

  unit 6 going west (同步讲解与练习)
  unit 6 going west 同步讲解
  1.apply sth to sth 运用,应用某事物
  the results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology.
  i’d never apply the word "readable" to any of his books.
  apply (to sb) (for sth) 申请,请求
  we’ve applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.
  apply to sb/sth 与某人/某物有关;有效;适用
  what i have said applies only to some of you.
  apply oneself/sth to sth/doing sth 集中精力(做事);专心
  you will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work/studying.
  2.adapt (sth/oneself) to sth 适应新环境等
  many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system.
  the good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environment.
  adapt sth for sb/sth 使某事物适合于新的用途、情况等;修改某事物
  the play had been adapted for children.
  3.add (sth) up 加起来
  the waiter can’t add up.
  add up all the money i owe you.
  add up to ... 总计,总共;相等于;意为
  these numbers add up to 100.
  these clues don’t really add up to very much.
  4.lose heart 泄气,灰心
  don"t lose heart even if you fail in the exam.
  5.take it/things easy 放松;不过分努力
  i like to take it easy when i’m on holiday.
  6.keep sth up 继续使某事物保持同样的(通常指高的)水平;不让(精力等)衰退,维持,保持;遵守某事物;保养,维修(房屋,花园等)
  when i stopped studying, i was still keen to keep up french.
  they sang songs to keep their morale up.
  wherever jews live together, they keep up old customs.
  the house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up.
  7.beyond prep. 在或向(某物)的远处;迟于或超过(某一时间);越过(某事物)范围;除了
  the road continues beyond the village up into the hills.
  she carried on teaching well beyond retirement age.
  after 25 years the town centre had changed beyond recognition.
  i didn’t notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.
  8.burden n. 重负;(难以承担的)职责、义务、责任等
  the little donkey struggled under its heavy burden.
  buying a house often places a big financial burden on young couples.
  burden (v.) sb/oneself (with sth) 加负担于某人(自己)
  i don’t want to burden you with my problems.
  9.accustomed adj. 惯常的,习惯的
  this is not the kind of treatment i’m accustomed to.
  10.on all fours 双手和双膝着地,趴着
  the baby was crawling about on all fours.
  11.deliver v. 递送,传送(信件、包裹、货物等);给予,发表
  we’re having pizza delivered to where we live for dinner tonight.
  the priest delivered a passionate speech against war.
  12.go for 得到;争取
  she tripped me as i went for the ball.
  are you planning to go for the scholarship to harvard university?
  1.quit; stop; pause
  i’m going to quit smoking next week.
  would you quit your job if you got lots of money?
  he stopped the medicine and left the room.
  you can’t stop our going if we want to.
  she paused to get her breath back and then carried on jogging.
  2.believe; believe in
  "believe"意思是相信某事物的真实性或认为某人的话属实;"believe in"意思是相信某事物或人,以及肯定某事物的价值或正确性,还可以表示相信某人或事物的存在。
  strangely, no one believed us when we told them we’d been visited by a creature from mars.
  i’m told he’s been in prison, and i can well believe it.
  the robbers are believed to have escaped form heathrow airport.
  he believes in getting plenty of exercise.
  i believe in his good character, no matter what you say.
  do you believe in ghosts?
  1.the animals dragged their legs, too weak to ... their tongues hung out ... (l12, para.3)
  这句话中的两个划线部分都在文章中充当状语,第一个是形容词短语做状语,并用"too ... to ...(太...... 而不能......)"结构加以修饰;第二个划线部分由名词加过去分词(表示被动)构成,称为独立主格结构,该结构还可以由名词加现在分词、不定式、形容词、副词或介词短语构成。
  例:little mary was standing in front of the headmaster, too afraid to say a word.
  the test finished, we began our holiday.
  weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow.
  the meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier.
  he came into the room, his ears red with cold.
  he came out of the library, a large book under his arm.
  2.lying around them were chains ... (l3, para. 4)
  这是一个表语提前的完全倒装句,句子的主语是"chains","lying around them"为表语。
  例:gone are the days when they would do what they liked.
  present at the meeting were professor white, professor smith and many other guests.
  3.if untreated, it would produce ... (p. 53)
  这句话涉及两种语言现象,"if untreated"为状语从句的省略:当特定的连词when, while, if, although, even though等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致时,并且从句中出现be动词,可以省略状语从句的主语连同be动词,留下连词加分词的形式;而主语的"it would"则使用了虚拟语气中的非真实条件句,表示未来事情发生的几率不是很高。这句话说完整应为"if it were untreated, it would produce ..."。
  例:don’t speak to me unless spoke to.
  look out while crossing the street.
  if my lawyer had been here last saturday, he would have prevented me from going.
  if you should succeed, everything would be all right.
  if they were here, they would give you some advice.
  1. suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage ________ the girl and took her away, ________ into the woods. (XX上海春季卷)
  a. seizing, disappeared b. seized, disappeared
  c. seizing, disappearing d. seized, disappearing
  2. my sister met him at the grand theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ________ your lecture. (XX上海卷)
  a. couldn’t have attended b. needn’t have attended
  c. mustn’t have attended d. shouldn’t have attended
  3. ---- are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?
  ---- oh, that’s ________. (XX北京春季卷)
  a. what makes me feel excited b. whatever i feel excited about
  c. how i feel about it d. when i feel excited
  4. i can think of many cases ________ students obviously knew a lot of english words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay. (XX上海卷)
  a. why b. which
  c. as d. where
  [为你支招]本题主句完整,从句完整,根据选项,可以判断出此处需要一个关系副词连接主句和定语从句;根据先行词"case",应选择答案d,表示"在这些情况下",也可使用"in which"。
  5. they ________ on the program for almost one week before i joined them, and now we ________ it as no good results have come out so far. (XX江苏卷)
  a. had been working; are still working b. had worked; were still working
  c. have been working; have worked d. have worked; are still working
  1. he has made another wonderful discovery, ________ of great importance to science.
  a. which i think is b. which i think it is
  c. of which i think it is d. i think which is
  2. ---- can you tell me anything about the fire ________ last night?
  ---- i’m afraid, ________.
  a. that broke out, very little b. broke out, just a little
  c. happened, only a little d. taking place, a little
  3. the picture ________ on the wall is painted by my nephew.
  a. having hung b. hanging
  c. hangs d. being hung
  4. with the little ________ money, the child told me in a ________ voice that on the way home, most of his money had been stolen.
  a. remained, trembled b. remaining, trembling
  c. remaining, trembled d. remained, trembleing
  5. we have heard of thomas edison, ________ who invented the electric light and many other things.
  a. man b. a man
  c. the man d. what
  6. ---- will you please ________ the new teacher for us?
  ---- i’m glad to. he’s a ________ man with good manners.
  a. describe, handsome tall young b. introduce, tall young handsome
  c. say, handsome young tall d. tell, young handsome tall
  7. as many students ________ were present agreed to my plan.
  a. who b. that
  c. which d. as
  8. the problem ________ at present has something important to do with our working conditions.
  a. discuss b. to be discussing
  c. being discussed d. to discuss
  9. people need houses ________ and food ________.
  a. to live, to eat b. to live in, to eat
  c. living, eating d. to live in, to be eaten
  10. you’d better think of ________ possibilities before doing it.
  a, such these b. these all
  c. all such d. such all
  11. if i had ________, i’d visit europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.
  a. a long enough holiday b. an enough long holiday
  c. a holiday enough long d. a long holiday enough
  12. they could only read such stories ________ had been rewritten in simple english.
  a. that b. which
  c. as d. what
  13. she studied hard when she was in school, ________ contributes greatly to her career.
  a. that b. so
  c. so that d. which
  14. you can come to see me from one to two o’clock, ________ i will stay at home.
  a. during the time b. during that time
  c. during which time d. during which
  15. this accident took place on a ________ morning in september.
  a. sunder cold rainy b. rainy sunday cold
  c. rainy cold sunday d. cold rainy sunday,
  16. shanghai has a ________ population of over ten million.
  a. complete b. whole
  c. total d. all
  17. ---- i’m going to beijing next week. do you have anything ________ there?
  ---- no, but thank you all the same.
  a. taken b. to take
  c. taking d. to be taken
  18. we held the meeting in a meeting room, ________ XX people.
  a. holding b. held
  c. to hold d. which was held
  19. when lost in work, ________ he often was, he would forget all about eating and sleeping.
  a. which b. so
  c. just like d. as
  20. is it the country ________ you studied ________ you are going to visit next week?
  a. in which, which b. where, that
  c. that, that d. which, that
  答案:1-5 aabcc 6-10 adcbc 11-15acdcd 16-20cdadb
  1. the place ________ the bridge is supposed to be built should be ________ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. (XX江苏卷)
  a. which, where b. at which, which
  c. at which, where d. which, in which
  2. ________ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to madagascar for further research. (XX江苏卷)
  a. so curious the couple was b. so curious were the couple
  c. how curious the couple were d. the couple was such curious
  3. all the rooms are ________ with electric lights. (1995上海卷)
  a. supplied b. given
  c. offered d. burnt
  4. the research is so designed that once ________ nothing can be done to change it. (XX全国卷)
  a. begins b. having begun
  c. beginning d. begun
  5. with a lot of difficult problems ________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. (XX上海春季卷)
  a. settled b. settling
  c. to settle d. being settled
  6. the old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ________ with each other. (XX全国卷)
  a. they had quarrelled b. they have quarrelled
  c. have they quarrelled d. had they quarrelled
  7. mr. smith, ________ of the ________ speech, started to read a novel. (XX北京春季卷)
  a. tired, boring b. tiring, bored
  c. tired, bored d. tiring, boring
  8. i was really anxious about you. you ________ home without a word. (XX全国卷)
  a. mustn’t leave b. shouldn’t have left
  c. couldn’t have left d. needn’t leave
  9. it was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, ________ for the first time in years their team won the world cup. (XX北京春季卷)
  a. that b. while
  c. which d. when
  10. unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. (XX上海卷)
  a. invited b. inviting
  c. being invited d. having inviting
  答案: 1-5 cbadc 6-10 cabda
