

  Teaching Aims
  (1) Study this lesson to know more about Britain.
  (2)The students are trained to improve their reading ability.
  (3) Learn about the language points concerned with the lesson.
  Teaching procedures
  Step 1 Presentation
  Show the Britain map then find out the position of the countries.
  1.Where is Britain?
  2.Where is England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales?
  Step 2 Watch the Video
  Fill the countries on the map.
  England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Edinburgh, Belfast, Cardiff and London.
  Step 3 Listening
  Listening each paragraph. While checking the answers, you can write the key words in the blanks.
  1)UK : a. stands for_________________________ b. It is made up of_____________________
  Key: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  a. Capital_____________ b. position_____________ c. Language ________________
  d. countryside____________________________
  Edinburgh, in the north, English / Scottish, famous for its beautiful countryside
  II Wales
  a. position __________ b. capital _________ c. language _________ d. countryside _______________________e. coal mines ____________________________________
  Key: to the west of England ,Cardiff, Welsh / English , beautiful with lots of mountains and rivers, many of them have been closed, or are about to be closed.
  III England
  a. position _______________ b. capital __________
  c. population _____________ d. landforms ________________________________
  Key: in the southeast , London, seven million, rather flat and many hills
  IV Ireland
  1). Northern Ireland
  a. position ______ b. capital ____________ c. Language________
  2).The Republic of Ireland
  a. position _____ b. capital _______________c. Language__________
  Northern Ireland  in the north of Ireland  Belfast English / Irish
  The Republic of Ireland  in the south of Ireland  Dublin English / Irish
  Step 4Reading
  Read the text and choose the best answer to each question.
  1. _________ pides the "UK" into two parts.
  A . The Irish Sea B. The River Thames
  C. The English D. The Pacific Ocean
  2. The island of Britain is made up of _________ .
  A. Wales, Ireland and England B. Edinburgh, London and Dublin
  C. Ireland, Wales and Scotland D. Scotland, Wales and England
  3. There used to be a lot of coal mines ________.
  A. in the south of England B. in the south of Scotland
  C. in the southeast of Britain D. to the west of England
  4. Which country lies to the west of England and southeast of Ireland?
  A. Scotland. B. Wales. C. England. D. Ireland.
  5. Dublin is the capital of _________.
  A. Britain B. Ireland C. Wales D. the Republic of Ireland
  6. The Southern part of the island is a separate country, called the Repubhc of Ireland with Dublin as its capital. In this sentence, a "separate country" is a country _________.
  A. separated by the Irish Sea B. separated from UK
  C. which is independent D. separated by many lakes and mountains
  7. The reason why the first travellers went to Ireland from Scotland later from the west of Europe perhaps is ________.
  A. that there was enough grass for sheep and cows
  B. that it rained so much
  C. that the seas were full of all sorts of fish
  D. not found in the text
  8. Sunday is a day on which most Irish people ________.
  A. enjoy listening to music  B. have a party
  C. read their own poems to each other  D. go to church
  Step 6 Practise
  Describe the weather in Britain and Ireland and fill in the form.
  Winter: ______________________ Summer: ________________________
  North:_______________________ South:_________________________
  East:________________________ West:___________________________
  Rain: ________________________ Snow: ___________________________
  Winter: not too cold Summer: not too hot
  North: colder South: warmer
  East: drier West: wetter
  Rain: It rains every month of the year in all parts of Britain.
  Snow: Snow falls in Scotland every winter, and sometimes in England and Wales too.
  Step7 Language points
  1)Deal with the language points
  stand for be made up of be famous for
  to the north of in the north of on the north of
  be about to do sth. Be pided into be separated by
  2)Choose the right phrase for each blank.
  pide. . .into . . . neither. . .nor. . . be about to, used to ,be famous for, be fond of
  1. Sydney _______ _________ _______its Opera House (歌剧院) .
  2. Every year, millions of people ______ ________ smoking (吸烟).
  3. Kunming is called Spring City, because the weather there is _________ too hot _________ too cold at any time of the year.
  4. We ______ _________ ______leave when it began to rain.
  5. This room is too big. We should __________ it __________ two.
  6. They ______ ________play basketball every day when they were at college.
  Key:1. is famous for    2. die of
  3. neither . . . nor  5. pide . . . into
  4. were about to    6. used to
  Step 8 Homework
  Prepare Lesson 87
  教师活动:教师展示相关内容一些图片(见ppt.),如:River Thames, the Big Ben, Britain Bridge.
