

  Manchester City charged with breaking financial rules by Premier League
  The Premier League has charged Manchester City with more than 100 breaches of its financial rules following a four-year investigation.
  It has referred the club to an independent commission over alleged rule breaches between 2009 and 2018.
  It also accused City of not co-operating since the investigation started in December 2018.
  City said they were "surprised" by the charges and are supported by a "body of irrefutable evidence".
  The commission can impose punishments ranging from a fine and points deduction to expulsion from the Premier League.
  "Manchester City is surprised by the issuing of these alleged breaches of the Premier League Rules, particularly given the extensive engagement and vast amount of detailed materials that the EPL has been provided with," the club said in a statement.
  "The club welcomes the review of this matter by an independent commission, to impartially consider the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence that exists in support of its position.
  "As such we look forward to this matter being put to rest once and for all."
  Last season City won their sixth Premier League title since the 2008 takeover by the Abu Dhabi United Group.
  What have City been charged with?
  In a statement the Premier League said City breached rules requiring them to provide "accurate financial information that gives a true and fair view of the club"s financial position".
  This information covered club revenue, which includes sponsorship income and operating costs.
  Further alleged breaches relate to rules requiring full details of manager remuneration - from the 2009-10 to 2012-13 seasons, when Roberto Mancini was in charge - and player remuneration between 2010-11 and 2015-16.
  The Premier League said City breached rules related to Uefa regulations, including Financial Fair Play (FFP), from 2013-14 to 2017-18, as well as Premier League rules on profitability and sustainability from 2015-16 to 2017-18.
  In 2020 European football governing body Uefa ruled that City committed "serious breaches" of FFP regulations between 2012 and 2016.
  However, a two-year ban from European competitions was overturned by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas) later that year.
  Uefa began its investigation into City after German newspaper Der Spiegel published leaked documents in November 2018 alleging the club had inflated the value of a sponsorship deal.
  2018年11月,德国《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)发布了泄露的文件,称俱乐部夸大了赞助协议的价值,此后,欧足联开始对曼城进行调查。
  The proceedings of the commission - chaired by Murray Rosen KC - will be confidential and heard in private.
  由Murray Rosen KC担任主席的委员会的议事程序将是保密的,并将私下审理。
  When the Premier League investigation began, City said the allegations were "entirely false" and that allegations in Der Spiegel came from "illegal hacking and out of context publication of City emails".
  当英超调查开始时,曼城表示,这些指控"完全是虚假的",《明镜周刊》的指控来自"非法黑客和断章取义地发布曼城电子邮件"。"It will be expensive and will drag on" - analysis
  City were not given advance warning of the Premier League statement. They were called at the same time the statement was published.
  They also note the timing of the statement given the white paper on football governance is about to be published. It is felt that bringing this case it likely to be used by the Premier League as evidence of them being able to deal with governance issues itself.
  City are confident in their position and that includes the charges that were time-barred in their Uefa case. The club are understood to have provided the relevant evidence around those charges to the Premier League some time ago.
  On the basis it has taken the Premier League four years to get to this point, do not expect a resolution to this case any time soon.
  Manchester City have always denied financial wrongdoing. They always said the detail published by Der Spiegel when it was passed information by Football Leaks was incomplete.
  When Uefa launched its case, City said they had no faith in that investigation and, when it went against them, they went straight to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, where they were cleared of what they regarded as the substantive allegations, even though some were timed out.
  They will be armed with the very best lawyers, looking line by line at every element of the Premier League"s case.
  The charge sheet includes five years of allegations that City have not assisted with their inquiry - which is all of it.
  The whole thing will be expensive and it will drag on.
  City manager Pep Guardiola has always said he was assured by his employers that they have done nothing wrong. Others - La Liga president Javier Tebas is one of the loudest voices - argue vehemently the other way.
  曼城主帅瓜迪奥拉一直表示,他的雇主向他保证,他们没有做错任何事。而其他人则不以为然,其中强烈反对声音最大的包括西甲主席哈维尔·特巴斯(Javier Tebas)。
  Should City win, legally, they will be clear, even if the sniping will continue.
  Should they lose, all manner of punishments can be handed down. The Premier League"s scope in that sense is completely open-ended and we are in uncharted territory.
  We are now beginning a very long end game. City"s reputation - and the reputation of those who own it - is on the line. The outcome, whenever it comes, will be fascinating.
  我们现在开始了一场漫长的比赛。曼城的声誉——以及那些拥有它的人的声誉——都岌岌可危。无论何时,结果都会令人着迷。Man City success since takeover - a timeline
  被收购后曼城取得的荣誉-时间线Sept 2008: Abu Dhabi United Group agrees takeover of club. On same day Brazil forward Robinho joins from Real Madrid for a then club record  32.5m2008年9月:阿布扎比联合集团同意收购俱乐部。同一天,巴西前锋罗比尼奥以当时俱乐部创纪录的3250万英镑加盟皇马Dec 2009: Roberto Mancini appointed manager after sacking of Mark Hughes2009年12月:罗伯托·曼奇尼在马克·休斯被解雇后被任命为主教练May 2011: City beat Stoke to win FA Cup, their first major trophy since 19762011年5月:曼城击败斯托克城赢得足总杯,这是他们自1976年以来的第一座主要奖杯May 2012: Sergio Aguero scores dramatic stoppage-time winner as Man City win Premier League title on final day of 2011-12 season - their first league title since 19682012年5月:在2011-12赛季的最后一天,塞尔吉奥·阿奎罗戏剧性地在补时阶段绝杀,帮助曼城赢得了英超冠军,这是他们自1968年以来的首次联赛冠军May 2013: Mancini sacked as manager and replaced by Manuel Pellegrini, who leads City to 2013-14 Premier League title2013年5月:曼奇尼被解雇,由曼努埃尔·佩莱格里尼接替,佩莱格里带领曼城夺得2013-14赛季英超冠军July 2016: Pep Guardiola succeeds Pellegrini as manager2016年7月:瓜迪奥拉接替佩莱格里尼担任主教练May 2018: City win Premier League with record number of points, wins and goals2018年5月:曼城以创纪录的积分、胜场和进球数赢得英超冠军May 2019: City become the first English team to win all four domestic trophies2019年5月:曼城成为第一支赢得所有四座国内奖杯的英格兰球队May 2021: City reach their first Champions League final, where they lose Chelsea2021年5月:曼城队首次进入冠军联赛决赛,最终输给了切尔西May 2022: City win sixth Premier League title and 17th trophy since 2008 takeover2022年5月:曼城自2008年被收购以来赢得第六座英超冠军和第17座奖杯How City have grown
  曼城如何崛起Club record revenues of  613m and profits of  42m for 2021-22 season2021-22赛季俱乐部创纪录的收入为6.13亿英镑,利润为4200万英镑In January 2023 topped the Deloitte money league - a list of the world"s richest clubs by revenue - for second year in a row ahead of Real Madrid2023年1月,德勤财富排行榜(Deloitte money league)连续第二年超越皇马位居世界最富有俱乐部的收入排行榜榜首Won six Premier League titles, two FA Cups, six EFL Cups and three Community Shields, but yet to win Champions League赢得六次英超冠军、两次足总杯、六次英联杯和三次社区盾,但尚未赢得冠军联赛Spent 2.38bn euros ( 2.1bn) on new players since the takeover, according to TransferMarkt根据《转会市场》(TransferMarkt)的数据,自收购以来,在新球员身上花费了23.8亿欧元(21亿英镑)Broke the British transfer record twice in  32.5m signing of Robinho in 2008 and  100m capture of Jack Grealish in 20212008年以3250万英镑签下罗比尼奥,2021以1亿英镑拿下杰克·格里利什,两次打破英国转会记录
  1)charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ WITH CRIME/STH WRONG 犯罪;过失[ VN] ~ sb (with sth/with doing sth)to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court 控告;起诉, 同义词 accuse
  •He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。
  2)breach/briːtʃ/ 名词[ CU]~ of sth a failure to do sth that must be done by law (对法规等的)违背,违犯
  •a breach of contract/copyright/warranty 违犯合同;侵犯版权;违反保证
  动词 to not keep to an agreement or not keep a promise 违反;违背 SYN 同义词 break
  •The government is accused of breaching the terms of the treaty. 政府被控违反条约中的规定。
  3)ir·re·fut·able adj. /ˌɪrɪˈfjuːtəbl/ /ɪˈrefjətəbl/ ( formal ) that cannot be proved wrong and that must therefore be accepted 无可辩驳的;不能否认的
  • irrefutable evidence 无法推翻的证据
  4)fine/faɪn/a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule 罚金;罚款
  •a parking fine 违规停车罚款
  •Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money) . 违者须付巨额罚金。
  5)ex·pul·sion n. /ɪkˈspʌlʃn/ [ UC] the act of sending sb away from a school or an organization, so that they can no longer belong to it; the act of expelling sb 开除;除名
  •The club faces expulsion from the football league. 这家俱乐部面临被足协开除。
  6)im·par·tial adj. /ɪmˈpɑːʃl/ not supporting one person or group more than another SYN neutral, SYN unbiased 公正的;不偏不倚的;中立的
  • an impartial inquiry/observer 公正的调查 观察者
  7)once and for ˈall:now and for the last time; finally or completely 最终地;最后地;彻底地;一次了结地
  •We need to settle this once and for all. 我们需要把这事一次解决。
  8)take·over n. /ˈteɪkəʊvə(r)/ an act of taking control of a company by buying most of its shares 收购;接收;接管
  •a takeover bid for the company 出价收购这家公司
  9) rule:GIVE OFFICIAL DECISION 作出正式决定~ (on sth)to give an official decision about sth 决定;裁定;判决 SYN同义词pronounce
  •The court will rule on the legality of the action. 法庭将裁定此举是否合法。
  •The judge ruled against/in favour of the plaintiff. 法官判原告败诉 胜诉。
  10) Com·mit v. /kəˈmɪt/ ( -tt- ) CRIME 犯罪[ VN] ~ a crime, etc. to do sth wrong or illegal 做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等)
  •to commit murder , etc. 犯凶杀罪等
  •Most crimes are committed by young men. 多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。
  11) ban /bæn/ ~ (on sth)an official rule that says that sth is not allowed 禁令
  •There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. 办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。
  •to impose/lift a ban 颁布 解除禁令
  12) over·turn v. /ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn/ [ VN] to officially decide that a legal decision etc. is not correct, and to make it no longer valid 推翻,撤销(判决等)
  •to overturn a decision/conviction/verdict 撤销决定 定罪 裁决
  13) con·fi·den·tial adj. /ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl/ meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people 机密的;保密的;秘密的
  •confidential information/documents 机密情报 文件
  14) drag ˈon ( disapproving) to go on for too long 拖得太久;持续太久
  •The dispute has dragged on for months. 这场争论没完没了地持续了数月。
  15) wrong·doing n. /ˈrɒŋduːɪŋ/ [ UC] ( formal ) illegal or dishonest behaviour 不法行为;坏事;作恶;欺骗行径, 近义词 crime, offence
  16) case: IN COURT 法院[ C]a question to be decided in court 诉讼;待裁决的案件
  •The case will be heard next week. 此案下周审理。
  •a court case 诉讼案件
  •to win/lose a case 胜 败诉
  17) un·chart·ed adj. /ˌʌnˈtʃɑːtɪd/ that has not been visited or investigated before; not familiar 人迹罕至的;无人涉足的;陌生的
  •I was moving into uncharted territory (= a completely new experience) with this relationship. 这个关系让我开始有全新的体验。
  18) (put sth) on the ˈline ( informal ) at risk 冒风险
  •If we don"t make a profit, my job is on the line. 我们要是赚不了钱,我就有失业的危险。
  19) sack /sæk/ ( informal ) ( especially BrE ) to dismiss sb from a job 解雇;炒鱿鱼SYN 近义词 fire
  •She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays. 她因拒绝在星期天上班被解雇了。
  20) stop·page n. /ˈstɒpɪdʒ/ [ C] ( sport 体) an interruption in the game for a particular reason 中断比赛
  •Play resumed quickly after the stoppage. 比赛中断后不久又继续进行。
  •stoppage time (= added on at the end of the game if there have been stoppages ) 比赛补时时间
  21) suc·ceed v. /səkˈsiːd/ [ VN] to come next after sb/sth and take their/its place or position 接替;继任;随后出现
  •Who succeeded Kennedy as President? 接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁?
  22) spon·sor·ship  n. /ˈspɒnsəʃɪp/ 1.[ UC] financial support from a sponsor 资助;赞助款
  •a $50 million sponsorship deal 5 000万元的赞助协议
  •The project needs to raise  8 million in sponsorship. 这个项目需要筹集800万英镑的资助。
  23)vehe·ment  adj. /ˈviːəmənt/ showing very strong feelings, especially anger (感情)强烈的,激烈的;(尤指)愤怒的
  • a vehement denial/attack/protest, etc. 强烈的否认、攻击、抗议等
  24) re·mu·ner·ation  n. /rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃn/ [ UC] ( formal ) an amount of money that is paid to sb for the work they have done 酬金;薪水;报酬
