

  难道中国如此落后以至于他们不使用和不了解信用卡吗? 这是一个美国网友的提问。中国并不落后于使用信用卡。实际上,中国已经成为全球最大的信用卡市场之一,拥有庞大的信用卡用户群体。
  美国网友Chris Garcia的观点
  Congratulations, Vazeha Lakanese, on posting one of the stupidest questions ever seen on Quora. It takes severe mental illness to even imagine that China doesn’t have a well-developed credit card system already in place.
  恭喜Vazeha Lakanese,在Quora上发布了有史以来最愚蠢的问题之一。只有患有严重精神疾病的人才会想到,中国还没有完善的信用卡系统。
  For at least the past 30 years China has had a credit card system that is, in many ways, even better than the system in place in the US. In approximately 1993 China started out with a Visa card that was what we might term a quasi credit card. The card is linked to your normal bank account and earns interest on your account balance, but also allows you to spend via what we might call a modest overdraft line of credit. Given that Chinese people have not developed an addiction to credit as many in the US have, people in China generally prefer to spend their own money and not borrow from the bank.
  A year or so later, China introduced an actual dual currency credit card. The card could be used inside of China via the UnionPay network and overseas via either the Visa, MasterCard or American Express network. Also, UnionPay has had a relationship with Discover which for approximately 25 years now has allowed all UnionPay credit cards to be used anywhere in the US that accepts Discover as well as giving Discover access to the Chinese market.
  Now China has at least 3 times the number of credit cards in existence than the US and Canada combined. Also, default rates in China are infinitesimal compared to the US. China also has two major e-payment apps that each make Apple Pay look like a joke.
  Other benefits to the Chinese credit card system that leave the US system looking bad is the fact that there is rarely an annual fee and with those few cards that do have an annual fee it is very easy to get the fee waived. Also, Chinese banks are not trigger happy in closing accounts like US banks are. Unlike US banks, Chinese banks seldom close accounts for prolonged non-use, for going over your limit or for making the occasional late payment.
  While certainly not perfect, the Chinese credit card system is several light years better that the world’s shittiest: Iran, India & Pakistan.
  美国网友Fred Chuatiuco的观点
  Vazeha, you claim to be a China expert? You must also consider yourself a finance expert. You need a lot of catching up to do.
  China is actually light years ahead of all Western countries - finance-wise. They leapfrogged the credit cards and went directly to direct bank account charges (with QR codes) and are now a cashless society. Furthermore, they’re into the next generation finance with their own national digitized currency eYuan that will be instrumental to the establishment of an alternative global trade credit system using a digitized platform.
  In the meantime, the West is stuck with its credit card industry and unable to move forward.
  Just use common sense to consider this: this is a billion dollar cash-cow industry for Western commercial banks, why would they want to give up such a lucrative business to move on to a digitized world that would certainly outlaw the usurious rate and charges that they’re now earning? The banking system has been fighting tooth and nail to retain the status quo. It’s unfortunate that this system is victimizing the people lest able to afford this financial burden - the working class that has grown accustomed to using credit card debt to supplement getting by with today’s increasing cost of living.
  This question is very rudely written.
  It is not about being "backwards" it is about the fast development of China and that the system is different.
  In The West, particularly in the US, the system is built on access to credit. It is relatively easy to obtain a credit card even if you have bad credit and the banks make a lot of money on people who do not pay their bill in full at the end of the month. Just making the minimum payment keeps the account active but does not pay principal and interest. It is also easier to obtain a loan for various purposes.
  In China, mobile payments is much bigger and more convenient than credit cards. The ecosystem is dominated primarily by Tencent’s WeChat Pay and Alibaba’s Alipay. Friends reimburse each other through these systems. Such are linked to bank accounts. Merchants accept payment through these platforms. Newly up and coming is the government’s digital currency which is not crypto, it’s just a digital form of currency.
  These digitial payments emerged as online shopping and purchases became popular and people had difficulty with not being able to pay. Access to credit is complex and limited. Credit cards do exist but are less popular with lower credit lines and it is much more difficult to obtain.
  This is different because people primarily spend money that they have for everyday purchases and will finance a big long term item like a car (although I don’t agree with this because it goes down in value quickly) or an apartment (and I have financial related reasons to not agree with purchasing one in China), but that’s not the point.
  There is some overlap, however, as many restaurants, shops, hotels, and other merchants do take foreign credit cards.
  As a foreigner I have noticed that the Chinese rarely use credit cards. It is cash or we Chat/Alipay via their phone. even before We Chat pay Cash seemed to be the most used way to pay.
  We Chat pay became very popular very very quickly. In fact, I would say the overwhelming majority of transactions I see are using the phone. I even went for about 3 months without carrying any cash on me. But about two weeks ago someone paid me in cash so I started paying for some of my purchases in cash. I had two incidents where the street vendor did not have change for a 100 yuan note and asked if I would use We Chat to pay. So We Chat pay is very popular.
  Why so popular, the obvious reason is convenience. It can be faster to pay via We Chat than with cash. But it is also very very inexpensive. The transaction fee is less than a 0.01 USD. One advantage of China is that the government runs the banking system so there is no Privately run credit clearinghouse that every transaction has to go through with the obligatory 3% credit card handling fee. Nor any monthly minimums or equipment to purchase to take these transactions. IF you have a phone you can transact money.
  So it is cheap, convenient and fast and easy to set up!
  英国网友Francine Rizza的观点
  Goodness, questions like this are so silly that they truly blow me away and obviously the person asking such a question is either just a stirer or has never ever stepped foot in China!
  Let me tell you this, China is no backward country, it is one of the most advance countries in the entire world. I was speaking to Chinese friends here in Australia last night about their monetary system back home and they told me that paper money is no longer used in China, instead everything is paid via wechat on their mobile/Cell phone, they said, you just tap and it scans the product and it is paid! But what if I come over the border from Vietnam? they answered, then you would need to have a loaded card of some sort that you could tap to pay in Yuan. Then I asked, but what about poor people? how can they afford a phone? They said in China everyone can afford a phone.
  Perhaps it is we who are backward!
  Questions like this makes me wonder what the world am I living in.
  China actually "very forward" if you ask me. I mean by "very forward" they already started using e-payments (form of digital payments). Some citys still support credit card by is rare considering most moved to digital payment.
  Meanwhile Western and many other countries still uses credit card or cash. The only thing that may be close to China is Crypto? But even that Crypto payment has been widely deployed worldwide.
  For many parts of the world, credit card is still a lucrative business for the banks. There were they rake in all the money.
  新加坡网友Yong Jian-Yi的观点
  China blocked the entry of  Visa  and  Mastercard  into China, electing to produce their own ‘home grown’ system, Unionpay
  With the advent of many app based payment system such as Alipay, Wechat pay, etc. China isn’t lacking in the convenience of a credit card system, perhaps even more convenient. They are also developing the e-RMB or Digital Yuan that will make it even more simpler, if it turned out to be successful. Many countries will adopt a similar system.
  Imagined if China had allowed Visa and Mastercard into their market, and it became established within China. The Americans will use it to spy on China, and as a tool of economic warfare.
  No, China is not a country that is "backwards" when it comes to credit cards. In fact, China has one of the largest and most sophisticated electronic payment systems in the world. While cash is still widely used in some parts of the country, electronic payment methods have become increasingly popular in recent years.
  One of the most popular electronic payment methods in China is the mobile payment app, such as Alipay and WeChat Pay. These apps allow users to pay for goods and services using their mobile phones, and are widely accepted by merchants across the country. In fact, mobile payments have become so prevalent in China that it"s not uncommon for even small street vendors to accept them.
  Credit cards are also widely accepted in China, especially in major cities and tourist destinations. Visa, Mastercard, and other international credit cards are accepted at many hotels, restaurants, and retail stores. However, it"s worth noting that some smaller merchants may not accept credit cards, and that mobile payments may still be the preferred payment method in some areas.
  In summary, China is not a country that is "backwards" when it comes to electronic payments or credit cards. In fact, China has a highly developed electronic payment system that is widely used by both consumers and merchants. China is already a cashless society.
