

  UK food and drink exports to the EU "almost halve" in first quarter
  UK food and drink exports to the European unx almost halved in the first three months of the year, compared with the same period in 2020.
  The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) figures show EU sales dropped by 47%.
  The trade body said the decline was largely due to changes in the UK"s trading relationships, but said the pandemic was also a factor.
  The government said it was "too early to draw any firm conclusions" on the long term impact of Brexit.
  It also said the pandemic had depressed demand.
  "The most recent ONS trade statistics show that for both March and April, overall exports to the EU have exceeded the average levels across 2020," a government spokesperson added.
  Rachel Hicks, co-founder and co-distiller at Sky Wave Gin said the "red tape is strangling" her business. She said that EU sales "utterly dropped off a cliff" in the first quarter, meaning her turnover was down 30%.
  "The real shame is somewhere like Asia - a fast growing region for gin - is going to potentially snaffle all the markets," Ms Hicks said.
  "We are now unable to quickly send gin to our customers all over Europe and have to wait for HMRC to inspect us every time we send gin abroad."
  Graham Flannigan from Berwick Shellfish in Northumberland, is in a similar position. He said his seafood exports had "come down drastically" mainly due to Brexit and the impact of lockdowns.
  "The logistics systems are moving better now but it"s the red tape that is having to be built into the cost of the goods and this is having a knock on effect," he added.
  Cheese sales hardest hit
  Dominic Goudie, the FDF"s head of international trade, said the drop in exports his federation had recorded was a "disaster" for the industry.
  "It is a very clear indication of the scale of losses that UK manufacturers face in the longer-term due to new trade barriers with the EU."
  New trade barriers were not the only factor affecting cross channel trade. The FDF said that the Covid-19 outbreak accounted for a decline of some 10-15%.
  Figures for the quarter were also affected by companies stockpiling ahead of the Brexit-related changes.
  The combination of these factors, the FDF says, led to significant falls in the value of leading exports.
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  Compared with the first quarter of 2019 - before Covid became a factor - exports of cheese were down 72%; fish sales were down 52% and chocolate was down 37%.
  Exports of food and drink to nearly all EU nations fell significantly in the first quarter, compared with the same period last year.
  Worst hit was trade with Ireland - normally the sector"s biggest overseas market. It was down by more than 70%. But sales to Germany, Spain and Italy also more than halved.
  For decades, the UK has sold more food and drink to the European unx than to the rest of the world combined.
  However, the fall in shipments to Europe means that is no longer the case. In the first quarter exports to non-EU nations made up 55% of the total.
  The FDF said this is the first time this has happened in at least 20 years.
  Overall, sales to non-EU countries rose by 0.3% - although there was a significant increase in shipments to China.
  Sales to the region, which fell in the first quarter of last year due to Covid-related lockdowns, recovered to reach £200m - well above their pre-pandemic level of £163m.
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  New rules
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  On 31 December, the so-called "implementation period", in place since Britain left the EU, came to an end.
  That meant trade across the channel became subject to new post-Brexit regulations and customs formalities for the first time.
  This FDF says this has had a particularly significant impact on the trade in products of animal origin and other perishable foods, because it led to significant delays while formalities were completed.
  "Trade that would take 12 hours in the past can now take a day or even a week," said Mr Goudie.
  "If you lose two days or even three days it takes a big chunk out of the of shelf life of the product, which makes the trade itself less viable."
  The EU is not worth being a member of. It"s corrupt and incompetent, and held together only by funds being redirected from the complacent to the disgruntled.
  It is also designed to be immune to reform, as the European Parliament - the only publicly-elected chamber - lacks the ability to generate change by itself. The unelected EU Commission makes most of the EU"s policy decisions and legislation... and its members get paid so handsomely that they"ll never change anything, even as the entire system crashes down around them.
  The economic issues of Brexit do not bother me. They never have. If we lose trade in the short- to medium-term, so be it. The EU just needs to die. The sooner other EU countries follow our example, the better.
  The EU will not survive another 50 years. I"d bet money on that. With a rising China, tensions in the Middle East, and numerous other global problems coming to the fore, the EU - languid and wilfully-blind as it is - will not be able to handle the crises of the coming century.
  The UK, meanwhile, has weathered worse. We"ll be fine.
  I really don"t understand how this could have happened. But no matter, it is short term pain that the Tory leadership is stoically resigned to everyone else suffering. It won"t affect their offshore investments, and I"m sure we all take comfort in that.
  I, for one, hope that Lord Boris continues to use the tears of the poor to lubricate his rusty gears. Brexit means Brexit, don"t you know?
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  These deals are great and keep getting better. Boris has done it, just like he said he would. Our trade deals are world-beating, everyone will say so. No one has seen trade deals like ours before and they can"t believe their good fortunes.
  Now let"s all rally behind Boris, tuck into some well-travelled Aussie beefburgers this summer and thank our lucky stars that he was Prime Minister at such a crucial time in our history.
  Look at the government response - "It"s the fault of the pandemic, honestly!" That excuse is going to reach the end of its shelf-life by the end of the year, unless somehow the pandemic is prolonged. (Hopefully even the current cabinet aren"t stupid enough to try that.)
  When covid can"t be blamed, it will fall back on remainers not believing in Brexit hard enough.
  Christ I hate that saying. When I was chatting to a friend about brexit and highlighting the issues which were going to happen. I got the whole "you need to stop crying the country down, you have to belive in it" it"s such a hopes and prayers kinda line really. Like waving some unx Jack"s around in my garden is going to fix the country.
  Like waving some unx Jack"s around in my garden is going to fix the country.
  But that"s exactly what they are being told -will- fix the country.
  The Tories are going full on hard against the "culture war" and that not only means attacking trans issues or anti-racism, It means pushing the whole "Britain is the best, Flags and the Monarchy solve every problem and if you disagree then you are a traitor" is being pushed HARD. It"s why they want GBNews, are privatising Channel 4 and have gutted any "leftist" aspect of the BBC.
  We are the scapegoats for why Brexit was a fucking shambles to begin with, It"s our fault for not stopping them.
  Effects from the pandemic are going to drag on for at least another year, although hopefully declining.
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  Really? Who told you that? And how does the UK compare to Europe?
  The U.K. is a little ahead of Europe at the moment. But covid is out in the wild around the world, so we are going to have to be dealing with it for years to come.
  But if we can get to the point where people are largely immune to covid, and pass it on very poorly, then it could eventually die out, or at least it would eventually become a minor thing.
  But until then, we need to keep vaccinating people, and hope that no new variants arise that can get around the vaccines.
  While there are still millions of people in the world infected with covid, where new variants can evolve, then we all remain at risk.
  For instance, if we get to the point where nearly everyone is vaccinated in this country, then someone goes on holiday to some part of the world with a new variant that gets passed thus vaccine, then brings it back, then the whole thing could start off all over again. That’s why the vaccines may need to be upxed, so that they are always working with different variants of covid in circulation.
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
  You"re not wrong about any of that, but it doesn"t explain why the UK is doing so badly economically compared to its neighbours.
  Oh that one is easy to explain - we have an idiot government in charge.
  Gave us Brexit - that’s really stupid.
  Mis-handled the covid problem making it worse, and lasting twice as long as it needed to.
  Has let the Indian ‘delta’ variant into the country leading to a 4th wave.
  Has worked in a corrupt way with PPE, and several other things.
  They have basically messed up everything they have touched. Yet some people still think they have done well. (There is a reason why Boris Johnson was called Britain’s Trump)
  Look at the government response - "It"s the fault of the pandemic, honestly!"
  Have they actually said that, it"s certainly not what the article says.
  The government said it was "too early to draw any firm conclusions" on the long term impact of Brexit.
  Which is very true, at the moment it"s a mess and will take a good couple of years to settle down into its new landscape.
  It also said the pandemic had depressed demand.
  Which again is very true, COVID has affected trade in many industries. It"s not just in the UK, global shipping is in a huge mess because of COVID and that is having a knock on affect on a lot of businesses.
  The government said it was "too early to draw any firm conclusions" on the long term impact of Brexit. It also said the pandemic had depressed demand.
  Things have been picking up nicely in Europe, but British food-and-drink firms are 47% down in sales to the region "largely due to changes in the UK"s trading relationships". If European businesses had suffered the same problems in trading because of the difficulties imposed by the pandemic, then there would have been empty shelves in the supermarkets and a marked loss of persity in products. There simply hasn"t been any such loss.
  I would love this to be a purely academic exercise in debate, wherein we could fence verbally around the issue. That would be possible if the results of Brexit were no more than a dip in profits for British businesses. Instead, we have businesses failing because of this policy, and a government which refuses to acknowledge its experts" predictions or the current problems - using the pandemic as a smokescreen because it"s handy.
  Long-term impact?! In the long term, people and businesses will adapt as they always do - that"s a generational issue, not one for the next few years. In the short term, the British food and drinks industry is taking damage which is likely to hobble it in the medium term. That includes our primary industries, fishing and farming - and damage to those is a matter of national security.
  Nitpick all you like, but the historical consequences of the economic mistake called Brexit are well beyond remedy with minor debate.
  Which is beneficial to us how? There are plenty of people in the UK who voted for Brexit due to the supposed benefits it would bring. Can they tell us how this is a good thing? Will it magically improve in the long term? Is it good that these companies are suffering now and risk going out of business before the long term benefits kick in?
  The writing on the wall is pretty clear but those who supposedly wanted this don"t want to read it.
  TBH, I"m suppressed it"s as good as halved.
  My gut feeling before this shit show started was that it would be down by 75% at least so I guess it"s good news, hey!
  We"re not under the full import/export check rules yet. Should have kicked in on June but extended due to Covid (funny how they could extend that, and so quietly with no uproar from wingnut backbenchers, but not the transition period eh?).
  Give it time: consumer preferences are sticky, but it will erode to 75%...
  Exactly. I still purchased some things from the UK after Brexit (as a private person) trying to see if it would still make economic sense for me. After half a year now, I must admit it’s just not working out… I have started giving up on many UK stores I used to buy from frequently and I’ve even found some other stores in the US where it is now cheaper for me to buy from compared to Brexit UK…
  Unless the UK joins the single market again, I don’t see what would make it worthwhile buying from the UK again. It’s too expensive and bothersome now…
  The only UK store that is still good on my wallet is funny enough, Amazon UK. They use their warehouses in the EU as distribution centers so even when I buy from the UK store, the package gets sent from a German Amazon warehouse. Plus they take care of the taxes at checkout so I don’t have to deal with admin fees and other extra costs. Brexit has probably moved many customers from smaller stores to the big ones like Amazon since they are so big, they can make it work post-Brexit.
  My friend works in computer hardware sales that were mainly exported to Europe, now the red tape and expense is so much if anyone wants to return the item they are just told to keep it as it costs too much to get it back.
  As someone who works in computer hardware. The red tape is insane, we are actually struggling to deliver to Ireland!!!!
  Never mind the fact it has gone from 1 - 2 days shipping to 1 - 2 weeks!!
  It"s all the fault of those European bastards who are punishing Britain by refusing to buy your goods while flooding the country with refugees and Covid 19 Delta variant.
  I bet there will be a new food recession soon leading to more hoarding and stock piling of resources. Probably a gas and water shortage when Brexit really kicks in.
  If the EU had stayed being a trading club instead of a vector for inevitable federalism we wouldn"t have had to leave. Brexit was unavoidable eventually once that changed. Effectively the UK had no choice but to leave; the only choice we had was when.
  It was nice while it lasted, but that"s that.
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
