

  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编收集整理的描写抗击疫情的英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。  描写抗击疫情的英语作文篇1
  The Spring Festival is supposed to be a red and noisy Festival. You can receive new year's gifts, relatives, new year's greetings, and most importantly, new year's money. Children can play games together, set off fireworks, and adults can get together to enjoy tea, chat, and make a living. What a wonderful time. Novel coronavirus is now breaking the festive and lively festival because of a terrible evil. Our trip was ruined.
  The virus originated in Wuhan, because it has put Wuhan at risk and made countless people unable to return home. Masks, protective clothing and goggles have become the most popular topics, and the supply is in short supply. So that the manufacturers who have already had a holiday will recall the workers and work overtime. Hateful demons are spreading rapidly, and the number of people infected every day is increasing. At this time, a group of angels in white came forward. One by one, they wrote down their letters of invitation and asked to go to the front line "fight". In order to save more people's lives, I gave up the time of reuniting with my relatives and chose to be a rebel, leaving my family for everyone. Enter the isolation area and rush to the disinfection area. They are wearing masks, goggles and layers of protective clothing, risking their lives to fight against the devil. Out of the disease prevention is all wet, leaving a red mask on his face.
  Because of the serious epidemic, in this special period, many roads have been closed, and relevant personnel have been set up at many places at each highway intersection for inspection. Our village has also implemented the management of entering and leaving the village. When recruiting volunteers, dad is obliged to sign up. They stand in the cold wind with masks, shivering with cold, and still take the book to get in and out The personnel registration is clear? Village people's safety, they stick to their posts, serious and responsible, praise for Dad.
  As an ordinary primary school student, what I can do in front of the epidemic is to keep myself away from the door, avoid crowded places, wash hands frequently, wear masks, strengthen exercise, study hard, start with me and small things around me.
  No matter how many difficulties there are, with the efforts of front-line staff and the cooperation of the whole nation, the epidemic will be defeated eventually. When spring comes, we will work together to build a better tomorrow!  描写抗击疫情的英语作文篇2
  My mother's wechat has been ringing all the time. I couldn't help asking. My mother said that the Party branch was recruiting anti epidemic volunteers. I think my mother will sign up for it, because she has a selfless dedication and is very serious about her work.
  As expected, mom said, "you listen to grandma at home. Grandpa is also an excellent Party member. We all have to go on duty." I asked my mother what the task was. My mother said: at the intersection of the chamber of Commerce building and the qiantanqiaodong road in Qiantan, I stopped the cars, because these two roads are the only way, and there are a lot of cars in and out. " I want to know in my heart what kind of work my mother does and whether it is safe. Then I ask, what do you do? My mother told me: "so many supporters sign up to participate, which means that everyone wants to do their best to fight against the epidemic. For the volunteers who sign up, they also need to know their physical conditions, whether they have fever, cold and other symptoms. They will be safe after passing The first shift is from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; the second shift is from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.; the third shift is from 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., 24-hour shift. The purpose is to protect our small homes first, and pile up each healthy small home into a healthy big home. " I was curious, and then I asked, "is it right to take the temperature of people in the car just like on TV?" my mother patiently told me: "my mother's job is to take the temperature of everyone who enters the checkpoint. First of all, I need to wear masks and gloves, see pedestrians, battery cars, private cars and other cars passing by, all pull over and turn off the fire, and then other volunteers are responsible for registration License plate, ID card, check the access card, ask where you are from? Where are you going? Are there any people who have been in contact with the epidemic area, if the temperature is higher than 37.3 degrees, they will take another temperature measurement and report to the person in charge after resting in place, and they must do a good job not to let any suspicious people in or out of the dry pool, and so on. " It seems that a simple job also contains so many complex processes. It's really not easy to do a good job.
  I think I stay at home every day, write my homework, pay attention to health, exercise and read the news, which is also making a little contribution to the motherland. I want to study hard and make more contributions to the motherland when I grow up!  描写抗击疫情的英语作文篇3
  The Spring Festival in 2020, in the hearts of all Chinese people, is destined to be a memorable memory forever. The novel coronavirus's raging force makes the bell ring for the old and new year more heavy, and the mask on people's faces makes the Spring Festival feel cold.
  This winter, the plum blossom is still quietly open; this winter, the blue sky is still bright and clean; this winter, Wuhan is very difficult, but the people of the whole country are very difficult. On this special day, we would like to follow the doctor 's advice and stay at home quietly. We are worried about Wuhan, we are happy with the increase of cured cases, and we are worried about people in Wuhan.
  At the same time, there are a group of people, they are rushing forward, using their ordinary bodies to build a fortress for the hundreds of millions of Chinese people behind them. They leave their small homes for everyone, sleepless, fighting in the forefront of this battlefield without smoke of gunpowder. They are the most beautiful rebels from all over the country. They are the most beautiful pioneers in the new era. They are amiable and respectable angels in white.
  Among these people, there is an 84 year old academician named Zhong Nanshan. 17 years ago, the old academician fought in the forefront of anti Africa and made great contributions to the fight against SARS. 17 years later, he was ordered to take the high-speed railway to Wuhan and go to the front line of fighting the epidemic again. Professor Dong zongqi, 86, sat in a wheelchair and saw more than 30 patients in the morning. He said, "my life is to save people"; Professor Li Lanjuan, 73, knew that the country was in trouble. She did not hesitate to go to Wuhan and firmly said her oath: "I intend to stay in Wuhan for a long time and fight with the medical staff there!"
  There is no time in this world that is quiet, just because someone is carrying the weight for us. There is no natural hero in this world. Only because people need, can someone be willing to sacrifice themselves to become a hero.
  Although I don't know who they are, I know who they are for. They may not be rich, or even poor; they may not be tall, or even thin; they may not be bright, or even a little humble, their image in my heart is so fuzzy, but their spirit in my heart is so bright; regardless of life and death, do not ask for return, they stick to silently, guard health, protect life.
  Ordinary we can't reach the front battlefield to fight against the virus. We can only do our logistical work well, not going out, not going out, washing hands frequently, wearing masks, so as not to give them trouble, and wish them a safe and early victory.
  Rainbow as evidence, eternal, I want to sing. For the joy of life, all things sing of your love, and the earth speaks of your kindness.
  Salute the angel in white!
  Salute the most beautiful rebel!
  Pay homage to everyone fighting the epidemic!
