

  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都写过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是小编为大家整理的因为疫情上网课的英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。  因为疫情上网课的英语作文篇1
  In the past few days, we have also delayed the start of school, but the teacher did not let us idle. Students across the country have implemented online teaching. At first, it was quite boring. There are daily lessons every day, just like going to school, but then I I found it to be much more interesting than going to school. I can understand what the teacher said, and the daily lessons are very interesting. Today's online teaching courses are math, Chinese, science, book reading in the morning, and art and independent work in the afternoon. There are not many of these courses and not many homework, can add some fun to my life!
  Today is my second day of online teaching. The one that impressed me the most is mathematics. Normally, I am not very good at mathematics. This time I listened to the teacher ’s lecture. I found mathematics very interesting and gave me a lot. Inspired by me, I believe that as long as I rely on my self-confidence and strength, some things will always get better! The one-day class will soon be over. I may be tired at night. I usually have a lot of energy at night. I always lie in bed and ca n’t sleep. In the past two days, I have always slept fast, and this also helps I better meet tomorrow's class. The notice says that I will go to school formally in a few days. To be honest, I haven't gone to school for a month. It's a bit boring to stay at home all day. There are many students in the school. Then I am not bored!
  This time Wen Ke brought a lot of happiness to my boring winter vacation, and finally hope that the motherland can finally overcome the virus through its own efforts. Let us cheer for the motherland and Wuhan!  因为疫情上网课的英语作文篇2
  The new semester has already arrived, but because of the new coronavirus epidemic, we can only stay in the Internet class at home. Due to lack of exercise, each one has become a "fat house", and my life has also changed a lot.
  The original campus study became an online class. As you stared at the screen of your phone for a long time, your eyes would feel sore and your eyesight would also decline, so you would not see things clearly. Whenever this time, I always complain: When can I return to campus? !
  Of course, online learning also has merits. The efficiency of teachers correcting their homework has been significantly improved, because the submitted homework is all electronic files, and it is convenient for teachers to make corrections. The homework can also be carried with them. As long as there is free time, teachers can take out and make corrections. The speed of various feedbacks is also obviously faster: if the homework is done correctly, there will be a result soon, and if there is a question, you can answer online ...
  However, staying at home for a long time and not going out to exercise, coupled with picky and picky food, eating only meat and not vegetarian food, made me "get better" on the road to obesity, and my weight was "to rub" When I grow up, I can't stop it. Every time I stand on the electronic scale, I will imagine: no fat, no fat! But the result always hit my face, even my mother called me "eight precepts". I was not convinced, but as soon as I looked in the mirror: my belly was round, my legs were as thick as my legs, and my fat ears were big. Hey, you can't stop being fat!
  The changes that the new coronavirus epidemic has brought me can be described as mixed, but I still miss my previous life. When did this happen?  因为疫情上网课的英语作文篇3
  During the Spring Festival, due to the outbreak of the epidemic, we can only stay at home to spend this long holiday. The school is about to start. In order not to delay our study, the school conducts a live webcast of "no suspension of classes".
  On the first day of class, I prepared my iPad, mobile phone and school supplies early and sat at the desk with excitement and excitement. Taking classes online is a new thing, and I look forward to my mood. The class started at 8:30 and Teacher Li's kind voice came from the screen. Through the PPT elaborately made by the teacher, we learned the ancient poem "Xugong Store in Suxin City". Teacher Li speaks vividly and vividly on the screen, and I listen to it with amusement outside the screen. In the process of interacting with the teacher, there is a little rabbit in my heart jumping up and down. It's really strange. I never get nervous when answering questions in class. I'm so nervous when facing this small screen. It's really puzzled. Because my writing speed is slow and I ca n’t keep up with the teacher ’s rhythm, the key content of the teacher ’s talk is to take a screenshot on my mobile phone and then write it down on my notebook. In this way, I completed the first online lesson in a hurry.
  One week of online classes is over. We have learned a lot of new knowledge in various subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, and English. In this extraordinary period, online classes are still very convenient and timely. However, the online class can only hear the teacher's voice but can't see the teacher's kind smile, and there will also be disconnections, network freezes, etc., the teacher has fewer and fewer questions, lacking the kind of joy at school The learning atmosphere and the classmates are competing for me to speak eagerly, and the learning atmosphere is lacking.
  I really hope that the epidemic will be lifted soon, so that I can return to the beautiful campus, meet my dear teachers and classmates, and study in the spacious and bright classroom with the classmates.  因为疫情上网课的英语作文篇4
  I didn't expect the new semester in 2020 to be so different. Due to this sudden outbreak, we had to implement prevention work at home and try to avoid going out to contact people, so that we could not return to school normally.
  Online class is just a new form to continue learning new knowledge. After the class, unlike the traditional classroom teaching, everyone sits together and has a strong learning atmosphere. At this time, in the process of online class, it is more testing everyone's consciousness. Whether you can consciously listen to lessons at home, take notes consciously, follow the teacher ’s thoughts without distractions, and actively interact with the teacher, according to the teacher ’s requirements, do the pre-class preparation, after-class review, and complete the corresponding exercises after class are all to us test. However, my classmates did not live up to the teacher's expectations. They were able to study hard at home, attend classes on time, and obey the teacher's arrangement. This made me very happy.
  In fact, only after taking the online class, I realized how happy and happy it is to sit in the classroom with everyone. In the class, there is everyone's company and a good learning atmosphere. I really miss the day when I was in school. Yeah.
  Looking forward to the day when the spring is blooming, and the day when the epidemic is completely under control, all we can do now is study hard at home, follow the arrangements of the country and the school, and look forward to the day of returning to school soon!
