

  导语:生活中,有没有那么一件事情,在不经意间感动了你,触动内心,下面是感动的一件事英语作文,欢迎参考:  一、感动的一件事英语作文
  A box of sugar always have the most sweet one, the stars always have one of the brightest, in the life of the road there are always moving things.
  This afternoon, the family came to the guests, my mother took me to the farms to buy food. The farms on the farms, I am kind to the roadside to a shop selling food stalls to buy food. Stall is a grandfather, a look to know is bitter wind and frost authentic old farmers.
  Mother asked up the price, they began to talk with him on the price. Can sell vegetables who preoccupied, how also refused to reduce the half-price money. I am impatient in the next urging my mother, my mother is also anxious, and then rushed to mention the food to pay the money, hurried away. Who knows the way, my mother found the key was gone, how do? There will be guests to come! Think of this, my mother's face showing a disappointment expression. "Must be forgotten in the stall, lost things, who will give you, let alone that preoccupied with the old man, and you consider it bad luck!"
  After a fierce ideological struggle, my mother decided to go back and luck, so we ran toward the direction of the farms.
  To where, we see the old man's dishes have been sold out, but the old man is still there, looking around, like waiting for others. My mother and I went over, the grandfather recognized us, with the hands of the hands of the cocoon handed the mother, my mother nodded to him, the three of us are happy to laugh.
  Looking at the eyes of the simple old man, I can say what? A sense of guilt and rustling. Wish the elderly safe life!
  望着眼前朴实的老大爷,我还能说些什么呢?一股愧疚感油然而生。祝愿老人一生平安!  二、感动的一件事英语作文
  Time, such as water, the general rush away, a lot of memory has disappeared with the days of fading. But one thing, let me vividly, moved endless - that a deep maternal love.
  That morning, I was going to school with my bag, and my mother handed me an umbrella and said, "My son, the weather is forecasting rain today, or the umbrella is good." I looked up at the sky, What? I left the umbrella and ran away.
  Just when the school at noon, suddenly thunder and lightning, an instant rain suddenly. With the rain gear of the students are home, and other people are also one by one by the parents picked up. My dad taught in a field school and never went home at noon. Just now, my mother is carrying a high fever these days, bit by bit. I do not think anyone will pick me up. I am sitting alone in the classroom, anxious and hungry, looking out the window under the rushing rain, I could not help but cry up.
  At this time, the rain appeared in a familiar figure. Oh, it's mom! The wind is like a heavy rain like a mother engulfed like. Mom struggled to come to me hard.
  "Jingjing, come over, put on a raincoat." Mom said while taking off the body of the raincoat draped over me. At this point, the rain is getting bigger and bigger. Mom's hair, his face, the body was raining rain. Looking at the "drowned chicken" like the mother, looking at her pale face, I can not help but cry up ... ...
  An umbrella hold up a day, my mother loves the umbrella to give me happiness and happiness. Although things have passed for a long time, but it always touched me, taught me a good man, a good study.
  一把伞撑起一片天,妈妈爱的伞给我快乐和幸福。事情虽然过去了很久,但它时时感动着我,教我好好做人,好好读书。  三、感动的一件事英语作文
  People are moving a lot of things, and people moving things, but also pided into many types. Such as maternal love, neighbor care, friends care ... ... and I touched one thing, but not the same, I saw on the bus so that I moved a scene.
  Remember that it was a Sunday morning, I followed my mother to Zoucheng to play, I sat in the bus on the window of a seat, because I back to the window, so it is difficult to look outside, but I still Looked out, I was stunned, could not help but big mouth, a yellow and thin, high cheekbones, two deep down the beggars, looks about three or four years old man, his action is very slow, in a garbage Pushing his clothes, his clothes tattered, do not see the color of clothes, wearing only a pair of patches have been filled with slippers, he was looking for something to sell broken, put his broken sacks, suddenly, A banana peel let him out, fell to the ground, the picking up the trash are picked up, he was just ready to drag his sacks to go, and turned around, the naive banana peel picked up, And into the trash. See here, my eyes are moist, and the whole body is numb.
  I was shocked! He is a beggar, a slow beggar, as much as the protection of the environment, he can not ignore the obscure banana skin I think a lot of people can not do it, and he did.
  我震惊了!他是一个乞丐,一个行动缓慢的乞丐,竟有保护环境的意识,他完全可以不去理睬那个不起眼的香蕉皮我想,很多人都做不到吧,而他做到了。  四、感动的一件事英语作文
  There are so many moving things in life. In the heart of my memory, what touches is like beads, countless. Now, let me choose one of the bright ones for you to listen to.
  It was last winter vacation, and our family went back to their hometown for the new year.
  One day, when we went shopping in the street, I suddenly saw a lot of people standing next to a big tree, which aroused my curiosity. I took advantage of my mother still shopping, and quickly went to find the tree, and finally found. I squeezed into the crowd, to see this scene shocked me, a woman with a little girl about 5 years old, still standing next to a piece of wood, board says: my daughter had leukemia, hope that good people can offer some love. At this time, I felt a little touched, but I heard people whispering, "it must be a lie. In this way, there are so many lies. Don't fall for it."......." I looked at the woman's eyes, as if to say: "good hearted people, please give us some money."!"
  The time is late, the time when the women were ready to go, there is a robust and strong young man walked out, he touched the little girl's head, smiled and said: "what a lovely little girl! How much disease?" he said, from his pocket out of several hundred dollars, said: "I had only so much, you take your daughter to eat some food to eat only the spirit." The woman cried and shouted, "thank you, you are so kind."." The young man moved all of us. Everyone came up with some money. My nose was sour and I gave her some money.
  At that time, that young man's move, let my heart warm, everyone to extend the hand of charity, society is much more harmonious, I will never forget this kind hearted person.
  当时那位青年人的举动让我的心暖暖的,每个人中要伸出善举之手,社会就和谐多了,我永远不会忘记这位好心人。  五、感动的一件事英语作文
  I remember that at noon on a Wednesday, I went home with my classmates as usual. Unfortunately, when crossing the road, an oncoming bicycle to me to hit a four feet, the natural injury must not light. I gently touched my head, ah! bleeding! I sat down on the ground all of a sudden, scared at a loss. Just then, a young uncle came, he saw my badly beaten, immediately hit a taxi and sent me to Yijishan Hospital.
  Along the way, I could not sleep open eyes, and loudly shouting, the uncle kept comforting me, take care of me. To the hospital, I was pushed into the operating room, I saw more than a dozen lights of the operation of the light came to me, so I fell asleep. Unconsciously, surgery done, and I did not feel a little pain. After a while, I suddenly remembered the mother, kept shouting: "Mom, Mom!" The uncle asked my home phone number, I quickly told him, want him to call my father and mother. At this time, I feel a little hungry, the uncle know, and immediately downstairs to buy me. I soon fell asleep again.
  When I woke up, the uncle, father, mother, teacher and classmate are surrounded by me. I was so touched that the scene was so touching. I bitter my lips, trying to restrain myself from tears. But in the end, the big tears of beans or from my eyes poured out. This is a touch of tears, but also the tears of friendship!
  I remember at home, there was one thing that I was very moved.
  One morning, I got up very early, in order to write an observation diary. I saw my grandmother went out to buy things, so I slipped out of the house to catch a group of chickens, and the chicks were exhausted by me, and all stood at the door and screamed in panic.
  At this time my grandmother came back, she looked at the chicks are crazy screaming, and look tired and sweating me, she said to me: "I told you how many times, do not tease those chickens To see if they are scared of what you look like? After they will lay eggs for you to eat? "I heard my grandmother then said to her:" Nothing, I just play with them for a while. "Grandma ignored me , But a big step toward the kitchen, she brought a large spoon, scooped out from the rice bag a spoonful of rice scattered on the ground, the chickens are running over to grab food to eat. But the front of the scene stunned me, the hens to grab the rice Diao to the chicks in front of the chicks to eat, hens like porters, like a grain of rice shipped to chicks eat Chicks you fight me, grab the food to eat into the stomach, the hens can only go to eat the last leaf ... ...
  I was so touched by the scene, and I felt that the hens were so great that they were so selflessly loving their children, just as our mother loved us, they were the greatest mothers in the world.
  这一幕情景太令我感动了,我觉得这群母鸡真是太伟大了,它们那么无私地爱着自己的孩子,就像我们的妈妈爱护我们一样,它们是天底下最伟大的妈妈。  七、感动的一件事英语作文
  In my memory of the river, there are many things I have forgotten. But, when I think of that touching scene, can not help but shed tears.
  Remember that thing happened in the summer day, my mother took me to pay electricity. At this time, a blind grandmother also came there, she leaned on a crutch step by step toward the counter. She trembled from the body to work out a small cloth, slowly open, gently handed the staff, said: "I want to install a street lamp at the door." "Installed lights, but you." The staff know this Is a blind man. "Yes, I am, there is no need to install any street lights, but when I sit in the house, I often hear the sound of walking around the night walker, so I want to install a street lamp at the door." Staff stunned The. "Comrade, this is all my savings, you see enough!" Everything around the behavior of the grandmother was touched, and even the air seems to solidify. When the staff recovered, the blind grandmother had left on crutches. Look at the grandmother away from the figure, my eyes filled with tears.
  Although the blind grandmother can not see the natural light, but have full of sunshine. She turned this sun into a street lamp, illuminating our hearts, so that passers-by no longer dark, so that the world forever bright! How awesome it is!
  Let us like the blind old grandmother, with their own care, to light up around the heart of each lamp it!
  让我们像那位盲人老奶奶那样,用自己细心的关爱,去点亮周围的每一盏心灯吧!  八、感动的一件事英语作文
  Time passed quickly, and some things were forgotten because of the erosion of time. Some things left indelible impression on moving...... Let me share one thing that moved me.
  I grew up sickly and weak, and my mother paid a lot of effort in order to take care of me. I remember when I was 6 years old, once, I was in kindergarten, suddenly have a fever of 38 degrees, the mother received a teacher's phone, leave immediately, take me home to the kindergarten.
  When I got home, my mother quickly gave me a fever reducing medicine and let me rest on the bed. My temperature dropped right away. But within a few hours, I had a fever again, and the temperature was 39 higher than I had just been. 7 degrees. Mother anxious, take me to go to the hospital immediately.
  Came to the hospital to see, I saw "Pediatrics" in front of a long queue, many people see a doctor, my mother anxious like ants on a hot pan - round and round, his mouth kept saying: "this is how to do ah?" finally our turn, the doctor said to his mother: "you give me after diagnosis son have acute pneumonia, drip to need to play more than four days." After the doctor finished the medication, my mother immediately took me to the first floor of the transfusion room injection. See that sharp needles, I began to cry, she patiently comforted me and said: "Gon Freecss, don't cry, shot, mom to buy toys for you!" heard "toys" two words, I will not cry. After playing the needle, my mother bought me a toy and then took me home.
  After returning home, my mother was busy for my porridge and decocting. Even though I take medicine, injections, but my fever is still not fully backed down, my mother was worried about my night to have a fever, a few night did not sleep a wink. Over the past few days, the mother, my mother was sick, sick, I cried and asked her mother: "Mom, are you okay?" "if you Jianjiankangkang, mother to have what thing?" she said with a smile. After listening to my mother's words, my heart can not be calm for a long time......
  The passage of time, it is in the past six years, but my mother's great love, have accompanied me to grow, it makes me moved, I have become indelible memories.
  时光流逝,这件事已经过去了六年,但妈妈那伟大的爱,一直伴随着我成长,这件令我感动的事,已成为我永不磨灭的记忆。  九、感动的一件事英语作文
  Whenever I think of that thing, I will think of that unreserved postman uncle.
  That was last summer, one day. The sky was gloomy, dark clouds, like to rain. Sure enough, after a while, it began to pour down the rain. I can not go out to play, at home muffled reading. Pound a knock on the door, I think who is this time? I hurried to the door and opened the door. A wet, uncle, leaned on a bike and stood at the door. He said kindly to me, "Little girl, this is your letter.
  Then I knew he was a postman. I received the letter and found that the letter was not wet. In such a big rain, people will pour into the chicken, the letter will not wet? Inadvertently, I found a bike filled with a bag covered with a raincoat. The original he in order not to let the wet, put his raincoat on top of their own timid wet. I can not help but admire. I said to the postman, "Uncle, come in a cup of tea." I thought he would agree, but he said: "Little girl, I have to send messenger." Said, they turn off the car, riding out, slow Slowly disappear in the vast rain. I looked at the piece to disappear in the back, the heart was very moved.
  Although this thing has passed for a long time, but I still remember, when the rain, the postman uncle braved the rain messenger scene immediately surfaced in my mind.
  虽然这件事过去了很久,但我仍记忆犹新,每当下雨的时候,邮递员叔叔冒着大雨送信的情景马上浮现在我的脑海里。  十、感动的一件事英语作文
  In our side, often happen moving things, Jiaoren memorable, the following talk about this thing is my personal experience.
  It was a winter afternoon, the gloomy sky under the goose feather snow, the north wind whirring blowing, as if to swallow people. Due to go to the Forbes English class go anxious, only a set of pieces of warm coat to go out, walking on the road cold shaking. At this time, a big sister came to see my way, quickly put her cotton to wear on me, suddenly, my body about feeling warm, tears could not help flowing down: "Big sister, thank you Give me my coat how do you? "" Do not control me, you, you go to class it. "Big sister's voice a little trembling. I did not think, all of a sudden around her sister's waist to increase her warmth, so we chat side walk.
  To the school, I get off my clothes to her sister, she told me not urgent, she is also Forbes English class students, I hold her tightly, the cotton stuffed in her hands and ran.
  Two hours of English class finished, I hurry to find the sister, can be found for a long time did not find, then I realized that the sister sent me a good lie.
  Until now, I have been remembered that the warmth of my big sister, she let me in the cold to enjoy the warmth of the truth.
