

  What is the evolutionary reason that human beings are superficial and attracted to external appearances more than towards intrinsic qualities such as intelligence, character, integrity, honesty and virtuosity?
  Sophie Campbell
  Caveat: One should shy away from giving evolutionary "reasons" for things. Reasons imply reasoning—the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way and drawing rational conclusions. Evolution concludes nothing; it does not think, uate or choose anything. It systematically tosses up persity. Environmental pressures sext survivors from that perse range that are best equipped to breed into that environment. Evolution simply promotes the survival of a genetic lineage by setting the stage for environmental fine tuning.
  警告: 人们应该避免给出事物进化的"理由"。理性意味着以逻辑的、理智的方式思考某事并得出合理结论的行为。进化没有结果;它不会思考、评估或选择任何东西。它系统地抛出了多样性。环境压力从不同的环境中选择幸存者,他们最适合在这种环境中繁殖。进化只是通过为环境微调创造条件来促进遗传谱系的生存。
  Attraction and sexual sextion are rooted in human psychology. Human psychology is, for want of a better term, infected by the survival imperative that underlies evolution. So you can draw a line from evolution to sexual attraction, but it is a thin one and causality is debatable.
  Any animal sexts a mate as a breeding strategy. The aim of breeding is to continue your genetic lineage. The preciousness of this cargo, a continuum of nucleotides that are repeated in every cell of your body, is why you experience fear when your life is threatened. It forms your survival instinct. The urge to protect and nurture these molecules plays a silent hand in pretty much everything you do.
  The best and obvious breeding strategy is to sext a youthful healthy mate. The chances of our own offspring’s survival is greatly enhanced when our mate is in excellent breeding condition. That is a physical/appearance judgement. It’s as simple as that.
  Of course humans have developed language and philosophy. We can think complex thoughts and we can, if we choose, override base-level breeding strategies and develop more complex ones where intrinsic qualities such as intelligence, character, integrity, honesty and virtue are seen as desirable traits that might even enhance the survival prospects of our offspring. We can even decide not to breed at all and mate for companionship. But even in this type of inpidual, the breeding condition of the people we encounter does not go unnoticed. We are in the thrall of a bunch of twisted molecules, whether we like it or not!
  Alec Zander
  It has varied over history, as a function of population size and environmental conditions. This answer is kind of long, but to summarize before I begin, here are some (admittedly cynical) counter-point questions:
  Intelligence: What’s the use when the teachers force the grade distribution to fit a Gaussian distribution, even when it doesn’t? You might truly be an outlier (or even upper range) in intelligence, but the system you’re in might have no incentive to document it or reward it. Anyway, what’s the point of reading or memorizing anything? I can look it up on my smartphone any time .
  Honesty and Character: Who needs it? I can do what I want when I think no one is looking. I probably won’t get caught. And even if I do get caught, I’ll say it’s my first time, it was a mistake, it’s somebody else’s fault …
  Integrity: Why should I put in the mental effort of examining and re-examining and testing my core values? It’s more important to go with the flow, to be popular, or at least not stick out, to be … "adaptable" to an ever changing social environment where you try to follow the whims of a zeitgeist that talks to you through social media and and the In-Your-Face-Book.
  Virtuosity: Why bother to develop it when you get an A for effort and a trophy for particpating? Hell, I heard automation and neural networks are going to do everything for me anyway. What’s the point?
  When the environment is harsh, it cannot support a large population, and social groups are small. So small that everyone depends on everyone else’s coordination for survival, and small enough that it is possible (in terms of 24 hours in a day) to have the kind of prolonged positive functional relationship that both requires and rewards the qualities you mentioned.
  As the environment gets easier to live in (a process that is primarily geological, but now technological), population sizes grow. You don’t depend on having positive functional long term relationships with a small number of group members. Surviving becomes easier and you meet more people.
  And now we’re at a point (in developed-ish countries where we spend time on Quora, at least) where survival is so easy and population / social group sizes are so large that often
  there is little material incentive to develop positive long term relationships with people
  there is little material dis-incentive to have negative interactions with people
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  Relationships between people are now less about the behavior between people and more about the material obxts between people. Signalling through certain behavioral qualities is more difficult to see and understand; proxy signalling through visually obvious material possessions is much easier.
  In small group societies, your physical contribution to the group’s well being can be seen and felt and eaten and uated by everyone in the group. Your actions have purpose, your work has value, and your words have meaning.
  This can still be true in large group societies - but it is all too easy to forget, because the environment (no longer harsh due to climate change or technology) no longer forces you to remember it.
  And so, in the persity that biology creates, many people don’t remember it. They never saw it, they were never taught it, and it does not occur to them in their own experience. These people can develop behavior patterns and personality traits that are actually quite anti-social - but they’re never punished for it, not by the environment and not by their surrounding humans.
  Some people, for whatever reasons (intrinsic/personal and extrinsic/social/familial), will value the characteristics you mentioned because they recognize they are strategically robust in generating well-being for the self and the group in all situations. That is why humans’ greatest heroes have these characteristics greatly amplified.
  Some people, for whatever reason, value these characteristics only in terms of their personal and short term material gain and material cost, where every mistake and abuse is thought to be lost in the thermal noise of a large population, and where zero-sum destructive behavior is thought to be rational marginal decision making (but isn’t really, because it ends in the "tragedy of the commons").
  In many cases human psychology has gone to pot, and the remains have grown into social structures of rot. Many of the people you see glamorized in society today are unfortunate exemplars of the latter case.
  In terms of modern technological society, we’ve outsourced a lot of manufacturing to countries far away. We are literally losing touch of what it means to physically create things: I mean wood shop and home economics and cars and computers. We are becoming hyper-focused on creating images (digital design, community management, etc) and using them as signals for underlying physical and psychological traits … many don’t actually have.
  就现代科技社会而言,我们把许多制造业外包给了遥远的国家。实际上,我们正在失去物质创造的意义:我指的是木材店,家政,汽车和电脑。我们正变得专注于创造图像 (数字设计、社区管理等)并将其作为潜在生理和心理特征的信号…许多人实际上没有。
  Our society is bigger and more technologically dependen than ever. The biggest lie that large societies are built on is that humans are a plentiful, nameless, and fungible resource. This is actually not true, although paradoxically, those who behave as if it were so do indeed make it so - but only for themselves.
  There is no shortage of used car salesmen, if you see what I mean.
  Untorne Nislav
  Perhaps, the three primary reasons are:
  Our dominant sensory system is visual, so we make most of our inferences and choices based on visual stimuli. We uate everything with our eyesight: food quality, security, health etc — why would that be suddenly different? Other animals have other dominant sensory systems (e.g., smell), so they may rely on other stimuli.
  Although we also have decent hearing and mediocre sense of smell (which we also use in sexting partners to an extent), what we definitely lack is telepathy. Which effectively makes it impossible for us to look at other people’s mental qualities. We can only make indirect assumptions about one’s intelligence and character based on long observations and whole chains of inferences, which makes using mind clues in choosing partner ineffective and, more importantly, very unreliable: we can be (and often are) wrong.
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  Visuals contain far more important (for reproduction) information than mind. Mind contains the information about another person’s mental health and mental capabilities, whilst looks contain the information about physical capabilities, general health and (perhaps most importantly) physiological maturity.
  The only purpose of sexual sextion is picking the best available mate for producing the best possible offspring. For this purpose, visual uation is clearly the best choice, while mind clues are not even available for direct observation, and thus cannot be used. But of course, some behavioural clues that serve as indirect signs of good mental health and capability are also factored in sexual sextion.
  N.B. In case that it’s not obvious, the above is NOT an encouragement for anything, nor a "moral guide" — I am merely explaining the reproductive biology of the matter. What and how you choose to do in your daily life is your, and only yours, decision.
  Adam Wu
  Humans AREN’T "more" attracted to external appearances than intrinsic qualities such as intelligence, character, integrity, honesty, etc.
  Before asking what, first ask why.
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  Humans are actually more attracted to superficial qualities some of the time, and more attracted to intrinsic qualities at other times.
  Context matters.
  The thing about the intrinsic qualities mentioned in the question, is that one can’t easily judge them quickly. To figure out what kind of intelligence, character, integrity, honesty, etc, a potential romantic partner might have takes time and effort. You have to get to know them, be with them for a significant period of time, observe them closely, etc. And in doing so you also inevitably expose yourself to similar judgment by the other person, which in turn opens you up to potential risks.
  In a universe where time and energy are limited, it pays to be frugal. The payoff has to be worth it before it makes sense to invest precious resources.
  If one is looking for a long term life partner, then the investment is worth it, and most of the time when people are primed to be looking for that kind of relationship, they instinctively give greater weight to intrinsic qualities.
  If one is looking for just a quick fling, however, it doesn’t make sense to make the kind of effort it would take to properly uate a potential partner on these intrinsic metrics. In this situation, superficial things like appearance have the advantage of being something one can make a fast (and discrete - because sometimes there is advantage in not letting the other party know that you are uating them) judgment.
  As a result humans have evolved a flexible strategy for the uation of potential mates. Multiple factors are weighted in, differently, depending on the situation.
  And as with all things in evolution there is variation between inpiduals in how they weight these different factors.
  But as a broadly general rule, the greater the potential impact that the potential relationship is likely to have on a person’s own life, the more weight they will give to intrinsic factors, and the more effort they will be willing to expend to figure those factors out.
  Michael Munson
  Sophie Campbell gave the most excellent answer. I just want to do a short version of it.
  Evolution is best understood as a RESULT. Not as a guided process (except in human controlled animal husbandry).
  Whatever is true now, didn’t come to be that way for a "reason," it came to be that way by chance.
  Sophie Campbell 给出了最出色的答案。我只想做一个简短的版本。
  Sometimes after the fact, we can see where a given evolutionary change in a species, allowed it to do certain things that it couldn’t do before, but that is very different from believing that they evolved that way for that reason.
  Best argument AGAINST the idea that we evolved to be what we are for "good reasons:" the fact that because we ARE so damn clever, we might well wipe ourselves out, and in effect become our OWN "evolutionary event," functionally no different than the comet or asteroid that wiped out most of the dinosaurs.
  Michael Harris
  Because all the virtues you site are man made, nature has it’s own rules. It cares nothing for our ideas of truth and justice. Nature follows the easiest path in general. Nature seems to favour not only the winner, but the winner who wins with ease. We make rules for ourselves, so we can co-operate together and not kill each other, so we can do great things as a society, so we have truth and justice. But nature never bought into that, it’s not trying to save our society, it seems to favour the easiest path, like obxts move on the fastest, easiest paths. Our rules can only go so far, people can call on nature to save them from rules when they suppress their natural attraction, their easy win, their abilities to be free. It’s an uncertainty of life which keeps it noble and not sown up by a narrow species. Maybe it’s why we like snakes and ladders and a dice.
  Dallas McKay
  We"re also attracted to those. But, we"re more concerned with a healthy mating partner first. What"s the point of mating with the most honest person if they can"t reproduce healthy babies. They may be super smart and honest, but they"re going to be eaten by a larger animal sooner than later.
  Here"s a fun book by Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa that gets into the meat and potatoes of this very question. It"s an informative, yet fun pe into the world of evolutionary psychology.
  Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters: From Dating, Shopping, and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire
  You can find it on Amazon.
  这是 Alan S. Miller 和 Satoshi Kanazawa 合著的一本有趣的书,其中深入探讨了这个问题。这是对进化心理学世界的深入了解,但很趣。
  Doug Hilton
  Meaningful relationships are based upon mutual respect and trust. Therefore, character, integrity, honesty, and virtuosity do play a pivotal role.
  On the other side of the table, we live in a materialistic world, because showing dominance and accumulating wealth raises our status. Inpiduals with high status are able to attract high status mates, which improves the odds of survival, of their offspring.
  Google "stickleback fish study". It also applies to humans. Women chose mates, base upon smell. Everyone’s scent represents the total immunity against bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Unconsciously, women are able to detect their scent, and prefer the scent of males, with the greater persity from their own. It’s how we (and every other vertebrate), counter the greater adaptability of these organisms.
  After achieving the best of all three categories, couples still must get along. Oh, there’s human psychology: We only appreciate our hard won achievements, never the easy ones. That includes romantic relationships.
  Ronald J Brown
  Sorry, but where are these humans who are "superficial and attracted to external appearances more than towards intrinsic qualities such as intelligence, character, integrity, honesty and virtuosity?" I’m afraid I don’t know any, though I am sure that they exist. I guess evolution screwed up if I don’t know anyone fitting your ugly and cynical descxtion, right?
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  Craig Milliman
  If you mean sexually attracted, there may be a component of sexual sextion we don’t yet understand. For example, pea hens are attracted to peacocks with the biggest tail feather displays, and female cardinals, which are rather nondescxt, are attracted to the males with the brightest red coloring. Perhaps we humans are initially attracted to appearance, but we have very complex relationships that depend on other factors as well.
  如果您的意思是性吸引,那么可能存在我们尚不了解的性择的组成部分。例如, 雌孔雀会被尾羽最大的孔雀所吸引,而相当不起眼的雌性红雀则被具有最亮红色颜色的雄性所吸引。也许我们人类最初被外表所吸引,但我们也有非常复杂的关系,这些关系也取决于其他因素。
  Elijah Owens
  People have a tendency to be superficial because it is easier for them to comprehend. Humans take the convenient route because it doesn"t require them to think deep.
  Joni-Petteri Kivistö
  But we are not superficial, at least not the majority! We put heavy weight everyday on other qualities than just external. But just because somebody has intelligence, integrity, honesty, etc doesn’t mean they lack in appearance.
