

  难点在于将转码后的数据输出到内存中,再从内存读取数据并封装 AVFormatContext *ic = NULL;   ic = avformat_alloc_context();     unsigned char * iobuffer=(unsigned char *)av_malloc(32768);//音视频大小   AVIOContext *avio =avio_alloc_context(iobuffer, 32768,0,buffer,fill_iobuffer,NULL,NULL);   ic->pb=avio;   err = avformat_open_input(&ic, is->filename, is->iformat, &format_opts);
  此外buffer就是期望读取数据的内存,fill_iobuffer则是读取buffer数据至iobuffer的回调函数。fill_iobuffer()形式(参数,返回值)是固定的,是一个回调函数,具体怎么读取数据可以自行设计。//把数据从buffer向iobuf传   //AVIOContext使用的回调函数   //注意:返回值是读取的字节数   //手动初始化AVIOContext只需要两个东西:内容来源的buffer,和读取这个buffer到ffmpeg中的函数   int fill_iobuffer(void * buffer,uint8_t *iobuf, int bufsize){        int i;        for(i=0;ipb = avio_in_v; 	ifmt_ctx_v->flags = AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO;   	if ((ret2 = avformat_open_input(&ifmt_ctx_v, "NOTHING", 0, 0)) < 0) { 		printf("Could not open input file1."); 		goto end; 	} 	if ((ret2 = avformat_find_stream_info(ifmt_ctx_v, 0)) < 0) { 		printf("Failed to retrieve input stream information"); 		goto end; 	}   	//视频流 	for (k = 0; k < ifmt_ctx_v->nb_streams; k++) { 		//根据输入流创建输出流 		if (ifmt_ctx_v->streams[k]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO){ 			AVStream *in_stream = ifmt_ctx_v->streams[k]; 			AVStream *out_stream = avformat_new_stream(ofmt_ctx, in_stream->codec->codec); 			videoindex_v = k; 			if (!out_stream) { 				printf("Failed allocating output stream "); 				ret2 = AVERROR_UNKNOWN; 				goto end; 			} 			videoindex_out = out_stream->index; 			//复制AVCodecContext的设置 			if (avcodec_copy_context(out_stream->codec, in_stream->codec) < 0) { 				printf("Failed to copy context from input to output stream codec context "); 				goto end; 			} 			out_stream->codec->codec_tag = 0; 			if (ofmt_ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) 				out_stream->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; 			break; 		} 	}   end: 	if (ret2 < 0 && ret2 != AVERROR_EOF) { 		printf("Error occurred. "); 		return -1; 	}   	return 0; }   int ffmpeg_muxer_audio_init() { 	//audio in 	inbuffer_a = (unsigned char*)av_malloc(AUDIO_AVIO_SIZE); 	avio_in_a = avio_alloc_context(inbuffer_a, AUDIO_AVIO_SIZE, 0, 0, 		read_audio_buffer, NULL, NULL);   	if (avio_in_a == NULL) 		goto end;   	ifmt_ctx_a = avformat_alloc_context(); 	ifmt_ctx_a->pb = avio_in_a; 	ifmt_ctx_a->flags = AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO;   	if ((ret2 = avformat_open_input(&ifmt_ctx_a, "NOTHING", 0, 0)) < 0) { 		printf("Could not open input file."); 		goto end; 	} 	if ((ret2 = avformat_find_stream_info(ifmt_ctx_a, 0)) < 0) { 		printf("Failed to retrieve input stream information"); 		goto end; 	}   	//音频流 	for (k = 0; k < ifmt_ctx_a->nb_streams; k++) { 		//根据输入流创建输出流 		if (ifmt_ctx_a->streams[k]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO){ 			AVStream *in_stream = ifmt_ctx_a->streams[k]; 			AVStream *out_stream = avformat_new_stream(ofmt_ctx, in_stream->codec->codec); 			audioindex_a = k; 			if (!out_stream) { 				printf("Failed allocating output stream "); 				ret2 = AVERROR_UNKNOWN; 				goto end; 			} 			audioindex_out = out_stream->index; 			//复制AVCodecContext的设置 			if (avcodec_copy_context(out_stream->codec, in_stream->codec) < 0) { 				printf("Failed to copy context from input to output stream codec context "); 				goto end; 			} 			out_stream->codec->codec_tag = 0; 			if (ofmt_ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) 				out_stream->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;   			break; 		} 	}   end: 	if (ret2 < 0 && ret2 != AVERROR_EOF) { 		printf("Error occurred. "); 		return -1; 	}   	return 0; }   int ffmpeg_muxer_init() { 	char *out_filename = "myfile.mp4";//输出文件名   	av_register_all();   	//输出(Output) 	avformat_alloc_output_context2(&ofmt_ctx, NULL, NULL, out_filename); 	if (!ofmt_ctx) { 		printf("Could not create output context "); 		ret2 = AVERROR_UNKNOWN; 		goto end; 	} 	ofmt = ofmt_ctx->oformat;   	//视频流 	ffmpeg_muxer_video_init(); 	//音频流 	ffmpeg_muxer_audio_init();   	//打开输出文件 	if (!(ofmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) { 		if (avio_open(&ofmt_ctx->pb, out_filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0) { 			printf("Could not open output file "%s"", out_filename); 			goto end; 		} 	} 	//写文件头 	if (avformat_write_header(ofmt_ctx, NULL) < 0) { 		printf("Error occurred when opening output file "); 		goto end; 	}   	aacbsfc = av_bitstream_filter_init("aac_adtstoasc");   end: 	if (ret2 < 0 && ret2 != AVERROR_EOF) { 		printf("Error occurred. "); 		return -1; 	}   	return 0; }   int ffmpeg_muxer(int enccnt) { 	if (InitFlg == 1){ 		ffmpeg_muxer_init(); 		InitFlg = 0; 	}   	while (1) { 		AVFormatContext *ifmt_ctx; 		int stream_index = 0; 		AVStream *in_stream, *out_stream; 		int cmpflg = 0;   		if ((ifmt_ctx_v != NULL) && (ifmt_ctx_a != NULL)) 			cmpflg = av_compare_ts(cur_pts_v, ifmt_ctx_v->streams[videoindex_v]->time_base, cur_pts_a, ifmt_ctx_a->streams[audioindex_a]->time_base); 		if ((ifmt_ctx_v == NULL) && (ifmt_ctx_a != NULL)) 			cmpflg = 1; 		if ((ifmt_ctx_v != NULL) && (ifmt_ctx_a == NULL)) 			cmpflg = 0;   		//获取一个AVPacket 		if (cmpflg <= 0){ 			ifmt_ctx = ifmt_ctx_v; 			stream_index = videoindex_out;   			if (av_read_frame(ifmt_ctx, &pkt2) >= 0){ 				do{ 					in_stream = ifmt_ctx->streams[pkt2.stream_index]; 					out_stream = ofmt_ctx->streams[stream_index];   					if (pkt2.stream_index == videoindex_v){ 						//FIX:No PTS (Example: Raw H.264) 						//Simple Write PTS 						if (pkt2.pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE){ 							//Write PTS 							AVRational time_base1 = in_stream->time_base; 							//Duration between 2 frames (us) 							int64_t calc_duration = (double)AV_TIME_BASE / av_q2d(in_stream->r_frame_rate); 							//Parameters 							pkt2.pts = (double)(frame_index*calc_duration) / (double)(av_q2d(time_base1)*AV_TIME_BASE); 							pkt2.dts = pkt2.pts; 							pkt2.duration = (double)calc_duration / (double)(av_q2d(time_base1)*AV_TIME_BASE); 							frame_index++; 						}   						cur_pts_v = pkt2.pts; 						break; 					} 				} while (av_read_frame(ifmt_ctx, &pkt2) >= 0); 			} 			else{ 				break; 			} 		} 		else{ 			ifmt_ctx = ifmt_ctx_a; 			stream_index = audioindex_out; 			if (av_read_frame(ifmt_ctx, &pkt2) >= 0){ 				do{ 					in_stream = ifmt_ctx->streams[pkt2.stream_index]; 					out_stream = ofmt_ctx->streams[stream_index];   					if (pkt2.stream_index == audioindex_a){   						//FIX:No PTS 						//Simple Write PTS 						if (pkt2.pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE){ 							//Write PTS 							AVRational time_base1 = in_stream->time_base; 							//Duration between 2 frames (us) 							int64_t calc_duration = (double)AV_TIME_BASE / av_q2d(in_stream->r_frame_rate); 							//Parameters 							pkt2.pts = (double)(frame_index*calc_duration) / (double)(av_q2d(time_base1)*AV_TIME_BASE); 							pkt2.dts = pkt2.pts; 							pkt2.duration = (double)calc_duration / (double)(av_q2d(time_base1)*AV_TIME_BASE); 							frame_index++; 						} 						cur_pts_a = pkt2.pts;   						break; 					} 				} while (av_read_frame(ifmt_ctx, &pkt2) >= 0); 			} 			else{ 				break; 			}   		}   		av_bitstream_filter_filter(aacbsfc, out_stream->codec, NULL, &pkt2.data, &pkt2.size, pkt2.data, pkt2.size, 0);   		/* copy packet */ 		//转换PTS/DTS(Convert PTS/DTS) 		pkt2.pts = av_rescale_q_rnd(pkt2.pts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, (AVRounding)(AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX)); 		pkt2.dts = av_rescale_q_rnd(pkt2.dts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, (AVRounding)(AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX)); 		pkt2.duration = av_rescale_q(pkt2.duration, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base); 		pkt2.pos = -1; 		pkt2.stream_index = stream_index;   		printf("Write 1 Packet. size:%5d	pts:%8d ", pkt2.size, pkt2.pts); 		//写入(Write) 		if (av_interleaved_write_frame(ofmt_ctx, &pkt2) < 0) { 			printf("Error muxing packet "); 			break; 		} 		av_free_packet(&pkt2); 	}   end: 	if (ret2 < 0 && ret2 != AVERROR_EOF) { 		printf("Error occurred. "); 		return -1; 	}   	return 0;   }   int ffmpeg_video_encode_init() { 	AVOutputFormat* fmt;   	const char* out_file = "record.h264"; //Output Filepath,用于设置AVFormatContext   	//初始化并注册视频文件格式与编解码库 	av_register_all(); 	//初始化AVFormatContext,Allocate an AVFormatContext.  	pFormatCtx_v = avformat_alloc_context(); 	fmt = av_guess_format(NULL, out_file, NULL); 	pFormatCtx_v->oformat = fmt;   	//AVStream的初始化函数 	video_st = avformat_new_stream(pFormatCtx_v, 0); 	video_st->time_base.num = 1; 	video_st->time_base.den = 25;   	if (video_st == NULL){ 		return -1; 	} 	//Param that must set 	pCodecCtx_v = video_st->codec; 	pCodecCtx_v->codec_id = fmt->video_codec; 	pCodecCtx_v->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; 	pCodecCtx_v->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; 	pCodecCtx_v->width = in_w; 	pCodecCtx_v->height = in_h; 	pCodecCtx_v->time_base.num = 1; 	pCodecCtx_v->time_base.den = 25;  //10&25 	pCodecCtx_v->bit_rate = 4334000;// 400000; 	pCodecCtx_v->gop_size = 10;    //250 //关键帧的最大间隔帧数/ 	//H264 	//pCodecCtx->me_range = 16; 	//pCodecCtx->max_qdiff = 4; 	//pCodecCtx->qcompress = 0.6; 	pCodecCtx_v->qmin = 10; 	pCodecCtx_v->qmax = 51;   	//Optional Param 	pCodecCtx_v->max_b_frames = 1; //3   	// Set Option 	AVDictionary *param = 0; 	//H.264 	if (pCodecCtx_v->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) { 		av_dict_set(¶m, "preset", "superfast", 0); 		av_dict_set(¶m, "tune", "zerolatency", 0); 	}   	//Show some Information 	av_dump_format(pFormatCtx_v, 0, out_file, 1);   	pCodec_v = avcodec_find_encoder(pCodecCtx_v->codec_id); 	if (!pCodec_v){ 		printf("Can not find video encoder!  "); 		return -1; 	} 	if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx_v, pCodec_v, ¶m) < 0){ 		printf("Failed to open video encoder!  "); 		return -1; 	}   	pFrameRGB = av_frame_alloc(); 	pFrameYUV = av_frame_alloc();   	picture_size_RGB = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx_v->width, pCodecCtx_v->height); 	picture_size_YUV = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_YUV420P, pCodecCtx_v->width, pCodecCtx_v->height); 	picture_buf_RGB = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(picture_size_RGB); 	picture_buf_YUV = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(picture_size_YUV); 	avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrameRGB, picture_buf_RGB, PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx_v->width, pCodecCtx_v->height); 	avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrameYUV, picture_buf_YUV, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, pCodecCtx_v->width, pCodecCtx_v->height);   	scxt = sws_getContext(pCodecCtx_v->width, pCodecCtx_v->height, PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx_v->width, pCodecCtx_v->height, 		PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_POINT, NULL, NULL, NULL);   	av_new_packet(&pkt_v, picture_size_YUV); 	y_size = pCodecCtx_v->width * pCodecCtx_v->height;   	return 0; }   int ffmpeg_video_encode(int i) { 	int got_picture = 0; 	//Read raw YUV data 	//YUV420 数据在内存中的长度是 width * hight * 3 / 2 	if (fread(picture_buf_RGB, 1, y_size * 3, in_file_v) != y_size * 3){ 		printf("video goto end! "); 		fseek(in_file_v, 0, SEEK_SET); 		fread(picture_buf_RGB, 1, y_size * 3, in_file_v); 	} 	 	sws_scale(scxt, pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize, 0, pCodecCtx_v->height, pFrameYUV->data, pFrameYUV->linesize);   	pFrameYUV->data[0] = picture_buf_YUV;              // Y 	pFrameYUV->data[1] = picture_buf_YUV + y_size;      // U  	pFrameYUV->data[2] = picture_buf_YUV + y_size * 5 / 4;  // V 	//PTS 	//pFrameYUV->pkt_pts = i; 	pFrameYUV->pkt_pts = i * (video_st->time_base.den) / ((video_st->time_base.num) * 25);   	av_init_packet(&pkt_v); 	//Encode 	int ret = avcodec_encode_video2(pCodecCtx_v, &pkt_v, pFrameYUV, &got_picture); 	if (ret < 0){ 		printf("Failed to video encode!  "); 		return -1; 	} 	if (got_picture == 1){ 		if ((videoencodesize + pkt_v.size) > VIDEO_AVIO_SIZE) 		{ 			printf("video avio buffer is full: %d, to mux! ", videoencodesize); 			ffmpeg_muxer(i); 			//fwrite(videoBuf, 1, videoencodesize, out_encode); 			videoencodesize = 0; 		} 		memcpy(videoBuf + videoencodesize, pkt_v.data, pkt_v.size); 		frmsize_v = pkt_v.size; 		videoencodesize += frmsize_v; 		printf("Succeed to encode video frame: %5d	size:%5d ", i, pkt_v.size); 		av_free_packet(&pkt_v); 	} }   void ffmpeg_video_encode_close() { 	//video Clean 	if (video_st){ 		avcodec_close(video_st->codec); 		av_free(pFrameRGB); 		av_free(pFrameYUV); 		av_free(picture_buf_RGB); 		av_free(picture_buf_YUV); 	} 	avio_close(pFormatCtx_v->pb); 	avformat_free_context(pFormatCtx_v);   	fclose(in_file_v); }   int ffmpeg_audio_encode_init() { 	AVOutputFormat* fmt;   	const char* out_file = "record_audio.aac";	//输出文件,用于设置AVFormatContext   	av_register_all();   	avformat_alloc_output_context2(&pFormatCtx_a, NULL, NULL, out_file); 	fmt = pFormatCtx_a->oformat;   	audio_st = avformat_new_stream(pFormatCtx_a, 0); 	if (audio_st == NULL){ 		return -1; 	} 	pCodecCtx_a = audio_st->codec; 	pCodecCtx_a->codec_id = fmt->audio_codec; 	pCodecCtx_a->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; 	pCodecCtx_a->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16; 	pCodecCtx_a->sample_rate = 48000;  //44100---11025(8000) 	pCodecCtx_a->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO; 	pCodecCtx_a->channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(pCodecCtx_a->channel_layout); 	pCodecCtx_a->bit_rate = 1536000;    //64000   	//输出格式信息 	av_dump_format(pFormatCtx_a, 0, out_file, 1);   	pCodec_a = avcodec_find_encoder(pCodecCtx_a->codec_id); 	if (!pCodec_a) 	{ 		printf("audio 没有找到合适的编码器! "); 		return -1; 	} 	if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx_a, pCodec_a, NULL) < 0) 	{ 		printf("audio 编码器打开失败! "); 		return -1; 	} 	frame_a = av_frame_alloc(); 	frame_a->nb_samples = pCodecCtx_a->frame_size; 	frame_a->format = pCodecCtx_a->sample_fmt;   	frame_size_a = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, pCodecCtx_a->channels, pCodecCtx_a->frame_size, pCodecCtx_a->sample_fmt, 1); 	frame_buf_a = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(frame_size_a); 	avcodec_fill_audio_frame(frame_a, pCodecCtx_a->channels, pCodecCtx_a->sample_fmt, (const uint8_t*)frame_buf_a, frame_size_a, 1); 	av_new_packet(&pkt_a, frame_size_a);   	return 0; }   int ffmpeg_audio_encode(int i) { 	//读入PCM 	if (fread(frame_buf_a, 1, frame_size_a, in_file_a) != frame_size_a) 	{ 		printf("audio goto end! "); 		fseek(in_file_a, 0, SEEK_SET); 		fread(frame_buf_a, 1, frame_size_a, in_file_a); 	}   	frame_a->data[0] = frame_buf_a;  //采样信号 	frame_a->pts = i;//i*100 	int got_frame = 0; 	//编码 	int ret = avcodec_encode_audio2(pCodecCtx_a, &pkt_a, frame_a, &got_frame); 	if (ret < 0) 	{ 		printf("audio 编码错误! "); 		return -1; 	} 	if (got_frame == 1) 	{ 		if ((audioencodesize + pkt_a.size) > AUDIO_AVIO_SIZE) 		{ 			printf("audio avio buffer is full: %d, to mux! ", audioencodesize); 			ffmpeg_muxer(i); 			audioencodesize = 0; 		} 		memcpy(audioBuf + audioencodesize, pkt_a.data, pkt_a.size); 		frmsize_a = pkt_a.size; 		audioencodesize += frmsize_a;   		printf("audio 编码成功第%d帧! ", i); 		av_free_packet(&pkt_a); 	}   	return 0; }   void ffmpeg_audio_encode_close() { 	//audio清理 	if (audio_st) 	{ 		avcodec_close(audio_st->codec); 		av_free(frame_a); 		av_free(frame_buf_a); 	} 	avio_close(pFormatCtx_a->pb); 	avformat_free_context(pFormatCtx_a);   	fclose(in_file_a); }   int flush_video_encoder(AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx, unsigned int stream_index){ 	int ret; 	int got_frame; 	AVPacket enc_pkt; 	if (!(fmt_ctx->streams[stream_index]->codec->codec->capabilities & 		CODEC_CAP_DELAY)) 		return 0; 	while (1) { 		enc_pkt.data = NULL; 		enc_pkt.size = 0; 		av_init_packet(&enc_pkt); 		ret = avcodec_encode_video2(fmt_ctx->streams[stream_index]->codec, &enc_pkt, 			NULL, &got_frame); 		av_frame_free(NULL); 		if (ret < 0) 			break; 		if (!got_frame){ 			ret = 0; 			break; 		} 		printf("Flush Encoder: Succeed to encode 1 frame!	size:%5d ", enc_pkt.size); 		/* mux encoded frame */ 		ret = av_write_frame(fmt_ctx, &enc_pkt); 		printf("Succeed to encode pkt.pts: %5d	pkt.dts:%5d ", enc_pkt.pts, enc_pkt.dts); 		if (ret < 0) 			break; 	} 	return ret; }   int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 	int framenum = 1000;	//帧数 	int i = 0; 	 	//mux初始化flag 	InitFlg = 1; 	//video编码初始化函数 	ffmpeg_video_encode_init(); 	//audio编码初始化函数 	ffmpeg_audio_encode_init();   	for (i = 0; i