

  美国工程师 詹姆斯南的回答
  USA has been the world"s police officer the past seventy years, and it established itself so well that the world economy now runs on dollars. The developed nations of the world (most notably USA, EU countries, and Japan) have been the main beneficiaries of this world order, and therefore are extremely cautious of any threat to that order. A couple decades ago, the biggest threat was the Middle East. Today, the biggest threat is China.
  The developed nations may not too worried about a potential military conflict with China, because the presence of nuclear weapons acts as a very strong deterrent for any major military conflict. The developed countries however  are  worried that China"s soaring GDP will eventually overtake theirs, which will have a  huge  impact on not just the world economy but this global world order.
  发达国家可能不太担心与中国发生潜在军事冲突的可能,因为核武器的存在,任何一方都不会轻举妄动。相较于战争,发达国家真正担心的是,中国飞涨的GDP最终会超过它们,这不仅会对世界经济产生 巨大 影响,也会对全球的世界秩序产生巨大冲击。
  美国网友 乔杰马切利的回答
  The entire modern economy is built upon US hegemony. The world economy is very interconnected and can be quite volatile when stability is threatened. Whatever one thinks of the US, US control of the seas and US alliances around the world generally favor stability and free trade. (Imagine an alternative world where regional naval powers demand tribute to trade in their territory, or simply prohibit it)
  US alliances generally guarantee that wars stay local and do not grow into worldwide conflagrations, since those alliances have the overwhelming power to stop them. This prevents large arms races and evenly matched powers - and evenly matched powers are what make large wars more likely. Today, outside of China, there really is no nation that is rapidly building up its military. (Possible exception of Russia, but it does not have the economy to really sustain that buildup) This is a historical anomaly, and is only the case because of the US-imposed order.
  China"s buildup concerns some because it is unknown what China will do if it overturns that order; and China"s current aggressive actions with its neighbors exacerbates those fears.
  You ask specifically about why the western world isn"t afraid of the US - but really why would they be? Most of the west is allied with the US in one way or another. (NATO, ANZUS, etc.) Disputes between the US and other western nations have been limited to diplomatic tiffs, and I think most Americans would find the idea of using force against another western nation somewhat comical. (Though it is always fun to Blame Canada
  俄罗斯网友 亚历山大的回答
  Because most developed countries are currently in a position in which they are puppets of US. It’s not a really great position, but it’s a stable one. They usually don’t have oil and therefore it’s unlikely that the US will try to bring them "democracy". They trade with the US, and in most cases fight wars for the US through NATO. Again, it’s not an ideal position, but it’s a stable one. On the other hand China is getting stronger and changing fast. Also their approach is quite different than the approach of US towards international politics.
  It’s unlikely that you can offer something to China that they don’t already have, so it’s quite hard becoming a China’s puppet since they don’t need wars for their expansion, and their energy is more relaying on renewable sources (Solar power by country - Wikipedia). Also, it’s highly possible that the US and China’s interests will clash at some point about some major issue. In the case of some conflict between China and US, most western world countries would have to stand on the side of the US (because NATO) and possibly have to face-of both China and Russia. Not a pleasant situation.
  It’s worth noticing that the European western countries should not be really scared of China, but since US is (with a good reason) the propaganda spreads through their media, and therefore Europeans are scared to.
  Long story short: In a situation of China becoming a leading economy of the world, the cards on the table will be majorly re-shuffled. For those countries which already have good cards in their hands (like western world countries have) that’s not a really tempting idea.
  新加坡网友 波提拉茹·西塔拉姆的回答
  Post world war 2, the US has multinational companies setting up shop in various countries helping to create jobs, and of course Japan, Britain, France, Germany and so on did too. Technological developments in the United States have dominated the techscape of the world: computers, the Internet, electronics, cars as must haves, military hardware, audio video products, the space related developments, and more. Of course the US’ lead was followed by other countries in these areas.
  US TV shows and movies were and are a big influence on the world. Take a look on YouTube on old shows from prewar Shanghai, India, Iran, Hong Kong from the 1920s onward, and you will see Hollywood being imitated. The entire world, excluding some Islamic countries, and indigenous cultures, imitates the US in wearing T shirts and Jeans as  de riguer  casual wear
  二次世界大战后,美国的跨国公司开始在全球各地设立办事处,他们带来了大量就业机会,扶持日本、英国、法国、德国走上了富强。这其中,美国的技术发展主导了世界的技术领域:计算机、互联网、电子产品、汽车生产、军事硬件、音视频产品等等都成为了业界标杆。当然,在这些领域,其他国家也在紧追美国的步伐。美国电视节目和电影曾长期影响着世界,感染了几代人。看看 YouTube 上面的老上海、印度、伊朗、香港等老节目,你会发现好莱坞一直在被各国模仿。整个世界,除了一些伊斯兰国家和土著文化,都在跟着美国的文化步伐前行,就连T恤和牛仔裤都成为了时下的流行趋势。
  So for the better part of a century the USA has been the global backdrop as icon and influence to the world outside of the Warsaw Pact countries and China. In economics its position as the largest economy and the availability of the American dollar as the oil and lubricant for global finance has made its position and influence powerful. Shouldn’t the world’s largest debtor nation simply flounder and fall? It can’t: global finance will collapse!
  As the ongoing incumbent superpower the US is what we’re all used to, the Rome of the world. Now China is the ‘new kid on the block’ despite its ancient history. It, like India, chose an economic model after World War 2 which did not deliver the goods. Now that it’s hitched on to the capitalist model the economy is expanding, the material wealth of Chinese is exploding, and the country is being developed rapidly.
  外国网友 王菲菲的反驳
  Because you live in the US and listen to US news and propaganda.
  Gasp!!! Propaganda?! How dare you!!! Well, if you think US government don"t do propaganda, you"re delusional.
  If you live in China, you would be under the impression that no one likes US because they step on other countries" sovereignty (send commando into Pakistan carrying out an assassination mission, without telling Pakistan, a sovereign state); strong arm its way in the UN (how many times US has used its Veto power in UN?
  like hundreds of times... mostly to veto really good proposals, see:  Robin Daverman"s answer to Does the China’s sparing use of the veto in the UN Security council suggest that China is actually a friendlier member of the world than most people think?); meddling with foreign affairs that"s none of their damn business; using drone attacks that kill a lot of innocent people; blowing up the Chinese embassy in Belgrade; invading 2 countries in 10 years... etc.
  如果你住在中国,你会觉得没有人喜欢美国,因为他们侵犯了别国的主权(派突击队进入巴基斯坦执行暗杀任务,而不告知该国的政府);倚靠武力在联合国为所欲为(美国在联合国使用的否决权有多少次了?至少有几百次......它们最喜欢否定那些好的提议;插手外交事务,随意的入侵别国内政;使用无人机袭击、杀死无辜者; 炸毁中国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆 ;10年内入侵2个国家……这些都是美国亲手干的。
