

  新概念英语第四册 学习手册
  ◼ 新概念教材的优势
  1) 由浅入深、循序渐进
  2) 1 到 4 册各有侧重点
  3) 第四册课文涉及领域广:社会、文化、经济、科技、
  4) 第四册课文节选出自诺奖名家或知名媒体
  5) 课后配套及练习册练习,便于巩固强化每课知识点
  ◼ 学习方法 - 怎么学?
  1) 坚持不懈,并且认真观看杨老师的教学视频
  2) 每一课都要训练自己"听说读写"4 项技能
  3) 英语学习就像体育或声乐训练,需要你亲身反复练习
  4) 每课后自考已学习的词汇、语法或句型等知识点
  5) 按照你自己的节奏调整学习速度并定时复习
  ◼ 新概念第四册教材内容
  1) 共分 6 个单元,每个单元 8 课,共 48 课
  2) 每个单元突出一个学习主题
  3) 每课大致需要 100 分钟左右的时间来学习
  Unit 1
  Key Point 学习重点: 复杂的句子 complex sentences
  Goal 学习目标: 学会造复杂句
  Lesson 1 Finding fossil man
  Origin: the text is excerpted from the following book, titled"
  Finding Fossil Man", which was written by Robin Place and
  first published in January 1957.
  ◼ Vocab: to make your own word list
  ◼ To make sentences by using your new words
  1) recount v. to tell a story or describe an event
  2) synonym: tell, describe, narrate, rehearse, set forth
  3) sage n. a wise person
  synonym: scholar, savant, pundit
  4) legend n.
  a) an old story or set of stories from ancient times
  b) a famous person: e.g. a living legend
  synonym: fable, myth, legendry, tradition
  5) migration n.
  synonym: emigration, relocation, resettlement
  6) ancestor
  synonym: father, forebearer, precursor
  antonym: descendant, descendent
  7) rot v. rotting; rotted
  synonym: decay, go/run to seed, go to pot, decompose
  antonym: ameliorate, improve, meliorate
  ◼ Key Structures 关键句型
  a) 用"过去分词短语"替换"定语从句" P7
  b) Word usage: tell vs. say vs. speak
  ⚫ 阅读理解训练 (text: 626 words):答案下期公布
  "Victory by speed of foot is honored above all." Those are the
  words of Xenophanes, a sixth century BCE philosopher who objected to
  athletes and their popularity. The phrase "speed of foot" may recall the
  words expressed in Homer"s Odyssey stressing the glory which an
  athlete may win "with his hands or with his feet." The shortest foot race,
  the stade, was one length of the stadium track, the practical equivalent
  of our 200 meter dash (actually, only 192.27 meters at Olympia, the site
  of the original Olympic games). Greek tradition held that this 200 meter
  race was the first and only event held at the first Olympiad in 776 BCE.
  The name of the winner of the 200 appears first in all lists of victors
  in any Olympiad. Some people think that the stade winner had the year
  named after him. This is not really true. Most Greek states had other
  means of dating any given year, usually by the name of one or more
  political leaders. But when Hippias of Elis compiled his catalogue of
  victors, the stade victor obviously headed his list for each inpidual
  Olympiad. Perhaps because the Olympic festival was one of the few
  truly international institutions in Greece, later Greeks found it convenient
  to use the sequence of Olympiads as a chronological reference. Thus
  an entry in Julius Africanus" text will read, for example, "Olympiad 77,
  Dandis of Argos [won] the stade." Subsequent years within the
  Olympiad are simply viewed as Olympiad 77, years two, three, and four.
  As one would expect, methods of running seem to be no different
  then from now. Several vase paintings show a group of runners rather
  close to one another, their bodies pitched forward, their arms making
  large swings up and down. These are clearly runners in the 200, for
  modern sprinters look much the same. So also distance runners can be
  easily identified. Like their modern counterparts, they can run upright,
  with less arc in their leg movements, and their arms dangle comfortably
  at their sides. Some of these ancient athletes developed the effective
  strategy of hanging back with the rest of the pack, reserving some
  strength until near the end. Then they would suddenly break away from
  the rest and close with a strong spurt of speed, as if barely tired,
  passing the leaders who became weak and faded. Ancient sources
  never specify the exact number of laps in the distance race, and
  modern opinions vary greatly. The most widely accepted number is 20
  laps, a distance of a little over 3845 meters (2.36 miles), more than
  double our classic distance race of 1500 meters.
  The ancient stadium was shaped very differently from the modern
  one. It was almost twice as long as ours, and about half as wide. There
  was no course around an infield, no infield at all, just adjacent lanes for
  the runners. The athletes had therefore no gradual turns around a curve
  at each end, as in a modern stadium. Stephen Miller, excavator at
  Nemea, found a posthole not far from the north end of the stadium. He
  conjectures that it held a turning post. It is highly likely that, in the
  distance race, such a single turning post for all athletes was probably
  used. But in the 400, down and back, the runner would need to turn
  sharply around the post. Most scholars think that each 400 runner
  would have had his own turning post. Otherwise there would have been
  too much congestion at that only turn. A few vases show athletes not
  patently sprinters or distance runners going around a turning post. In
  one, a judge stands watch. But if each 400 meter runner had his own
  turning post, the scene probably shows a distance race.
  1. The quotations in this passage primarily serve to
  (A) offer conflicting opinions
  (B) establish an authoritative voice
  (C) invite the reader to conduct further research
  (D) give a sense of Greek literary style
  2. According to information presented in the passage and accompanying
  figure, the area where the Olympiad took place
  (A) devoted less space to athletic contests than to other activities
  (B) was consecrated to the gods
  (C) was rectangular in shape
  (D) fulfilled athletes" needs
  3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?
  (A) Winners earned glory for the state they represented, not for
  (B) The Greek stadium was similar to modern arenas.
  (C) The Olympiads served as a common reference point for time.
  (D) Running styles differed in ancient times.
  4. The author"s comment "as one would expect" (paragraph 3, sentence 1)
  is probably based on
  (A) his own experience as a runner
  (B) the fact that human anatomy does not change
  (C) recent archeological discoveries
  (D) information from contemporary literature
