

  sit anywhere. 随便坐。
  64. appear (v)出现;显露,演出;陈列;露面
  gradually a smile appeared on her face.
  the famous singer is appearing this fall at the music festival.
  he didn’t appear at the meeting until 9 o’clock.
  it appears they are right. 看来他们是对的。
  he appeared to be talking to himself.
  65. apple (n)
  成语:she is the apple of her father’s eye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。
  66. april (n)
  april fool’s day = all fools’ day愚人节
  april fool愚人节开的玩笑;愚人节被愚弄的人
  67. area (n)面积,地区,领域,范围
  this room is 150 square feet in area.
  his major area of study is chemistry.
  the areas of training and development.训练和发展方面
  68. arm (n)臂, 胳膊; 支架
  she is holding a baby in her arms.她正抱着孩子。
  there must be something wrong with my left arm.
  * armchair (n) 扶手椅
  69. army (n)军队, 大群;大批
  there they formed an army of about two thousand men.
  john is in the army. 约翰服务于陆军。
  an army of workmen was brought in to build the stadium.
  70. around (prep. ad .)
  围绕,环绕 在...四处 在...附近 大约,将近(prep)
  they sat around the table. 他们围桌而坐。
  ann travelled around europe for a few months.
  he went to the united states around 1987.
  i’ll be back at around 5 o’clock.
  到处,四处周围,附近大约环绕;循环地(ad .)
  just drive me around. 开车带我四处走走就行了。
  the windmill kept turning around.风车不停地转动着。
  the journey will take around ten days.
  71. arrive (v)
  到达;到来(+ in / at); 达到;达成[(+at)]
  they arrived in london last monday.他们上周一抵达伦敦。
  what decision did you finally arrive at?
  finally we arrived at an agreement.最后我们达成一项协议。
  arrival (n) 到达,达到
  his arrival brought complete silence to the room.
  72. art (n)艺术,美术, 技艺
  * artist (n) 艺术家
  73. article (n)文章; 东西, 物品; 冠词
  he has written an article for the magazine.
  we should buy several articles at the shop.
  the article is a part of speech in the english language.
  the article allows no other explanation.
  74. as (ad. conj. prep)
  his face is as black as coal.他的脸象煤一样黑。
  run as i do.象我这样跑。
  she sang as she worked.她一边工作,一边唱歌。
  she stayed at home as she had no car.
  we talked about such subjects as the weather.
  as a student, i should try my best to study well.
  my uncle used to work as a doctor.我叔叔过去做医生。
  treat others as you wish them to treat you.
  rich as he is, he is not happy.他虽富,但不快乐。
  75. asia (n)亚洲
  76. asian (a.,n)亚洲(人)的;亚洲人
  77. ask (v) 询问,请求,要,讨价,邀请 .需要
  he asked me how to open the box.
  how much do you ask for this?这个你要多少价钱。
  they were asked to attend the meeting.他们应邀出席会议。
  this job asks hard work.这工作需要勤劳。
  78. asleep (a.)睡着的,熟睡
  he seems to be fast asleep. 他好像睡得很熟。
  she was still half asleep when she arrived at work.
  (asleep可用fast, sound, much或very much修饰,但不可用very修饰)
  (be asleep指睡着的状态,可以接表示延续性时间的状语;而fall asleep指的是一时的动作)
  79. at (prep)在….点钟;在某处
  he gets up at six o’clock in the morning.
  they were already waiting at the gate when i got there.
  jane will meet her boy friend at christmas.
  don"t shout at me. 别对我叫喊。
  she is good at describing things or expressing ideas.
  i woke at the sound of the bell. 随着铃响,我醒了。
  they sold the cloth at a dollar a yard.
  the ship was going at full speed when it hit the rock.
  80. atlantic大西洋
  81. attention(n)注意;注意力;专心
  don’t pay attention to what they say.别在意他们所说的。
  an article in the newspaper caught my attention.
  attention, please! passengers for flight kl412 are requested to go to gate 21.请注意!请kl412航班的旅客立即到21号门登机。
  82. august (n)八月
  last august was the hottest month in history.
  83. aunt (n) 伯母;婶母;姑母;姨母;舅母
  84. australia(n)澳洲,澳大利亚
  85. australian(a. n)
  86. autumn (n) 秋季,秋天 成熟期;渐衰期;
  american people use the word "fall" to mean autumn.
  he is in the autumn of his life.他正处中年。
  87. #available (a.)
  the swimming pool is available only in summer.
  is there water available around here? 附近弄得到水吗?
  this was the only room available.这是唯一可用的房间。
  --hello! golden sun hotel. can i help you?
  --do you have a room _____ for this weekend?
  a. available b. useful c. empty d. possible
  88. avoid (v)避开,躲开 避免[(n./+v-ing)]
  i avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。
  they all avoided mentioning that name.
  she avoided answering my question.她避而不答我的问题。
  try to avoid accidents尽量避免事故。
  89. awake(v)唤醒,醒来:
  i awoke from a deep sleep.我从沉睡中醒来。
  her voice awoke the sleeping baby.
  补:he was very tired, but he tried to keep him awake.他很累但他强迫自己保持清醒。
  he was the only one boy awake at that time.
  90. away (ad.) 离开
  he hasn’t been away from home before.
  let’s keep away from drugs.让我们远离毒品!
  the hotel is only two miles away旅馆离开这里只有两英里。
  christmas is still months away.离圣诞节还有几个月。
  词组:die away渐渐消失;right away立刻,马上
  do away with废除;pass away死,逝世;
  my father_______on business for 2 weeks. he’ll return in 3 days.
  a. left b. has left c. has gone d. has been away
  91. baby(n)婴儿; 家中年龄最小的
  she has a five-month-old baby她有一个五个月的婴儿
  which of you is the baby of the family?
  92. back(ad. n) 回(原处);向后;后面的;背后,背
  someone patted me on the back.
  grandpa and grandma sat in the back of the car. 爷爷和奶奶坐在汽车后排的座位上。
  joan and i walked back to the college.我和琼步行回到学校。
  please go back three steps. 请退后三步。
  93. background(n) 背景; 出身背景
  her dress had pink flowers on a white background.
  he is a man of high culture background.
  what was the background to the story.
  94. bad (a.)(worse, worst)坏的,恶劣的; 有害的,不利的;
  the weather was really bad. 天气真糟。
  i felt bad all day. 我整天觉得不舒服。
  reading in bed is bad for the eyes.躺在床上看书有损视力
  she’s got a bad headache. 她头痛得厉害。
  the meat has gone bad. 这肉已坏了。
  they arrived at a bad time.他们来得不是时候。
  badly 坏,拙劣,不利地
  don’t speak badly of others.别说人家坏话
  he does badly in english.他英语学得不好
  95. bag (n) 袋;提袋
  96. ball(n)球;球状体;舞会
  the ladies were all dressed beautifully at the ball. 舞会上女士们全都穿得很漂亮。
  ballpoint=ballpoint pen圆珠笔
  a birthday ball生日舞会
  97. balloon(n)气球
  many children like balloons.
  99. bamboo(n)竹子
  bamboos are widely grown in southern parts of china.
  99. banana (n)香焦
  100. bank(n) (河、海、湖的)堤;银行
  i keep my money in a bank.我的钱存在一家银行里
  they stood on the river bank to fish.他们站在河岸边钓鱼
  101. baseball(n)棒球   i like to play baseball.我喜欢打棒球   102. basic(a.)基本的,基础的,初步的。   these points are basic, without them,the plan can not work.   这几点是根本的,没有它们,这份计划就行不通。   103. basket(n)篮子   she bought a basket of peaches.她买了一篮桃子   104. basketball (n) 篮球运动[u] 篮球[c]   the boys played basketball in the afternoon.   男孩们下午打篮球。   the cat is playing with a basketball.   105. bathroom(n)洗澡间   *bath(n)(洗澡):   he takes a bath every morning.他每天早晨都洗澡。   * bathe(v)洗澡,游泳   don’t bathe too soon after eating.刚吃完饭不要马上去洗澡   106. be (is , am , are, was, were, being , been)   what were you doing from 9 to 11 this morning? 今天上午九点到十一点你在做什么?   he is working. 他在工作。   it will be discussed tomorrow.此事将在明天讨论。   i am a teacher and they are my students.   我是老师,他们是我的学生。   be quiet, please. 请安静。   there are a lot of tourists there.那里有许多观光客   he will be here all next week. 下周他将一直呆在这儿。   if she"s sleeping, let her be. 如果她在睡觉,就别惊动她。   【XX安徽中考试题第41题】   --have you ever been to shanghai, mary?   --yes. i ___ there for three days with my parents last month   a. have gone b. have been c. went d. was   【经典试题】   kate’s never late for school, ______?   a. isn’t she b. is she c. has she d.hasn’t she   107. beach (n)海滩   108. bear(n) 熊   【补充】粗鲁的人   she’s nice but her husband is such a bear that nobody likes him.她人不错,可是她丈夫粗鲁,没有人喜欢他   109. beat (n, v)敲打; 跳动; 打赢; (音乐)节拍   he beat his brother for lying. 他因为他的兄弟说谎而揍他   his heart was still beating.他的心脏还在跳。   i think jack can beat all the runners in the country.   我认为杰克可以胜过这个国家的所有赛跑选手。   --what do you think of the football match yesterday?   --well. it’s surprising. the strongest team of our school was beaten   名词:(音乐)节拍   every member of the band must follow the beat very closely.   乐队的每一个成员都必须紧跟节拍。   110. beautiful(a,)美丽的,漂亮的,出色的,完美的   she has a beautiful face她有一张漂亮的脸蛋。   111. because(conj)因为   i didn’t go because i was tired.因为我累了,所以我没去。   补:because of因为,由于   the plane was late because of the bad weather.   飞机因恶劣天气晚点了.   【XX安徽中考试题】   --did you call sara back?   --i didn’t need to, _______ we’ll have a meeting together tonight.   a. though b. unless c. because d. if   112. become (became, become) 变成,成为;适合;   it seems that he has become very fond of the boy. 似乎他变得十分喜爱这男孩。   this color becomes you. 这颜色适合你。   113. bed(n) 床; 睡觉;; (河)床;(海、湖的)底;底部;   it’s time for bed now.现在到睡觉时间了.   the bed of the river has been polluted.   这条河的河床受到了污染.   【补充】go to bed就寝, make the bed铺床 bedtime就寝时间   114. bedroom (n) 卧室   115. bee (n) 蜜蜂   the bee is going from flower to flower.   116. beef(n) 牛肉   the beef i had at supper was very delicious.   117. before(prep, ad. conj)   在…以前(前面);以前;在…之前   only two days remained before the examination.   考前只剩下两天了。   your name comes before mine. 你的名字在我之前。   pride comes before a fall. 骄必败。   he was never late before. 过去他从不迟到。   have you two met before? 你们两人以前见过面吗?   check it carefully before you hand it in.   交来之前仔细核对一下。   before long 不久 (相当于soon)   long before 很久以前   补充词义:与其...宁可; 否则,要不然   i"d die before i"d tell. 我宁死也决不会说出来。   get out before i call the police. 滚开,否则我叫警察   118. begin (v) (began, begun)开始,着手。   after running half a kilometre, i began to feel tired.   -- i’m thinking of a country in asia.   --what does it begin with?(=what is the first letter?)   beginning (n) 开始, 开端   119. behaviour = behavior (n) 行为,举止   good / bad behaviour良好/恶劣行为   social behaviour社会行为   behave (v) 守规矩,行为   120. behind (prep) 在...的背后;在...的后面;支持   there is a garden behind the house. 屋后有个花园。   george always falls behind his schedule.   乔治老是不能按时完成计划。   she knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her. 她知道,无论她作出什么决定,她的家人都支持她。   121. believe(v) 相信   --does he still work there?   --i believe so / not. 我想是/不是   believe it or not, he asked me to marry him。   信不信由你,他向我求婚。   *【派生词】believeable可信任的   * belief (n) 信条,信念   122. bell (n) 钟,铃,钟声,钟形物   123. below (prep)   (指位置,数量,程度)在...下面;在…以下   her skirt came below her knees. 她的裙长过膝。   the cost of the whole work was below two thousand dollars. 办理此事的全部费用在两千元以下。   the temperatures remained below freezing all day.   气温一整天都保持在冰点以下。   124. beside (prep) 在...近旁;在旁边;   he sat down beside emma. 他在艾玛身旁坐下。   125. besides(prep,ad)   在...之外,除...之外;此外,而且,加之   what has he done, besides reading the paper? 除了看报,他还做了什么?   besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time. 除了当医生之外,他在业余时间还写小说。   the driver couldn"t see either. besides, the roads are nearly impassable. 刚才司机也看不清楚。而且这些路简直无法通行。   besides, i want you to promise me one thing.   此外,我要你答应我一件事。   126. between (prep)   (指时间、空间、顺序等)在...之间   they planted a lot of trees between the two buildings.   他们在两座建筑物之间栽了许多树。   these books were written between 1736 and 1770.   这些书写于一七三六至一七七零年之间。   there is a path between the house and the road. 有条小路将房子与出路连接起来。   (指数量、距离、程度等)介乎...之间   he is a man between sixty and seventy.   他的年龄约在六十到七十之间。   【XX安徽中考试题】   --what do you often do ____ classes to relax yourself?   ---listen to music.   a. over b. among c. between d. through   127. beyond (prep)在(到)…较远的一边;超过   the exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class.练习超出了大多数学生的能力。   it’s beyond me why she married him.   我无法理解她为什么嫁给他。   the dorrbell on the wall was beyond the baby’reach. 墙上的门铃小孩子是够不着   128. big (a.)   (在面积、体积、数量、程度等方面)大的,巨大的;年龄较大的; 重大的;;;;夸口的   how big the birthday cake is! 这生日蛋糕好大呀!’   it is said that our boss has a big decision to make soon.   据说我们老板不久要作出一项重大决定。   don’t cry, you are a big boy now.别哭了,你已经是大孩子了。   no one likes his big talk. 人人都讨厌他的吹牛。   129. bike = bicycle (n)   130. bill ( n)   账单,钞票,纸币,清单;纸币;法案;议案   the store sent me a bill for $50.   那家商店寄给我一张五十美元的帐单。   i have five one-dollar bills.我有5张一美元的钞票   we are all for the bill.我们都赞成这项议案。   131. bird(n)鸟;禽   birdcage(n)鸟笼   bird flu禽流感 swine flu猪流感   132. birth (n)出生;诞生   i am a chinese by birth.我生为中国人.   give birth to生… 生产,引起   birthplace(n)出生地,故乡   133. birthday (n)生日   he gave me a gift on my twelfth birthday.   happy birthday!生日快乐!   134. biscuit (n) 饼干   135. bit (n)一点,一些,少量的   a bit of = a little   i’ve got a bit of milk to drink.   there’s been a bit of trouble at the office.   办公室里出了点儿麻烦事。   a bit = a little bit   this shoes are a bit tight.这鞋有点儿紧。   the shoes are a little bit tight.这鞋有点儿紧。   136. bitter (a.)苦的,痛苦的,怀恨的;严酷的;难过的   the medicine tastes bitter. 此药味苦。   why was he so bitter against me? 他为何对我如此刻薄?   the bitter winter was coming.寒冬到了。   she feels very bitter.她感到十分心酸。   we’ve learnt from bitter experience not to trust what he says.我已从痛苦的经验中得到教训,不要相信他的话。   they learned a bitter lesson.他们接受了惨痛的教训。   137. black(a.n)黑色的;(咖啡)不加牛奶(或奶油)   it was a cold, black night. 那是个寒冷而漆黑的夜晚。   two black coffees, please.请来两杯不加牛奶咖啡。   138. blackboard (n)黑板   139. blind (a.) 瞎的,盲的;视而不见的   he is blind in one eye. 他一只眼睛失明。   he is blind to his son’s bad behaviour.   他对他儿子的坏行为视而不见。   (blind表示"某人是盲人"时,只能以人做主语,不能用eye做主语: he is blind in the right eye.他右眼是瞎的,不能说his right eye is blind.)   140. blood (n)血,血统   they are of the same blood.他们是血亲。   blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。   141. blow(blew, blown) (v)吹,刮风,吹气   you are not blowing hard enough.你没有用劲吹。   it was blowing hard. 刮着大风。   142. blue (n,a.)   蓝色(的),忧郁的,发青的,悲伤的,沮丧的   her hands were blue with cold.她的双手冻的发青。   he’d been feeling blue all week.他整个星期不乐。   you are looking blue. what’s the matter?   你看起来挺忧愁,怎么回事?   143. board (n) 木板,布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部   members of the board.全体委员   he has a seat on the board of directors.他是董事会成员。   the exam results went up on the board.   考试成绩张贴在布告牌上   【补充】boarding school 寄宿制学校   144. boat (n)小船   boat race (n)划船比赛   boating (n) 划船(游玩),泛舟   145. body(n) 身体;躯干;尸体   body language 身体语言   146. book(n) 书,书本,书籍;著作;报章杂志   (v) 预定,定(房间,车票)   i’d like to book a table for two for 8 o’clock tonight.我想订一张今晚8点钟的两人餐桌。   i’m sorry --- we are fully booked.对不起,客满了。   bookcase书橱 bookmark书签 bookshelf书架 bookshop/bookstore书店 bookman文人   147. boring (a.) 令人生厌的;乏味的   it was boring to sit there without anything to do. 无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了。   he is a boring man.他是个令人讨厌的人。   148. born (a.)出生的, 诞生的;产生的;天生的, 生来就有的   the baby was born last friday. 孩子是上星期五生的。   she was considered a born movie star.   她被看成是天生的电影明星。   she was born to succeed. 她注定会成功的。   149. borrow (v)借,借入(+from);借用;采用(+from)   how much have you borrowed from him?   你向他借了多少钱?   some of his ideas were borrowed from other sources.   他的某些见解是从别处借用来的。   150. boss (n)领班,老板   i asked my boss for a holiday. 我向负责人申请度假   have you got a match,boss? 老板,有火柴吗?   151. both (pron, a.) 两...(都),两个...(都)   比较:   both women were french.   both the women were french.   both of the women were french.   both of them live in london.   they both live in london.   both his father and his mother work in london.   not only his mother but also his father works in london.   for this job, you need a good knowledge of both italian and spanish.担任这项工作需要精通意大利语和西班牙语。   152. bottle (n) 瓶子 一瓶的容量   he can drink two bottles of wine at one time.   他一次能喝两瓶酒。   153. bottom (n)底部,尽头,末端;底部的   the bottom of the cup is broken. 这杯子的底破了。   the apples at the bottom of the basket are smaller. 篮子底部的苹果较小。   i’ll walk with you to the bottom of the road.   我和你一起走到路的尽头。   from the bottom of one’s heart衷心地,真诚地   bottoms up!干杯!   154. bowl (n) 碗 一碗的容量   would you like another bowl of soup?   请再喝一碗汤好吗?   155. box (n)盒子,箱子   boxing (n)拳击(运动)   156. boy (n)男孩   【派生词】 boyish孩子气的; boyhood少年时代   157. brain (n) 智力,头脑   i suppose she has more brains than any of us. 我认为她比我们都聪明。(brain表示"智力,智慧"时常用复数形式brains)   158. brave (a.) 勇敢的,英勇的   he was as brave as a lion. 他勇猛如雄狮。   bravery (n) 勇气   159. bread (n) 面包   i had three pieces of bread for breakfast this morning. 今天早晨我吃了三片面包。   【成语】take the bread out of one’s mouth.抢某人的饭碗,砸某人的饭碗。   160. break(broke, broken) (v)打碎,弄坏,撕开   she dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.   break one’s word. 失信   break one’s heart 伤透某人的心   he came in second, but still broke the olympic record.他得了第二名,但仍然打破了奥运记录。   161. break (n) 间歇,休息   let’s take a break.我们休息一会吧。   it’s time for break.下课了,休息!   162. breakfast (n) 早餐,早饭   i had a quick breakfast this morning in order not to be late for school.   (breakfast做名词泛指早餐时,前面不加冠词;有定语修饰时常加冠词a;特指某一顿早餐时还可加定冠词the)   163. breath (n) 呼吸   he held his breath while the results were read out.   宣读结果时,他屏住呼吸。   we were out of breath after only five minutes.   我们五分钟过后就上气不接下气。   164. breathe (v)呼吸   the air was so cold that we could hardly breathe.   空气太冷,我们难以呼吸。   most people don’t realize that they are breathing polluted air.大多数人还没意识到他们正呼吸着受到污染的空气。   165. bridge (n) 桥梁,纽带   we crossed the bridge over the changjiang river.   我们穿过了长江上的这座桥。   culture exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries. 文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。   【补充】the engineers want to bridge the river.   166. bright (a.) 明亮的;聪明的   the box was painted bright red. 盒子被漆成鲜红色。   she has blue and bright eyes.   她有一对蓝色的欢快的眼睛。   a bright boy learns quickly.聪明的孩子学的快。   if you work hard, you will have a bright future.   如果努力工作,你将会有一个美好的前程。   167. bring (brought, brought) (v)带来,拿来,取来。   please don"t forget to bring your grammar books next time. 下次请别忘记带你们的语法书来。   168. brother (n)兄弟   elder brother哥哥   【派生词】 brotherhood手足之亲; brother-in-arms战友; brother-in-law姐夫;妹夫; brotherless无兄无弟的; brotherly兄弟般的   169. brown (n,a.)棕色(的),褐色(的)   the leaves turn brown in autumn.树叶在秋天变成褐色   brown sugar红糖   170. brush (n, v )刷, 掸, 拂;刷子, 毛刷, 画笔   i paint with a brush. 我用画笔作画。   i"m going to brush my teeth. 我要去刷牙了。   171. build (built, built) (v) 建筑;造   the house is built of wood.这房子是用木头建造的。   he built a school for the blind.他创办了一家盲人学校。   172. building (n) 建筑物,房屋,大楼   173. burn(-ed, -ed / burnt, burnt) (n)燃,烧,使烧焦;使晒黑   the sun burns bright in the sky.   太阳在天空明亮地照耀着。   dry wood burns easily. 干柴易燃。   the soup was so hot that it burned my mouth.   这汤很热,以致烫伤了我的嘴。   people used to burn an oil lamp to get light.   从前人们点油灯照明。   174. bus (n)公共汽车   they go to work by bus. = they go to work in the bus.   bus stop公共汽车站   175. business (n)(本分)工作,职业;职责;生意,交易   he’s gone to shanghai on business.他去上海出差去了。   a teacher’s business is to help children learn.   教师的本分是帮助孩子学习。   this is none of your business.这与你不相干。   businessman男商人businesswoman女商人   176. busy(a.) 繁忙的   kate is busy with her homework.   james is busy practising for the school concert.詹姆斯正忙着为学校音乐会排练。   【成语】as busy as a bee忙得不可开交。   177. but (conj.) 但是;(通常用not...but...)而是; 可是,然而   it is hot in summer here, but it is not cold in winter. 这里夏天热,但冬天不冷。   our purpose is not to do it for you but to teach you to do it by yourself.我们的目的不是替你做这事,而是教会你自己做   she looks very young, but she is already in her 30"s.   她看上去很年轻,可是她已三十多岁了。   (表示歉意时用): i’m sorry but i can’t stay any longer. 很抱歉,我不能再待下去了。   we’ve had nothing but trouble with this car.   我们这辆车尽出毛病。   the problem is anything but easy.这问题一点也不简单。   178. butter (n) 奶油,黄油   179. butterfly(n)蝴蝶;时髦的人;轻佻者;蝶泳   the butterfly is a kind of water sport.   蝶式游泳是一种水上运动。   she is a butterfly.她是一个轻浮的人。   【补充词汇】break a butterfly on a wheel.杀鸡用牛刀   180. buy (bought, bought)(v) 买,购买;   mother bought me a pair of jeans.母亲给我买了一条牛仔裤。   my father bought a nice toy for me yesterday.   we won"t buy peace with our freedom.   我们不会用自由换取和平。   181. by (prep) 靠近, 在…旁;; 不迟于; 被, , 由; 乘(车)   there is a house by the river.河附近有一所房子。   he was knocked down by a bus.他被公共汽车撞倒。   i go to school by bike every day.   they met by chance.他们不期而遇。   i did it by mistake.我误做了这事。   i’ll have it done by tomorrow.我将于明天之前让人做完这事。   can you finish it by five o’clock?你五点钟前能完成工作吗?   he was brought up by an aunt.他由婶婶抚育成人。   (表示程度,数量)   house prices went up by 10%.房价上涨了10%。   (从…看, 依, 按照)   by my watch it is two o’clock. 我的表是两点钟。   i could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened.从她的脸色我可以看出,发生了可怕的事情。   (表示触及或抓住的人或物的部分)   i took him by the hand.我拉着他的手。   ( 与the 连用表示时间或量度单位)   we rented the car by the day.我们按日租用汽车。   they’re paid by the hour.他们的报酬是按小时计算。   (表示累加)   they’re improving day by day.他们一天天改进。   we’ll do it bit by bit.我们会一点一点地做。   the children came in two by two.孩子们一对一对的进来   【成语】by and by不久,很快   by and by she met an old man with a beard.   不久她就碰到一位大胡子老头。   by the way顺便说一下   182. bye (int.)   c   183. cabbage(n) 甘蓝菜,卷心菜   184. cake (n) 蛋糕,糕饼   she is making a cake. 她在做蛋糕   a piece of cake一块蛋糕,容易的事   --can you carry this heavy box?   --just a piece of cake!   185. call (v.n)喊,叫; 称呼;呼唤; 电话, 通话   "come on,"she called out. "快,"她喊道。   shall i call you a taxi? 我给你叫辆出租车好吗?   she called him joe. 她称他乔。   i promised to call on her after the examination.   我答应考试后去看望她。   she made a long-distance call to hong kong.   她打长途电话到香港。   we heard a call for help. 我们听到呼救的声音。   186. camel (n) 骆驮   187. camera (n) 照相机,摄像机   would you plesae tell me where to buy a digital camera?   请告诉我哪里可以买数码相机吗?   188. camp (n, v) 野营;营地 扎营;宿营   the travellers set up a camp near the river.   旅游者在河边架起了帐篷。   where shall we camp tonight? 今夜我们在哪儿露营?   189. can (v)(表示有能力,请求,允许,可能性)能,会   i can run fast. 我能跑得快。   can you call back tomorrow?明天你能回电话吗?   she can speak spanish. 她会讲法语。   you can take the car, if you want.   如果想用那车,就尽管用吧   we can’t wear jeans at work.我们工作是不准穿牛仔.   can you help me with this box?你能帮我搬这个箱子吗?   can you feed the cat, please?请你喂一下猫好吗?   that can’t be mary----she’s in new york.   那不可能是玛丽,她在纽约.   we can eat in a restaurant, if you like.   如果你愿意,我们可以去餐馆吃饭。   i can take the car if necessary.   如果必要的话,我可以乘汽车去。   (中考题型----XX安徽中考试题)   --who’s the man over there? is it mr.black?   --it _____ be him. he’s much taller.   a. can’t b. mustn’t c. should d. may   罐头,罐子,易拉罐   we drank a can of coke each.我们每人喝了一罐可乐。   190. canada (n)加拿大   191. cancel (v)取消;删去;抵消   all flights have been cancelled because of bad weather. 因天气恶劣,所有航班均被取消。   is it too late to cancel my order?   我现在取消订单是不是太晚了?   192. cancer (n) 癌症   his grandfather died of/from cancer.   193. candle (n) 蜡烛   a piece of candle一支蜡烛   light a candle点燃蜡烛   194. candy (n) 糖果   you eat too much candy. it"s bad for your teeth.   你糖吃得太多了。这对你的牙齿不好。   have a piece of candy, please.请吃块糖。   195. cap (n) 帽子;(管,瓶等的)盖;钢笔套   lift(raise) one’s cap举帽致意   put the cap back on the bottle.把瓶盖盖上   196. capital (n)首都;省会;大写;资本   what’s the capital of canada?   our capital is beijing.我们的首都在北京。   they don’t have enough capital to build another factory.   他们没有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。   proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter.   专有名词用大写字母。   in this sentence, the word big is in capitals.   本句中big一词用的是大写形式。   197. captain (n)船长;(足球等)队长; (海军)上校   richard is the captain of the football team.   理查德是这个橄榄球队的队长。   198. car (n)小汽车; 火车车厢,小卧车   several cars went off the rails.有几节火车车厢出轨了。   199. card (n)卡片;名片;贺卡; 扑克牌   a birthday / get-well / good luck card.   生日贺卡,祝愿康复卡,幸运卡片   i often play cards with my friend in my spare time.   200. care (v, n)照料,保护,小心;介意,在乎   medical care医疗保健, patient care病人护理   who’s taking care of the children while you’re away?   he’s old enough to take care of himself.   i don’t care what he thinks.我才不管他怎么想。   she doesn’t seem to care that he’s been married four times before.她似乎不介意她以前结过四次婚。   take care (告别用语)走好,保重。   201. careful (a.)小心的, 仔细的,谨慎的;   be careful! 小心!   be careful not to wake the baby.注意别弄醒了宝宝。   please be careful with my glasses.(don’t break them).   he was careful to keep out of sight.   他小心翼翼躲开别人视线。   202. careless (a.)粗心的, 漫不经心的   it was careless of me to leave the door open.   怪我粗心忘了关门。   he made a careless mistake. 他犯了一个粗枝大叶的错误。   she’s careless about her clothes.   她对穿着一点都不讲究。   203. carry(v) (用手、肩等)挑,抱,背,提,扛,搬,传播   he was carrying a box on his shoulder.   他的肩上扛着一个箱子。   we have to carry a lot of books in our school bags every day.我们每天书包里不得不背很多的书。   this disease is carried by flies.这种疾病是苍蝇传染的。   the city buses carry hundreds of thousands of passengers a day.市内公交每天运载数十万乘客。   204. cat (n)猫   i wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.我想给大家来个惊喜,可我妹妹却先说露了嘴。   let the cat out of the bag.(无意中)泄露秘密   play a cat-and-mouse game with sb.   和某人玩猫捉老鼠游戏;耍弄   205. catch(caught, caught) (v)接住,抓住; 赶上; 染上;发现; 领会   i caught him by the arm.我抓住他的胳膊。   catch a cold感冒/ catch a fever发烧   i think i must have caught this cold from you.我的感冒想必是你传染的。   i could hardly catch what he meant.   我简直不理解他说的意思。   i caught her smoking in the bathroom.   我碰见她在洗手间抽烟。   you wouldn’t catch me working on a sunday.   你绝对不会看到我在星期日工作。   we caught the 12:15 train from london 我们赶上了12:15从伦敦发出的火车。   206. cause(n. v) 原因;起因;促使,引起,使发生   what was the cause of the accident?   造成这一事故的原因是什么?   his speech caused much discussion.   他的演讲引起了许多议论。   these causes led to a bad result.这些原因导致了不良的后果。   what caused him to change his mind?   什么原因使他改变了主意?   the child’s headache may be caused by food.   这孩子的头痛可能是食物引起的。   207. cd (n)   208. cd--rom (n)   只读光盘,一种能够存储大量数据的外部存储媒体,一张压缩光盘的直径大约是4.5英寸,1/8英寸厚,能容纳约660兆字节的数据.   209. ceiling(n)天花板;顶篷   a large room with a high ceiling.屋顶很高的大房间   she lay on her back looking up at the ceiling.   她仰卧着仰望天花板。   210. celebrate(v)庆祝,   we held a party to celebrate our success.   我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。   today is his birthday, so we"re going to celebrate.   今天是他的生日,所以我们要庆祝一下。   how do people celebrate new year in your country.   celebration (n) 庆祝会,庆祝   211. cent (n) (美、加等国的货币单位,为dollar的1%)分   25% = 25 per cent   centimetre=centimeter厘米   212. centre=center (n) 中心,中央   the centre of a circle圆心   there is a long table in the centre of the room.   a shopping / sports centre购物中心, 运动中心   213. century (n) 世纪,百年   the building is some centuries old.这座建筑已建有几个世纪了   the 21st century二十一世纪   214. certain (a.)(未知名真实姓名的)某…;确定的,无疑的,一定的   it is not yet certain who will succeed him.   谁来接他的班还未确定。   i"m quite certain of that. 对那事我完全可以肯定。   i’m not certain who was there我无法确定当时谁在场。   it is certain that they will agree. / they are certain to agree. 他们肯定会同意   they are certain to succeed. (they are certain of success.) (they are certain that they will succeed.) 他们确信会成功。(比较同义句)   a certain person called on you yesterday.   昨天有个人来拜访过你。   it was a certain dr davis who performed the operation.是一位叫戴维斯的医生做的手术。(强调句)   * uncertain (a.) 不确定的   215. chair(n) 椅子; 主席; 主席席位   do you know the old man asleep in the chair?   she takes the chair in all our meetings.   她主持我们所有的会议。   who is in the chair today? 今天谁主持?   216. chairman/woman(n)(女)主席,(女)会长;(女)议长;委员长;系主任   217. chalk(n) 粉笔   a piece of chalk一支粉笔   a box of colored chalks一盒彩色粉笔   he is writing on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.他正拿支粉笔在黑板上写。   218. chance(n)机会,可能性,时机,机遇,,偶然   please give me a chance to explain.   there is no changce that he will change his mind.   他不可能改变主意。   we have a good chance of winning the game.   我们很可能赢得这场比赛   there will be a chance for parents to look around the school.家长们将有机会参观学校   i met her by chance at the airport. 我碰巧在机场见到她。   chess is not a game of chance.国际象棋不是靠运气取胜的   take one’s chance碰运气   219. change(v) (使)改变; 交换; 兑换(钱); 换乘(车等)   on second thoughts he changed his mind.   进一步考虑后,他改变了主意。   i wish to change some pocket money.我希望换些零钱。   let me change the dollar bill for coins.   让我把这张美元的纸钞换成硬币。   you"ll have to change planes at seattle.   你得在西雅图换乘另一架飞机。   【补充】great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1978. 自78年以来,我的家乡发生了巨大变化。   (n) 零钱,找头(不可数)   don’t forget yor change.别忘了找给你的零钱!   changeable (a.) 易变的,变化无常的   220. # chant(v,n)歌; 曲子, 赞美诗, 圣歌;反复(单调)地唱(或说);吟诵, 唱   the crowd chanted their hero’s name.   人群不断呼喊着英雄的名字。   the crowd broke into chants of "out ! out!"   人群中有节奏地爆发出"下台!下台"的反复呼喊声。   221. cheap (a.) 便宜,贱; 低劣,不值钱   cycling is a cheap way to get around.   骑自行车是一种省钱的旅游方式。   cheap shoes低价劣质的鞋子   (cheap有时可指价钱虽便宜,但质量不一定好)   222 cheat (v n)欺骗;骗取,诈取(+of/out of);哄骗(+into)   they cheated the old woman of her house and money.   他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。   the salesman cheated me into buying a fake.   那个推销员骗我买了假货。   you’re not allowed to look at the answers --- that’s cheating. 你们不许看答案,那是作弊   he cheats at cards. 他玩牌作弊   223. check (n, v )检查; 核对; 批改   geoge always checks the answers carefully before handing in his papers乔治在交试卷前总是认真地检查一下答案   i have checked your answers and none of them are correct. 我检查了你的答案,没有一个是对的。   ¬--is marry in the office? 玛丽在办公室吗?   --just a moment. i’ll go and check.请稍等,我去看看。   224. cheer (n, v) 欢呼,喝彩;使振奋;向...欢呼   when they saw us, they waved and cheered.   看到我们时,他们又挥手又欢呼。   your visit has cheered the sick man.你的来访鼓舞了病人。   the thought cheered him. 这想法鼓舞了他。   we all cheered as the team came on to the field.球队入场时我们都为之欢呼。   cheers! 干杯!   cheer up 振作起来,提起精神!   oh, come on-----cheer up!噢,得了,高兴起来吧。   give marry a call; she needs cheering up.   给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰。   cheerful (a.)兴高采烈的,快乐的   225. cheese(n)乳酪;干酪   a cheese sandwich奶酪三明治   "茄子"(要求照相的人说的口形词)   226. chemistry(n)化学   chemical (a, n) 化学的,化学品   chemist(n) 药剂师,化学家   227. chess(n)(国际)象棋   228. chest箱子,盒子,胸膛   he kept his money in an old chest.   i’ve got a pain in my chest.我胸部痛。   the doctor is checking his chest.   a medicine chest医药箱   229. chicken(n)小鸡,鸡肉   --would you like some more chicken?   --yes, please.   chick (n) 小鸡   230. child(children) (n)小孩;儿童   i lived in london as a child.我小时候住在伦敦   childhood (n) 幼年时代,童年   231. china(n)中国   china陶瓷   232. chinese(a. n)   233. chocolate(n)巧克力; 朱古力; 巧克力糖   234. choice(n) 选择,抉择   we each had to make a choice. 我们每人都必须做选择。   he had no choice but to leave.除了离去,他别无选择。   235. choose (chose, chosen)选择, 挑选   there are so many kinds of computers in the shop. i really don’t know which to choose.   she had to choose between staying and leaving.   236. chopsticks(n)筷子(常用复)   237. christmas(n)圣诞节   are you spending christmas with your family?   happy christmas! 圣诞快乐   merry christmas and a happy new year!   圣诞快乐并恭贺新禧!   christmas card圣诞卡   christmas tree圣诞树   christmas eve圣诞(前)夜   238. church(n)教堂; 教会   how often do you go to church?你多久去教堂做一次礼拜?   239. cinema(n)电影院;电影   i used to go to the cinema every week.   我过去每周都去看电影。   240. circle (n, v)圆圈;将…圈起来   the students sit in a circle on the floor.   学生们在地板上坐成一圈。   circle the correct answers. 圈出正确的答案。   spelling mistakes are circled in red ink.   拼写错误都用红笔圈了出来。   241. city(n)城市; 都市;   242. clap (n, v) 拍(手),鼓(掌);为...鼓掌   the fans cheered and clapped.   粉丝们又是喝彩又是鼓掌。   he clapped his hands for silence.他拍拍手要大家安静。   he clapped me on the shoulder to encourage me.   他轻拍我的肩膀来鼓励我。   give him a clap! 为他鼓掌吧!   243. class(n) 班级; 课   he came top of the class.他在全班名列前茅。   she works hard in class.她上课用功。   she is the youngest in the class.她在班上年龄最小。   补充:等级,阶级,阶层   society is pided into upper, middle and lower classes.社会分为上层,中层和下层阶级。   classical (a.)传统的,古典的   244. classmate(n) 同班同学   245. classroom(n)教室; 课堂   246. clean (a. v)   干净的; 纯洁的; 把…弄干净   it’s your duty to keep the classroom clean and tidy.   保持教室整洁是你的职责。   i spend all day cooking and cleaning.   the coat is too dirty, i’ll have it cleaned.   这件衣服太脏了,我得送去洗洗。   247. clear(a.) 清晰的;清澈的;清楚的;晴朗的   we could see fish in the clear water.   我们看到清澈的水中有鱼。   i can see the hill through the clear glass.   通过透明的玻璃,我能看到小山。   the weather was clear that day.那天天气晴朗。   i’m quite clear what i should do.我很清楚该做什么。   补充词汇:无障碍的;清除了...的   the road is clear of snow now. 路上的雪已清除。   【补充】clear up天气放晴   i hope it clears up this afternoon.我希望今天下午天气放晴。   clearly (ad.)清楚地,无疑地   248. clever(a.)聪明的;灵巧的,熟练的,擅长的   how clever of you to work it out!   你解决了这个问题真是太聪明了。   he’s clever with his hands.他的手很灵巧。   he’s clever at getting what he wants.   他想把什么东西弄到手的时候总是很精的。   249. climb (v) 爬,攀登;   as they climbed higher, the air became cooler.   【补充词汇】 (飞机,太阳、炊烟、物价)徐升渐长   the plane climbed to 33 000 feet. 飞机爬升到33000英尺   250. clock(n)钟   the clock face钟面 the hands of the clock钟的指针   251. clone克隆,以无性繁殖技术复制。   a team from the uk were the first to successfully clone an animal. 英国的一个小组率先克隆动物成功。   252. close (v, a ,) 关(商店等);封闭(道路等);(关系)密切的,亲密的;近的,接近的[(+to)]   the street has been closed for two days.   这条街已被封闭两天了。   his house is close to the factory. 他家靠近该厂。   she is a close friend of theirs. 她是他们的挚友。   253. clothes(n) 衣服   i bought some new clothes for the trip.   she has no clothes sense.她不懂穿着打扮   clothing(n) (总称)衣服   254. cloud(n) 云;云壮物,阴影   look, there are so many clouds in the sky. it’s going to rain.瞧,天上那么多云,天要下雨了   255. cloudy (a.)多云的; 阴天的   256. club(n) 俱乐部; 社团;纸牌中的梅花   257. coach(n)教练, 私人教师,长途汽车,火车车厢   italy’s national coach意大利国家教练   a maths coach数学应试辅导教师   a coach station长途汽车总站   they went to berlin by coach.他们乘长途汽车去柏林。   258. coal(n)煤   成语:carry / take coals to newcastle多此一举   259. coast(n)海岸,海滨   we walked along the coast for five miles.   260. coat(n)外套,大衣; (动物的)皮毛;(植物的)表皮   a dog with a smooth coat皮毛光滑的狗   to put on / take off your coat穿上/脱下外套   261. coffee(n)咖啡   two strong black coffees, please.   请来两杯不加奶的浓咖啡   black coffee / white coffee不加奶 / 加奶的咖啡   262. coin(n)硬币   263. coke(n)可乐;   264. cold (a. n)   寒冷的, 冷淡的,;冷酷的; 寒冷,伤风,感冒   it was bitterly cold that night. 那个夜晚,天气十分寒冷。   hot and cold food is available in the restaurant.   饭店里有冷热事物供应。   to give sb. a cold look冷冷地看某人一眼   would you like a cold drink? 你要不要喝杯冷饮?   i have got a cold recently. 近来我感冒了。   265. collect (v)收集, 采集   my hobby is collecting stamps.   266. college(n)学院; 高等专科学校   267. colour(ame :color) (n, v )颜色; 涂颜色于,着色   what’s your favorite color?   this is a color television. 这是一台彩色电视机。   tom colored the picture red. 汤姆将画涂成红色。   268. come(came, come)(v)来, 来到; 变为   there is a storm coming.暴风雨就要来了。   here comes jo! 乔来啦!   everything will come right in the end. 一切都会好起来。   269. comfortable (a.)舒服的, 安逸   please make yourself comfortable while i get some coffee.我去冲咖啡,你别拘束。   it’s such a comfortable bed.这床真舒服。   he’s more comfortable with computers than with people.   比起与人相处,他和电脑打交道更能应付自如。   comfort (v) 安慰,慰问   270. common(a.)   普通的;常见的,一般的,平常的; 共同的,共有的   smith is a very common last name in england.   在英国史密斯是很常见的姓。   they share a common interest in music.   他们在音乐方面兴趣相投。   shakespear’s work was popular among the common people in his day.莎士比亚的作品在他那个年代很受普通百姓的欢迎。   271. communication(n)交流, 交际; 通讯   speech is the fastest method of communication between people.说话是人与人之间交流最快捷的方法。   doctors do not always have good communication skills.医生不一定都具备良好的交际能力。   272. communicate(v)交流,交际,传达   we learn a language in order to communicate.   我们学习语言是为了交流思想。   he had no way to communicate with his brother. 他没有办法与他兄弟联系。   273. company(n)公司   tom works for a computer company.   汤姆在一家电脑公司上班。   274. compare(v) 比较,对照[(+with/to)]   it is interesting to compare their situation and ours.   把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。   we compared the first report with the second.   我们仔细比较了第一个报告和第二个报告。   compare this with that, and you will see which is better.   将这个与那个比较一下,你就会知道哪个比较好了。   275. competition(n)比赛,竞赛   there will be a chess competition next week.   276. complete(a. v ) 完成的; 完整的; 完成;结束   when will the work be complete ?工作什么时候完成?   we can’t go out until our homework is complete. 我们把作业做完才能出去。   complete the sentences in the exercise by filling in the blanks. 在空白处填充使练习中各句成为完整句。   by the end of august we had completed the work. 我们到八月底就完成了这项工作。   277. composition(n) 作文,作品,作曲   my composition has not been completed yet.   我的作文还未写完。   he played a piece of music of his own composition.   他演奏了一首自己创作的曲子。   278. computer(n)计算机, 电脑   computer game 电子游戏   a personal computer 个人电脑   【XX安徽中考试题】   --you didn’t send me an e-mail last night, did you?   --sorry. my_____ broke down. i couldn’t get online.   a. computer b. car c. clock d. camera   279. concert(n)音乐会;演奏会   --how do you like the concert given by the "foxy ladies"?   --exciting, though one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well.   280. condition(n)状况;条件;   to be in bad / good / excellent condition   处于糟糕的/良好的/极佳的状态。   a used car in perfect condition车况良好的旧车   we should do something to improve our working conditions.我们应当采取措施提高我们的工作环境。   健康状况:   he is overweight and out of condition。   他体重超重,健康状况不佳。   i’m in good condition today.我今天状态良好。   281. conference(n) (正式)会议;讨论会,,会谈   he is attending a three-day conference on aids education.他正在出席一个为期三天的有关艾滋病教育的会议。   282. connect(v) 连接,连结;把…联系起来   this railway connects london and edinburgh.   这条铁路连接伦敦与爱丁堡。   the towns are connected by train and bus services.   这些城镇由火车和公共汽车连接起来。   he’s got a job connected with the environment.   他获得了一份与环境有关的工作   there was nothing to connect him with the accident.   他与那起事故毫无关联   【补充】给...接通电话[(+with)]   connect me with taipei, please. 请给我接通台北。   283. consider(v) 考虑,认为   i’ve begun to consider what to do next.   我已在考虑下一步该怎么办。   we’re considering moving to seattle.   我们考虑搬往西雅图。   you should consider other people before you act.   你在行动之前应当考虑别人   i consider it useless discussing the matter with them.   我认为和他们讨论这件事没有用   consideration (n)考虑,关心   considerate (a.) 体贴的   284. continue(v) 继续   i was allowed to continue using the library.   我获准继续使用该图书馆。   they continued to meet every week. 他们继续每周见面。   the other frog, however, continued to jump as hard as he could, and at last made it out.然而另外一只青蛙继续尽力往上跳,最后终于跳出来了。   285. control(v)控制;支配;管理   she is skillful enough to control the machine now. 现在她已有了足够的技术可以操纵这台机器了。   i couldn’t control myself, and i hit him.   我气得不得了就打了他。   补充词汇:   be / run / get out of control 无法管理;失去控制   the children are completely out of control since their father left.这些孩子自他们的父亲离开后就无法无天了。   a truck ran out of control on the hill.   一辆卡车在山上失去了控制。   be under control被控制住;处于控制之中   don’t worry --everything’s under control!   别担心,一切都控制住了。   286. conversation(n)会话;交谈;谈话   i had two conversations with him.我和他谈过两次话。   287. cook (n, v) 烹调,煮; 厨师;烹调,做饭   it took me about two hours to cook the meat.   mother cooked us a good meal.   john is a very good cook. (he cooks very well)   288. cooker (n) 炊具,烹调器具   289. cool(a.)凉爽的; 冷静的;酷   it is late summer. soon the days will cooler.   夏末了,很快天气就将更凉爽。   (因时髦,漂亮且与众不同而)令人钦佩,绝妙,顶呱呱的   you look pretty cool with that new tie.   你戴那条领带真酷!   --can you come at 10:30 tomorrow?   --that’s cool. 没问题。   keep cool !保持冷静!   290. copy (n, v) 抄本,副本;一本(份,册…); 抄写;复制; 拷贝;复印   i will send you a copy of the letter.   我将把信件的副本寄给你。   the book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks.   这本书在两周内销售2万册。   he"s busy copying the letters. 他忙于抄写信件。   she copied the phone numbers into her address book.她把那些电话号码抄写在通讯录上。   291. corner(n)拐角, 角落   i hit my knee on the coener of the table.   我的膝盖撞到桌子角上了。   write your address in the top right-hand coener of the letter.把你的地址写在信件的右上角。   292. correct (v, a)改正,纠正;正确的,对的   he is correcting the examination papers.他正在批改试卷。   it is correct for you to keep it secrect.   你不把事情说出来是对的。   293. cost (v, n) 花费, 价格   we did not even make enough money to cover the cost of the food.我们挣得钱甚至无法糊口。   she saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life.她从火中把他救了出来,却牺牲了自己的生命   the car cost him around ten thousand us dollars. 这车花去他一万美元左右。   294. cotton (n, a )棉花; 棉布;棉花的   295. cough (n, v)咳嗽   i couldn’t stop coughing.我咳嗽不止   she gave a little cough to catch my attention.   她轻轻地咳了一声以引起我的注意。   296. could (modal v)can过去式   could i use your phone?   he studied very hard but couldn’t pass his examination.   297. count (v) 数; 点…的数目;   he can read, write and count.他能读写还会计数。   let’s count the people who are present.   咱们把到的人数点一下。   we have invited 50 people, not counting the children.不算小孩,我们邀请到了50人。   counter(n)柜台,结帐处   298. country(n)国家, 农村; 郊外, 乡村   we are going to have a day in the country tomorrow.   我们打算明天去乡下玩一天。   we hope to move to the country in the near future.   我们希望在不久的将来移居乡村。   299. countryside(n)乡下, 农村   the countryside is very green in spring.   300. couple(n) (一)对,(一)双;夫妇;   i saw a couple of men get out.我看见有两个男人出去了。   the couple was / were married in 1976.   several couples were on the dance floor.   几对夫妇在跳舞。   【补充】几个,三两个   they walked a couple of miles. 他们步行了几英里。   we went there a couple of years ago.我们几年前去过那里。   301. courage(n)胆量,勇气,英勇   he didn"t have the courage to tell his mother that he had failed in the exam.他没有勇气告诉母亲他考试不及格。   【补充】take your courage in both hands 鼓起勇气   taking her courage in both hands, she opened the door and walked in. 她壮着胆子打开门,走来进去。   302. course(n)路线;方向, 过程;进程, 课程   the plane was on / off course.飞机航向正确/偏离航向。   wars have influenced the course of history.   战争一直影响历史进程。   she took a course in art. 她攻读美术课程。   【补充】一道菜   a four-course dinner有四道菜的正餐   the main course was roast duck.主菜是烤鸭。   【补充】of course当然 / of course not当然不会   -- i hope you don’t mind my opening the window.   --of course not. it’s much too hot in here.   303. cousin(n)堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)   304. cover (n, v)封面;盖子;覆盖   mary covered her face with her hands.玛丽用双手捂住脸。   the highway was covered with snow. 公路被雪覆盖着。   on the front cover of the magazine is a picture of a boy.   杂志的封面是一张男孩的照片。   【补充】涉及;包含;占….面积(v)   the park covers an area of some 1140 square meters.   公园占地面积约1140平方米。   305. cow(n)奶牛,母牛   306. crayon(n)颜色粉笔;蜡笔;炭笔   307. crazy(a.)疯狂的;发疯的; 着迷的,热衷的   you’re crazy to go out in this stormy weather.   在这种暴风雨的天气外出,你疯了。   it’s a crazy idea.那是个疯狂的想法。   john’s crazy about that girl. 约翰狂热地爱上了那个女孩。   308. create (v)创造;造成   an artist should create beautiful things.   一个艺术家应该创造美丽的东西。   that would create a wrong impression.   那将造成一种错误的印象   309. cross (v, n) 越过;穿过;交叉;十字形物   they crossed the river by boat. 他们乘舟渡河   don’t cross your legs when you sit, please.   坐时请不要交叉双腿。   this island is in the shape of a cross. 该岛呈十字形。   jean wears a tiny golden cross.琼戴着一只小小的金十字架。   crossing (n)十字路口,人行横道   crossroads (n) 交叉路口   310. cruel(a.)残忍的,残酷的,无情的   he is cruel to animals. 他对动物很残忍。   the cruel boy threw stones at the frogs.   那个残忍的男孩用石头投掷青蛙。   311. cry (n, v) 叫喊,哭声; 喊叫,哭   the baby can cry as soon as he is born.   婴儿生下来就会哭。   she ran to the window and cried for help.   她跑到窗口呼喊救命。   it’s all right. don’t cry.不要紧,别哭了!   312. culture(n)文化   venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history.   威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。   313. cup(n)茶杯   would you drink a cup of milk?   where was the XX world cup held?   XX年世界杯赛在哪举行的?   补充:cupboard碗橱,橱柜   314. cut (cut, cut) (v) 切, 割, 砍,剪,削   please cut the cake into ten pieces.请把蛋糕切成十块。   she cut her finger on a piece of glass.   一块玻璃把她的手指头划破了。   【补充】削减   we mustn’t cut the cost of education.   我们不应该削减教育经费。   315. cut (n) 伤口;刻痕   the cut on my finger is healing well.   我手指上的伤口愈合得很好。   d   316. dad(daddy) (n)爸爸, 爹爹(口语)   317. daily (a, ad, n) 每日的;日常的。每天,日报   there was little change in their daily lives.   他们的日常生活几乎没有变化。   my father goes for a walk daily. 我父亲每天散步。.   a new daily will appear soon in our town.   一张新的日报不久将在我市问世。   318. dance (v, n) 跳舞; 舞蹈   we enjoyed ourselves at the dance party.   take party in a dance参加舞会   give / hold a dance举行舞会   319. danger (n) 危险   danger! keep out!危险,请勿入内!   children’s lives are in danger every time they cross the road.孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险。   doctors said she is now out of danger.   医生说她已脱离生命危险。   how many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs?有多少产业工人可能失业?   320. dangerous (a.) 危险的   the traffic here is very dangerous for children.这里的交通对孩子很危险。   it would be dangerous for you to stay here.   你呆在这儿不安全。   the situation is highly dangerous.形势十分危急。   321.dare (v, aux v)敢;竟敢   how dare you ask me such a question?   你怎敢问我这样的问题?   my younger sister dare not go out alone.   我妹妹不敢单独出去。   he did not dare to leave his car there.   他不敢把车停放在那里。   322. dark (a. n) 黑暗,暗处; 黄昏, (颜色)深的;暗淡的   it"s getting dark. 天快黑了。   there are dark clouds in the sky. 天空乌云密布。   she is wearing a dark blue sweater.   she could see nothing in the dark.   她在黑暗中什么也看不见。   don’t go out alone after dark.天黑后不要单独外出。   323. date(n) 日期; 约会;枣   what’s the date today?今天几号?   i’ve got a date with lucy tomorrow night.   明天晚上我与露西有个约会。   【补充】out of date过时的 / up to date最新式的   324.daughter(n) 女儿   【补充】daughter-in-law.儿媳妇   325. day(n) 天;白天;时代,日子(复);节日   what day is it today?今天星期几?   we’re going away in a few days.   take the medicine three times a day.   we can’t go there today. you can go another day.   我们今天不能去那儿,你可以改天去。   he works at night and sleeps during the day.   most women stayed at home in those days.   在那个时代大多数妇女都呆在家里。   the life used to be very interesting in my school days.   在我学生时代,生活非常有趣。   have a nice day! 祝你有愉快的一天!   326. dead(a.) 死的, 无生命的   the baby was born dead.婴儿生下来就死了。   mary threw away the dead flowers.   玛丽把枯萎的花扔掉了。   327. deaf 聋的 不愿听的   she is deaf in one ear. 她一只耳朵是聋的。   he was deaf to her warning.他不听她的警告。   【补充】turn a deaf ear to (sb. / sth)对…置之不理   he turned a deaf ear to my words.他对我的话充耳不闻   328. # deal (v) 处理,对付;对待[(+with)   she is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job. 她已习惯于和工作中各种各样的人打交道。   how do you deal with the letters?   (n) 数量,金额,交易   the factory has made a new deal with a buyer in canada.这厂家与加拿大的一买主新做了一笔买卖。   they spent a great deal of money.他们花了大量的钱。   * that’s a deal. 成交 / it’s a deal. 就这么办吧   329. dear(a.)亲爱的;,宝贵的 昂贵的   he is one of my dearest friends.他是我最亲密的朋友之一。   everything is so dear now, isn’t it?   现在什么东西都贵,是不是?   * (int) (表示惊愕等)哎呀!唷!   oh dear! what a shame! 天哪,太可惜了!   330. death (n) 死, 死亡,灭亡   car accidents have caused many deaths.   车祸造成了许多人死亡。   it was a matter of life and death to them.   对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。   331. december(n)   she was born in december.她是12月出生的。   332. decide (v) 决定; 决意; 下决心   i can’t decide what to wear.我拿不定注意穿什么。   she decided (that) she wanted to live in france.她决定要住在法国。   333. decision(n) 决定; 决心; 决议   the final decision is yours.最终的决定权属于你。   he made a decision to travel around the world.他决定周游世界。   334. deep (a. ad.) 深的 深深地,深厚   the snow is three feet deep. 雪有三英尺深。   he took a deep breath.他深深吸了一口气。   they sat and talked deep into the night.   他们坐着谈话,一直谈到深夜。   * deeply (ad.)深深地   they were deeply disturbed by the accident.   这个事故使他们深感不安。   335. degree (n) 度数 程度; 学位   water freezes at zero degrees centigrade.   水在摄氏零度结冰。   she has a degree in chemistry from london university.她有伦敦大学化学专业学位。   336. delicious(a.) 美味的; 有趣味的   who cooked this? it’s so delicious.谁做的?味道好极了。   the dish is very delicious.   337. dentist(n) 牙医   i have a toothache, so i must go to a dentist.   338. depend (v)依靠,依赖,指望; 取决于   health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.   健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。   --is he coming?他来吗?   -that depends. he may not have the time.   那要看情况,他不一定有时间。   i might not go. it depends how tired i am.   我不一定去,这要看我有多累。   it depends on the weather. 这取决于天气。   339. describe (v) 描写; 叙述; 形容   can you describe him to me?   你能向我描叙一下他的样子吗?   who’d like to describe what happened just now?谁来描叙一下刚才发生的情形?   * description (n) 描述,描写   can you give me a description of the thief?   340. desk(n) 课桌; 办公桌; 工作的台子   341. develop使发育, 发展,逐渐养成;开发;冲洗照片。   warm rains and summer suns develop the plants.和暖的雨水和夏日的阳光促使植物生长。   the builders are developing that part of the city. 建筑商正在开发这座城市的那个地区。   try to develop good reading habits.   要养成良好的阅读习惯。   i develop and print films myself.我自己为照片显像和曝片。   i had the film developed yesterday.   昨天我把胶卷拿去冲洗了。   342. development(n) 发展; 展开; 成长   343. dialogue (ame dialog) (n) 对话   344. diary (n) 日记; 日记簿   do you keep a diary?你经常记日记吗?   345. dictionary(n) 字典, 词典   you’d better look it up in the dictionary.   你最好查一下字典。   this is a dictionary of place name.这是一本关于地名的字典。(表示"关于某方面的字典"时,介词用of,不接on或about)   346. die (v)死; (草木等)枯萎;   her husband died of / from canaer. 她的丈夫死于癌症。   she died young.她年纪轻轻就死了。   347. difference(n) 差别; 差异;   there’s no difference in the results.结果没有差别。   i can never tell the difference between the twins.我从来就分不开这对双胞胎。   348. different(a.) 差异的; 不同的;   american english is different from british english.   美国英语不同于英国英语。   she offered us five different kinds of cake.   她给我们提供了五种不同的蛋糕。   349. difficult(a.) 难的; 困难的; 不易相处的   she finds it very difficult to get up early.   她觉得很难起早。   it’s difficult for me to learn japanese.   350. difficulty(n)困难,费力,艰难   i had no difficulty in getting in touch with him.   我和他取得联系没有什么困难。   we found the house without difficulty.   我们轻而易举就找到这房子。   注意:一般不说"have difficulty to do sth."   351. dig (dug, dug) (v) 挖; 掘   i’ll dig some potatoes for lunch.我要挖点土豆做午餐   352. dinner(n) 正餐; 宴会   it’s time for dinner.该吃饭了。   what time do you serve dinner?   你们什么时候供应主餐?   * dine (v)吃饭,(尤指正式地)进餐.   * dining room食堂,饭店   353. direct (a. v)直接的;直截了当的; 导演,指挥,监督;管理。给…带路   his death was a direct result of your action.   他的死是你的行为直接造成的后果。   there’s a direct train to london.有一班直达伦敦的火车。   the movie was directed by zhang yimou.   这部电影是张艺谋导演的。   could you direct me to the station?请问到车站怎么走?   354. direction (n) 方向; 指示, 用法说明(复)   tom went off in the direction of the post office.   汤姆朝邮局方向去了。   when the police arrived, the crowd run away in all directions.警察赶到,人群便向四面八方跑走。   let’s stop and ask for directions.咱们停下来问问路吧。   355.director(n);处长;主任;(电影等的)导演,指挥   tom’s father is a school director.汤姆的父亲是校主任。   he was a good director.他是个好导演。   356. dirty(a.) 脏的, 弄脏的;   try not to get too dirty.别把身上弄的太脏。   * dirt (n) 污物,赃物   357. discover(v) 发现, 看出;   i never discovered how to open the box.   我一直未能发现该如何打开这个箱子。   she was discovered dead at her home.   人们发现她死在家里。   we never did discover why she gave up her job.我们一直弄不清楚她为什么辞职。   358. discovery(n) 发现; 被发现的事物   the drug is not a new discovery--it’s been known about for years.这种药并不是什么心发现--人们多年前对它已有所了解。   359. discuss(v) 讨论; 商议; 论述   college students always discuss the news.   大学生经常讨论新闻。   we will discuss what to teach during the next term.   我们将讨论下学期要教什么。   360. discussion(n) 讨论; 商议; 辩论; 论述   linda didn’t take part in the discussion yesterday.   琳达昨天没参加讨论。   we had a discussion about the differences between britain and the usa.我们讨论了英美两国的不同之处。   the plans have been under discussion for a year now.这些计划至今已讨论一年了。   361. disease(n) 疾病; 弊病   it is not known what causes the disease.   这种病的起因不明。   362.dish(n)碟,盘 一盘菜;菜肴,盘形物   mary put the pears in a white dish.   玛丽将梨子装在一个白盘子里。   fried eggs are my favorite dish. 煎蛋是我最喜爱的菜。   i’ll do the dishes.我来洗碗   363 dismiss(v)让...离开; 解散,遣散;;解雇;开除   he was dismissed from the hospital a week later. 他一周之后出了医院。   the teacher dismissed the class on time. 教师按时下课。   he was dismissed from his job. 他被开除了。   364. disturb (v) 妨碍,打扰   i"m sorry to disturb you so early.   对不起,我这么早打扰你。   if you get up early, try not to disturb everyone else.   你如果起得早,尽量别打扰别人。   365. pide(v)分, 划分,分离   the teacher pided our class into four groups.   老师把我们班分成四个小组。   can it ever be right to pide a mother from her child?让母子分离难道还有对的时候?   【补充】除   30 pided by 6 is 5. 30除以6等于5   366. do (did, done) (v)做,干,从事;构成否定/疑问;加强语气   my mother does the cooking. 我母亲做饭。   i have done a lot of work. 我做了许多工作。   you really did me a favor. 你确实帮了我一个忙。   do as you are required. 按要求去做。   it’s your turn to do the dishes tonight. 今晚轮到你洗碗碟。   my son does well in school. 儿子在校学业很好。   you don’t like pop music, do you?   你不喜欢流行音乐,对吗?   he doesn’t like chocolate. 他不喜欢巧克力。   does he speak chinese? 他说中国话吗?   do come, please. 请一定来。 (强调句)   i do believe you. 我确实相信你。(强调句)   can eric run as fast as phil does?   埃里克能跑得和菲尔一样快吗?   367. doctor(n)医生 博士   you’d better see a doctor about that cough.   你最好找医生治治你的咳嗽。   368. dog(n) 狗   i took the dog for a walk.我遛狗去了。   【补充词汇】every dog has his day 人人皆有得意日   a dog’s life悲惨的生活,牛马不如的生活   369. doll(n) 玩偶,玩具娃娃   i’d like to buy a doll for my daughter as a present.   我想买个玩具娃娃给我女儿做礼物。   370. dollar(n) (美, 加, 澳, 埃塞)元   you will be paid in american dollars.   你的报酬将以美元支付。   371. door(n) 门; 户; 通道   there is a knock on the door.有人敲门。   to answer the...
