

  m3u1: festivals around the world㈠重点短语: 1
  take place
  in memory of3   dress up   4
  play a trick on5   look forward to   6
  day and night7   as if   8
  have fun with9   keep one’s promise/word   10
  hold one’s breath11   set off   12
  remind sb. of13   satisfy the ancestors   14
  win awards15   turn up   16
  religious belief17   gain independence   18
  be married to/marry sb.19   do harm to/be harmful for   20
  spring festival21   be proud of   22
  starve to death23   parking lot   24
  hear about/of25   after work   26
  without permission㈡重点词语的用法(每空填一个单词): 27. in honor of_ 28. starve 29. starving 30.__starved ; starving_ 31. _that 32. on_ arrival 33. admire34. awarded_l 35. awards 36. _hearing ;turned up ㈢重点句型: 37. who 38. that; what39. so 40. on; on; calling;there   m3u1: festivals around the world㈠重点短语: 1   take place   2
  in memory of3   dress up   4
  play a trick on5   look forward to   6
  day and night7   as if   8
  have fun with9   keep one’s promise/word   10
  hold one’s breath11   set off   12
  remind sb. of13   satisfy the ancestors   14
  win awards15   turn up   16
  religious belief17   gain independence   18
  be married to/marry sb.19   do harm to/be harmful for   20
  spring festival21   be proud of   22
  starve to death23   parking lot   24
  hear about/of25   after work   26
  without permission㈡重点词语的用法(每空填一个单词): 27.they held a party in memory of the old man’s retirement. =they held a party ______in honor of____________ the old man’s retirement. 28.i don’t care even if you go fasting. you won’t __starve__ me into promising you anything extra. 29.droughts & floods occur by turns almost every year, cutting the harvest in large amounts, & as a result, _starving__ millions of people. 30.__starved_________ of capitals & natural resources, plenty of african countries are ___starving_______ for international assistance. 31.the belief ___that_ god helps those who help themselves didn’t ever convince him, who was always waiting for warm hearts. 32.please call me _on_ arrival to relieve me from worries about your trip. 33.i do envy you your success. = i do _admire_ you for your success. 34.he won a gold medal. = he was __awarded__ a gold medal. 35.he refused any spiritual encouragement, praise, for example. is he likely to be content with such material ___awards___ as prizes & rewards? god knows! 36.guess how hard it was for me to look forward to_hearing from you! as the letter i had been looking forward to __turned up__ (turn up) in my hand, tears didn’t wait to drop down my face. ㈢重点句型: 37. who 38. that; what39. so 40. on; on; calling;there   module 3 unit 2 一、短语 __balanced diet__ 平衡膳食 _ought to________ 应当,应该 __lose weight___ 体重减轻;减肥 _tell a lie________ 说谎 __get away with_ 被放过;做坏事不受惩罚 _play a trick on___ 搞恶作剧;诈骗 __win back_____ 赢回;重新获得 __earn one’s living 谋生 __in debt______ 欠债 ___spy on _______ 暗中监视;侦查 __cut down____ 消减;删节 keep one’s word 守信用;履行诺言 _turn into______ 变成… ___before long 不久以后 __put on weight 增加体重 ___protective food_ 保健食品 __feel frustrated_ 感到沮丧 ___be full of______ 充满 __think of______ 想起 __glare at ________ 怒目而视 _be amazed at__ 对…感到惊讶 ___do research____ 做调查 _benefit from___ 获益,受益 parking lot________ 停车场 be _of___ benefit to…对…有益 __be made of__ 用…制成 hurry ___by___ 匆匆走过 ever __after______ 从此以后 _in___different ways以不同的方式 go_into_a good meal 组成一顿正餐 combine a _with__/ _and___b 结合…和… lie __to___ sb. 向某人撒谎 research _into_/ _on_ 研究/探讨… be limited __to__ 仅限于 consult sb. _about__ sth. 向…咨询某事 consult __with_____ sb. _about/ _on_sth. 与某人商议、商量 serve fresh fruit __with______ the ice cream 用新鲜水果配冰激凌 provide sb. _with_____ sth./ provide sth __to__ sb. 向某人提供… 二、重点词 他说谎话却没被惩罚。 ___he got away with telling lies. 要做到健康和财富平衡是很难的。 it’s hard _to_keep a balance ______ between health and wealth. i shall see you again __before long__. 我很快就会再见到你的。 he had taken a doctor’s degree _____long before___. 他很久以前就获得了博士学位。 三、重点句型 即使你不会成功,我们也会支持你。 _even though you don’t succeed, we will stand by you. 他不再吸烟了。 _he no longer smokes.外面在下雪,不是在下雨。 it is snowing rather than raining outside.module 3 unit 3 1   as a matter of fact   2
  bring up3   account for   4
  on the contrary5   earn/work one’s passage   6
  by accident/ chance7   in rags   8
  stare at9   take a chance   10
  to be honest11   a large amout of   12
  in a … …manner13   have no patience with   14
  be sb’s fault15   permit/allow sb. to do   16
  ahead of time17   be/get lost in   18
  make a bet19   go ahead   20
  as for21   be set in   22
  take sb’s order㈡重点词语的用法: 1.1)on the scene 1.2)view 1.3)sights 1.4)scenery 2.1)许可证 2.2)smoking to smoke =permitted to smoke 3.1)spotted 3.2) spotted with 3.3) with spots 3.4) on the spot 4.sought;sought 4.1) sought to change 4.2) seek for his lawyer’s advice 5.1) in; in; by 5.2) whether; until 5.3) it was…that 5.4) that; by; as; which; for module 3 unit 4 1   in time   2
  lay eggs3   give birth to   4
  in sb’s turn5   prevent from   6
  cheer up7   now that   8
  break out9   watch out   10
  carbon dioxide11   solar system   12
  block out13   be interested in   14
  pull out of15   watch out   16
  a great deal of17   get close to   18
  be fundamental to19   pull out of   20
  depend/rely on21   encourage sb. to do   22
  a trip to space23   be in existence   24
  come into existence25   get close to   26
  unlike the earth27   in all directions   28
  on the surface of water29   settle into a solid globe   30
  explain to sb.31   with   32
  on one’s journey33   as a result of   34
  appeared for the first time35   fall down/over   36
  a bit of practice37   fill…… with   39
  according to….   41
  be different from   ㈡重点词语的用法: 1. is harmful for/ does harm to 2. am puzzled at/by 3. to my puzzlement 4. a puzzling problem 5. a puzzled look 6. lied; lay; laid 7. to be held 8. to come 9. four times as heavy as/ four times the weight of/ three times heavier 10. it 11. who can break the record   m3u5 1. prime minister 2. rather than 3. settle down 4. manage to do … 5. catch sight of 6. have a gift for (doing) sth. 7. in the distance 8. be on a trip to 9. on the atlantic coast 10. at the airport 11. on the way to 12. in less than five days 13. be surrounded by/ with 14. be famous for … 15. compete in   16. go through 17.at the top of 18.be surprised at 19.any other country in the world 20.leave for 21.go on a tour/trip 22.flow into 23.as far as 24.at dawn 25. the second largest country 26. from coast to coast 27. aboard the train 28. settle down in the seat 29. leave for another city 30. on the south side of the lake   重点词汇 1. surround the town is surrounded by hills.2. mix shake the bottle well so that the oil _mixes with__ the vinegar. 3. confirm we can confirm a room for next saturday. /we can confirm that there will be a room for next saturday.4. impress the book _didn’t impress me__. (没有给我留下印象) _we are very impressed with/by__(给我们留下深刻印象)the children’s work. 5. manage how did you manage to persuade him? 重点句型 1. as far as we went as far as the hospital.as far as i know, the boy has a gift for painting.2. settle down he intended to settle his brothers down in the city.3. rather than this pair of shoes is comfortable rather than pretty.4.名词性从句 _what impressed us______(使我们印象最深刻的) of the country was its beautiful language. there is no doubt that he has settled down in canada.the girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the great lakes.
