

  XX届高考英语unit 2 healthy eating单元精练复习
  1.mary has been on a________(节食) for weeks but still hasn’t lost any weight.
  答案: diet
  2.he pushed against that big stone with all his________(力气).
  答案: strength
  3.there is a time________(限制):you must finish it in 30 minutes.
  答案: limit
  4.the two men in the fight________(怒目而视) at each other.
  答案: glared
  5.you will________(受益) a lot from morning exercises.
  答案: benefit
  6.don’t be particular about food.a________(平衡) diet is very important for health.
  答案: balanced
  7.the letter was not addressed to me but i opened it out of________(好奇).
  答案: curiosity
  8.we aim to offer good value and service to all our________(顾客).
  答案: customers
  9.he thought that crying was a sign of________(软弱).
  答案: weakness
  10.i have________(查阅) a number of law books in the british museums.
  答案: consulted
  1.a  diet  平衡膳食
  2.lose     体重减轻;减肥
  3.get with   被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚
  4. one’s living   谋生
  5.before    不久以后
  6.be  of   对……厌倦、厌烦
  7.win...     赢回;重新获得
  8.  a lie   说谎
  9.in     欠债
  10.cut     削减;删节
  11.put on     增加体重
  ________ could be________.
  答案: nothing;better
  he could not ________ yong hui ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________!
  答案: have;getting away with telling people lies
  ________ ________ ________sit down and try a meal?
  答案: why don’t you
  according to my research,________ your restaurant ________mine offers a balanced diet.
  答案: neither;nor
  their balanced diets became________a success________before long wang peng became slimmer and yong hui put on more weight.
  答案: such;that
  ________ ________you________a new customer and now i know that you only came to spy on me and my menu...
  答案: i thought;were
  diet n.日常饮食;vt.& vi.节食;使实施饮食疗法
  教材原句p9:everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet?
  be/go on a diet节食
  put sb.on a diet控制某人饮食
  a balanced diet均衡饮食
  ①proper diet and exercise are both important for health.
  ②i really ought to go on a diet.i’ve put on so much weight since i gave up jogging.我真应该节食了。自从我放弃慢跑后,我的体重已经增加了这么多。
  ③the doctor put him on a diet after operation.
  ④no sugar in my coffee,please.i’m dieting.
  —would you like some more chicken?
  —no,thanks.i am________________(正在节食) and i’m trying to______________(减肥).
  答案: on a diet;lose weight
  balance n.天平,平衡;结余;余额;v.平衡,权衡
  教材原句p9:what will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet.假如你的饮食不均衡会怎么样?
  ①try to achieve a better balance between work and play.
  ②he lost his balance and hurt himself when he went upstairs.
  ③many people have come to realize that they should go on a balanced diet.许多人开始认识到他们应该均衡饮食。
  ④you have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。
  (1)it’s very important to ____________________(保持大自然平衡).however,at times it is disturbed,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
  (2)i think it’s important to__________________(保持平衡) study and a social life,so i’m going to join a few clubs.
  答案: (1)keep the balance of nature (2)have a balance between
  curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲
  教材原句p10:curiosity drove wang peng inside.
  ①there are some people who show great curiosity about other people’s affairs.有些人就是特别喜欢打听别人的事。
  ②just out of curiosity,how much did you pay for your car?
  ③children are naturally curious about everything around them.
  ④it is curious that he should have failed to win the race.
  3.(XX•天津卷)people have always been________about exactly how life on earth began.
  a.curious b.excited
  c.anxious   d.careful
  解析: 句意为:人们一直对世界上的生命起源非常好奇。形容词短语搭配be curious about 对……好奇;excited兴奋的;anxious 焦虑的;careful 认真的。
  答案: a
  limit vt.限制;限定;n.界限;限度
  教材原句p14:i don’t want to upset you,but i found your menu so limited that i stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不着急了,我也开始宣传我餐馆的食物的好处。
  ①i believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.
  ②the amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.
  ③in my opinion,you had better set a limit to the expense of your trip.在我看来,你们最好给这次旅行的费用定一个限度。
  ④this technique is useful but it has its limitations.
  4.in my opinion,keeping dogs should not be banned,but________to certain areas.
  a.limited   b.limiting
  c.to limit   d.to be limited
  解析: 句意为:在我看来,不应该禁止养狗,但要限制在某些特定的区域。but后的句子补充完整为:but keeping dogs should be limited to certain areas。
  答案: a
  strength n.[u] 力量,体力;n.[c] 长处,强项
  教材原句p11:the strength of the diet in wang peng’s restaurant was that it provided plenty of energy­giving food.
  build up one’s strength增强实力
  strengthen vt.加强,增强
  ①each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.
  ②when we think of leadship,we often think of strength and power.
  ③he hasn’t got enough strength to lift the box.
  ④our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.
  5.(浙江高考)practising chinese kung fu can not only________one’s strength,but also develop one’s character.
  a.bring up   b.take up
  c.build up   d.pull up
  解析: 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的品质。build up one’s strength增强体力,符合题意。bring up提出,养育;take up占去,继续;pull up(使)停下(住)。
  答案: c
  benefit vt.使……受益,得益;n.好处,利益;优势
  ①we should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都能得益的事上。
  ②i am sure that everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.
  ③fresh air and good food are beneficial to the health.
  ④plenty of exercise every day is of great benefit to our health.
  ⑤the warning sign was put there for the benefit of the public.
  (1)many thousands of patients ____________________(受益于这种新的治疗) and recovered quickly.
  (2)a large sum of money has been raised__________________(为了……的利益) the poorly­educated children in the mountainous districts.
  答案: (1)have benefited from this new treatment (2)for the benefit of
  get away with被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚
  教材原句p10:he could not have yong hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!
  ①if you cheat in the exam,you’ll never get away with it.
  ②for such a serious mistake he was lucky to get away with a fine.他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。
  get across (使)被理解,(把……)讲清楚
  get away (from)(从)……脱离,逃脱……
  get rid of摆脱;除掉
  get down to (doing) sth.开始认真地做某事
  get in touch with与……取得联系
  get on/along well with...与……相处得好,进展顺利
  get over爬过……;克服(困难);从……中恢复过来
  get through完成;花光(时间、钱等);通过;接通电话
  ③if we can get over present difficulties,then everything should be all right.
  ④they have a lot in common,so they get along well with each other.
  ⑤i called all day yesterday,but i couldn’t get through to you.
  7.the child should be punished.you shouldn’t let him________telling lies.
  a.keep away from   b.keep away with
  c.get away from   d.get away with
  解析: keep away from远离;get away from逃离;get away with侥幸成功;逃脱处罚。句意为:这孩子应受到惩罚。他撒谎你不应该不惩罚他。
  答案: d
  8.(XX•浙江温州十校联合体联考)i used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we________fine.
  a.get over   b.stay up
  c.get away from   d.get along
  解析: 根据前面的"争吵"和转折词but判断,此处意为"现在我们相处得很好"。get along (with sb.)(与某人)相处。
  答案: d
  in debt负债
  教材原句p14:he did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.
  be in heavy debt负债累累
  be in debt to sb.欠某人债
  be in sb.’s debt感激某人;欠某人的情
  pay off all the debts还清债务(动作)
  be out of debt不欠债(状态)
  get/run into debt陷入债务
  ①today,many developing countries are heavily in debt.
  ②being out of debt makes tom a light mood.
  ③the couple worked hard day and night in order to pay off all their debts.
  ④you saved my life;i am forever in your debt.
  ⑤we were poor but we never got into debt.
  this country__________________(负债) for a year because of the financial crisis.now things have improved a little.
  答案: has been in debt
  cut down削减;删节
  教材原句p15:in this way,they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.
  ①the doctor advised the patient to cut down smoking.
  ②our money is running out.we should cut down expenses.
  cut in插话,让某人分享利润
  cut up切碎;齐根切掉
  cut out删除
  cut off切断,中止
  ③it is impolite for children to cut in when their seniors are talking.孩子们在他们的长辈谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。
  ④because of the terrible earthquake,the electricity of the city has been cut off.由于可怕的地震,城市里的供电被中断了。
  10.(XX•安徽省重点中学高三检测)i was just talking to my old friend when mary________.
  a.cut in   b.cut down
  c.cut out   d.cut up
  解析: cut in插话。可根据talking to my old friend得出答案。
  答案: a
  11.our teacher advised you to________the article that is too long so as to make it fit the space.
  a.cut away   b.cut through
  c.cut up   d.cut down
  解析: 根据too long和fit the space可知应选d项。cut down削减,删节。cut away切去,走开;cut through抄近路通过;cut up切碎。
  答案: d
  he could not have yong hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们后跑掉!
  (1)have sb.doing意为"允许某人做某事"时,常用于否定句
  (2)have sb.do让某人做某事
  (3)have sth.done遭遇不幸;让别人做某事;完成某事
  (4)have sth.to do有事情要做
  ①i can’t have you speaking to your mother in a rude manner.you must apologize to her immediately.我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。
  ②the teacher had his students reading english for half an hour.
  ③don’t be worried.i’ll have tom help you finish the work.
  ④—can you go to watch the football match with me tonight?
  —sorry,but i have an important meeting to attend.
  ⑤i had my watch repaired because it didn’t work.
  ⑥the woman had her handbag robbed yesterday.
  12.(XX•山东卷)i have a lot of readings________before the end of this term.
  a.completing   b.to complete
  c.completed   d.being completed
  解析: 句意为:本学期结束前我有许多阅读要完成。考查非谓语动词作定语。have sth.to do有某事要做,to do的逻辑主语需和主句主语一致;当不定式的逻辑主语与主句主语不一致时,可用have sth.to be done结构。
  答案: b
  nothing could be better.
  ①never 比较级
  ②nothing/no so 原级 as...
  nothing/no 比较级 than...
  ③can/could never/not enough/too
  ①it was not until then that i suddenly realized noboy was happier than i was.直到那时我突然意识到没有人比我更幸福了。
  ②nothing in my life shook me so deeply as the first visit to china.
  ③you can never be too careful.你再怎么小心也不过分。
  ④—did you sleep well last night?你昨夜睡得好吗?
  —never better,like a log.从没这么好过,睡得很死。
  ⑤nothing is more precious than health.
  13.(XX•安徽示范性高中联考二)—did you have a good night’s sleep,sir?
  —oh,exactly.it was such a comfortable bed.i could never have________sleep.
  a.a good   b.the best
  c.a better   d.a best
  解析: 考查形容词的比较级。从语意看,说话人表示"从来没有睡得这样好","a(n) 形容词的比较级 名词"用在否定句中表示最高级的含义。
  答案: c
  14.(XX•北京海淀模拟)—our women athletes achieved great success in the vancouver winter olympic games.
  —yes.no one could perform________,i think.
  a.well   b.better
  c.best   d.the best
  解析: 句意为:——我们的女运动员在温哥华冬奥会上取得了巨大的成就。——是的。我想,没人比她们表现更精彩了。此处用"否定形式 比较级"表达"没人比……更……,最……"之意。
  答案: b
  spy on;throw it away;get away with;earn one’s living;win back;tell a lie;in debt;cut down
  1.he didn’t________________________stealing and was put into prison.
  答案: get away with
  2.he has been heavily ________________because of his sister’s illness.
  答案: in debt
  3.being unable to speak english,he found it hard to________________________in canada.
  答案: earn his living
  4.never think you will not be found out when you______________________.
  答案: tell a lie
  5.he was sent to________________the enemy’s military bases during the war.
  答案: spy on
  6.—are you sure these measures can________________ on the number of traffic accidents?
  —yes,i am.
  答案: cut down
  7.this is the best chance for you to go abroad.don’t ______________________.
  答案: throw it away
  8.the seventeen­year­old girl is determined to________________the gold medal in four years.
  答案: win back
  1.(XX•重庆卷)with the world changing fast,we have something new________with all by ourselves every day.
  a.deal      b.dealt
  c.to deal      d.dealing
  解析:  句意为:随着世界的快速变化,我们每天都有新的问题要独自处理。本题考查的是不定式作定语,have something to do,动词do逻辑上的主语是we,也就是句子的主语。
  答案: c
  2.(XX•东城练习二)every year,tom remembers to have some flowers________to her mother on her birthday.
  a.send   b.sent
  c.sending   d.being sent
  解析: 本题考查非谓语动词。have something done表示某事被做。
  答案: b
  3.—excuse me sir,where is room 301?
  —just a minute.i’ll have bob________you to your room.
  a.show   b.shows
  c.to show   d.showing
  解析: 此题考查动词have的用法。have sb.do sth.命令或安排某人做某事。
  答案: a
  4.—has john repaired his washing machine?
  —he had it________,because he was so busy.
  a.to repaired  b.repair
  c.repaired   d.to be repairing
  解析: 句意为:约翰修好他的洗衣机了吗?——他让别人修的,因为他太忙了。have sth.done让某事被做。
  答案: c
  5.(上海春招)if we have illegal immigrants________in,many local workers will lose their jobs.
  a.came   b.coming
  c.to come   d.having come
  解析: 考查have的用法。句意为:如果我们让非法移民不断涌入,很多当地工人就会失业。此处是have sb.doing sth.结构,表示"让某人一直做某事"。
  答案: b
  1.(XX•河北唐山模拟)—what do you think of the film avatar?
  —it________be better.i even want to see it twice.
  a.won’t   b.couldn’t
  c.shouldn’t   d.mightn’t
  解析: 考查情态动词。句意为:——你觉得电影《阿凡达》怎么样?——再好不过了,我甚至想看第二次。can’t/couldn’t与比较级连用,表示"再也没有更……的了"。类似的用法还有"i couldn’t agree more.(我完全同意。)"
  答案: b
  2.(XX•东北三校联合模拟)—mum,would you please buy me an mp5 player?
  —if you can help do the dishes the whole vacation,you ________have one as a reward.
  a.must   b.need
  c.would   d.shall
  解析: 考查情态动词。shall用于第一、三人称问句中表示征询对方意见;shall用于第二、三人称的肯定句中,表示"警告、许诺、命令、威胁"等语气。答句句意:如果你整个假期能够帮助洗盘子的话,就会得到一个mp5作为回报。shall表示允诺。
  答案: d
  3.(XX•江西南昌模拟)the weather turned out to be fine yesterday.you ________the trouble to carry your raincoat with you.
  a.should have taken   b.could have taken
  c.needn’t have taken   d.mustn’t have taken
  解析: should have done本应做某事,但却没做;could have done可能做了某事;needn’t have done没有必要做某事,但却做了。根据句意c项最佳。must表推测时不能用在否定句中。句意为:昨天天气很好,你本来不必费力带着雨衣的。
  答案: c
  4.(XX•石家庄高中毕业班教学质检)—john looks a bit upset.did you tell him the bad news?
  —yes,but i________him after his birthday party.
  a.should have told   b.must have told
  c.shouldn’t have told   d.needn’t have told
  解析: 考查"情态动词 完成式"的用法。约翰看起来有点难过,因此"我本应该在他生日聚会之后再告诉他这个坏消息的"。should have done本该做某事(但是没有做);shouldn’t have done本不该做但却做了。
  答案: a
  5.(XX•东城检测)—the traffic is heavy now,so mike________come late.
  —let’s wait ten more minutes.
  a.can   b.need
  c.may   d.shall
  解析: 考查情态动词的用法。句意为:——现在交通繁忙,所以mike可能会迟到。——那让我们再等10分钟吧。此处may表示"(有可能但不肯定)也许,可能";can能够;need需要;shall用于第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示"警告、命令、威胁"等语气。
  答案: c
