. you should also wear a spacesuit. the spacesuit needs some equipment. do you know each part of the equipment?s: we’re not clear.t: now listen to the tape. then you’ll get it.play the tape twice or three times to finish part1 and 2.key to part1: c key to part2: 1.oxygen can (on the back) 2.water system (the part of the suit covering the body) 3.gravity boots (on the feet) 4.left engine (on the left side) 5.right engine (on the right side) 6.tool kit (on the waist, at the back)step v homeworktoday we have listened to three materials. after class, you should listen to them again and sum up what you have learnt from them. for the homework, think about a question: what needs to be an astronaut? speakingteaching goals 教学目标1 target language目标语言a重点词汇和短语 preparation, instruction, unexpected, a set of, pay attention to, as well as b交际用语practice giving instructionsplease look at/ listen to… please check that… you need… please pay attention to… don’t forget to… you’d better… make sure you… watch out for… you mustn’t… 2 ability goals 能力目标a. enable the ss to make a list of things that they need. b. enable the ss to talk about giving instructions. c.. enable the ss to play different roles in a conversation. 3 learning ability goals 学能目标 a. learn how to make a list of things that they need b help the ss learn how to talk about giving instructions c. enable the ss learn how to play different roles in a conversation. teaching important and difficult points教学重点难点a. teach the ss how to how to talk about giving instructions b. help the ss to learn how to play different roles in a conversation. teaching methods教学方法a. pairs work and group work b. discussion and cooperative learning teaching aids教具准备1 a computer 2 a projector teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式step i revision ask some of the ss to read his / her passage about gravity.
  one possible passage: sir isaac newton: the universal law of gravitation
  there is a popular story that newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on his head, and he suddenly thought of the universal law of gravitation. as in all such legends, this is almost certainly not true in its details, but the story contains elements of what actually happened. what really happened with the apple?probably the more correct version of the story is that newton, upon observing an apple fall from a tree, began to think along the following lines: the apple is accelerated, since its velocity changes from zero as it is hanging on the tree and moves toward the ground. thus, by newton"s 2nd law there must be a force that acts on the apple to cause this acceleration. let"s call this force "gravity", and the associated acceleration the "accleration due to gravity". then imagine the apple tree is twice as high. again, we expect the apple to be accelerated toward the ground, so this suggests that this force that we call gravity reaches to the top of the tallest apple tree. sir isaac"s most excellent ideanow came newton"s truly brilliant insight: if the force of gravity reaches to the top of the highest tree, might it not reach even further; in particular, might it not reach all the way to the orbit of the moon! then, the orbit of the moon about the earth could be a consequence of the gravitational force, because the acceleration due to gravity could change the velocity of the moon in just such a way that it followed an orbit around the earth. this can be illustrated with the thought experiment shown in the following figure. suppose we fire a cannon horizontally from a high mountain; the projectile will eventually fall to earth, as indicated by the shortest trajectory in the figure, because of the gravitational force directed toward the center of the earth and the associated acceleration. (remember that an acceleration is a change in velocity and that velocity is a vector, so it has both a magnitude and a direction. thus, an acceleration occurs if either or both the magnitude and the direction of the velocity change.)
  but as we increase the muzzle velocity for our imaginary cannon, the projectile will travel further and further before returning to earth. finally, newton reasoned that if the cannon projected the cannon ball with exactly the right velocity, the projectile would travel completely around the earth, always falling in the gravitational field but never reaching the earth, which is curving away at the same rate that the projectile falls. that is, the cannon ball would have been put into orbit around the earth. newton concluded that the orbit of the moon was of exactly the same nature: the moon continuously "fell" in its path around the earth because of the acceleration due to gravity, thus producing its orbit. by such reasoning, newton came to the conclusion that any two objects in the universe exert gravitational attraction on each other, with the force having a universal form:
  the constant of proportionality g is known as the universal gravitational constant. it is termed a "universal constant" because it is thought to be the same at all places and all times, and thus universally characterizes the intrinsic strength of the gravitational force.step ii presentationt: do you remember the conversation between li yanping and professor wallis?s1: yes.t: we all know that space walk is difficult and dangerous. what should an astronaut take with him?s2: oxygen can.s3: spacesuit.s4: gravity boots.s5: water system.s6: special food.s7: special ropes. t: great! do you know the usage of them? now discuss them with your partner according to the form on page31. you can refer to our listening material on page65.when ss discuss. teacher walk around the classroom to give them some help. step iii speaking (page31)(after a few minutes.) t: have you finished? now speak one or two sentences for each equipment you should take. sa: i will take water with me in my spacesuit in order to warm or cool me if it’s too cold or too hot.sb: i will take oxygen can on my back in order to help me breathe oxygen in space. sc: i’ll wear spacesuit. t can protect me from many dangers. it can carry many necessary things in or on it.sd: i’ll take space buggy in order to travel on the moon.se: i’ll take a rope to tie me to the spaceship, or i’ll fly away.sf: i’ll take special food so that i can eat easily, because the food will float in space.sg: i’ll wear special sunglasses in order to protect my eyes.sh: i’ll take space camera in order to take photos.t: wonderful! anything else?si: i’ll wear space boots in order to walk there.t: very good. you’ve done an excellent job! do you know how to fill in the form now?ss: yes. t: now look at the screen and check your answer.sample answer:to keep you coolspaceship with water to cool youto help you breathe oxygenoxygen tanks to carry on your backclothes for exercisespacesuitto travel on the moonspace buggyto protect your skinspacesuit to stop you flying off into spacea rope to tie you to the spaceshipto stop your food from floating awayspace food that you can eat more easilyclothes for walking on the moonspacesuitto give shadesunglasses in your spacesuit helmetto take photographsspace camerastep iv talking (page62)the task asks the students to work in pairs and give a friend a number of "does" and "don’ts" for going into space. they need to make suggestions using the phrases that they have been given to help them. when they have worked out the advice they can write the suggestions down and read them out to the class. show the useful expressions please look at/ listen to… please check that… you need… please pay attention to… don’t forget to… you’d better… make sure you… watch out for… you mustn’t… t: now discuss it in pairs. then i will ask some pairs to read out their instructions.sample dialogue:s1: i’m going to visit a comet. i’m leaving tomorrow.s2: how exciting! please check that you have got the correct sort of spacesuit. you need the kind that will keep you warm if it’s too cold.s1: of course!s2: make sure you know all the safety rules. it’s not safe to stand on a comet or get too close. there is always a strong wind in space.s1: i won’t leave the spaceship except that i take photos.s2: photos? just think of the dust in the air. it will make taking photos very difficult.s1: well, i’ll take some anyway.s2: watch out for the space wind! it can be very dangerous.s1: yes, i know that.s2: don’t forget to watch the time as you leave the earth. please pay attention to everything your space guide says. don’t go off on your own. look at your temperature on your spacesuit all the time. if it’s too low you need to warm it up and if it’s too high you need to cool it down. anyway, have a good trip!s1: thank you. i will.step v speaking task (page67)the purpose of this task is to use the information the students have gained from the listening text and reading passage in a new situation. they are going to interview the astronomer in our story, li yanping, for a newspaper. so in pairs the need to work out some questions to ask him. each of the pairs needs to think of three different questions. and try to find the answers.questions and answers:1.what was the most unexpected thing you found out about black holes?the black hole threw out material as well as ate objects.2.how did you know you had got close to a black hole?you can see things disappear into what appears to be an empty space. that’s a black hole. 3.what was the most frightening thing that happened to you on this journey?when the gravity of the black hole was pulling us to it’s mouth, and then the spaceship moved round the hole and began to go faster and faster into it; i was terrified because i thought we would be eaten by the hole.4.why did your watch move slower when your spaceship moved around the hole?i’m not clear yet.5.have you found something new about black holes?yes. i thought black holes only eat some objects, but in fact they also spit objects out.step vi homework:prepare for writing a passage about your idea or hopes for traveling in space.writingteaching goals 教学目标1 target language目标语言a重点词汇和短语 explore, characteristics b重点句子 write a short article explaining three problems you might meet on the moon.. you may ask the following questions as well as work out some more. 2 ability goals 能力目标enable the ss to write an article about your idea or hopes for traveling in space. 3 learning ability goals 学能目标help the ss to learn how to write a passage.teaching important& difficult points教学重点和教学难点teach the ss how to write an article about a space travel. teaching methods教学方法task-based learning discussion. teaching aids教具准备a projector, a computer teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式step i writingthe purpose of this writing is for students to think about what kind of equipment they would need to be safe in space. it’s a good opportunity for a discussion about the pains and pleasures that might occur when traveling in space. after the discussion, they can write down the problems and the way to solve them.t: if you are going off on a holiday, what will you take?s1: i will take clothes, shoes, food and many other things.t: but for space travel, you need specialized equipment. what equipment should you take? we have discussed them in last lesson. who can answer this question?s2: oxygen can, spacesuit, gravity boots, water system, special food., special ropes, space buggy, sunglasses and space camera.t: we take so many things with us in order to avoid many dangers. what are the dangers? if you don’t know many enough, let’s watch the film "apollo". it’s a film about an american space mission that went wrong. after that, you should write down the dangers and the way to solve them.(watch the film.) sample article:if i visited the moon, i might have three problems: how to breathe, how to eat and how to move around.i would have to carry all my air with me if i went to the moon. this is because the moon has no air of its own. so i would need oxygen tanks placed on my back so i could breathe all the time.i would have to take all my food with me if i went to the moon. in the spaceship, there is no gravity so the food would float around. so, i would make sure that it is specially made as space food and then i would be able to eat it easily.i would find it difficult to move around on the moon as i would weigh one-sixth what i weigh on the earth. this means i would bounce like a balloon if i try to walk. i would have to learn to walk differently so that i don’t fall over.if i follow this advice, i think i will have a good holiday on the moon.step ii writing taskthe purpose of this writing task is for the students to use the information they have gathered on astronomy and their questions to each other to write an interesting and lively newspaper article.t: have you ever remembered oct.16th, XX?s: yes, of course..t: what happened on that day? s: china’s first manned spaceship landed safely that day.t: it’s a great moment for china and the whole world. how many preparations have they made for this space travel?s: not exactly. but they must have made full preparations for this manned space flight. t: do you admire yang liwei? s: he is our hero.t: do you want to be a great man like him? s: of course, i’m dreaming of that.t: you’ll get the chance if you work hard.. china has other new plans. the scientists plan to put a lab into space manned by scientists for short periods. they aim to visit the moon to look for valuable resources there as well as to study its environment and geological structures. do you want to be that lucky scientist? suppose you are the scientist who visits the moon in the future, please tell us your plan. for example, you can think about these questions and write down your plan. 1.what preparations should you make?2.what will you see during your space travel?3.what will you do on the moon?show sample article:
  going into space
  carry out research on the mooni’ll visit moon soon. as a scientist, i have always wanted to visit it by myself. but it’s not an easy thing. so i should make many preparations. first i’ll take enough exercise in order to be strong. then i’ll take enough and necessary equipment with me. i will make notes of what i’ll see on the moon because we’ll put a lab on it. through experiments in the lab, we’ll collect valuable resources and study its environment and geological structures. we’ll also want to find out if it’s a good place for humans to live in in the future. i believe i’ll get what i want to get from the moon. (teacher can supply other information for students. show the following on the screen:)china’s manned space programme has four goals: 1.to develop basic manned space flight technology; 2. to observe the earth and undertake experiments in space; 3. to help design space vehicles; 4. to accumulate experience for a large space station t: suppose you are part of this future programme, talk about what you’ll do, what you’ll see and what you’ll get.step iii projectask students to collect as much information as they can about the nine planets in our solar system. choose one planet that they would like to explore. then write a research report. the report should include the four requirements on page68.1.one possible project:topic: marsthe planet i have chosen is mars because it’s the closest to the earth and it’ll be one of the first planets for us to explore. it’s named after the roman god of war because from the earth it looks red in the sky.information position: 4th planet in our solar systemdistance from our sun: 228 million kmsdiameter: half the size of the earthmass: one tenth the size of earthgravity: one third of that of earthsurface size: same as dry land of earthlength of day: half an hour longer than earth daytime to circle the sun: two earth yearssatellites: twoair: 95% carbon dioxide 2% argon, 3% nitrogen, very little oxygenfindings from space tripsthe most important trips to mars have been made by the us and ussr. they have both sent many spaceships but no people to visit mars. they have discovered:---there are two seasons on mars: a warm, dusty, southern summer and cold, dusty-free northern winter.---no life can live on mars now, as the air doesn’t have enough oxygen---there are some evidence of early life when there was water on mars three million years ago---changes in the color of mars are produced by dust storms on mars---it has a north and a south pole made of frozen carbon dioxide gaswhat i would like to find out1.whether there is life under the surface of mars2.whether it would be possible for people to live on mars3.whether there is oil or jewels or rocks that would be useful for people on earth
  2.another project:topic: jupiter
  jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and is the largest one in the solar system. if jupiter were hollow, more than one thousand earths could fit inside. it also contains more matter than all of the other planets combined. it has a mass of 1.9 x 1027 kg and is 142,800 kilometers (88,736 miles) across the equator. jupiter possesses 28 known satellites, four of which - callisto, europa, ganymede and io - were observed by galileo as long ago as 1610. another 12 satellites have been recently discovered and given provisional designators until they are officially confirmed and named. information
  jupiter statisticsmass (kg)
  1.900e+27mass (earth = 1)
  3.1794e+02equatorial radius (km)
  71,492equatorial radius (earth = 1)
  1.1209e+01mean density (gm/cm^3)
  1.33mean distance from the sun (km)
  778,330,000mean distance from the sun (earth = 1)
  5.2028rotational period (days)
  0.41354orbital period (days)
  4332.71mean orbital velocity (km/sec)
  13.07orbital eccentricity
  0.0483tilt of axis (degrees)
  3.13orbital inclination (degrees)
  1.308equatorial surface gravity (m/sec^2)
  22.88equatorial escape velocity (km/sec)
  59.56visual geometric albedo
  0.52magnitude (vo)
  -2.70mean cloud temperature
  -121 catmospheric pressure (bars)
  0.7atmospheric composition hydrogen helium
  findings from space trips
  1.there is a ring system, but it is very faint and is totally invisible from the earth. (the rings were discovered in 1979 by voyager 1.)
  2.the atmosphere is very deep, perhaps comprising the whole planet, and is somewhat like the sun. it is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of methane, ammonia, water vapor and other compounds.
  3. at great depths within jupiter, the pressure is so great that the hydrogen atoms are broken up and the electrons are freed so that the resulting atoms consist of bare protons. this produces a state in which the hydrogen becomes metallic.
  4. colorful latitudinal bands, atmospheric clouds and storms illustrate jupiter"s dynamic weather systems. the cloud patterns change within hours or days. the great red spot is a complex storm moving in a counter-clockwise direction.
  5. auroral emissions, similar to earth"s northern lights, were observed in the polar regions of jupiter. what i would like to find out1.whether there is life under the surface of jupiter2.whether it would be possible for people to live on jupiter3.whether there is oil or jewels or rocks that would be useful for people on earthstep v homeworksum up the whole unit. collect the materials about stars, space travel and different ideas about the beginning of life..
