

  【人教新课标】XX年高考一轮复习黄金学案――unit 4 wildlife protection(必修二)语言要点单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)
  辨析1. contain / include 2. reserve / keep / preserve3. reduce / decrease4. fierce / wild / violent(未调顺序)
  变化1. power n. 能力powerful adj. 强有力的; 力量大的powerfully adv. 强有力地; 力量大地2. appreciate v. 理解并欣赏; 赏识; 高度评价appreciation n. 欣赏; 感激appreciative adj. 有欣赏力的; 表示赏识的; 感激的3. succeed v. 成功; 做成; 达到目的 success n. 成功; 成就; 成名; 发财; 胜利; 达到目的successful adj. 获得成功的; 取得成效的; 达到目的的
  单词1. wild adj. 野生的, 野的, 未驯化的;无居民的, 荒凉的2. die out(指物种)死光;灭绝, 火慢慢熄灭3. hunt vt. & vi. 打猎; 猎取; 搜索4. distant n. (空间或时间)远隔的, 遥远的5. mercy n. 仁慈; 宽恕; 宽容; 恩惠; 幸运
  词组1. pay attention to 注意2. die out(指物种)死光;灭绝, 火慢慢熄灭3. come into being形成;产生(不可用于被动语态或进行时态)
  重点句子1. she turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.2. they set the number of animals to be hunted.
  重点语法现在进行时的被动语态(见语法部分)ⅰ 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. contain / include【解释】contain强调主语含有某种成分或装有某物。如:include强调主语包含的人或物是主语的一部分。所以include常译为"包括"。including…"包括……",是十分常见的表达形式。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). the list ________ his name.2). beer __________ alcohol.keys:  1). included 2). contains  2. reserve / keep / preserve【解释】reserve 正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。keep 最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持合伙保存。preserve 主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). will you _______ these documents for us?2). in summer, large crops of fruit may be ________ by freezing.3). all the front seats are _________ for foreign guests.keys: 1). keep  2).preserved 3). reserved3. reduce / decrease【解释】reduce 强调在"数量、大小,程度或强度"方面下降或减少。decrease 侧重强调"稳定地,逐渐地,不断地"减少【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). the workers _______ their wage demands.2). lack of success _________ confidence.keys: 1). reduced 2). decreased4. fierce / wild / violent【解释】fierce 指人或兽的凶猛残酷。wild 既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。violent 指人时侧重极为不安、异常激动,暗含有暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). she is afraid of his _________ looks.2). who was that _________ old lady?3). _______ criminals like that are a danger to society.keys: 1). wild 2). fierce 3). violentⅱ 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1. power n. 能力powerful adj. 强有力的; 力量大的powerfully adv. 强有力地; 力量大地2. appreciate v. 理解并欣赏; 赏识; 高度评价appreciation n. 欣赏; 感激appreciative adj. 有欣赏力的; 表示赏识的; 感激的3. succeed v. 成功; 做成; 达到目的 success n. 成功; 成就; 成名; 发财; 胜利; 达到目的successful adj. 获得成功的; 取得成效的; 达到目的的【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) i will do everything in my ________ to help you. (power)2) he is very _________ built. (power)3) elephants have _________ legs. (power)4) she shows little or no ________ of good music. (dusk) 5) your help was greatly _________. (dusk )6) i"m most _________ of your generosity. (add)7) he wasn"t a ________ as a teacher. (add)8) if at first you don"t ________, try, try again. (add)9) my final attempt to fix it was __________.keys: 1) power 2) powerfully 3) powerful 4) appreciation  5) appreciated 6) appreciative 7) success 8) succeed 9) successfulⅲ 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. wild adj. 野生的, 野的, 未驯化的;无居民的, 荒凉的[典例] 1). he enjoys filming wild animals. 他喜欢拍摄野生动物。2). we walked into a wild mountain region. 我们走进荒无人烟的山区。[重点用法]be wild about sth/sb(对某事物[某人])极热心或热爱be wild with… 因……而发狂[练习] 中译英1). 群众欣喜若狂。_____________________________________________________________________________________2). 孩子们都特别喜欢这个新计算机。_____________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1). the crowd went wild with delight. 2). the children are wild about the new computer.2. relief n. (痛苦﹑ 困苦﹑ 忧虑等的)减轻或解除[典例] 1). the drug gives some relief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。2). i breathed/heaved a sigh of relief when i heard he was safe. 我听到他平安的消息时才松了一口气。[重点用法](much) to one’s relief 使某人大为放心;使某人深感宽慰[练习] 中译英1). 我最庆幸的是没有迟到。_____________________________________________________________________________________2). 见到你在这儿也就放心了。_____________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1). to my great relief/much to my relief, i wasn"t late. 2). it"s a great relief to find you here. 3. hunt vt. & vi. 打猎; 猎取; 搜索[典例] 1). wolves hunt in packs. 狼是成群猎食的。2). police are hunting an escaped criminal. 警方正在追捕逃犯。[重点用法]hunt for 试图找到(某物[某人])hunt after 探求;追求[练习] 中译英1). 我在寻找一本失去的书。2). 许多人一生追求成名,但一无所获。keys: 1). i am hunting for a lost book. 2). many people hunt after fame in their lives but never find it.4. distant n. (空间或时间)远隔的, 遥远的[典例] 1). the airport is about ten miles distant from the city. 机场距离城市大约十英里远。2). she is a distant cousin of mine. 她是我的远房表妹。[重点用法]be distant with / towards with sb. 对……冷淡[练习] 中译英1). 这两种学说之间没有什么关联。_____________________________________________________________________________________2). 她对妈妈总是很冷淡。_____________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1). there is a distant connection between the two theories.   2). she is always distant with her mother.5. mercy n. 仁慈; 宽恕; 宽容; 恩惠; 幸运[典例] 1). they showed mercy to their enemies. 他们对敌人很仁慈。2). it"s a mercy she wasn"t hurt in the accident. 她在事故中未受伤, 真幸运。[重点用法]at the mercy of sb/sth任由某人[某事物]摆布或控制have mercy on / upon对……有怜悯心[练习] 中译英1). 那只船在暴风雨中失去控制_____________________________________________________________________________________2). 可怜可怜我们吧。_____________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1). the ship was at the mercy of the storm.2). have mercy on us!ⅳ 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)词组1. pay attention to 注意[典例] 1). please pay attention to what i am saying. 请注意我说的话。2). she turned her attention to a new problem. 她把注意力转移到一个新问题上。[短语归纳]catch sb"s attention 吸引某人的注意draw attention to sth. 注意某事物give one"s attention to 注意…… [练习] 中译英1). 报纸的大标题引起他的注意。_____________________________________________________________________________________2). 她要我注意报告中的一处错误。_____________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1). a newspaper headline caught his attention.  2). she drew my attention to an error in the report.2. die out(指物种)死光;灭绝, 火慢慢熄灭[典例] 1). the moth"s habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out. 这种蛾子因栖息地正受到破坏, 几乎绝种了。[短语归纳]die away减弱(以至觉察不到);淡化 die down逐渐降低;减弱be dying 垂死的 be dying for/to do sth.渴望die of 死于(饥饿;病) die from死于(外界引起的)die hard很难改变;顽固[练习] 用die 构成的词组填空1). the noise of the car ________ in the distance.2). the old traditions are _________.3). the man _________ a wound 4). i"m ________ something to eat. keys: 1). died away 2). dying out 3). died from 4). dying for 3. come into being形成;产生(不可用于被动语态或进行时态)[典例]dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。[短语归纳]come into effect实施 come into use投入使用come into power上台执政[练习]用 come的相关词汇填空1). when did the world _________? 2). the new seat-belt regulations __________ last week. 3). when did this word ___________?keys: 1). come into being 2). came into effect 3). come into useⅴ 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)1. she turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.她转过身看到一只羚羊带着忧郁的神色望着她。[解释]此句可改成:she turned around and there was an antelope which was looking at her with a sad face."with a sad face looking at her" 为with的复合结构,即with +名词、代词(介词宾语)+v.-ing(宾补)。可充当宾补的还有分词、不定式、形容词、副词及介词短语。简单总结为:with +宾语+-v.-ed /v.-ing /to do)作伴随状语或定语[典例]with some students following behind, he came in.[练习] 中译英1). 站着的时候不要把手插在口袋里。_____________________________________________________________________________________2). 新老板很担心,因为有很多事要处理。_____________________________________________________________________________________keys:1). don"t stand with your hands in your pockets.2). with a lot of thing to be solved, the new boss worried a lot.2. they set the number of animals to be hunted. 他们拨出一定数量的动物供人们捕猎。[解释]to be hunted为动词不定式的被动式,在此作animals的后置定语。不定式作定语时,在句中如果能找到不定式动作的执行者,常用不定式的主动式,找不到时常用不定式的被动式。[典例]the first thing to be done is to tidy up the office.the first thing for you to do is to tidy up the office.[练习] 中译英1). 在我们出发之前,这辆车必须修理一下。_____________________________________________________________________________________2). 会议明天举行。_____________________________________________________________________________________keys:1). the car needs to be repaired before we start.2). the meeting is to be held tomorrow.课文要点1课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:daisy desired to help 1 (endanger) species of wildlife because a large number of animals are dying 2 . one day, a flying carpet took her to a 3 (遥远) land, 4 she could find antelopes 5 gave fur to make sweaters. then she met an elephant in zimbabwe and was told that elephants used to be hunted without 6 . but now people know the 7 (重要) of wildlife 8 (protect).答案: 1. endangered 2. out 3. distant 4. where 5. that/which 6. mercy 7. importance 8. protection2课文大意概括 (旨在训练用30个单词概括大意的能力)阅读课文,试着用30个单词概括课文大意,再比较答案文章讲述了daisy的经历。她到西藏,津巴布韦和热带雨林游览,在那她发现一些动物濒意识到临灭绝,由此她保护动物的重要性。 the passage tells us _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案:the passage tells us daisy’s experience . she visited tibet, zimbabwe and a rainforest, where she found that some animals are in danger and realized the importance of protecting animals. 3课文佳句背诵与仿写 (旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)1. 【原句】please take me to a distant land where i can find the animals that gave fur to make this sweater. 请带我到遥远的地方,在那里我可以发现为制作这件毛衣而提供毛绒的那种动物。[模仿要点] 句子结构: 定语从句1 (where)+ 定语从句2 【模仿1】我知道有这么一个地方盛产西瓜,而且西瓜含糖高。_______________________________________________________________________________答案:i know there is a place where you can find watermelons everywhere which is sugary. 【模仿2】我们已经处于这样的处境--- 我们不得不马上解决我们面临的问题。_______________________________________________________________________________答案:we are put into such a position where we have to solve the problems which we are faced with. 2. 【原句】they lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being. 千百万年,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。[模仿要点] 句子结构: …+ long before….【模仿1】: 早在你告诉我之前很久我就知道他们被邀请来参加晚会的消息。_______________________________________________________________________________答案:i knew the news that they were invited to the party, long before you told me. 【模仿2】在我认识他们之前的很久他们就互相认识了。_____________________________________________________________________________
  答案:they had known each other long before i knew them. 单元自测 1完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—30各题所给的a、b、c和d项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。字数:198完成时间:13分钟难度:*** it is a 21 day. i got in touch with michael whom i have been losing 22 for one year. we have lost contact since our last 23 in my senior 3. he mentioned to me in his last letter that he was preparing for going to the uk to 24 his education. i, shamefully, was too busy to reply his mail then. when i was 25 to the zju and won the final freedom, i thought he had already been in uk so i had no 26 where to write him. i used to think that we would never 27 again. however, i found out 28 that he is still in prc.i eventually got him on the phone. he was very surprised. life is 29 in moments such like this. old friends meet again surprisingly; they look at the face of each other, and recognize the old pal. it is such moment that makes me feel grateful to life: whenever i set off for a new 30 , i see i have friends in the same direction, with whom i won"t feel alone any more. 21. a. celebrating  b. terrifying.  c. surprising  d. shamefully 22. a. join  b. contact c. connect  d. relate 23. a. friendship  b. roommateship  c. correspondence  d. relationship 24. a. receive  b. continue  c. keep  d. further 25. a. recommended  b. commanded c. congratulated  d. achieved 26. a. suggestion b. help c. idea. d. thought 27. a. meet  b. see c. help d. communicate 28. a. sadly  b. excitedly c. astonishedly d. worriedly29. a. enjoyable  b. unforgettable  c. responsible  d. patient30. a. system  b. ambition  c. achievement  d. destination内容概要:本文讲述了这篇文章描述了两位很久没见面的老学友重逢的高兴和感慨-我们应感恩生活。答案解析:21. 选a. 老朋友相见是一件值得庆祝的事情。22. 选b. 下文有lose contact。23. 选c. 文章下文有"the last letter",作者与同学的高三毕业后的第一次通信 (correspondence)。24. 选d. 作者的旧学友到英国去深造。25. 选a. 作者被推荐到大公司工作。不能是commanded"命令"也不能是congratulated "恭喜"和achieved "获得"26. 选c 作者没法知道旧学友的地址,故不知道怎么联系。have no idea"不知道"。27. 选a. 作者和同学再次见面。28. 选b. 作者和旧学友再次见面,当然是令人高兴的事情。29. 选a. 作者见到旧学友非常高兴,自然会感叹"life is enjoyable."。30. 选d. 作者感恩生活,无论自己往哪个目标,都会有朋友并肩前行。2语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31-40的相应位置上。字数:155完成时间:9分钟难度:*** here is a short history of western painting for you now. 31 is known to all, the styles of western art 32 (change) many times, while chinese art has changed 33 often. during 34 middle ages, the main purpose of a painter was to represent religious themes. 35 by the 13th century painters began to paint more realistically. in the renaissance, painters tried to paint people and nature as they 36 were. and they learned to draw things in perspective. 37 late 19th to early 20th century, the impressionist painters wanted to show 38 light and shadow fell on objects. from 20th century to now, 39 have appeared scores of modem art and styles. new styles of painting are expected 40 (come)into being in the future. 答案:31.as 32.has changed 33.1ess 34。the 35. but 36.really 37.from 38. how 39.there 40.to come 31.as.引导定语从句,as代替整个主句: 32.has changed,有many times用现在完成时,且后一句的对比也用了现在完成时: 33.1ess与many times形成对比; 34.the the middle ages专有名词,"中世纪"(欧洲历史上从公元10XX年到1450年) 35.but表示转折; 36.really 副词做状语。 37. from因from ... to...表示从"(什么时候)到(什么时候)": 38.how.引导宾语从句,在从句本身做方式状语。 39.there.因there appear...是there be…句型的变体。 40.to come表示将来,故用不定式:3阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c和d项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。词数:403完成时间:8分钟难度:***** the american westward movement was a movement of people from the sealed regions to lands farther west. between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, anglo-american peoples and their societies expanded from the atlantic coast to the pacific coast by greatly expanding the nation’s borders, and the united states became a powerful nation in the 20th century. however, this expansion also resulted in great suffering and destruction, and a painful loss of culture for native americans. some of the native american tribes (部落) of the gmat plains were hunters and gatherers. most tribes in the southwest were hunters and farmers. in the pacific northwest, tribes were traders and fishermen, and relied on rivers rich with all sorts of fish. westward expansion destroyed resources and damaged the environment, thus destroying the ability of native americans to support themselves. in addition, the pioneers carried diseases that killed thousands.  some native americans fought against the coming of white settlers. the most famous conflicts took place on the great plains, where many tribes fought against the u.s. army in several wars between 1855 and 1877. native americans won some big victories, including the famous defeat of george custer on montana"s little bighorn river in 1876, but were finally suppressed (镇压), and then forced to reservations (居留地). in 1877 the nez perce tribe fought an.unsuccessful attempt to escape to canada. southwestern apache peoples, with their most famous leader, geronimo, fought against the occupation of their lands until 1886. however, it wasn"t a conflict that destroyed independent native american culture; it was the great number of white sealers that took over native american lands, and the ways in which these settlers transformed the west. new laws limited native americans to reservations and forced them to take meager (贫困的) government handouts. government policy tried to assimilate (同化) the tribes into white society by reducing native culture and trying to make native americans follow white customs. the dawes act of 1887 aimed to put an end to the reservations, and decrease the importance of the tribes by handing out reservation land to inpidual natives. between 1887 and 1934, dozens of reservations were destroyed, and native american lands were reduced from 150 million areas to 48 million. luckily, however, despite the poor living conditions on many reservations even to this day, native americans have managed in many cases to keep much of their culture and identity.41. by writing this passage the author intends to _________.  a. show the importance of the westward movement in the united states b. introduce the history of settlement during the westward movement c. show the painful loss of native ways of life during the westward movement  d. criticize white americans for suppressing the natives and destroying their cultures42. in the author’s opinion, the native americans suffered most from __________.  a. the diseases carried by the whites b. the loss of their lands c. the wars against the white settlers d. cultural assimilation by whites43. native culture was first cut down in the process of westward movement mainly by the ___________. a. conflicts b. reservations c. new laws d. policies of assimilation44. the dawes act of 1887 was carried out to __________.  a. make the occupation of lands by whites lawful b. destroy native means of living c. weaken native culture and identity d. establish the whites" rule45. what can be inferred from the passage? a. the writer is relieved that some native culture has been saved. b. native lands were reduced because the natives were defeated by the whims. c. native cultures only exist on reservations now.d. the natives weren"t as healthy as the whites.答案:本文是一篇历史性的夹叙夹议文,文章主要陈述了美国西进运动对当地的北美居民的影响。41. c。 作者态度题。文章的意旨是介绍西进运动中北美当地居民的文化的丧失,所以应该选择c。42. d。 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的描述美国当地居民在白人对当地居民进行文化同化中损失最大。43. a。 推理判断题。从本段的文字"however, it wasn’t a conflict that destroyed independent native american culture; it was the great number of white settlers that took over native american lands, and the ways in which these settlers transformed the west."也可以看出美国印第安文化并没有被摧毁,只能在某些程度上被削弱了。44. c。 推理判断题。最后一段说政府制定了政策来同化北美当地居民,所以应该选择c。45. a。 推理判断题。根据luckily, however, despite the poor living conditions even to this day, native americans have managed in many cases to keep much of their culture and identity.可以推断a正确。4.读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文: about 43 years ago, i was an instructor in the military college at woolwich, when young scoresby was given his first examination. i felt extremely sorry for him. everybody answered the questions well, intelligently, while he did not know anything, so to speak. he was a nice, pleasant young man. it was painful to see him stand there and give answers that were wonders of stupidity. i knew of course that when examined again he would fail and be thrown out. so, i said to myself, it would be a simple, harmless act to help him as much as i could. i took him aside and found he knew a little about julius cesar"s history. but he did not know anything else. so, i tested him and worked him like a slave. i made him work, over and over again, on a few questions about, which i knew he would be asked. he came through very well on the day of the examination. he got high praise too, while others who knew a thousand more than he were sharply criticized! i thought that what in the end would destroy him would be the mathematics examination. i decided to make his end as painless as possible. so, i pushed facts into his stupid head for hours. finally, however, i was shocked out of my mind. he took the first prize! and he got the highest praise.[写作内容] 1)以约30个词概括短文的要点. 2)然后以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写你了解的某人一次靠不断努力取得成功的经历,并包括如下的要点: ①叙述你了解的某人靠不断努力取得成功的一次真实或虚构的经历。 ②别人对此事如何评价。[写作要求] 1.作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;标题自定。 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[答案] perseverance creates miracles his instructor"s help and his diligence made scoresby, a stupid military man, did better than others in the history examination and even won the first prize in the maths examination. this story reminds me of a similar experience of my seatmate. he was really a basketball fan. so you can imagine how angry and disappointed his parents were every time the result of an exam came out! he had been the last in the list of the whole grade! everybody around my seatmate believed him hopeless. however, when he became a student of senior three, for some reason, he began to study very hard, or rather, all day and all night. despite the fact that he was quite often laughed at and looked down upon, he kept on studying. to everybody"s surprise, he was finally admitted into a famous university in guangdong province. in fact, nothing is impossible and perseverance creates miracles。
