

  中国已经取代美国成为世界上最大的高科技制造国,预计在未来10年内,中国将在包括人工智能(AI)、5G、量子信息科学(QIS)、半导体、生物技术和绿色能源在内的21世纪基础技术方面赶。哈佛大学肯尼迪学院(Harvard Kennedy School)的一份报告显示,在某些领域,中国已经领先于美国。预计美中科技战争将加剧,因为有预测称,美国将在21世纪的一系列基础技术领域被其最大的经济对手超越。外媒RT杂志就对此进行报道其其文章如下:
  "The report, titled ‘The Great Technological Rivalry’, has concluded not only that China has made extraordinary technological leaps, making it a  "full-spectrum peer competitor,"  but that it looks well placed to dominate the future.
  这份题为《伟大的技术竞争》(The Great Technological rival)的报告得出的结论是,中国不仅取得了非凡的技术飞跃,使其成为"全方位的同类竞争对手",而且它似乎处于主导未来的有利地位。
  In less than a quarter of a century, America’s preeminent technological leadership of the world has been reversed. China has displaced the US as the top high-tech manufacturer globally, producing 250 million computers, 25 million automobiles, and 1.5 billion smartphones in 2020.
  But besides becoming a manufacturing powerhouse, as Graham Allison (one of the Harvard Report’s authors) and Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google) note in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal,  "In each of the foundational technologies of the 21st century – artificial intelligence, semiconductors, 5G wireless, quantum information science, biotechnology and green energy – China could soon be the global leader. In some areas, it is already No. 1."
  This is a remarkable turnaround, and one that most Western experts arrogantly did not  consider possible.
  The Harvard Report observes, for example, that in 1999, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine declared that America’s  "uniquely powerful system for creating new knowledge and putting it to work for everyone’s benefit"  would remain the single largest determinant for the 21st century.
  The Harvard Report also recalls how Time Magazine, in its special issue ‘Beyond 2000’, asserted that  "China cannot grow into an industrial giant in the 21st century. Its population is too large and its gross domestic product too small."  China scholar William Kirby in the Harvard Business Review, reflecting the prevailing wisdom of the experts at the time, asserted that  "China [was] largely a land of rule-bound rote learners"  that could only imitate, not innovate. Only free thinkers, apparently – not copycats under authoritarian rule – could innovate in the era of information technology.
  《哈佛报告》还回顾了《时代》杂志在其特刊《超越2000年》中断言"中国不可能在21世纪成长为工业巨人。"它的人口太多,而国内生产总值(gdp)太少。"《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)上的中国问题学者威廉·柯比(William Kirby)反映了当时专家们的普遍看法,他断言,"中国(在很大程度上)是一个受规则束缚的死记硬背的学习者之地",他们只能模仿,而不能创新。显然,只有自由的思考者——而不是专制统治下的模仿者。
  Well, so much for the experts. Today, as the Harvard Report acknowledges, authoritarian China now clearly tops the US in practical AI applications, including facial recognition, voice recognition, and fintech. It also notes that last year China produced 50% of the world’s computers and mobile phones; the US made only 6%. China now produces 70 solar panels for each one built in the US, sells four times the number of electric vehicles, and has nine times as many 5G base stations, with network speeds five times as fast as American equivalents.
  One should not exaggerate China’s position. The US still has a dominant position in the semiconductor industry, which it has held for almost half a century. However, the direction of travel is unmistakable, with China catching up in two important arenas: semiconductor fabrication and chip design. China has already surpassed America in the production of semiconductors. Its share of global production has risen to 15% from less than 1% in 1990. At the same time, the US share has fallen from 37% to 12%.
  One indicator of the underlying and emerging power of China’s future scientific knowledge and innovation pipeline is its intellectual capital. With a population of 1.4 billion, China has an unparalleled pool of talent and data. Its universities are graduating computer scientists in multiples of their American counterparts.
  China graduates four times as many bachelor students with STEM degrees and will graduate twice as many STEM PhDs by 2025. By contrast, the number of domestic-born AI PhDs in the US has not increased since 1990. In international science and technology rankings for K-12 students, China consistently outscores the United States in math and science – in 2018, China’s PISA scores, which assess math, science, and reading, were ranked number one, while the US was 25th.
  Three decades ago, only one in 20 Chinese students studying abroad returned home. Now, four of every five do. And although America has historically benefited from its ability to attract talent, the US now risks losing the competition for talent on the scientific frontiers for the first time.
  The problem for the US is that the underlying trends point to it being surpassed in almost every sphere, even those in which it still retains an advantage today.
  For example, the US remains the uncontested leader in biotechnologies, with a significant lead in innovation and seven of the ten most valuable life science companies. However, China now lists biotech as one of the critical areas for national development, with significant investment indicating it is fiercely competing across the full biotech R&D spectrum. Chinese researchers have narrowed America’s lead in the CRISPR gene-editing technique and surpassed it in CAR T-cell therapy.
  例如,美国仍然是生物技术领域无可争议的领导者,在创新方面遥遥领先,在十大最有价值的生命科学公司中有7家。然而,中国现在将生物技术列为国家发展的关键领域之一,大量投资表明,中国正在整个生物技术研发领域展开激烈竞争。中国研究人员已经缩小了美国在CRISPR基因编辑技术方面的领先优势,并在CAR - t细胞治疗方面超越了美国。
  America has been the primary inventor of new green energy technologies over the past two decades. But today, China is the world’s leading manufacturer, user, and exporter of those technologies, cementing a monopoly over the future green energy supply chain.
  More critically, China has a near-monopoly over several of the critical inputs necessary for solar panels, batteries, and other green tech, including chemical lithium (50% of global production), polysilicon (60%), rare earth metals (70%), natural graphite (70%), cobalt refining (80%), and rare earth refining (90%). And where China lacks resources domestically, it has secured them overseas.
  The Harvard Report is thus a wake-up call to the US and the West. It highlights that China is now a vast economic power poised to dominate the scientific and technological future. It is no wonder that Allison and Schmidt conclude their article with a stern warning:  "Unless the US can organize a national response analogous to the mobilization that created the technologies that won World War II, China could soon dominate the technologies of the future and the opportunities they will create."
  This time, the experts might have a point. It seems the future has already happened.
  Of the things listed - only in some semiconductor manufacturing tools and in biotechnology is the US ahead. The rest China is pretty much ahead now and rapidly closing in biotech. Semiconductors will take the longest - but the report is right about 2030. Many predict between 2028 and 2030 China will be able to break any punitive measures put on the semiconductor industry by the US.
  I will write the paper after it has become a reality. Otherwise, it is no use to talk about it. Prediction is always error-prone. Just because it is published from Harvard, it doesn"t mean it is good. Most likely, Harvard needs attention to attrat money from private donation and government assistance. It is well known that squeaking wheel gets the grease.
  Many military generals and defense industry CEOs already made speech recently to highten the China risks in order to attract funding for their organization. U.S. Senate just approved an alarming US $770 billion dollars defense budget which is more than the total sum of defense budgets from the next eight biggest countries combined.
  You reap what you sow. "99% perspiration and 1% inspiration" is all you need to succeed. History is filled with many such examples. If the US is not going to do anything; AI, 5G, Quantum computing and etc will become common place in all cities in China. The rest of the world will have no choice but to buy from China, the US will be living in the "flintstone era". Remember the AIIB story? The very country that betrayed Uncle Sam is no other than the "Best Bud", The UK. History may repeat itself,....
  Number of patents in AI is not an indication of Chinese being ahead of the US. The quality of US patents are far superios to what the Chinese have published. In Semiconductors SMIC the Chinese FAB despits millions being poured by CCP is still two generations behind Intel and TSMC. There is now the Chinese can get the secret sauce of being ahead of the US in Sem Manufacturing.
  There are no real applications for 5G and hence the number of Mobile 5G in the US is limited. What the study needs to address how much of the Chinese 5G has added to theor GDP. Zero. There is nothing new that the Chinese have accomplished in Quantum Computing either.
  Where China is ahead of the US is in EV and Green Energy Tech. Chinese have no choice but to spend money on EV since ther totally depedent on other countries for Oil. Again how much of this is adding to their GDP? Not significant. US has remains the largest producer il and Gas and will remain so for the forseeable future.
