

  导读提示: 培养明辨性思维 critical thinking 英语阅读系列第6篇 —— 学习技巧(下)
  关注 头条+西瓜+抖音号: 杨老师STEAM教育
  In order to spread out studying over short periods of time across several days and weeks, you need control over your  schedule . Keeping a list of tasks to complete on a daily basis will help you to include regular active studying sessions for each class. Try to do something for each class each day. Be specific and realistic regarding how long you plan to spend on each task—you should not have more tasks on your list than you can reasonably complete during the day.
  For example, you may do a few problems per day in math rather than all of them the hour before class. In history, you can spend 15-20 minutes each day actively studying your class notes. Thus, your studying time may still be the same length, but rather than only preparing for one class, you will be preparing for all of your classes in short stretches. This will help focus, stay on top of your work, and retain information.
  例如,你可以每天做几道数学题,而不是在课前一小时全部做完。在历史上,你每天可以花 15-20 分钟积极学习课堂笔记。因此,你的学习时间可能仍然相同,但你不仅要为一门课做准备,还可以在短时间内为所有课程做准备。这将有助于集中精力、掌控工作并保留内容。
  In addition to learning the material more deeply, spacing out your work helps stave off procrastination. Rather than having to face the dreaded project for four hours on Monday, you can face the dreaded project for 30 minutes each day. The shorter, more consistent time to work on a dreaded project is likely to be more acceptable and less likely to be delayed to the last minute. Finally, if you have to memorize material for class (names, dates, formulas), it is best to make flashcards for this material and review periodically throughout the day rather than one long, memorization session.
  除了更深入地学习材料之外,将你的工作间隔开有助于避免拖延。与其在周一面对可怕的项目四个小时,你可以每天面对可怕的项目 30 分钟。在一个可怕的项目上工作的时间越短、越一致,可能更容易被接受,并且不太可能推迟到最后一分钟。最后,如果你必须记住课堂材料(姓名、日期、公式),最好为这些材料制作抽认卡并全天定期复习,而不是长时间的记忆会议。
  It’s good to be intense 认真学习才是好的
  Not all studying is equal. You will accomplish more if you study intensively. Intensive study sessions are short and will allow you to get work done with minimal wasted effort. Shorter, intensive study times are more effective than drawn out studying.
  In fact, one of the most impactful study strategies is distributing studying over multiple sessions. Intensive study sessions can last 30 or 45-minute sessions and include active studying strategies. For example, self-testing is an active study strategy that improves the intensity of studying and efficiency of learning. However, planning to spend hours on end self-testing is likely to cause you to become distracted and lose your attention.
  事实上,最有影响力的学习策略之一是在多个课程中分配学习任务。 强化学习课程可持续 30 或 45 分钟,包括积极的学习策略。 例如,自测是一种提高学习强度和学习效率的主动学习策略。 但是,计划花费数小时进行最终自我测试可能会导致你分心并失去注意力。
  On the other hand, if you plan to quiz yourself on the course material for 45 minutes and then take a break, you are much more likely to maintain your attention and retain the information. Furthermore, the shorter, more intense sessions will likely put the pressure on that is needed to prevent procrastination.
  另一方面,如果你计划对课程材料进行 45 分钟的测验,然后休息一下,你更有可能保持注意力并保留学到的内容。 此外,更短、更激烈的学习间隔可能会为了防止拖延带来压力。
  Silence isn’t golden 沉默不是金
  Know where you study best. The silence of a library may not be the best place for you. It’s important to consider what noise environment works best for you. You might find that you concentrate better with some background noise. Some people find that listening to classical music while studying helps them concentrate, while others find this highly distracting. The point is that the silence of the library may be just as distracting (or more) than the noise of a gymnasium. Thus, if silence is distracting, but you prefer to study in the library, try the first or second floors where there is more background ‘buzz.’
  Keep in mind that active studying is rarely silent as it often requires saying the material aloud.
  Problems are your friend.
  Problems are your friend  问题才是你的朋友
  Working and re-working problems is important for technical courses (e.g., math, economics). Be able to explain the steps of the problems and why they work.
  In technical courses, it is usually more important to work problems than read the text. In class, write down in detail the practice problems demonstrated by the professor. Annotate each step and ask questions if you are confused. At the very least, record the question and the answer (even if you miss the steps).
  When preparing for tests, put together a large list of problems from the course materials and lectures. Work the problems and explain the steps and why they work.
  Reconsider multitasking  重新考虑多任务处理
  A significant amount of research indicates that multi-tasking does not improve efficiency and actually negatively affects results.
  In order to study smarter, not harder, you will need to eliminate distractions during your study sessions. Social media, web browsing, game playing, texting, etc. will severely affect the intensity of your study sessions if you allow them! Research is clear that multi-tasking (e.g., responding to texts, while studying), increases the amount of time needed to learn material and decreases the quality of the learning.
  Eliminating the distractions will allow you to fully engage during your study sessions. If you don’t need your computer for homework, then don’t use it. Use apps to help you set limits on the amount of time you can spend at certain sites during the day. Turn your phone off. Reward intensive studying with a social-media break (but make sure you time your break!)
  Switch up your setting  切换你的设置
  Find several places to study in and around campus and change up your space if you find that it is no longer a working space for you.
  Know when and where you study best. It may be that your focus at 10:00 PM. is not as sharp as at 10:00 AM. Perhaps you are more productive at a coffee shop with background noise, or in the study lounge in your residence hall. Perhaps when you study on your bed, you fall asleep.
  知道你在何时何地学习最好。可能是你的注意力集中在晚上 10:00。不像上午 10:00 那样敏锐。也许你在有背景噪音的咖啡店或在宿舍的书房里更有效率。也许当你在床上学习时,你就睡着了。
  Have a variety of places in and around campus that are good study environments for you. That way wherever you are, you can find your perfect study spot. After a while, you might find that your spot is too comfortable and no longer is a good place to study, so it’s time to hop to a new spot!
  Become a teacher 成为一名老师
  Try to explain the material in your own words, as if you are the teacher. You can do this in a study group, with a study partner, or on your own. Saying the material aloud will point out where you are confused and need more information and will help you retain the information. As you are explaining the material, use examples and make connections between concepts (just as a teacher does). It is okay (even encouraged) to do this with your notes in your hands. At first you may need to rely on your notes to explain the material, but eventually you’ll be able to teach it without your notes.
  Creating a quiz for yourself will help you to think like your professor. What does your professor want you to know? Quizzing yourself is a highly effective study technique. Make a study guide and carry it with you so you can review the questions and answers periodically throughout the day and across several days. Identify the questions that you don’t know and quiz yourself on only those questions. Say your answers aloud. This will help you to retain the information and make corrections where they are needed. For technical courses, do the sample problems and explain how you got from the question to the answer. Re-do the problems that give you trouble. Learning the material in this way actively engages your brain and will significantly improve your memory.
  Take control of your calendar.
  Take control of your calendar 控制好你的时间规划
  Controlling your schedule and your distractions will help you to accomplish your goals.
  If you are in control of your calendar, you will be able to complete your assignments and stay on top of your coursework. The following are steps to getting control of your calendar:
  如果你可以控制自己的日程安排,你将能够完成作业并掌握课程作业。以下是控制日历的步骤: On the same day each week, (perhaps Sunday nights or Saturday mornings) plan out your  schedule  for the week.Go through each class and write down what you’d like to get completed for each class that week. Look at your calendar and determine how many hours you have to complete your work. Determine whether your list can be completed in the amount of time that you have available. (You may want to put the amount of time expected to complete each assignment.) Make adjustments as needed. For example, if you find that it will take more hours to complete your work than you have available, you will likely need to triage your readings. Completing all of the readings is a luxury. You will need to make decisions about your readings based on what is covered in class. You should read and take notes on all of the assignments from the favored class source (the one that is used a lot in the class). This may be the textbook or a reading that directly addresses the topic for the day. You can likely skim supplemental readings. Pencil into your calendar when you plan to get assignments completed. Before going to bed each night, make your plan for the next day. Waking up with a plan will make you more productive.
  1. 在每周的同一天(可能是周日晚上或周六早上)计划一周的日程安排。
  2. 浏览每节课并写下你希望在该周每节课完成的内容。
  3. 查看你的日历并确定完成工作所需的小时数。
  4. 确定你的清单是否可以在你可用的时间内完成。 (你可能希望输入完成每项作业所需的时间。)根据需要进行调整。例如,如果你发现完成工作所需的时间比可用时间多,你可能需要对阅读材料进行分类。完成所有的阅读是一种奢侈。你需要根据课堂内容来决定阅读内容。你应该阅读喜欢的课程来源(课堂上经常使用的资源)中的所有作业并做笔记。这可能是直接针对当天主题的教科书或阅读材料。你可能可以略读补充阅读材料。
  5. 当你计划完成作业时,请在日历中使用铅笔。
  6. 每晚睡觉前,为第二天制定计划。一觉醒来制定计划会让你更有效率。
  Use downtime to your advantage.
  Use downtime to your advantage 利用好课外时间
  Beware of ‘easy’ weeks. This is the calm before the storm. Lighter work weeks are a great time to get ahead on work or to start long projects. Use the extra hours to get ahead on assignments or start big projects or papers. You should plan to work on every class every week even if you don’t have anything due. In fact, it is preferable to do some work for each of your classes every day. Spending 30 minutes per class each day will add up to three hours per week, but spreading this time out over six days is more effective than cramming it all in during one long three-hour session. If you have completed all of the work for a particular class, then use the 30 minutes to get ahead or start a longer project.
  提防"轻松"周。这是暴风雨前的平静。较轻的工作周是取得成功或开始长期项目的好时机。利用额外的时间来完成任务或开始大项目或论文。即使你没有任何到期的东西,你也应该计划每周在每节课上工作。事实上,最好每天为每节课做一些工作。每天每节课花 30 分钟将增加每周三个小时,但将这段时间分散在六天里比在一个漫长的三小时课程中塞满更有效。如果你已完成特定课程的所有工作,则使用 30 分钟来取得进展或开始一个更长的项目。
