

  中英文9.7万字,word 文档。
  学术交流 matador1@foxmail.com
  第一条 合同标的
  Article 1. Contract Subject
  第二条 行程与标准
  Article 2: Travel and Standard
  第三条 旅游者保险
  Article 3 Tourist insurance
  第四条 旅游费用及其支付
  Article 4 Travel expenses and payment
  第五条 双方的权利义务
  Article 5 Rights and obligations of parties
  第六条 甲方不适合邮轮旅游的情形
  Article 6 Circumstances unsuitable for Party A’s cruise travel
  第七条 甲方解除合同及承担必要费用
  Article 7 Cancellation by and necessary expenses on Party A
  第八条 责任减免及不可抗力情形的处理
  Article 8 Liability exemption and force majeure
  第九条 违约责任
  Article 9 Liability for Breach of Contract
  第十条 自愿购物和参加另行付费旅游项目约定
  Article 10 Agreement of Voluntary Shopping and Participation in Separate Paid Tours
  第十一条 争议解决方式
  Article 11 Dispute Settlement
  第十二条 附则
  Article 12. Supplementary Provisions
  第五条 双方的权利义务
  Article 5 Rights and obligations of parties
  (1) Party A"s rights and obligations
  1. Party A has the right to get acquainted with the truth of the cruise, shore visit items and services purchased by it and to require Party B to provide the visit items and services as agreed; to refuse Party B"s designating specific shopping and arranging separate paid tours without prior consensus; to refuse Party B"s entrusting the tour business to other travel agencies without prior consensus.
  2. Party A shall consciously abide by the norms of civilized conduct in tourism, abide by the requirements in the cruise tour product description, respect the etiquette on board and the customs, cultural traditions and religious taboos of the onshore destination, care for tourism resources and protect the ecological environment; abide by the Guide to Civilized Conduct for Chinese Citizens Travelling Abroad and other norms of civilized conduct. Party A shall observe the group discipline during the tour activities and cooperate with Party B to complete the tour itinerary as specified in the contract.
  3. Party A should, upon signing the contract or filling in documents, use the valid identity, provide contact details of family members or other emergency contacts, etc. and be responsible for the authenticity and validity of the information filled in.
  The person who, with restricted civil capacity, participate in a tour alone or accompanied by the non-guardian should be subject to the written consent of the guardian or other person who, with guardianship obligations, shall protect the safety of the accompanying minor traveller.
  4. Party A shall comply with the safety warning requirements in the cruise tour visits descriptions and tour activities, consciously participate in and complete drills of emergency life-saving at sea, and cooperate with safety precautions and emergency disposal measures taken by relevant authorities, agencies or Party B.
  5. Party A shall not carry with itself or in its luggage any prohibited goods which are prohibited to be brought on board by law, or regulation or as described in the cruise product description. Party A shall comply with the no-smoking regulations on cruise, and smoking is prohibited in all areas except for designated smoking areas.
  6. Party A shall, during the cruise tour, properly keep the personal property carried with itself.
  7. Party A shall, during the period of self-arranged activities on the cruise, carefully read and comply with the Cruise Party"s Daily Instructions and activity schedule, in addition to choose its own meals, visits and entertainment programmes on the cruise. Party A shall, during self-arranged activities, move and act within the limits of its own control of risk, choose activities where it can control the risk and be responsible for its own safety.
  8. Party A should observe the time for gathering departure, return for the cruise tour and shore tour, and arrive at the gathering place on time.
  9. Provided that any disputes arise during the tour, Party A shall resolve the same in the manner specified in Articles 8 and 11 of this contract and shall not damage the legitimate rights and interests of Party B, other tourists and the cruise party, delay the tour or leave the tour by refusing to board or disembark from the cruise ship (plane, bus or ship), or interfere with the normal order of the port or pier, otherwise it shall be liable for compensation for the extended losses.
  10. The entry and exit documents submitted by Party A to Party B shall comply with the relevant regulations. Party A shall not stay illegally outside the country, and shall not, where traveling with the group, split or leave the tour group.
  11. Where Party A is unable to travel, a third person who is eligible to participate in the cruise may perform the contract on behalf of it and should notify Party B in time. Any increase or decrease in costs due to the performance of the contract on behalf of Party A shall be settled by the parties on an actual basis.
  (2) Party B"s rights and obligations
  1. Cruise tickets or vouchers, descriptions for cruise tour product, boarding related documents and the list of ordered services provided by Party B shall be confirmed by Party A, which shall form part of this contract.
  2. Party B shall provide the tour itinerary which shall be signed or stamped by the parties as part of this contract.
  3. Party B shall not organize tours at unreasonably low prices to cheat Party A and obtain improper benefits such as rebates by arranging shopping or separate paid tours.
  4. Party B shall, prior to the departure of the tour, truthfully inform the service items of cruise tour and standards in the form of briefing sessions, etc., and remind Party A to observe the civilized code of conduct for tourism, comply with the requirements in the cruise tour product descriptions and respect the customs, cultural traditions and religious taboos of the shipboard etiquette and onshore destinations. Party B shall, at the time of conclusion and performance of the contract, give a true description and definite warning of any circumstances that may endanger the safety of Party A"s person or property during the tour and take appropriate measures to prevent the occurrence of the dangerous.
  5. In the event of delay or failure to call at the port, Party B shall promptly release information to Party A to inform the specific solution thereof.
  6. Party B shall properly keep the various documents submitted by Party A and keep Party A"s information confidential in accordance with the law.
  7. For any change or amendment of the total contract price due to result of policy price adjustments for airline, port charges, fuel prices, etc., the parties hereto shall settle the contract on an actual basis.
  8. Party B may terminate the contract if Party A has any of the following circumstances.
  (1) The tourist suffering from diseases such as infectious diseases that may endanger the health and safety of other tourists.
  (2) The tourist carrying the articles endangering public safety and is reluctant to hand the same over to relevant departments for handling;
  (3) The tourist engaging in the activities that are illegal or contrary to social morality.
  (4) The tourist engaging in the activities that seriously affect the rights and interests of other tourists, refuse the acceptance of dissuasion and cannot be restrained.
  (5) Other circumstances as prescribed by the law.
  Where termination of the contract due to the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph, Party B shall, in accordance with Article 7 of this contract, refund the balance to Party A upon deduction of the necessary expenses; and Party A shall be liable for compensation on any damage to Party B.
