

  How LeBron James stacks up against basketball"s greats
  (CNN) It"s the perennial  question. Who is better, Wilt Chamberlain or Bill Russell? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or Larry Bird? Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan?
  LeBron James has been in that conversation for some time. With his fourth NBA championship now in the record books, has the Los Angeles Lakers star secured his seat among the greats on basketball"s Olympus?
  Where to begin? Arguably  not enough is said of James" remarkable consistency , given he"s made the NBA Finals in nine of the last 10 seasons, and 10 of the last 13.
  perennial: adj.不断出现的; 长期存在的 (问题、困难);(植物) 多年生的
  arguably: adv.可以说
  consistency: n.连贯性; 一致性
  谁更强?——这是一个永恒的问题。威尔特·张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain)还是比尔·拉塞尔(Bill Russell)?卡里姆·阿布杜尔-贾巴尔(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)还是拉里·伯德(Larry Bird)?埃尔文·约翰逊(Magic Johnson)还是迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)?
  好长一段时间以来,勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)也是这类比较话题的中心,如今他4次NBA总冠军在手,这名湖人队之星可以入座篮球届众神行列了吗?
  True, if you"d ask anyone whether they"d take Michael Jordan"s six NBA titles in six Finals or James" four in 10, they would take the Chicago Bulls star"s record.
  Yet there is something seriously impressive about James" record in itself.
  Of those who have reached nine or more NBA Finals, alongside James, only Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did it with more than one team.
  Abdul-Jabbar reached two with the Milwaukee Bucks and eight with the Lakers.
  James is the only player to have gone to nine or more Finals across three different teams: five with the Cleveland Cavaliers, four with the Miami Heat and one with the Lakers. Wherever he goes, greatness follows.
  Other greats of the modern era like Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan and Shaquille O"Neal reached multiple finals, but none can match the consistent success that James has.
  Yes, Bryant and Duncan have five titles to James" four but the Lakers star is 35 and plays like he"s 25.
  同时代还有一些其他伟大的球员,科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)、蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)、沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O"Neal)都曾多次进入总决赛,但都没有像詹姆斯这样成绩如此稳定。
  After securing his fourth NBA Finals MVP award this year, James is now the first player in NBA history to win the accolade  with three different teams. Only Michael Jordan has more with six.
  James could play for much longer. He could launch another Lakers dynasty. And he still has time on his side to break even more records.
  accolade: n.荣誉
  Measuring greatness
  Basketball is a team sport where statistics reign . Metrics like points scored, percentage of shots made, accumulated rebounds and assists, and games won are where the sport and its players are judged.
  But surely players shouldn"t be measured on statistics alone. And greats of the game should not be measured on play alone, but how they impact the sport, too.
  The great Bill Russell won 11 NBA titles with the Boston Celtics between 1956-69. That"s a championship in all but two seasons of his playing career.
  reign: v.主宰
  Yet basketball in the 50s and 60s was a completely different game to what we see today. The three-point shots that are so crucial to differentiating  teams now didn"t even exist in the rulebook back then.
  Likewise, "The Last Dance" was a reminder that basketball in the 80s and 90s appears brutally violent compared with the expressive and scoring-heavy version of the game played today.
  Soccer manager Pep Guardiola has often advocated that a coach"s value or worth shouldn"t depend on how many titles or prizes they"ve won.
  differentiate v.区分
  足球教练何塞普·瓜迪奥拉(Pep Guardiola)经常宣扬,教练的价值不在于赢得了多少头衔和奖章。
  That"s an idea that is also true of players and might resonate with James Harden, who has led the league in points scored in the past three years, but despite that personal accolade, has zero titles to show for it.
  So how do we measure a player"s impact on their team? And what importance should we give to a player"s impact on the game of basketball as a whole and the world around them?
  Jordan and James both turned around losing franchises and made them winners. James even brought the city of Cleveland its first major sport title in 52 years.
  这一点同样也适用于球员,或许詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)也是如此,过去三年,他一直全联盟得分最高的球员,但是尽管他获得了个人荣誉,却没有获得任何头衔。
  Jordan also changed basketball and the NBA for the better financially and culturally. He popularized the game globally. Without Jordan, the game wouldn"t have the platform it does today.
  Jordan"s playing career and the business career born out of that has given him a reported net worth of $1.6 billion. James has also reportedly signed a $1 billion lifetime deal with Nike.
  But James" career hasn"t been about solely being great at basketball or making money.
  Part of James" greatness then comes from his influence over what the NBA and its players do with that platform.
  In 2018, James set up the I Promise school that aims to provide an education for at-risk children in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. Guaranteed tuition to the University of Akron is also provided for all graduates of the school.
  James" "More Than An Athlete" slogan and campaigns have aimed to inspire others to strive for greatness in life.
  2018年,詹姆斯创办了I Promise学校,为俄亥俄州阿克伦频临退学或处于困境的儿童提供教育,阿克伦大学承担这所学校小孩的全部学费。
  James has repeatedly involved himself in political discourse, even though he knows it could harm his image to sections of society. After he criticized Donald Trump, Fox News host Laura Ingraham famously said "shut up and dribble the ball."
  Jordan, on the other hand, reportedly stayed out of politics while playing because "Republicans buy sneakers, too." Though he later said this was a comment made in jest, the point stands.
  It should also be noted that in June, Jordan and the Jordan Brand announced a $100 million, 10-year pledge to "impact the fight against systemic racism."
  Speaking on Thursday of the social justice movement with players inside the NBA bubble, James said: "We know that being here has given us the strength and the numbers ... That"s a byproduct of us being here, of being able to use this platform to be able to talk about everything that"s going on outside of the court.
  詹姆斯多次卷入政治风波,尽管他知道这样会有损于她的社会形象。在批评特朗普后,福克斯新闻主持人劳拉·英格拉汉姆(Laura Ingraham)说:"闭嘴,运你的球去。"
  "All the social injustice and the voter suppression and so many other things that are just going on. The police brutality and so on and so on and so on. Us being here and having the opportunity to talk about these issues and continuing to understand that this world is not just about basketball.
  "Even though we live in a small piece of the game of basketball, there are so many bigger things and so many greater things going on. If you can make an impact or you can make a change or you can have a vision, it just helps out so much, not only in your community but all over the world."
  James" commitment to correcting societal injustices is such that following the shooting of Jacob Blake in August, the Lakers were reportedly among two teams -- along with the Clippers -- to vote to end the NBA season early in protest. That would not have happened without James" approval.
  Going into the playoffs as the No. 1 seed, with an injury-plagued Golden State team nowhere near contention this year, James will have known this was his best chance in years to win a fourth NBA championship. Yet he jeopardized that for what he felt was a bigger issue.
  That might not make James a better basketball player, but it certainly makes him great.
  詹姆斯将改变社会不公的承诺看得十分重要,以至于在8月雅各布·布莱克(Jacob Blake)遭枪击后,湖人和快船都投票请求提前终止NBA赛季以示抗议,这必然是获得了詹姆斯的同意的。
