

  8b unit 5 international charities第一课时教学案
  【教学目标】1. enable the students to learn some international charities, and learn to use
  "used to" and "be used to".
  2. enable the students to raise their abilities of listening and speaking.
  3. enable the students to discuss how to help people in poor areas.
  1.国际慈善组织 2.零花钱
  3.习惯于 4.过去常常
  5.医疗 6.在餐馆的隔壁
  1. i’m not used to (go)out before lunch..
  2. you used to (be )very kind to me.
  3. i’m so weak that i can’t walk any (far).
  1.internation n. 国际
  international adj. 国际的 international charities 国际慈善机构
  2.pocket money 零花钱
  you have some pocket money left. 你还剩一些零花钱。
  left 过去分词作后置定语, 表示"剩下的"。
  举一反三: there is some food (leave).
  3.i’m not used to going out before lunch. 午餐前我不习惯外出。
  be used to 习惯于…
  i’m used to (have) a rest after lunch..
  4.you used to be very kind to me. 你以前对我很好。
  used to do sth 过去常常………
  he used to be a teacher. 他曾是一名教师。
  ⑵ used to的否定形式为usedn’t to do 或didn’t use to do
  we usedn’t to go swimming. we didn’t use to go swimming.
  ⑶ used to的疑问形式 used … to… did … use to do …?
  used he to go hiking? did he use to go hiking?
  ⑷ used to的反意疑问句一般用 didn’t …
  mrs brown used to get up early, didn’t she ?
  she used to (run) in the morning, but now she is used to (get) up late.
  5. so+形容词/ 副词+ that从句,that后跟结果状语从句。表示"如此…以至于…"
  i’m so weak that i can’t walk any further. 我都虚弱得走不动了。
  she danced so beautifully that all the judges gave her full
  1.零花钱       2.太虚弱不能行走
  3.习惯于              4.在饭馆的隔壁
  5.吃一顿丰盛的午餐         6.国际慈善机构
  7.过去常常             8.最不重要的
  9.带某人去某地           10.医疗
  11.world vision        12.oxfam 
  1.the people in poor areas need h care most.
  2. if you can enter the high school, you can get a good e .
  3. orbis is an i medical organization.
  4. we must keep the balance of (自然界)
  ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
  1.there used (be) many beautiful flowers around my house.
  2. i don’t think i (used to, be used to) the life here.
  3. there is nothing (leave) in the fridge now.
  4.our country has a good care,so most people are .but the poor countries don"t have,so the people there are .(health)
  5.the red cross is one of the most famous (charity)in the world.
  6.now everyone knows the________(important)of learning english.
  1.零花钱    2.习惯于           
  3.在饭馆的隔壁   4.吃一顿丰盛的午餐      
  5.国际慈善机构         6.过去常常
  7.带某人去某地        8.医疗
  9.unicef        10.orbis
  1. mr wu is always k (friendly, nice) to me.
  2. i usually buy books with the p (bags in the clothes) money.
  3. we would like the better health c .
  4. english is an i language.
  5. i have only one ticket (剩下)
  6. i’m sure you’ll be successful (以后).
  7. tom is ill. the teacher (带)him to hospital.
  8. don’t w .i will help you.
  9.an (国际的) meeting will be held in beijing next month.
  1.she used to    (run) in the morning,but now she is used to (get)up late.
  2.he is too tired (go)any farther now.
  3.tom used to (spend)very little time (do) his homework.
  4.there is nothing      (1eave)in the fridge now.
  5.the young girl’s mother always     her to do good deeds.i think this is a good education. (education)
  iv. 选择题
  ( ) 1. mother us stories when we were young.
  a.was used to tell b. is used to telling c. used to tell d. used to telling
  ( ) 2. my brother used there.
  a. to working b. to work c. worked d. working
  ( ) 3 .you need more if you want to be fit.
  a. exercise b. to exercise c. exercising d. exercises
  ( ) 4. doctors in every part of the world.
  a. need b. needed c. is needed d. are needed
  ( ) 5. internet bars shouldn’t let people under 18 or let anybody bad things.
  a. watch b. to watch c. watches d. watching
  1.the box is too heavy to carry.(同义句)
  the box is heavy carry.
  2. my father often rode a bike to work, but now he goes to work by car(同义句).
  my father bike to work.
  3.oxfam needs money.(否定句)
  oxfam money.
  4.you used to be very kind to me. (否定句)
  you be very kind to me.
  5.i’m very weak. i can’t walk.
  i’m weak walk .
  8b unit 5 international charities第二课时教学案
  【教学目标】1. enable the students to learn to guess meanings of new words from the context .
  2. enable the students to learn to skim text for overall meanings and scan for details.
  3. enable the students to understand the structure of difficult sentences.
  answer the questions:
  1.how many people does blindness affect around the world?
  2.how many sick people can be cured or prevented?
  3.why do many people not receive medical treatment?
  4.why do orbis doctors prefer to work on a plane?
  5.how many operations did dr ma perform during his last visit?
  6.is it hard work for him?
  7.is the plane only a place to perform operations?
  8.how do people feel about their work?
  9.what does orbis need to carry on with their work? what can we do for them?
  1. blindness n. 失明
  举一反三: i felt sorry for his (blind).
  2. affect v. 影响
  smoking can affect your health. 吸烟影响你的健康。
  3.mostly adv. 主要地,大部分地
  举一反三:he uses his car (most) for going to work.
  4. case n. 病例,案例 the cases of blindness 失明的案例
  5.cure vt. 治愈
  the only way to cure backache is to rest.
  6.medical adj. 医学的,医疗的 medical treatment 医学治疗
  举一反三: 一所医科院校
  7.volunteer n. 志愿者 volunteer doctors 志愿者医生
  volunteer v. 志愿 volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事
  举一反三: 我志愿帮助你。
  8.operate vi. 做手术 operate on sb 给某人做手术
  the doctor is operating on the girl.
  operation n. 手术 do an operation 动手术 perform operations
  举一反三:how many (operate) did dr ma perform during his last visit?
  9.patient adj. 耐心的
  he is a patient person. 他是一个有耐心的人。
  patient n. 病人
  举一反三: 改善病人的生活
  10. afford v. 买得起,能够
  the house is so expensive. i can’t afford it.
  11.indeed adv. 确实,真正地
  a friend in need is a friend indeed.
  12. proud adj, 骄傲的,自豪的 be proud of 以……为骄傲
  13.treat vt. 治疗,对待
  we can treat and cure most eye problems.
  treat everyone equally 平等对待
  1.继续 2. 艰苦的工作
  3.为某人做手术 4.为…而骄傲
  5.足够的时间 6.能
  ⅱ. 根据提示完成下列单词。
  1.sars (影响)many people in the world.
  2.he didn’t get to school on time because of his 病).
  3. there are many (病人)waiting outside the doctor’s office.
  4.k is power.(知识)
  5. we should p (stop sth from happening) people from cutting down trees.
  1. my brother (luck) passed the exam.
  2. 98 percent of the students (be) good at english.
  3. you can climb up a tree by (use) a ladder.
  4. the young man carried on (study) english.
  5. mr green uses his car (most) for driving to work.
  6. eddie isn’t used to (get) up early.
  7. orbis uses a (fly) eye hospital to visit poor countries.
  8. (blind) affects about 45 million people around the world.
  9. the good news is that most of the cases can (cure).
  10. all we need is enough time (mend) the machine.
  ⅰ. 汉译英
  1.失眠的病例_______________ 2.医学治疗 __________________________
  3.做手术____________________ 4.感激某人 __________________________
  5.一所眼科飞行医院___________ 6.给某人做手术 ______________________
  7.阻止某人做某事________ 8.志愿者医生 ________________
  9.继续我们的工作_______________ 10.影响45万人_____________________
  ⅱ. 根据词的适当形式填空。
  1._________(blind) affects about 45 million people around the world,_________(most) in poor __________(country).
  2.orbis uses a     (fly)eye hospital to visit poor countries.
  3. by (train) local doctors and nurses,we hope to help (many) people.
  4.people must be really (grate)to you.
  5.we hope people will support our work by sending (donate)to orbis.
  6.many people do not have the money for medical (treat).
  7.the i11ness affects about 45 (million)people around the world.
  8.doctors can perform (operate).
  9.mr green invited many to ________ french in the_______ center.(teach)
  10.there are many (interview)in the tv station.
  ( )1.you can watch the programme_________.
  a. on radio b in radio c on video d.in video
  ( )2.we hope to send her to school      donations.
   a. by receiving b.with receiving c receiving d.to receive .
  ( )3.the good news for us we’ll have a week off.
  a. are that b.are this c.is this d.is that
  ( )4.all we need are new skills and knowledge to     our work
  a. carry b.carry on with c. go on d.go on to
  ( )5.the shoes are too smal1 .
  a. putting on b. to put on c. to put it on d.to put them on
  though 80 per cent of the cases of b_________ can be cured or p__________, people in poor countries don’t have enough money for m________ treatment. volunteer doctors in orbis perform o_________ on the plane. also, they use the plane as a t_____________ centre. they want to help more people by t___________ local doctors and nurses. people in poor countries are really g_______ to them. because blindness a___________ about 45 million people around the world. more modern m________ and money are needed. let’s try our best to s________ their work.
  iv. 根据汉语完成句子。
  when i worked in a hospital , i used to do only
  2. 你还有别的要对我们的读者说吗?
  is there you’d say to our readers?
  3. 我们所需要的就是足够的钱来开展我们的工作。
  is money to carry on with our work.
  8b unit 5 international charities第三课时教学案
  【教学目标】1. enable the students to work out the structure of each sentence.
  2. enable the students to retell the story in their own words, following the organization of the passage.
  1.医学治疗 2.给某人动手术
  3.过去常常 4.习惯于
  5.感激某人 6.继续
  1. many of our patients are so poor that they can’t afford (travel) to hospital.
  2. when i worked in a hospital, i used to do only two or three (operate)
  a day.
  1. it’s hard work and we need to work very quickly, but i’m used to it.
  2. you’ve done such an important job that people must be really grateful to you.
  3. i’m proud to be able to help so many people.
  4. modern medicine is developing so quickly that we can treat and cure
  most eye problems and improve the lives of patients.
  1.tell sb sth about 告诉某人有关某事
  举一反三: 告诉我们一些有关失明的情况
  2. medical treatment 医学治疗
  举一反三: many people do not have money for medical (treat).
  3. use sth to do sth 用某物做某事
  举一反三: orbis uses a (fly) eye hospital (visit) poor countries.
  4.on video 在录象上
  they can watch the operations on video.
  5.by doing sth 通过做某事
  举一反三:by (train) local doctors and nurses, we hope to help even more people.
  6. such an important job 如此重要的一份工作
  be grateful to sb 感激某人
  7.help people see again 帮助人们重见光明
  8.anything else 别的任何事情
  9.modern medicine is developing so quickly that we can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of patients.
  so……that … … 如此……以至于……
  10.carry on (with) 继续下去
  we carry on with our discussion. 我们继续讨论。
  carry on doing 继续做某事
  举一反三:despite all the noise, he carried on (read).
  1.the cold weather a his health.
  2.she is m (for the greatest part, mainly)out on sunday.
  3.take this medicine. it will c (treat…well) you of your cold.
  4.we’d like to be the v of the XX olympic games.
  5.we are (自豪的)of our success.
  6.he is very sad and worried because of his (失明).
  7.i was very (感激的)to you for all you did .
  8. dr zhang is performing an (手术) on the patient .
  9. after the accident he had (治疗)in hospital .
  1. many people died because of ( ill).
  2. he used (play) football in the afternoon.
  3. our teacher told us to try our best (help) others.
  4. we hope people will support our work by (send) money to project hope.
  5. what we need (be) enough money to donate to orbis.
  6. the old man told the children (not walk ) in the rich field
  7. this watch can (repair) in two days .
  8. orbis also use the plane as a (teach) center.
  9. we are looking forward to (see) you again.
  10. china and india are both (develop) countries.
  1. 他很自豪他能够治愈这种疾病。
  he that he can .
  we hope people can     .
  we is to our study.
  mr ma ?
  1.they use a flying eye hospital (visit) poor countries.
  2.the good news is that most of the cases of blindness can ________(cure).
  3. we should try our best (help)other people in poor areas.
  4.all we need is enough time (mend) the machine.
  5.orbis (support) by the money that people donate.
  6.my uncle (teach) history in that college since 1980.
  7.all of us (take) part in the sports meeting yesterday.
  8.thank you very much for (invite)me to the show.
  the red cross is an international o .it provides a number of services for the public,such as c for people,teaching them the k ____ of the first-aid(急救)and helping people in need.
  mary is a 20-year-old girl.her mother is proud of her because she is a red cross nurse. as soon as mary finished school,she j _ the red cross and was t ____ as a nurse.she was taught that if she meets an accident,she should give the first-aid at once and then s for a doctor.
  one day, there was an accident in a busy street. when mary arrived soon,she saw a woman who had been knocked down by a car l on the street. mary told the crowd she is a red cross nurse and began to help the woman.she gave the woman a small m _____ treatment at once.after a while,an ambulance(救护车)arrived.the woman was very g __to mary.mary said,"you"re welcome. it’s my d !"
  v. 完形填空。
  world wildlife fund(wwf)’s goal is to save the world’s environment.the organization was set up1 september 11,1961. in the beginning, wwf worked 2 the world’s wildlife.now,it works to save earth 3 its environment.
  wwf has many tasks.one is to stop air pollution.pollution from industry(工业)and cars is4 to our environment each year,more and more trees are cut down 5 wwf tries to protect earth’s forests.a1so wwf is interested in saving all plants and animals. as people use more land,more and more animals are 6 their homes and many die.wwf can buy important areas to 7 the land from disappearing because 0f human development.
  wwf has completed many projects.in china,wwf works to save pandas from extinction(灭绝) .8 south america,it works to save the amazon rainforest.
  volunteers and donations help wwf complete its work.wwf’s work is 9 to our environment, and is also important for people to help them 10 time and money.
  ( )1. a. in b.at c on d./
  ( )2.a. save b.to save c saving d.saved
  ( )3.a .and b but c or d.so
  ( )4. a. harmed b.harmless c harm d.harmful
  ( )5.a. because b. because of c so d.but
  ( )6.a .lose b.1osing c lost d.1oses
  ( )7.a. give b. provide c prevent d.protect
  ( )8.a. at b.on c in d.to
  ( )9.a. hard b. important c easy d.useful
  ( )10.a. on r about c at d. wit
  8b unit5 international charities第四课时
  teaching aims
  ⅰ.knowledge aims
  1.to train the understanding of suffixes.
  2.to learn form nouns by adding ‘-ment’,‘-ness’or ‘-ion’to some verbs
  and adjectives.
  ⅱ.ability aims
  1.to form nouns by adding suffixes or changing sth to some verbs and adjectives.
  2.to learn to sum up the suffixes.
  ⅲ.moral aims
  encourage students to have confidence to learn english well.
  1.new words: agreement, invention, educate, punish, ugly
  2.form nouns by adding ‘-ment’,‘-ness’ or ‘-ion’ to some verbs and adjectives.
  1)treat 2)blind 3)happy
  4)operate 5)invite 6)celebrate
  1.educate 教育,动词.其名词形式为"education"。
  e.g. parents should educate their children to behave well.
  举一反三:1.after his mother’s death, he has to his sister.
  2.he at our school in the past.
  3.most students can go to college for further in our city.
  a. education b. information c. technology d. science
  动词:treat—treatment invent—invention organize-organization
  agree—agreement collect-collection invite-invitation
  punish celebrate
  develop educate
  improve donate
  advertise pollute
  excite operate
  形容词:blind—blindness happy—happiness
  ill—illness ugly—ugliness
  举一反三:rich sick kind
  1.operation(动) 2.celebrate(名) 3.happy(名)
  4.arrange(名) 5.inform(名) 6.excite(名)
  1. many people are .most cases of can be cured or prevented.(blind)
  2. my grandpa likes things. one of his is collecting stamps.(collect)
  3. the chairperson of the club didn’t come to the activity because of his
  4. she is working at a new .(invent)
  5. unicef believes that all the children should be able to get an .(improve)
  6. water (pollute) is a very serious problem in your city.
  7. many people made (donate) for the poor child.
  8. with the (develop) of economy, people’s life is getting
  better and better.
  9. i always share my (happy) with my friends.
  10. i can’t say i (agreement) with you.
  1. do you like watching (广告)on tv ?
  2. kate didn’t go to school yesterday because of her .(生病)
  3. unicef is an (组织) that works to improve the lives of children.
  4. we believe that all children should be able to get a good .(教育)
  5. many people are busy getting ready for the .(庆祝)
  6. he will perform an (手术) on the plane.
  7. the doctor (手术) on the patient in the field now.
  8. the old woman was famous for her .(热心)
  we will make our to red cross, china.
  is the door to freedom.
  seemed to make no impression on the child.
  beauty is the opposite of .
  中考链接:1. the woman’s (operate) was performed by an orbis doctor on the plane.
  8b international charities 第5课时grammar<一>
  teaching aims
  ⅰ.knowledge aims
  1.to learn ‘used to’ to talk about a past habit or state.
  2.to learn ‘be used to’ to talk about something we have done regularly for a long time.
  ⅱ.ability aims
  to use ‘used to’ and ‘be used to’ correctly.
  ⅲ.moral aims
  to train students to do everything carefully.
  1.used to do sth 过去常常做某事
  2.be used to sth/doing sth 习惯于某物/做某事
  3.区别‘used to’与‘be used to’
  探究:amy used to in the factory,but now he is used to in the
  a.work, work b. working, working c. working, work d. work, working
  含义句型 例句
  used to
  肯定句:主语 + used to + 动词原形 … he used to live in america, but now he lives in china.他过去住在美国,但现在住在中国。
  否定句:主语 + used not ( usedn’t) to + 动词原形 …
  或 主语 + didn’t use to + 动词原形 …he used not (usedn’t) to live in america.
  = he didn’t use to live in america.
  一般疑问句:used + 主语 + to + 动词原形 …?
  yes, 主语 + used ./ no, 主语 + usedn’t.
  或 did + 主语 + use to + 动词原形…?
  yes, 主语 + did ./ no, 主语 + didn’t. used he to live in america?
  yes,he used ./no, he usedn’t.
  = did he use to live in america?
  yes, he did./ no, he didn’t.
  be used to
  主语 + be used to + 名词
  /代词/ v-ing形式…we are used to the teacher’s teaching.我们习惯于这位老师的教法。
  主语 + be not used to +
  名词/ 代词/ v-ing形式…he isn’t used to living in the country.
  be + 主语 + used to +名词
  /代词/v-ing形式…?are you used to the weather here?
  友情提醒 be used to + 动词原形,是被动语态,意为"被用于……"。如:
  the cloth can be used to cover the table.这种布可以用来盖桌子。
  1. helen shy, but now she is quite outgoing. she has made lots of
  a. was used to be b. is used to be c. was used to being d. used to be
  2. ---excuse me, does mrs wang’s daughter live here?
  ---she be here, but she has moved.
  a. used for b. used to c. was used to d. got used to
  3. daniel play basketball with mike, but now he playing football.
  a. used to, used to b. was used to, is used to
  c. is used to, used to d. used to, is used to
  ⅰ.用used to或 be used to的适当形式完成句子。
  1.i get up very early when i was in the middle school.
  2.he the cold weather after he lived there for two years.
  3.they come on foot, but they always come by bus now.
  4.he works hard. he hard work.
  5.you will working in the city soon.
  6.he stay up late, but now he doesn’t.
  7. you the food here?
  8.he swimming in the river in winter.
  9.her father is a teacher now. but he be a worker.
  10.they doing morning exercises every day.
  1. people in that area a hard life, but now things have got much better.
  a. were used to live b. used to live
  c. was used to living d. used to living
  2. a report says all the donations that organization collects schools for poor children.
  a. are used to build b. used to build
  c. are used to building d. used to building
  3. lucy’s uncle says he teaches in a village school. he says he his
  job at first, but now he enjoys it.
  a. was not used to b. didn’t use to
  c. used to d. was used to
  4. ---is your father a doctor?
  ---well, he .
  a. used to b. was used to c. used to be d. is used to be
  5. to get up early to do some body building exercises?
  a. used you b. did you use c. did you used d. a and b
  1. i am used to the lifestyle of a travellar.(改为否定句)
  i the lifestyle of a travellar.
  2. sandy used to watch too much tv after school.(改为一般疑问句)
  (1) sandy too much tv after school?
  (2) sandy too much tv after school?
  3. my mother spent much money on clothes in the past but now she doesn’t.
  my mother much money on clothes.
  4. the old man used to work in a shoe factory.(改成反意疑问句)
  the old man used to work in a shoe factory, ?
  1. there a big temple in our hometown.
  a. used to have b. is used to being
  c. used to being d. used to be
  2. my friend sam used to late. but now he’s used to early.
  a. get up; get up b. get up; getting up
  c. getting up; getting up d. getting up; get up
  3. in the end i hard work.
  a. got used to do b. used to do
  c. got used to doing d. used to doing
  4. he used to in a small village, but now he has been used to
  in a big city. (XX 江苏镇江)
  a.live, living b. live, live
  c. living, living d. living, live
  5. mrs green go to hospital, but now she is in good health.
  a. has to b. needs to (XX 江苏南通)
  c. used to d. ought to
  ⅲ. 请根据所给提示将下面的句子译成英语,每空词数不限。
  1. susan 的爸爸过去常常去钓鱼。( used to)[XX 江苏盐城]
  2.史密斯一家习惯于早起。 (XX 江苏常州)
  the smiths
  3. 布朗过去常乘火车旅行,因为他害怕乘飞机。 (XX 江苏扬州)
  brown travel by train as he flying.
  8b unit 5 international charities 第六课时
  grammar < 二 >
  teaching aims
  ⅰ.knowledge aims
  to learn how to use ‘so… that’ or ‘such… that’ to show the result of something.
  ⅱ.ability aims
  to know the differences between the two phrases.
  ⅲ.moral aims
  to help students form good learning habits
  1.he is clever he can work out the problem.
  he is a clever boy he can work out the problem.
  2.it is an interesting book we all like it.
  the book is interesting we all like it.
  3.the problem is hard we can’t work it out.
  it is a difficult problem we can’t work it out.
  4.mr han is a strict teacher he will punish us if we make mistakes.
  mr han is strict he will punish us if we make mistakes.
  5.our pe teacher is strong he can swim in the river in winter.
  he is a strong teacher he can swim in the river.
  1)so + 形容词 副词 + that… 。如:
  he speaks so fast that i can’t follow him.他说的很快,以至于我跟不上他。
  english is so important that we learn it well.
  2)so + many few + 复数可数名词 + that…。如:i have made so many mistakes that i can’t pass the exam.我犯了如此多的错误,以至于我没有通过考试。
  3)so + much little (少) + 不可数名词 + that…。如:i have so little money with me that i can’t buy anything.我带的钱太少了,什么都不能买。  在such…that…结构中,such是形容词,用来修饰名词。常见结构为:
  1)such + a an + 形容词 + 单数可数
  名词 +that …。如:he is such a clever boy that everyone likes him. 他是如此聪明的一个男孩,每个人都喜欢他。
  2)such + 形容词 + 复数不可数名词 +
  that…。如:these are such difficult maths problems that i can’t work them out.这些数学题很难,我做不出来。
  3)such + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + that…。如:this is such hard work that few people can finish it on time. 这项工作如此艰巨,很少有人能按时完成。
  【友情提醒】1.当little 作"小的"讲,修饰名词时,其前面要用such,而不用so。如:they are such little sheep that they can’t eat up all the grass. 它们是如此小的绵羊,以至于不能吃掉所有的草。
  2.当such 修饰单数可数名词,且名词前有形容词修饰时,可与so转换。如:she is such a beautiful girl that everyone likes her.= she is so beautiful a girl that everyone likes her. 她是非常漂亮的一个女孩,每个人都喜欢她。
  1. he was tired he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.
  a. too, to b. so, that c. enough, to d. such, that
  2. it is an interesting book all of us want to read it.
  a. such, that b. too, to c. so, that d. very, that
  3. beijing has many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.
  a. so b. very c. too d. much
  ⅰ. 单项选择
  1.jackie li is popular that many students are talking about him in and
  out of school.
  a. too b. so c. such d. much
  2.john is kind a boy that we all want to help him.
  a. so b. such c. very d. that
  3.lots of visitors come to nanjing because it is city.
  a. so a beautiful b. quite a beautiful
  c. such beautiful a d. very a beautiful
  4.the little boy always had questions to ask his teacher.
  a. so much b. such much c. so many d. such many
  5.---do his parents support him?
  ---yes, they are proud to have good son.
  a. so a b. so c. such d. such a
  6.---doesn’t he miss his family?
  ---of course he does. but he says he is to think of his family.
  a. so busy b. busy enough c. too busy d. such busy
  7.he hurt her badly she had to see a doctor.
  a. too, that b. so, that c. either, or d. too, to
  8.i don’t think little boy can finish hard work in an hour.
  a. so a, so b. so, so a c. such a, such d. such, such a
  9.she spoke loudly everyone could hear her clearly.
  a. such that b. so as to c. in order to d. so that
  10.it was boring speech most people left the hall halfway.
  a. so, that b. such a, that c. so a, to d. such, to
  ( )1. it is so interesting film that we all enjoy it.
  a bc d
  ( )2. the music is such beautiful that everyone wants to dance to it.
  a b c d
  ( )3. this is such helpful a book that i’d like to have it.
  a b c d
  ( )4. he had such many falls that he was black and blue all over.
  a b c d
  ( )5. it is so a little sheep that it can’t run fast.
  a b cd
  ⅰ.用 so … that 或 such … that填空
  1. the ice in the river is thin i can’t skate on it.
  2. he is an old man he can’t climb the tall building.
  3. the little boy is young he can’t go to school this year.
  4. the math problem is hard kitty can’t work it out.
  5. ding junhui is a good billiards players (台球运动员) many people know him all over the world .
  6. he bought many food for the picnic everyone was too full to move.
  1.the baby is very cute. each one wants to kiss him.(合并为一句)
  the baby is each one wants to kiss him.
  2.the question is so difficult that no one can work it out. ( 改为同义句 )
  the question is it out.
  3.the boy is so clever that he can learn everything quickly. ( 改为同义句 )
  the boy is everything quickly.
  4.it is such a funny story that each listener likes it very much.( 改同义句 )
  it is a story each listener likes it very much.
  5.the dog is too fat to move.( 改为同义句 )
  the dog is fat it move.
  6.eighteen-year-olds are old enough to drive.( 改为同义句 )
  eighteen-year-olds are old they drive.
  1. it was weather that they decided to go out for a picnic.(XX江苏无锡)
  a. such fine b. such a fine c. so fine d. so fine a
  2. she was well dressed that she attracted everyone’s attention at the party. (XX江苏常州)
  a. so b. quite c. too d. very
  3. it was music that i lost myself in it. (XX江苏泰州)
  a. such a beautiful b. so beautiful a
  c. so beautiful d. such beautiful
  4. little jim is only five years old. he can’t make model planes by himself.
  ( 合并为一句 ) (XX 重庆 )
  little jim is young make model planes by himself.
  8b unit 5 international charities第七课时教学案
  integrated skills
  • aims of knowledge: 1. listen to a radio programme about unicef. order information. learn to scan for short answers. complete a report. talk about charities.
  •aims of ability: 2. improve the students’ skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.
  •aims of emotion: 3. teach the students to learn more about charities, do their best to support charities and help the people in need.
  【预习导学】key points:
  words: 1. voluntary 2.做义务工作 3.war
  4. united nations . 5.在欧洲 6.建立,成立
  7.省钱 8.组织其他募捐活动
  sentences: something about unicef
  1. it was set up in 1946, after the war in europe.
  2. now, unicef works in 161 countries and areas.
  3. it provides clean water, food and education for poor children in many countries.
  4. unicef helps governments and families make the world a better place for children.
  1.provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物
  e.g. it provides food and shelter for wildlife.
  exercises: 它为许多国家的贫困儿童提供干净的水,食物和教育。
  it clean water, food and education poor children in many countries.
  it poor children in many countries clean water, food and education.
  2.make sb/sth … 使某人/物成为…
  e.g. make the world a better place for children. 使世界成为孩子生活的好地方
  exercise: 我们让他做我们的班长。we our monitor.
  2.instead of 代替;…而不…
  e.g. : i decided to stay home and pack the bags instead of watching the game.
  exercise: they should go to school to support their families.他们应该上学而不是干活来养家。
  1.unicef was (set) up in 1946.
  2. now, unicef works in over 160 (country) and areas.
  3. you can help him by (give) him some money and (introduce) him a job.
  4. don’t eat (health) food. it’s bad for your (health) .
  we should eat (health)
  5. the boy had to sleep instead of (watch) the match..
  ⅱ. 根据汉语完成下列句子。
  1. unicef想让孩子们身体健康而且能上学。
  unicef wants children to and to go to school.
  2. 那时许多孩子的生活因为战争而改变了。
  at that time many children’s lives because of the war.
  i think education is important every child should go to school.
  pollution is a serious problem in many parts of the world more action ought to be taken to prevent it.
  5. 你可以通过捐赠或参加志愿者活动来帮助.
  you can help by making a or some voluntary work.
  ( )1. unicef works .
  a. in china b. in the usa c. all over the world d. on the plane
  ( ) 2.many children’s lives were changed .
  a. in 1946 b. in 1950 c. in1856 d. in 1945
  ( ) 3.as a little boy, dick soon got used chinese food.
  a. to eat b. eating c. to eating d. of eating
  ( ) 4.they are busy to have lunch.
  a. so b. too c. very d. to
  ( ) 5. we have to make it better.
  a. time enough b. enough time c. enough times d. enough long time
  ( ) 6. yao ming has to stay in bed instead of basketball.
  a. playing b. play c. plays d. played
  ( ) 7. you should try to a chance to work again for the workers out of work.
  a. help b. give c. provide d. have
  1. i think we can much money in the charity party.
  2. we all agreed that class four would the game.
  3. they the boy to hospital as quickly as possible after the traffic accident.
  4. the woman said that she was in bed for long.
  5. the organization in1998.
  6. he said he looked forward to such an exciting match.
  7. i my purse at home so i had to borrow some money from my friends.
  8. jim said that he the museum the next wednesday.
  9. he used to some books on chinese medicine.
  10. are you used to your pocket money on playing games?
  ⅲ. 缺词填空,首字母已给出.
  china’s project hope has s 1 more than 2.5 million poor students since it was set up 14 years ago. until today, the project has r 2 more than 2.2 billion yuan of d 3 from many people. the money has been used in rebuilding and building 9,508 project hope primary schools where more than 3 million children can go.80%of the primary schools and students helped by the project are in china’s middle and w 4 areas which are less developed.
  project hope has helped build learning centres, libraries and v 5 centres. it also helps t 6 school teachers from rural (乡村的) areas.
  project hope has become the l 7 and most influential (有影响的) non-government welfare(福利) project of china. people say that there are still 40 million students from poor f 8 that need help around the country, including 34million primary and junior high school students. mr zhu, one of the workers in project hope, said the o 9 would try to raise more money to help more students in the f 10 .
  1. s 2. r 3. d 4. w 5. v
  6. t 7. l 8. f 9. o 10. f
  8b unit 5 international charities第八课时教学案
  integrated skills & study skills
  • aims of knowledge: l . to use flow charts to organize ideas
  •aims of ability: 2 . to develop ideas using a flow chart and an awareness of how ideas flow to describe a particular process or activity
  •aims of emotion: 3. learn more from orbis
  【预习导学】key points:
  1.why do we need flow charts before we write?
  2.when we make flow charts, we do not need to use complete sentences, right?
  ask the students how they usually prepare their notes when working on a piece of writing. encourage them to come up with different ideas, e.g., notes in point form, mind maps, index cards, etc.
  tell students to look at amy’s flow chart about the work of orbis. ask them to help her complete it using the words from the box.. allow students to work in pairs.
  remind students when we make flow charts, we do not need to use complete sentences. then ask students to work in pairs to prepare a flow chart to explain a familiar activity, e.g.,
  how to organize a fund-raising activity
  ⅰ. 根据所学课文内容填空。
  unicef is 1 of the united nations. it was 2 up in 3 . it 4 all over the world. it 5 clean water, food and 6 to 7 children in many countries. it helps make the world a 8 place 9 children. unicef thinks all the children should get a good education at school instead of 10 to support their families.
  ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母完成下列单词。
  1.i u to spend all my money on cds, but now i want to donate some to charity.
  2. his mother gives him pocket m once a week..
  3. she enjoys donating money to wwf because she loves a .
  4. the address of the unicef w is http://www.unicef.org.
  5. many children’s lives were changed b of unicef.
  ⅰ. 根据句意用所给词的正确形式填空。
  1. my uncle is a successful doctor. many people are (grate) to him.
  2. he has studied in a (medicine) school for five years.
  3. he (use) to work in a hospital in the western part of china.
  4. every year, he performs over 200(operate)on blind people.
  5. he told me that 45 million people were suffering (blind) in the world.
  6. those people are (most) in poor countries.
  7. the blind need good (treat), but they are too poor to pay for it.
  8. he is happy to help people (see) again.
  9. many people support them by (do) voluntary work.
  10. the teacher teaches them about (perform)eye operation.
  ⅱ. 完型填空。
  number 77 high school is home to three very special young people, li huiping, lan pei and zhu ming. these three students 1 volunteer their time to help 2 people. this volunteer work 3 each of them several hours 4 week, so it is a major commitment. huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use 5 working in the after—school care centre at her local elementary school. here, she helps young children 6 . pei loves animals, and plans to study 7 a veterinarian when he leaves school. he spends every saturday morning 8 in an animal hospital. ming is a tenth grade student who wants to be a professional singer. he sings 9 groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up. "volunteering is great!" 10 huiping. "not only do i feel good about helping other people, 11 i get to spend time doing 12 i love to do." pei says he has learned more about animals. ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital.
  ( )1. a. both b. neither c. none d. all
  ( )2. a. other b. another c. the other d. others
  ( )3. a. take b. takes c. spends d. spend
  ( )4. a. the b. a c. an d. /
  ( )5. a. in b. at c. with d. by
  ( )6. a. reading b. to read c. write d. to write
  ( )7. a. becoming b. become c. to be d. be
  ( )8. a. work b. to work c. working d. on working
  ( )9. a. to b. by c. at d. with
  ( )10.a. says b. tells c. speaks d. talks
  ( )11. a. and b. so c. but d. or
  ( )12. a. that b. which c. how d. what
  8b unit 5 international charities第九课时教学案
  main task
  • aims of knowledge: 1. to order ideas following a logical sequence
  2. describe specific details about the work of orbis as shown in a series of pictures
  •aims of ability: 3. organize language and descriptions to write a story about a girl in india
  4. present a report to the class
  •aims of emotion: 5. to cultivate the students’ cooperation
  phrases and sentences: 1. care about 2. finish school 3. train as a nurse
  4. what do you think about unicef? .
  1.be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 / used to do sth 过去常常做某事
  2.not …any more 不再
  e.g. she is used to working on a plane and is not afraid of flying any more.
  she used to travel by car because she was afraid of flying.
  exercises: 1). she is used to (be) a leader(领导者)。
  2). i am afraid of difficult problems . 我已经不再害怕难题。
  3.care about…… 关心,在乎
  e.g. i think mary really cares about other people. 我认为mary的确很关心别人。
  exercise: he is thoughtful and always people around him.
  3.i couldn’t read or write. 我既不会读书也不会写字。(改成肯定句)
  i read write.
  ( )1. this morning i went to school in a hurry i left my notebook at home.
  a. so; that b. too; to c. enough ; to d. such; that
  ( )2. it believes that all children should when they are sick.
  a. help b. helped c. be helped d. to be helped
  ( )3. –do you know how to ask people to donate money to unicef?
  -- advertise on the internet?
  --good idea!
  a. what about b. how about c. why not d. why don’t
  ( )4. i’m not rich enough to a new car.
  a. lift b. set up c. afford d. affect
  ( )5. the best basketball player should for years.
  a.be treated b. be trained c. treat d. train
  ( )6. how many operations the man ?is he healthy now?
  a. has; done b. has; performed on
  c. has; been done d. has; been performed on
  ( )7.-how do you usually study for a test?
  - i study__________.
  a. with seeing english-language videos b. with watching english-language videoes
  c. by watching english-language videoes d. by watching english-language videos
  ( )8.do you have ____ to say about your family?
  a.else anything b.else something c.anything else d.something else
  ( )9. you ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.
  a. needn’t to come b. don’t need come c. don’t need coming d. needn’t come
  ( )10. 70% of the earth _____ covered with water.
  a. are b. is c. were d. being
  ⅱ. 根据汉语完成下列句子。
  1. 他没有足够的钱进行医疗诊治。
  he doesn’t have ______ money_____ _____ ______.
  2. 那儿过去有个教堂。
  there_____ _____ _____ a church there.
  3. 医生将对她动手术来医治她的疾病。
  the doctors will _____ ______ _____ _____ her for her illness.
  people help schools and students in_____ _____ by_______ ______ to ______ ______.
  5. 教练告诉他们继续训练。
  the coach told them to_____ _____ _____ the ______.
  6. 我们把英语老师当作我们的好朋友。
  we____ our english teacher_____ our good friend.
  7. 你还有其它什么要说的吗?
  do you have_________ _________ __________ _______?
  8. 这所学校什么时候创办的?
  when ______ the school_______ _________?
  9. 你通常如何花费你的零用钱?
  how do you usually ______ your ________ _________?
  10. 她只想着自己,从不关心他人。
  she only_____ _______ herself and doesn’t________ ___________ others.
  1.he works in the hospital a doctor.
  2. please do it this.
  3. lucy is telling something the story.
  4. jack is used the life here.
  5. the students are grateful their teachers.
  6. the little girl is afraid dogs.
  7. we should work our country and make it stronger and richer.
  8. she didn’t go to school because her bad illness.
  9. linda spends a lot of money popular clothes.
  wearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes. this is not true for adults, although incorrect glasses may not be good for children under 10. ready-made glasses, and not wearing when you should, won"t do harm to your eyes, but you may see better with glasses that are specially made for you.
  watching too much television is bad for your eyes. this is not true. people with easily affected eyes may find they get red and aching from staring at a fixed distance for long periods, but there won"t be any lasting effects.
  carrots will help you see in the dark. carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body can change into vitamin a, too little of which can cause night blindness. however, people in most countries don"t need to worry about vitamin a deficiency(缺乏),night blindness is more likely to be connected with another vision problem.
  ( )1. according to the passage, which of the following is true?
  a. ready-made glasses will do harm to one"s eyes.
  b. wearing the wrong glasses may do harm to children"s eyes.
  c. the human body is unable to change beta-carotene into vitamin a.
  d. watching less television may do harm to children"s eyes.
  ( )2. night blindness is most likely caused by _____.
  a. staring for long periods b. too much beta-carotene
  c. not enough vitamin a d. vision problems
  ( )3. according to the article, eye problems can be corrected by _______ .
  a. wearing specially-made glasses b. performing eye exercises
  c. cutting back on television d. eating more carrots
  ( )4. watching too much television can cause _______ .
  a. night blindness b. lasting eye problems
  c. a number of vision problems d. eye trouble for a limited time
  ( )5. the main purpose of this article is to _______ .
  a. tell people of the importance of their eyes b. tell people how to protect their eyes
  c. tell people to have more carrots d. tell people something more about their eyes
  ⅲ. 写作训练:
  tom is a child from a poor family in africa.
  8b unit 5 international charities第十课时教学案
  • aims of knowledge: l. to revise key grammar and vocabulary items taught in the unit and give the ss the chance to practice them
  •aims of ability: 2.to improve the students’ skills of using english.
  •aims of emotion: 3. to cultivate the students’ cooperation
  【预习导学】key points:
  . used to do sth ; be used to doing sth
  so… that/such…that
  complete the conversation using "used to/be used to", "so…that/such…that", or report speech in part a. tell the students that they can refer to the grammar section on pages 81-85 if they have difficulties. encourage students to work on their own rather than asking their classmates for help.
  1. my father used to (work ) in a shoe factory.
  2. dr lin was not used to (operate ) on so many patients every day.
  3. he is used to (live ) in the north.
  4. did you use ( read ) english in the morning.
  5. we are used to ( do ) morning exercise before breakfast.
  6. a stamp is used ( send ) letters.
  ⅱ. 运用so… that/such…that以及同义短语改写句子。
  1.the ice in the river is not thick enough to skate on.
  the ice in the river is thin i can’t skate on.
  2. the man is too old to climb the 13-floor building.
  he is man he can’t climb the 13-floor building.
  3. the little boy is so young that he can’t go to school this year.
  the little boy isn’t to go to school this year.
  ⅲ. 从方框中选择恰当的词填入句中,注意词形的变化。
  1.after learning this article,we have a lot of about charities.
  2. project hope is an that helps children go to school.
  3. he is one of actors in our country.
  4. many of tv chose me to be the host.
  5. i carried on my homework after a rest.
  6. have you made any yet?
  7. the boy talked so that he forgot the time.
  8. the teacher will us a video on project hope tomorrow afternoon.
  9. he can′t see anything because of .
  10. all the are for the poor boy to cure his illness.
  ⅰ. 完型填空。
  john 1 the u.s.a. 2 1969 3 in africa. africa was 4 and when john 5 to the u.s.a. in 1979, he said to himself, "it’s 6 colder than 7 was 8 i left. i’m going to buy an electric heater(电热器)."
  john went to a shop 9 to buy an electric heater. the shop assistant 10 him three or four 11 kinds and than said, "this is our best heater. it costs 12 money, but it saves half of your electricity(电), and electricity is very 13 , isn’t it?"
  "yes, it’s very dear." john answered, " and it’s becoming worse every year." he looked at the electric heater carefully, 14 for a few seconds and then said, "well, i’ll take 15 of these, and then i’ll save all of my electricity."
  ( )1. a. leaves b. left from c. left for d. left
  ( )2. a. in b. on c. at d. for
  ( )3. a. worked b. work c. to work d. working
  ( )4. a. cold b. cool c. hot d. far
  ( )5. a. comes back b. came back c. left d. left back
  ( )6. a. a lot of b. much c. many d. very
  ( )7. a. that b. it c. this d. what
  ( )8. a. before b. after c. when d. if
  ( )9. a. in next day b. on next day c. the next day d. next day
  ( )10. a. gave b. got c. took d. showed
  ( )11. a. difficult b. different c. same d. cheap
  ( )12. a. many b. a lot c. more d. a lot of
  ( )13. a. dear b. cheap c. strong d. many
  ( )14. a. worked b. did c. thought d. felt
  ( )15. a. five b. three c. two d. one
  ⅱ. 阅读理解.
  everyone knows how important money is in the world today. but how did qi gong use his 1,630,000 yuan?
  qi gong, a well-known calligrapher(书法家) in china, became famous in a hard way. he was born in a poor family, and he did not go to school. but chen yuan, a university teacher, found he was especially good at something. he decided to teach qi gong handwriting. chen yuan also helped him find jobs of teaching at several universities later.
  years of hard work made qi gong an excellent teacher and calligrapher. qi gong decided in 1991 to set up a foundation(基金会) to give prize to both teachers and students who did well in their work. qi gong worked day and day at his desk and made more than 100 pieces of handwriting. he sold them for 1,630,000 yuan. all this money went into the foundation. he did not leave any money for himself.
  1. qi gong became famous in a way.
  2. chen yuan decided to teach him handwriting because qi gong did
  something especially.
  3. qi gong sold his pieces of handwriting for the .
  4. teachers and students could get if they were good at their work.
  5. qi gong kept for himself 1, 630,000 yuan that he had made.
  you must know the cartoon character in the picture! yes, it is doraemon. it is the japanese cartoon robot-cat. it took on a new role as a cartoon ambassador(动漫大使) to make more people in the world know about japanese culture.
  japan’s foreign minister(部长) masahiko komura appointed(任命) the robot-cat as japan’s first cartoon ambassador. its task is "making friends by traveling around the world".
  "doraemon, i hope you will travel around the world as a cartoon ambassador to deepen people’s understanding of japan so that they will make friends with japan, " komura said to the blue–and –white cat.
  1.what is doraemon’s task as a cartoon ambassador?
  2.what is the chinese meaning of "deepen"?
