

  关于脱欧,英国整体经济环境已经显示出强烈的消极迹象。在2016年6月公投之前,英国是七国集团中增长最快的经济体之一。到2018年底,它是最慢的。英国脱欧公投后,英镑已跌至过去30年来的最低水平 - 过去几个月为以往的5%。贸易逆差出乎意料地扩大,英国贸易平衡达到123亿英镑,而分析师预测为113亿英镑(144亿美元)。由于目前的英镑疲软,以产品或服务为欧盟国家提供销售的企业利润将会极大地受影响。通货膨胀也正在缓慢增长,9月份消费者价格指数(CPI)上升至1%。英国现在开始看到原材料价格上涨的迹象了。部分原因是英镑下跌,而这只是一个时间问题,接踵而来的将是消费者价格上涨,从而对消费者信心造成连锁反应。
  去年开始,英国新创企业数量急剧下降。2018年,与前一年相比,新创企业的数量大幅度地下降了12.8%,即近42,000 个企业。企业研究中心(ERC) 是由几所大学组成的研究机构,其年度英国本地经济报表显示,新创企业数量从上一年的325,900下降到今年的284,000。
  最大跌幅之一 - 占15%的是北爱尔兰,虽然近年来经历了强劲的经济启动增长。如果英国在未经谈判达成协议的情况下离开欧盟,那么那里的公司将面临与爱尔兰的边境管制问题。自2013年以来,该地区的新创企业水平是全英国最低。
  在英格兰,威尔特郡的新创企业是绝对数量下降幅度最大的 - 初创企业比2017年减少了45%. 威尔特郡位于英国的南部,伦敦的西面。
  ERC研究人员表示,英国退欧的不确定性阻碍了新企业的创业,也削弱了成熟企业的增长信心和力度。 2016年至2017年间,初创企业数量其实增长了近10%。
  根据国家统计局业务结构数据库的数据,ERC还发现英国的公司较少达到"高增长"状态, 即 三年内每年人数增加10%以上。高增长公司的数量从2012-2015年间的11,855下降至2015-2018期间的10,968。所有公司中高增长公司的比例从7.5%下降到6.2%。
  市场的动荡对中小企业的贷款将受限制。 一些小企业的行为转变是显而易见的。有些人在英国脱欧之前推迟了长期投资和扩张决策,并减少了对外部融资的需求,而其他人似乎正在利用不同类型的外部融资来制定短期应急计划。
  英国一半的外国直接投资存量占1万亿英镑来自欧盟,而英国退欧后,较高的贸易成本以及增加的税费肯定会导致欧洲对英国的投资减弱。随着英国退出欧洲,企业也将无法获得直接来自欧盟成员国的资金。 例如,欧洲投资银行在英国经济中投资超过313亿欧元,其中17%为创新和小企业提供资金,主要是在科技和生命科学领域。欧洲投资基金是一个重要的资金来源。它支持大约27,700家中小企业。 为了抵消这种负面影响,英国财政大臣宣布他正试图扩大通过英国商业银行得到的风险投资的限额,并制定英国担保计划以支持重大项目。
  英国投资者似乎并没有坐以待毙,而是开始反击。不同阶层,私有和政府部门都在采取措施对付由于英国脱欧而带来的对初创公司,孵化器,贸易形势的挑战。为确保小企业更好地选择投资渠道,英国政府已承诺建立英国共享繁荣基金(UKSPF)。 UKSPF旨在通过提高生产率来解决社会不平等问题,特别是在该国经济较不发达的地区。虽然英国中小企业今天受益于欧盟结构基金,但资金很难获得。因此,从理论上讲,中小企业将会发现通过UKSPF可能会更容易获得融资 (对这一点我也持保留意见)。
  英国商业银行已采取措施应对挑战,包括1亿英镑的地区天使计划和推出在线金融中心。银行融资替代方案的增长仍在继续,尽管与2017年相比增长放缓。资产融资在2018年增长3%,而2017年为10%。点对点业务贷款增长18%,而2017 年是51%。
  政府也可能采取一些措施来解决就业问题。例如,苏格兰议会代表英国投票留在欧盟的一部分,致力于为欧盟公民提供移民费,这些公民将在英国退欧后继续在苏格兰的公共部门工作。 虽然英国脱欧正在向欧盟劳动力市场倾斜,但另一方面,英国退欧将为非欧盟国家,欧盟以外的国家,如印度,中国和美国敞开大门。事实上,英国政府刚刚制定了一项新政策,允许外国学生从明年开始毕业之后可以在英国找工作获得2年签证。令人鼓舞的是,更多的外国学生正在将英国作为学习目的地。
  英国一直是初创企业公司首选的环境。统计数据表明,情况仍然如此。许多基本面保持不变:英国继续吸引最广泛和最优秀的人才,涉及广泛的行业领域,科技储备和科研力量仍然很强,从制造业到服务业,它仍然是卓越的国际金融中心,监管环境宽松,律法严谨投资安全系数高,劳动力市场灵活,英语国家,公司税率据称是发达国家中最低的之一。 英镑的疲弱帮助了出口商和旅游业。为某些企业带来了商机。比如那些为国内经济服务而不依赖外国劳工的产业,未来不必进入单一市场。所以从长远角度英国的经济整体情况是否能安全渡过不定期,在危机中获得新生也未可知。
  The Uncertainty created by Brexit is blamed for the sharp fall in number of new start-ups
  Overall economic climate is showing strong sign of negativity. Prior to the June 2016 referendum, the UK was one of the fastest growing economies in the G7. By the end of 2018, it was the slowest. After the Brexit vote, the British pound has fallen to its lowest level in the last 30 years — 5% over the past couple of months. The trade deficit has unexpectedly widened, with Britain"s trade balance reaching £12.3bn, compared to analysts" prediction of £11.3bn ($14.4bn).
  Targeting EU countries with your products or services could drastically affect your profit due to the current weakness of sterling. Inflation is increasing slowly, with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rising to 1% in September. The UK is now starting to see raw material prices rise, partly as a result of the falling pound, and it is only a matter of time before this feed through to consumer prices with a likely resulting knock-on effect on consumer confidence.
  Even though Britain would be free from the mandatory net contribution to the EU of £9bn, analysts say the cost of leaving the EU will eventually exceed these financial benefits for the UK.
  The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) indicates confidence in the small business sector is declining.
  The number of businesses created in the UK fell sharply after last year, with researchers blaming economic uncertainty caused by Brexit. In 2018 the number of new start-ups fell by 12.8 per cent, or almost 42,000, compared with the year before. The Enterprise Research Centre, a research institute formed by several universities, recorded a drop from 325,900 to 284,000 in its annual UK Local Growth Dashboard report, which looks at a range of metrics charting the growth of small to medium-sized enterprises.
  One of the biggest drops — of 15 per cent — was in Northern Ireland, which had experienced strong start-up growth in recent years. Companies there will face the imposition of border controls with Ireland if the UK leaves the EU without a negotiated deal. The region had the lowest level of start-ups in the UK since 2013.
  In England, Wiltshire saw the biggest absolute drop in new businesses — with 45 per cent fewer start-ups established than in 2017.
  ERC researchers say that Brexit uncertainty deterred entrepreneurs from setting up companies, and that it had also blunted the growth ambitions of more established firms. Between 2016 and 2017 start-up numbers rose by almost 10 per cent.
  Using data from the Business Structure Database of the Office for National Statistics, the ERC also found that fewer companies across the UK achieved "high growth" status — increasing their headcounts by more than 10 per cent each year for three years. The number of high-growth firms fell from 11,855 between 2012 and 2015 to 10,968 in the 2015-18 period. The proportion of high growth firms among all companies fell from 7.5 per cent to 6.2 per cent.
  The proportion of UK firms that succeeded in increasing their productivity, measured by turnover increasing faster than headcount over a three-year period, slipped slightly to 8.3 per cent in 2015-18, from 8.4 per cent in 2014-17. Northern Ireland had the highest number of companies that increased their productivity, followed by London, Cambridge and large city-regions in the north of England including Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield. Towns and rural areas lagged.
  It’s particularly worrying that we’re seeing an absolute decline in the number of new businesses being started in the wake of the 2016 referendum. "Budding entrepreneurs are clearly holding their breath waiting for some clarity about the outcome of Brexit, but if the trend continues, we’ll see fewer jobs created by dynamic young firms.
  In a worst-case scenario, the UK"s exit of the EU could mean that British start-ups will no longer be able to enter European markets on a cross-border or branch basis. Analysts have similar concerns for the businesses that depend on the items they export from EU companies that mainly do business on the British market. If sterling continues to weaken and the increase in the economy continues to fail its prognosis, it may significantly backfire on start-ups, especially if they are only in the angel or seed stages. The firms that seem most worried by Brexit are growth-oriented innovators, these are the high-productivity, export-oriented and import-oriented firms. It seems hard to avoid the conclusion that Brexit uncertainty is causing the grassroots economy to stutter.
  Funding implications of Brexit
  In addition to these very specific Brexit effects, general uncertainty and disruption could lead to a loss of consumer and business confidence. This, in turn, could have an impact on the availability of funds available for start-ups – in tricky economic times, investors may be less likely to back an untried business.
  According to official analysis, leaving the EU would have a negative impact on FDI inflows in the UK and is likely to decrease by 22%. The UK being a part of the single market has attracted many foreign investors as they have not had to face high cost barriers from tariffs and could easily export to other EU countries. Brits can already feel the drop in the level of financing, as foreign investment has fallen 92% since the referendum in June 2016. As reported by governmental sources, FDI may well reduce by no less than 22%, after Britain porces the EU.
  The demand for external finance has continued to fall, with just 36% of smaller businesses using external finance in 2018 (compared to 44% in 2012). Bank lending stock (£166bn) was similar to 2017 (£165bn) but this continues a decline in real terms over recent years.
  There are big differences in the use of finance options between UK regions. EIS and SEIS deals, for example, are concentrated (47%) in London and the South East, and over half (57%) of business angels are located in London. Equity deals are concentrated in London and in tech clusters, such as Manchester and Edinburgh.
  A shift in behaviour amongst some smaller businesses is evident. Some are delaying longer term investment and expansion decisions ahead of Brexit and reducing their demand for external finance, while others appear to be using external finance to put in place shorter term contingency plans.
  Many foreign investors are adopting a wait-and-see attitude if setting up or expanding a subsidiary business in the UK involves significant capital expenditure and long-term contracts. A serious commitment of resources may be more difficult to justify for now if there is uncertainty for example about the terms of access to European markets, or the ability to post personnel in the UK, and there is a risk that the regulatory environment will start to perge from that applicable in the rest of the EU.
  EU Funding
  Half of the UK’s FDI stock accounting for £1 trillion comes from EU, and After Brexit, a higher trade cost, and increased fees and taxes would surely cause a weakening of European investment in Britain.
  As the UK exits Europe, businesses will also lose access to the funds that come directly from EU membership. For example, the European Investment Bank, for example, has invested over €31.3bn in the UK economy of which 17 per cent funded innovation and smaller businesses.3 In the tech and life sciences sector, the European Investment Fund is a key source of finance, supporting 27,700 SMEs.
  To counter this effect, the Chancellor announced that he is extending the limits of the venture capital investment programme delivered through the British Business Bank and creating a UK Guarantee Scheme to support major projects.
  Labour Market and Employment
  British businesses and start-ups are about to face a severe workforce crisis for the first time in almost 50 years. Currently there are 2.1 million European immigrants working in the UK. In industries such as engineering, IT, and construction, where there are shortages of skilled workers in the UK, immigrants from the European Union are filling the void by bringing in vital skills. They are also a major contributor to the unskilled labour market. EU immigrants also contribute substantially to the healthcare sector in terms of employment. If these EU workers leave the UK, there will be a huge gap between the demand for skilled workers and supply. Thus, the UK’s ability to recruit international talent could be at stake.
  An increased difficulty to retain highly educated and talented people and to attract those people to work in the UK." Following the referendum in 2016, noticed that the number of qualified personnel looking for a job outside Britain significantly increased in just a few days after the official announcement. Unfortunately, this trend has not changed over the years. Employees are now more interested in working in Ireland, which is still a member of the EU, or other English-speaking countries.
  Statistics also show that businesses are already feeling a squeeze on talent. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, there was a 95pc fall in EU nationals joining the UK workforce between the first quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2018. Low unemployment and a continued appetite for hiring across all sizes of business has seen 44pc of employers’ experience recruitment difficulties during 2018, with another 34pc struggling to retain staff. Although Brexit is damaging to EU labour market, Brexit on the other hand, will open doors to non-EU countries, those from outside the EU, such as India, China and America, but I believe these countries are far from the UK, the shortage of low skilled workers is not going to be changed by this.
  Start-ups are at risk of facing a labour shortage and losing some immigrants that occupy key roles in the business. It"s necessary to identify who among staff may be vulnerable due to being a resident of the EU but not the UK. Help them assess their chances of staying in Britain and applying for citizenship, if applicable, or renewed working visa. For employees who cannot be replaced, start-ups should begin preparing to ensure their retention and facilitate potential relocation of the team or the inpidual.
  The implications Brexit will have on the labour market and migrations will be determined by negotiations between the UK and the EU following the pide. If the UK wants to have access to the single market, it will have to accept the free movement of people from EU countries into the UK.
  Legal and Regulation issues
  One possible positive aspect of Brexit is the elimination of the constantly evolving EU regulations, as they are costing the country tens of millions of pounds every couple of weeks. Many argued that it burdened the UK with the regulation and the cost (I would say the UK’s own legislative regime is no simpler than that of the EU and is constantly expanding). Voting to leave the EU will give the UK the option of not having to comply with EU regulations. As Britain had been a major contributor, it can spend all that money on its own growth.
  In order to avoid the strains from Brexit, Brexit does present growth opportunities for SMEs. For example, some SMEs are opening offices in EU 27 countries, making it easier for them to tap new markets and access new talent pools. He also highlights that Brexit uncertainty is having a positive benefit on certain businesses due to manufacturers stockpiling both raw materials and finished goods.
  On the other hand, business will be free to trade and negotiate with other countries globally, on its own terms in addition to the benefit of employment prospects from outside the EU. Far from reducing red-tape, companies that are active across European borders will potentially face the need to comply not only with EU regulations but in addition also with newly created UK domestic regulations following Brexit. Other potential problem areas include a range of tax questions, from VAT on cross-border transactions, to double taxation and customs duties, which will require careful consideration.
  Fighting Back
  UK investors and public sectors of different levels are fighting back against the perceived Brexit slump with start-ups, incubators and trade challenges.
  The UK Government has committed to establishing a UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). The UKSPF aims to tackle social inequality by raising productivity, particularly in the less economically advanced areas of the country. While UK SMEs benefit from EU Structural Funds today, the funds can be difficult to access. So, in theory, SMEs should find it easier to access finance through the UKSPF in future – just as soon as the Government publishes details of what it will look like.
  The British Business Bank has introduced measures to address challenge including a £100m Regional Angels programme and the launch of an online Finance Hub.
  The growth of alternatives to bank finance has continued, albeit at a slower pace compared to 2017. Asset finance grew 3% in 2018, compared to 10% in 2017 and peer-to-peer business lending by 18%, compared to 51% growth in 2017.
  FinTech Innovation Lab in London announced in January the launch of its largest accelerator program, where 20 start-ups (out of 300 applicants) will participate in a 12-week program while receiving mentorship from 28 financial institutions.
  Some initiatives may also be introduced by the government to tackle employment issues. For example, the Scottish Parliament, which represents a part of the UK that voted to stay in the EU, is dedicated to covering immigration fees for EU citizens who will continue work in the public sector of Scotland after Brexit.
  Although Brexit is damaging to EU labour market, Brexit on the other hand, will open doors to non-EU countries, those from outside the EU, such as India, China and America. In fact, the UK government just launched a new policy to allow Foreign students to be able to obtain 2-year visa from next year (check). This is encouraging to see that more foreign students choose the UK as their destination to study.
  Over the longer term, however, employers may get some respite from the Government’s proposed post-Brexit immigration system, which was set out in a White Paper in December. The proposals include the introduction of 12-month work visas for low-skilled immigrants and the scrapping of the current cap on the number of highly skilled migrants, many of them are potential entrepreneurs.
  From a financial standpoint, Brexit means Britain no longer must pay the EU membership cost to the common budget. Considering the UK contributed somewhat about £13.0bn in 2017, it could use this money for the country"s needs to ensure its far-reaching success and growth. It may also mean that the government will be more welcoming and forthcoming toward emerging start-ups.
  In the positive aspects, Britain has always been a welcoming environment for start-ups and the statistics suggest that this continues to be the case. Many of the fundamentals remain unchanged:
  Britain continues to attract the brightest and the best talent across a wide range of industry sectors, from manufacturing to services, it remains the international hub par excellence, the regulatory environment is benevolent and safe, the labour market flexible, English speaking, and the corporation tax rate one of the lowest in the developed world.
  The weakness of Sterling has helped exporters and the tourism industry. There will therefore be industry sectors those serving the domestic economy without depending on foreign labour, and without the need necessarily to access the single market in future, in which now is as good a time as any to launch a new business.
  Therefore, from a long-term perspective, if the UK economy can safely sail through this stormy stage and regain its vitality is still questionable.
