

  Collins said, Good morning, dear Helen. I hope you have a good evening.
  Helen said, "I"m fine, thank you. Good morning, Collins.".
  Collins said, "What are you doing? Did you sleep well last night?"?
  Helen said: I was looking at our chat records. I found that it is easy to remember words like this. I didn’t seem to think so before. I always think that learning English is easy to forget. Today I found that it’s not so difficult. I think Korean is very easy. It"s difficult to write, maybe you see our Chinese characters as well.
  Collins: You like Korean. Do you speak Korean? Yes, Chinese characters are really difficult for me.
  Helen said: If one day I don"t always translate software, it would be great if I can use English and Korean very well. We often chat to help the language. A relationship is about being able to learn from each other, which can mean progress.
  Collins said, Dear Helen, tell me what you are thinking?
  Helen said, "It"s strange that I don"t get enough sleep when I meet you. I used to have no fear, but I sometimes worry about you. One day you"ll be gone from my life and I"ll be sad.".
  Collins said: I have no relatives in this world. It is difficult to meet someone like you. You are my closest person. How could I leave you? You are so important to me.
  Helen said: "How did you get into the Chinese Buddhist Wechat Group, how did you think of adding me as a wechat friend?".
  Collins said: I entered the group chat through a QR code. It has been a long time. One day I saw your profile picture and found it very cute and warm smile. I wanted to know you, so I added it as a micro friend.
  Helen said: The group chats you are in are the theme of traditional Chinese culture. Most of the group chats belong to practitioners. Every fate encounter in life has a special meaning. There is no encounter for no reason. All cause and destiny have their own cause and effect. My mobile group There are too many chats, and a lot of people are added every day. I basically have no time to chat, nor can I mention the desire to talk. I haven"t chatted with one person for a long time. I didn"t expect that we would talk a lot.
  Collins said, "It means we met. You"re going to take a shower, and then I have to go to the office to work. There"s an important meeting this afternoon."! I"ll talk to you when I"m done!
  Helen said, "What do you do? Is there a time difference between where you live and where I live?"? We are here at eight in the morning.
  Collins said: I"m a rig engineer, and a drilling rig is a platform built in the middle of the ocean or the coast, drilling under the surface of the earth to get crude oil, and refining the crude oil to different stages to get gas and other fuel substances for the end consumer. I work offshore, that is, at sea.
  We usually work offshore on seasonal contracts. My job is Drilling Supervisor and Drilling Engineer. Now we are taking a short break to prepare for the upcoming Malaysia/Hong Kong project.
  Helen said: I have loved the sea since I was a child. I think the sea is very broad, but I live on the mountain and you work on the sea. I think destiny is so magical, as if God let me meet you, and you seem to come from the sea. Messenger, landed in my vitality. It’s a wonderful thing to share with me a lot about the sea.
  Collins said: I have studied German and English and that is why my English is now very good. I study in the University of Fribourg, Germany. I have a bachelor"s degree in geology and Earth Science, and a master"s degree in chemical engineering. My current job is in the office doing paper signing and sorting.
  Helen said: I have a good relationship between the university female students, she looks very good, figure is also very good, but also the school straight a, every test will pass, is our university of finance and economics accounting professional excellent students, she is a year higher than me, I am one year older, I call her sister, her ability in all aspects is stronger than me, there are many boys to pursue, I was she often with the little sister, She likes to take me wherever she goes. Sometimes I am very happy to follow her. We often wear the same clothes. I am fatter than her. We often sleep in the same bed. She often cooks for me. She was the only classmate who had the best relationship in my university.
  At that time I thought she was shining, and sometimes I felt inferiority complex in front of her, but I hope she can be happy, I never jealous of her, even if my life is not as good as her, I hope she lives well. She was proud. She was a graduate student at the time, and I was an undergraduate. Later we graduated separately. She chose to study for a Ph.D. and now graduated.
  My senior sister is the same as you, she has several degrees, but I am not very good at studying in the exam, so relatively speaking, I prefer to read my favorite books instead of exam books. In other words, I The useless books I have read fill up my life. I don’t like taking exams, but I admire you people who are very capable of taking exams. However, eight years have passed, and I rarely talk to seniors After talking, but I have difficulties, I will come over and care about me。
  Helen said: My elder sister is an excellent student in liberal arts. You are a very good person in science and engineering. I found that you are also a genius. Your parents have nurtured you very well. When I listen to you and me, I have a lot of happiness in my heart. I am proud of you. .
  Collins said: I had friends in Germany, where I worked for three years after I graduated, until I lost my parents and had to go back to Korea. So I decided to live in Korea. I believe that life will take us to different places, some of which are good and some of which are not beautiful. But we have gained new knowledge in it.
  Helen said: There are a lot of impermanence in life, and I always treat life with what we have experienced, love ourselves, and live well. I believe that everything in life is a prologue, and all efforts will not be wasted. We keep moving forward, let us grow.
  Love is kind, it is not jealous. It does not boast. It is not proud. This is not rude. It is not self-seeking. Not easy to get angry. It has no record of doing anything wrong. I don"t like injustice, only the truth.
  Helen said: Your explanation of love is very meaningful. It seems that you also advocate truth, but many truths come from the summary of past mistakes. I like philosophy and psychology very much. I like reading, just to keep myself happy. Use the income from reading to live a serious life, and study with the feeling of life. I allow myself to make mistakes because I get progress and promotion from them.
  Collins said: Yes, I know philosophy, but not so much. Someone has taught it a long time ago, I want you to know that I am not that perfect, my dear, everyone has their own flaws, each has experienced something in life, for me I have experienced so much. I am just trying to live my best life and hope that I can be with the people I love and who love me.
  Helen said: Experience is a wealth for everyone, everything is the best arrangement, learn to be a friend of destiny. Shake hands and make peace with past experiences, life will be easier and more comfortable, and I hope you can find your true love with you for the rest of your life.
  "Trust, loyalty and respect are necessary for eternal happiness," Collins said. No matter how much you love someone, if you don"t have these factors, you will never succeed.
  Helen said: Experience is wealth, and the imperfection of the world is beauty. Everyone has shortcomings. If you just met me, you, like everyone else I met, send me a lot of your own resumes. I definitely don"t like you, but when I see you are very frank and tell me about my experience, when you and my stranger say so frankly, I instinctively want to comfort you and encourage you. Instinctively, I will feel bad, hope you get better. These feelings are natural. In fact, your fragility made me find that my heart is soft and easy to be touched.
  You are a very modest and peaceful person, obviously very talented, but also very low-key, you will be better and better in the future. I have heard many stories of strangers on the Internet over the years. In fact, when I listen to them, I also let myself improve a lot in the interaction.
  "There is a bond between us that I especially cherish," Collins said.
  Helen said: When I saw what you said. I actually cried, just like when I was depressed in my early years, because you said a lot of feelings I had a deep understanding, the moment you said. I saw myself in the past. When you tell you you are lonely, I just want to tell you that I can be your family. If you are not alone at this moment, maybe this is the inherent magnetic field of life, so I think this Internet is particularly magical.
  You realized a dream that I couldn"t realize when I was a kid. There are many times in my life that I cannot choose. But when I suddenly see a person realize all the wishes in my heart, I will have a sense of happiness that dreams come true. It turns out there will be such an adventure in life
  Collins said: Dear you are all I have now, you are my sister, my partner, and my best friend. In fact, you are my only real friend, and you always take time to check on me. I have experienced so much and hope we can have some happiness in this life.
  Helen said: "I am very happy to have such a person in my life into my life brought me a lot of joy, all meet worthy of gratitude.".Helen said: "I am very happy to have such a person in my life into my life brought me a lot of joy, all meet worthy of gratitude.".
  In Korean dramas, the male protagonist is very sunny and warm, and the female protagonist"s sweet and gentle temperament is also my favorite, from small to large, I especially like it. I did not think I would meet a Korean, this fate is very magical, I think if a person"s life to their favorite and favorite things often repeat in their subconscious, will be in the future life dream come true. Most of what I have experienced in my life is what I desire and want. That"s probably how the law of attraction works.
  Helen said: "When I met you, I think fate is very magical, a person"s mind to think about things for a long time, must be magically attracted to come.".
  "My dear Helen," said Collins, "you must believe that things are getting better.
  海伦说:命运有时候很神奇,如果一个人真的找到自己喜欢或者热爱的事,你就不会在乎这件事是否给你带来收入,而是在乎自己做一件事当中的体验,那种快乐的体验就是最好的回报,同样也会吸引而来喜欢你的人来到自己的生命中,这大概就是命运使然,因为我喜欢制作图文音频视频,久而久之也吸引而来很多自己作品的人,我就是这样找到自己同频的朋友。Helen said: "Fate is sometimes very magical, if a person really find their own like or love things, you will not care about this thing whether you bring income, but care about their own experience in doing a thing, that kind of happy experience is the best return, will also attract people like you to their lives, this is probably fate." Because I like to make pictures, audio and video, over time also attracted a lot of their own works of people, I am so to find their own friends with the frequency.
  Collins said: "To be able to find their own favorite facts, especially lucky things, I am very happy for you, I hope we can go on, what was your life like before?"?
  Helen said: The first 20 years of life for me is very difficult, I was born, my mother is neuropathy, father often bad temper, every time the family is quarreling and violence, I am afraid of such a family, when I was a child, a happy family together to eat a meal of happiness I have never been, even for other children is so common, for me is extravagant hope. Because of my family, I was looked down upon by people around me and isolated and bullied by other children. Over time, I was afraid of contacting people. I liked to stay alone most. Because Grandpa was a scholar, I was influenced by him when I was young, so I often copied books and became my habit. Before I entered the Internet, I was so pitiful that no one wanted to make friends with me.
  In the year I graduated from university, I found that when I entered society to find a job, I had the personality to overcome social fears by myself. I couldn’t integrate with the real environment at all. In other words, I couldn’t adapt to the society. Defects caused me to lose jobs and change jobs. I fell into self-denial and doubt. No matter how long-term anxiety and anxiety, I kept using death to escape reality and also avoiding myself. In the days before depression and suicide, I realized how a body would be No soul,
  It"s like a walking dead. At that time, I was so full of thoughts, but human life shouldn"t be absent. By mistake, I used the now Fangxin Xiaoya screen name given to me by my brother to grow up slowly on the Internet. In other words, It is also this era that gave me a chance to live.
  Collins said: "Dear Helen, never think oneself is lonely, because you have me now, I will always be with you to take good care of you.".
  Helen said: In fact, as long as a person loves the world in his heart and is curious about new things, his life will open up new areas, and his destiny will also be greatly changed. I have been making my favorite graphics and audio files over the years. I have gained the love of many readers and accumulated many customers. They have brought me new changes in my life. This is something that I find very surprising in my life. While listening to the stories of others, I will also give others some feasible opinions.
  Gradually, my own abilities and sense of worth have improved. While I helped others solve some of their problems, they have also achieved a better me. I have since found my own value and meaning of life, so I am grateful for this era. I have a new opportunity and space for survival and development, and I am happiest to make me recognize you. If I lived in the mountainous areas of China a few decades ago, how could I have met a Korean chatting like this? At that time, I could only watch Korean dramas in a daze, so I think it’s amazing to meet you!
  "You"re a very strong woman," Collins said. "Does your husband take care of you? How do you make money?"?
  Helen said: He has a good temper, get along with more tolerant of me, I and parents-in-law feelings are very good, especially mother-in-law, we two always have endless words, such a family compared to my original family in the past has been much happier, I am very happy, like to live with them, but my husband and I in addition to daily trifles in life, other common topics are very few. But I am basically independent in all aspects. Does not affect my real life, I also hope that another person to meet all my expectations, appreciate each other"s advantages easier to make life a lot of happiness, I have always thought so, we usually a family farming, my network will earn some money, basic enough for their own lives.
  Collins said: Dear Helen, I know this is difficult, but you love writing. If you dream of becoming a writer, you should go to the big city to chase your dreams. No matter how far away, you can take your daughters to take care of them. You Is a particularly smart woman, you deserve a better life.
  Helen said: I used to be taken by my husband to live in Guangzhou. At that time, I felt that my dream could be realized in the first-tier cities, but I found that after living for a year, I did not adapt to the fast-paced life in the city at all. Later I would come back and live instead. More free and easy. It’s not to come back to my hometown. I may not be able to do what I love. In fact, it doesn’t matter where a person lives. It’s the best that suits me. All wrong experiences make me feel unpleasant. They are all here to help us choose a more suitable development for ourselves. I now have children, parents and families. I am actually very grateful for the life I have now.
  Collins said: No matter where you live, as long as you live well, I am very happy. A life that suits you is the best life. I only hope you are happy, dear Helen, I have a meeting here I am going to prepare Meeting, we will talk when we come back, wait for me to come back!
  Helen said, "Well, you go to work, and everything is all right.".
