

  一、听录音,选出你听到得内容。(10分)( )1. a. earphone b. phone c. telephone d. mobile phone( )2. a. exercise b. excited c. exciting d. interesting( )3. a. race b. nose c. nice d. rice( )4. a. early b. really c. ready d. red( )5. a. walk b. talk c. take d. cake( )6. a. pick b. pig c. big d. bag( )7. a. the 3rd of dec. b. the 13th of nov. c. the 30th of oct. d. the 13th of sep.( )8. a. two years ago b. twenty years ago c. twelve years ago d. the second year( )9. a. in your bedroom b. in the bathroom c. on your bed d. on the bag( )10. a. 6:55 b. 5:06 c. 5:55 d. 6:05 二、根据所听句子,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1. a. it’s the 3rd of march. b. it’s sports day. c. it’s thursday.( )2. a. it is on the ground. b. it’s not there. c. it was there.( )3. a. they’re my films. b. they’re in my bag. c. they were in my bag.( )4. a. thank you. b. how nice! c. not at all.( )5. a. yes, i were. b. no, you weren’t. c. yes, i was.三、听录音,根据所听内容及问题选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1. a. it’s sunday. b. it’s sports day. c. it’s the 8th of oct.( )2. a. behind the door. b. under the bed. c. on the sofa.( )3. a. taking photos. b. watching a running race. c. running.( )4. a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t. c. he doesn’t want to play football.( )5. a. a rabbit. b. a pencil. c. a pencil sharpener.笔试部分(80分)一、英汉互译。(10分)1. sports day____ ___ _________ 2. 在我英语书下_________________3. the pear tree over there_______________ 4. 寻找眼镜_____ ____________5. on the ground____________ ___ 6. 三年前______ ________7. a roll of film__________ ______ 8. 捡起它们_____ _____________9. a mobile phone______ ________ 10. 拍张照________ ________二、用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分)1. let ______ (i) see. oh, it’s (they) camera.2. jim is watching tv, and _______ (he) sister _________ (do) housework.3. there _________ (be) a pair of ________(glass) on the desk.4. my (mother) birthday is on (twenty) of december.5. all the books _______ (be) not here, but they _______ (be) here a moment ago.三、选择填空。(15分)( ) 1. the boys and girls are _______ the running race the playground.a. looking; in b. watching; in c. seeing; on d. looking at; on( ) 2. the students are . they are watching an__________ football match.a. exciting; excited b. excited; exciting c. excited; excited d. exciting; exciting( ) 3.找出下面单词中划线部分读音与其余三个所不同的单词:a. here b. where c. there d. pear( ) 4. i can’t find bag. can you help .a. my; her b. my sister; me c. my sister’s; she d. my; me( ) 5. it ______ there just now, but it there now. a. was; is b. isn’t; was c. is; wasn’t d. wasn’t; is( ) 6. -where are my _______? -they ________ on the bookcase yesterday morning.a. cds; are b. cds; was c. cd; were d. cds; were( ) 7. the photos aren’t there_______, but they were there ______.a. a moment ago, now b. just now, a moment ago c. now, a moment d. now; just now( ) 8. how many days are there in december?a. thirty b. thirtieth c. thirty-one d. thirty-first( ) 9. it’s time ____ __ the football game.a. to b. for watch c. to watch d. /( ) 10. _______ your sister at home yesterday?a. was b. were c. are d. is( ) 11. would you like to have a party? a. yes, i do. b. yes, i would. c. yes, i’d like to. d. yes, i’d like.( ) 12.what ben want his party?a. do; as b. does; for c. do; for d. does; as( )1 3. is in the music room?a.whoes b. whose c. who d. who’s( ) 14. i’ve got two presents my mum and dad.a. for b. of c. from d. with( ) 15. there’s american boy in my class. boy can speak japanese.a. a; a b. an; the c. a; the d. an; a四、按要求完成句子。(10分,每句1分)1.the films were in my diary. (对划线部分提问)________ ___ ____ the films?2.it was sports day at school. (改成否定句)it ____ __ sports day at school.3.liu tao usually watches tv on saturday? (改成一般疑问句)_________ liu tao usually_________ tv on saturday?4.i’m thirteen years old this year.(用two years ago来代替 this year)i ____ __ ___ __ __ years old two years ago. 5.i can play chess. (对划线部分提问)  can ?6. i was at home this morning. (改成一般疑问句) at home this morning?7.what date is it? (改成同义句) the ?8.i often get up at ten past six. (对划线部分提问) often get up?9.there are some old diaries. (改成单数句) old .10. listen, some, with, her, music, to, wants, brother, to, helen(.) (连词成句) 五、找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。(5分)( )1.my birthday is in the twenty-fourth of april. __________ a b c d( )2.su hai wants take some photos. __________ a b c d( )3.i like play with the yo-yo very much. __________ a b c d ( )4.ben knows a lot of about public signs. __________ a b c d( )5.what does the signs mean? __________ a b c d六、根据中文补完句子。(15分, 每句一分)1.今天是六月一号。是儿童节。所有的学生都非常兴奋。现在他们都在教室里看动画片。today is . it’s . all the students . now they in the classroom.2.刘涛想画画。但他找不到他的蜡笔。liu tao . but he crayons.3.她刚才在家里吗?是的。可现在她不在这儿了。 at home ? yes, . but she now.4.苏阳非常喜欢拍照。她想拍些小鸟的照片。su yang very much. she’d some photos of the birds.5.我们的手表在哪里?片刻以前在我的包里。现在在地上。where are ? in my bag .  on the ground now. 6.你能帮他拾起他的耳机吗?can you ? 七、完形填空:(10分)come and 1 my sitting-room, please. there 2 a lot of things in it. look! this is a pair of 3 . they’re on the chair now. they’re my 4 . that’s my father’s mobile phone, 5 on the sofa now, but it was in 6 bag just now. and the cd walkman beside the mobile phone is very beautiful. my mother 7 very much. because she likes 8 music. there are some cds behind it. oh, where’s my diary? ah, it’s 9 floor now. i must go and 10 .1. ( ) a. look b. find c. see d. watch2. ( ) a. is b. was c. are d. were 3. ( ) a. glasses b. glasseses c. glass d. the glass 4. ( ) a. grandma b. grandmas’ c. grandpa d. grandma’s5. ( ) a. it’s b. they’re c. it’s d. it was 6. ( ) a. the his b. his c. him d. the him 7. ( ) a. like it b. likes it c. likes them d. like them 8. ( ) a. to listening to b. listening c. listening to d. to listen 9. ( ) a. on the b. in c. on d. in the10. ( ) a. pick them up b. pick up it c. pick up them d. pick it up 八、阅读短文: (10分)a.判断正(t)误(f). (5分)who put ink(墨水) on my chair?tom is seven. he goes to school every day. the school is near his home. so he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. but today he is late. his mother asks him, "why are you late today?" "i was in the teachers’ office." "why did you go to the teachers’ office?" "because my teacher asks us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but i can ." "it’s good to answer the questions." "but the questions was‘who put ink on my chair?’"( )1. tom lives near his school.( )2. he goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.( )3. today tom was late for school.( )4. tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair.( )5. the boy is very naughty(调皮). b.选择填空. (5分)mum: hurry up, jim! you’ll be late for school.jim: i can’t find my white t-shirt, mum. it was on my bed just now.mum: it’s next to the computerjim: thanks! oh, no! where are my brown trousers?mum: they’re on the sofa.jim: now where are my socks? they were on the chair a moment ago.mum: they’re under your bed, jim. can you see them?jim: yes. oh, no! mum: what’s the matter?jim: it’s a quarter to eight. i’m late for school!( )1. where was jim’s white t-shirt? a. on his bed. b. on my bed. c. next to the computer. d. on the sofa.( )2. what’s the time?a. seven forty-five. b. eight fifteen. c. seven fifteen. d. eight forty-five. ( )3. where are jim’s brown trousers?a. on his bed. b. under the bed. c. on the sofa. d. on the chair.( )4. what colour are jim’s socks? a. white. b. brown. c. white and brown. d. sorry, i don’t know.( )5. is jim a careful boy?a. yes, she is. b. no, he isn’t. c. yes, he is. d. sorry, i don’t know. unit 3 听力答案一、 听录音,选出你听到得内容。earphone; exciting; nice; early; talk; pig; the 13th of nov.; the second year; on your bed; five past six二、 根据所听句子,选择正确的答案。 1.what day is it? 2.where was it a moment ago? 3.where are the films? 4.let me help you. 5.were you at school yesterday afternoon?三、 听录音,根据所听内容及问题选择正确的答案。1. today is the 8th of oct. it’s sunday. it’s sports day. all the students are in the playground.q: what’s the date today? 2.a: let’s play basketball, mike. b: ok. but where’s the basketball? it was behind the door just now. a: perhaps it’s under the bed. b: no. look! it’s on the sofa. q:where is the basketball? 3.today is sports day. all the children are in the playground. su yang and su hai are watching a running race. liu tao and mike are running. helen and nancy are taking some photos. q:what are su hai and su yang doing?4.a: hi, ben. do you want to play football with me? b:sorry, i don’t like football. q:does ben like football?5.a:hello, yang ling. what’s that over there? b:it’s a rabbit, i think. a:i don’t think so. let’s go and have a look. b: wow, a nice pencil sharpener! how beautiful! q:what’s that over there?
