

  (Excerpts from CPC’s Great Spirit Will Always Be an Invaluable Asset to the Party and the Country by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 05, 2021)
  在波澜壮阔的抗美援朝战争中,英雄的中国人民志愿军始终发扬祖国和人民利益高于一切、为了祖国和民族的尊严而奋不顾身的爱国主义精神,英勇顽强、舍生忘死的革命英雄主义精神,不畏艰难困苦、始终保持高昂士气的革命乐观主义精神,为完成祖国和人民赋予的使命、慷慨奉献自己一切的革命忠诚精神,为了人类和平与正义事业而奋斗的国际主义精神,锻造了伟大抗美援朝精神。   伟大抗美援朝精神跨越时空、历久弥新,必须永续传承、世代发扬。   (2020年10月23日在纪念中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战70周年大会上的讲话)   In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the heroic Chinese People’s Volunteers forged a great spirit. They were patriots who always put the interests of our country and our people first and risked everything to defend our national dignity; they were revolutionary heroes who showed true courage in the face of mortal danger; they were optimists who always remained in high spirits no matter how tough things got; they were loyal soldiers who readily sacrificed themselves to complete the mission entrusted to them by our nation and our people; and they were internationalists who fought for global peace and justice.   This spirit has transcended time and space to remain relevant even today, and it will continue to be passed on from one generation to the next long into the future.   —Excerpts from a speech at the meeting marking the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Volunteers’ setting out to join the fight to aid the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in resisting US aggression, October 23, 2020   三十
  大力弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神。"不惰者,众善之师也。"在长期实践中,我们培育形成了爱岗敬业、争创一流、艰苦奋斗、勇于创新、淡泊名利、甘于奉献的劳模精神,崇尚劳动、热爱劳动、辛勤劳动、诚实劳动的劳动精神,执着专注、精益求精、一丝不苟、追求卓越的工匠精神。劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神的生动体现,是鼓舞全党全国各族人民风雨无阻、勇敢前进的强大精神动力。   (2020年11月24日在全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会上的讲话)   We should promote the spirit of model workers, of labor, and of workmanship. There is an old Chinese saying: "All virtue comes from the absence of indolence." Over many years, we have fostered the model worker spirit of dedication to one’s profession, pursuit of excellence, hard work, courageous innovation, indifference to fame and wealth, and readiness to make sacrifices; we have fostered the spirit of labor, which is about working with pride, enthusiasm, diligence, and honesty; and we have fostered the spirit of workmanship, which is defined by the relentless pursuit of perfection in a dedicated and meticulous fashion. Each of these is a vivid reflection of our national spirit, which is centered on patriotism, and of the spirit of our times, which is centered on reform and innovation, and they are a great source of strength that inspires the whole Party and all Chinese people to forge ahead through all difficulties.   —Excerpt from a speech at a national conference commending model workers and exemplary inpiduals, November 24, 2020   三十一
  "人生天地间,长路有险夷。"世界上没有哪个党像我们这样,遭遇过如此多的艰难险阻,经历过如此多的生死考验,付出过如此多的惨烈牺牲。一百年来,在应对各种困难挑战中,我们党锤炼了不畏强敌、不惧风险、敢于斗争、勇于胜利的风骨和品质。这是我们党最鲜明的特质和特点。在一百年的非凡奋斗历程中,一代又一代中国共产党人顽强拼搏、不懈奋斗,涌现了一大批视死如归的革命烈士、一大批顽强奋斗的英雄人物、一大批忘我奉献的先进模范,形成了井冈山精神、长征精神、遵义会议精神、延安精神、西柏坡精神、红岩精神、抗美援朝精神、"两弹一星"精神、特区精神、抗洪精神、抗震救灾精神、抗疫精神等伟大精神,构筑起了中国共产党人的精神谱系。我们党之所以历经百年而风华正茂、饱经磨难而生生不息,就是凭着那么一股革命加拼命的强大精神。   这些宝贵精神财富跨越时空、历久弥新,集中体现了党的坚定信念、根本宗旨、优良作风,凝聚着中国共产党人艰苦奋斗、牺牲奉献、开拓进取的伟大品格,深深融入我们党、国家、民族、人民的血脉之中,为我们立党兴党强党提供了丰厚滋养。   (2021年2月20日在党史学习教育动员大会上的讲话)   As the saying goes, "Life is a long journey made up of rugged trails and smooth paths." No other political party in the world has encountered as many difficulties and obstacles, faced as many perilous tests, or made as many sacrifices as our Party has. Negotiating myriad difficulties and challenges over its hundred years, our Party has forged the strength of character to confront enemies and risks and to fight and face them down. This is the most distinctive characteristic of our Party. On this extraordinary journey, each generation of Chinese Communists has battled and persisted, producing its own cohort of revolutionary martyrs who faced death without fear, heroes who fought with everything they had, and role models who made selfless contributions, thus giving shape to a long line of inspiring principles for Chinese Communists. Included in this are the spirit of the Jinggang Mountains, the spirit of the Long March, and the spirit of the Zunyi Meeting; the spirit of Yan’an, of Xibaipo, and of Hongyan; the spirit forged in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and in developing China’s first atomic and hydrogen bombs and artificial satellite; the spirit of our special economic zones, our fight against serious flooding, and our earthquake rescue and relief efforts; and the spirit of the battle against Covid-19, among others. This line of spirit and traditions, characterized by revolution and self-sacrifice, is a powerful source of strength for our Party and the very reason it has thrived over a hundred years of trials and hardships and remains as vibrant and vigorous as ever.   These precious assets transcend time and space, never fading despite the passing years. They reflect our Party’s firm conviction, fundamental purpose, and fine conduct, and they embody Chinese Communists’ great qualities of working hard, making contributions and sacrifices, and breaking new ground. Rooted in the heart of our Party, country, nation, and people, they have nourished the endeavors to found, develop, and strengthen our Party.   —Excerpts from a speech at a meeting to launch a campaign on Party history learning and education, February 20, 2021   三十二
  嫦娥五号任务的圆满成功,标志着探月工程"绕、落、回"三步走规划圆满收官,是发挥新型举国体制优势攻坚克难取得的又一重大成就,是航天强国建设征程中的重要里程碑,对我国航天事业发展具有十分重要的意义。17年来,参与探月工程研制建设的全体人员大力弘扬追逐梦想、勇于探索、协同攻坚、合作共赢的探月精神,不断攀登新的科技高峰,可喜可贺、令人欣慰。   探索浩瀚宇宙是人类的共同梦想,要推动实施好探月工程四期,一步一个脚印开启星际探测新征程。要继续发挥新型举国体制优势,加大自主创新工作力度,统筹谋划,再接再厉,推动中国航天空间科学、空间技术、空间应用创新发展,积极开展国际合作,为增进人类福祉作出新的更大贡献。   (2021年2月22日在会见探月工程嫦娥五号任务参研参试人员代表并参观月球样品和探月工程成果展览时的讲话)   The complete success of the Chang’e-5 mission marks the conclusion of China’s three-phase lunar exploration program to orbit, land on, and return from the moon. This is yet another major achievement of the new mechanism for pooling national resources in meeting major challenges and difficulties and is an important milestone on the journey of building China’s strength in aerospace. It is also highly significant for the development of our space program. Over the past 17 years, all those engaged in the research and development of the lunar exploration program have championed a spirit of pursuing dreams, daring to explore, tackling difficulties through collaboration, and engaging in mutually beneficial cooperation, and they have scaled new heights in science and technology. This is deeply gratifying and deserves our congratulations.   Exploring the vast cosmos is a common dream of humanity. We should push forward the implementation of the fourth phase of China’s lunar exploration program to solidly embark on a new journey of interstellar exploration. With overall coordination and planning, we should redouble our efforts to make the best use of the new mechanism for pooling national resources in meeting major challenges and difficulties and to ramp up Chinese innovation, and we should promote innovation and development in space science, technology, and applications in China’s aerospace industry. We should engage actively in international cooperation to make new and greater contributions to advancing the wellbeing of humanity.   —Excerpts from remarks at a meeting with representatives of those who worked on the Chang’e-5 lunar mission and during a visit to an exhibition on the lunar samples brought back by the Chang’e-5 probe and China’s lunar exploration achievements, February 22, 2021
