

  基本语法1. 简单控制语句
  字符串推荐用  ""   单引号引用list: List[int] = [1, 2, 3] for elem in list:     if elem > 1:         print(f"data {elem} > 1")  # 这里是format语句,属于语法糖     else:         print(f"data {elem} < 1")  """ data 1 < 1 data 2 > 1 data 3 > 1 """2. 异常x = -1 try:     if x < 0:         raise Exception("Sorry, no numbers below zero") except Exception as err:     print("find err: %s" % err) """ find err: Sorry, no numbers below zero """ 3. 推导式(比较晦涩难懂)参考: https://www.cnblogs.com/desireyang/p/12160332.html
  推导式好处: 效率更高,底层是c执行  1. 列表推导式
  一共两种形式:(参考: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/139621170) , 它主要是输出是列表( list  )[xforxindataifcondition]   这里的含义是data只有满足if条件中的情况才保留 (if)[exp1ifconditionelseexp2forxindata]   , 这里的含义是data满足if条件时执行exp1 否则 exp2 (if - else)import re  """ 获取所有的数字 """ list = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "a", "b", "c"] print([elem for elem in list if re.match("d", elem)]) """ ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] """  """ 获取所有的字母 """ print([elem for elem in list if re.match("[a-z]", elem)]) """ ["a", "b", "c"] """  """ 如果元素是数字则存储,否则则upper """ print([elem if re.match("d", elem) else elem.upper() for elem in list]) """ ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "A", "B", "C"] """
  最佳实践: 参考(https://github.com/httpie/httpie/blob/master/httpie/core.py#L235) def decode_raw_args(         args: List[Union[str, bytes]],         stdin_encoding: str ) -> List[str]:     """     Convert all bytes args to str     by decoding them using stdin encoding.      """     return [         arg.decode(stdin_encoding)         if type(arg) is bytes else arg         for arg in args     ]   def decode_raw_args_parse(         args: List[Union[str, bytes]],         stdin_encoding: str ) -> List[str]:     """     Convert all bytes args to str     by decoding them using stdin encoding.     不使用推导式     """     result: List[str] = []     for arg in args:         if type(arg) is bytes:             result.append(arg.decode(stdin_encoding))         else:             result.append(arg)     return result   # arg.decode(stdin_encoding) if type(arg) is bytes else arg for arg in args print(decode_raw_args(args=[b"111", b"222"], stdin_encoding="utf-8")) print(decode_raw_args(args=["111", "222"], stdin_encoding="")) """ ["111", "222"] ["111", "222"] """  print(decode_raw_args_parse(args=[b"111", b"222"], stdin_encoding="utf-8")) print(decode_raw_args_parse(args=["111", "222"], stdin_encoding="")) """ ["111", "222"] ["111", "222"] """2. 字典推导式
  {key_expr:value_exprforvalueincollectionifcondition}   ,输出是dict  """ { key_expr: value_expr for value in collection if condition }  反转key value,且获取 value 为在set {"a", "b", "c"}中的元素 """ dict_old = {"a": "A", "b": "B", "c": "C", "d": "D"} print({dict_old[value]: value for value in dict_old if value in {"a", "b", "c"}}) """ {"A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c"} """  print({key: value for value, key in dict_old.items() if value in {"a", "b", "c"}}) """ {"A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c"} """3. 集合推导式
  表达式: {exprforvalueincollectionifcondition}  {exp1ifconditionelseexp2forxindata}  输出是set
  其实就是上面列表推导式 []   换成{}   ,输出由list   变成了set  4. for 循环 迭代器import os from collections.abc import Iterable  with open("text.log", "wt") as file:     file.truncate()     file.writelines("line 1" + os.linesep)     file.writelines("line 2" + os.linesep)     file.writelines("line 3" + os.linesep)     pass  with open("text.log", "rt") as file:     for line in file:         print("type: {type}, isinstance: {isinstance}, line: {line}".format(type=type(file),                                                                             isinstance=isinstance(file, Iterable),                                                                             line=line))     pass  """ type: , isinstance: True, line: line 1  type: , isinstance: True, line: line 2  type: , isinstance: True, line: line 3 """
  这里面 _io.TextIOWrapper   实现了 __next__()   方法
  比如我们自己实现一个可迭代的对象 下面可以看到我使用了类型申明  List[str]   其实这个python运行时并不会检测,需要工具进行检测!
  变量默认都是  Any   类型 ,具体可以看 https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/library/typing.htmlfrom typing import List  class Items(object):     def __init__(self, list: List[str]):         self.list = list         self.index = 0      def __next__(self, *args, **kwargs):         """         next,没有抛出StopIteration         """         if self.index >= len(self.list):             raise StopIteration         result = self.list[self.index]         self.index = self.index + 1         return result      def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs):         """         返回一个迭代器         """         return self   data = Items(["1", "2", "3"])  for x in data:     print(x) """ 1 2 3 """5. 包管理from ..a import foo  # 上级目录 from .a import foo_a  # 当前目录  import sys  # 引用源码或者lib from copy import deepcopy  # 引用源码或者lib  from pygments.formatters.terminal import TerminalFormatter  # 引用 lib.lib.file  import demo.utils.a   def c_foo():     demo.utils.a.foo_a()     TerminalFormatter()     deepcopy()     print(sys.api_version)   def b_foo():     foo()基本数据类型1. 定义方式mylist:list[str]=["apple","banana","cherry"]  mylist=["apple","banana","cherry"]
  Text Type:
  Numeric Types:
  int  ,float  ,complex
  Sequence Types:
  list  ,tuple  ,range
  Mapping Type:
  Set Types:
  set  ,frozenset
  Boolean Type:
  Binary Types:
  bytes  ,bytearray  ,memoryview  2. 数字基本类型x = 1  # int y = 1.1  # float z = 1j  # 复数(complex) a = complex(1, 2)  # 复数(complex) print(type(x)) print(type(y)) print(type(z)) print(z.imag, z.real) print(type(a)) print(a.imag, a.real) """    1.0 0.0  2.0 1.0 """3. 字符串str = "hello" print(str) print(str[0:]) print(str[:5]) print(str[:-1]) print(str[0:5]) print(str[0:5:1]) print(str[0:5:2]) """ hello hello hello hell hello hello hlo """  # format print("My name is {} and age is {}".format("tom", 18)) """ My name is tom and age is 18 """  quantity = 3 itemno = 567 price = 49.95 myorder = "I want to pay {2} dollars for {0} pieces of item {1}." print(myorder.format(quantity, itemno, price)) """ I want to pay 49.95 dollars for 3 pieces of item 567. """  # func str = "hello world! " print(str.upper()) print(str.lower()) print(str.strip()) print(str + " ...") """ HELLO WORLD!  hello world!  hello world! hello world!  ... """  # format myorder = "I have a {carname}, it is a {model}." print(myorder.format(carname="Ford", model="Mustang")) """ I have a Ford, it is a Mustang. """4. lambda
  其实就是一个func def add(num):     return lambda x: x + num   print(add(10)(10)) """ 20 """
  lanbda 例子2 import json  class Obj:     def __init__(self):         self.name = "tom"         self.age = 1   print(json.dumps(Obj(), default=lambda obj: obj.__dict__)) """ {"name": "tom", "age": 1} """集合
  list  ,tuple  ,range  ,dict  ,set  ,frozenset  list , 例如: mylist=["apple","banana","cherry"]  tuple 是特殊的数组,就是不能改变, 例如 mytuple=("apple","banana","cherry")  range 可以理解是个迭代器, 例如: dict 就是个map, 例如: thisdict={"brand":"Ford","model":"Mustang","year":1964}  set 就是个去重复的list , 例如: myset={"apple","banana","cherry"}  1. listmylist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]  # 切片 print(mylist[0]) print(mylist[2]) print(mylist[-1]) print(mylist[0:3:2]) """ apple cherry cherry ["apple", "cherry"] """  # 基本操作 mylist.append("orange") print(mylist) """ ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange"] """  mylist.insert(0, "mango") print(mylist) """ ["mango", "apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange"] """  # 循环 for x in mylist:     print(x)  """ apple banana cherry orange """  for index in range(len(mylist)):     print("index: %d" % index) """ index: 0 index: 1 index: 2 index: 3 index: 4 """  if "apple" in mylist:     print("success!")  """ success! """  # [执行表达式(也就是for循环中的,如果有if则是if中执行的), for item in list 条件表达式] new_list = [elem.upper() for elem in mylist if "a" in elem]  # contains "a" char elem str print(new_list) """ ["MANGO", "APPLE", "BANANA", "ORANGE"] """  newList = [] for elem in mylist:     if "a" in elem:         newList.append(elem.upper()) print(newList) """ ["MANGO", "APPLE", "BANANA", "ORANGE"] """2. mapthisdict = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964}  for key, value in thisdict.items():     print("key: {}, value: {}".format(key, value))  """ key: brand, value: Ford key: model, value: Mustang key: year, value: 1964 """  for key in thisdict:     print("key: {}, value: {}".format(key, thisdict[key])) """ key: brand, value: Ford key: model, value: Mustang key: year, value: 1964 """3. range# range 会生成一个迭代器,(start,end,sep) , 左闭右开 for x in range(6):  # [0,1,2,3,4,5]     print("x is %d" % x) """ x is 0 x is 1 x is 2 x is 3 x is 4 x is 5 """  for x in range(2, 6):     print("x is %d" % x)  """ x is 2 x is 3 x is 4 x is 5 """  for x in range(1, 6, 2):     print("x is %d" % x) """ x is 1 x is 3 x is 5 """方法1. 定义一个空方法def func_1():     pass  # 空方法必须申明pass   func_1()2. 参数# name 为必须添的参数,不然为空会报错 # age 为默认参数 # agrs 为可变参数 # kwargs 为 k v 参数 def func_1(name, age=1, *args, **kwargs):     print("name: %s" % name)     print("age: %d" % age)     print("len(args): {}, type: {}".format(len(args), type(args)))     for value in args:         print("args value: {}".format(value))      print("len(kwargs): {}, type: {}".format(len(kwargs), type(kwargs)))     for key, value in kwargs.items():         print("kwargs key: {}, value: {}".format(key, value))   func_1(name="tom", age=10, args="1", kwargs="2") """ name: tom age: 10 len(args): 0 len(kwargs): 0, type:  len(kwargs): 2, type:  kwargs key: args, value: 1 kwargs key: kwargs, value: 2 """  # 这里注意由于dict所以不能申明kv func_1("tom", 10, "1", "2", args="1", kwargs="2") """ name: tom age: 10 len(args): 2, type:  args value: 1 args value: 2 len(kwargs): 2, type:  kwargs key: args, value: 1 kwargs key: kwargs, value: 2 """3. 类型
  申明输入输出类型  from typing import List, Union def decode_raw_args(     args: List[Union[str, bytes]],     stdin_encoding: str ) -> List[str]:     """     Convert all bytes args to str     by decoding them using stdin encoding.      """     return [         arg.decode(stdin_encoding)         if type(arg) is bytes else arg         for arg in args     ]类1. 定义类和方法# 如果没有父类继承,这里选择 object,比较规范 class Person(object):     # gender none, male or female     gender = "none"      # 构造器     def __init__(self, name, age):         self.name = name         self.age = age      def my_name(self):         return self.name   p = Person(name="tome", age=1) print(p.my_name())2. 类型的继承import json   class Person(object):     # gender none, male or female     gender = "none"      # 构造器     def __init__(self, name, age):         self.name = name         self.age = age      def my_name(self):         return self.name   p = Person(name="tome", age=1) print(p.my_name())   class Mail(Person):     def __init__(self, name, age):         super(Mail, self).__init__(name, age)         self.gender = "mail"      def my_name(self):         return self.name + "_mail"   p = Mail(name="tome", age=1) print(json.dumps(p, default=lambda obj: obj.__dict__)) print(p.my_name())3. 类__new__函数
  主要是  __init__  执行前会调用#!/usr/bin/python  import json   class Person(object):     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):         instance = object.__new__(cls)         instance.job = "it"         return instance      # construct     def __init__(self, name, age):         self.name = name         self.age = age      def to_json(self):         return json.dumps(self, default=lambda obj: obj.__dict__)   p = Person(name="tome", age=1) print(p.to_json()) # {"age": 1, "job": "it", "name": "tome"}其他用法技巧1. 断言if type(1) is int:     print("args is int")     ...  # 等效 pass """ args is int """2. 测试<<<
  可以参考文件: https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000010389542 , 属于 doctest  def humanize_bytes(n, precision=2):     # Author: Doug Latornell     # Licence: MIT     # URL: https://code.activestate.com/recipes/577081/     """Return a humanized string representation of a number of bytes.      >>> humanize_bytes(1)     "1 B"     >>> humanize_bytes(1024, precision=1)     "1.0 kB"     >>> humanize_bytes(1024 * 123, precision=1)     "123.0 kB"     >>> humanize_bytes(1024 * 12342, precision=1)     "12.1 MB"     >>> humanize_bytes(1024 * 12342, precision=2)     "12.05 MB"     >>> humanize_bytes(1024 * 1234, precision=2)     "1.21 MB"     >>> humanize_bytes(1024 * 1234 * 1111, precision=2)     "1.31 GB"     >>> humanize_bytes(1024 * 1234 * 1111, precision=1)     "1.3 GB"      """     abbrevs = [         (1 << 50, "PB"),         (1 << 40, "TB"),         (1 << 30, "GB"),         (1 << 20, "MB"),         (1 << 10, "kB"),         (1, "B")     ]      if n == 1:         return "1 B"      for factor, suffix in abbrevs:         if n >= factor:             break      # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable     return f"{n / factor:.{precision}f} {suffix}"3. yield参考: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/268605982
  其实类似于程序的断电,比如程序运行到那里其实是返回一个生成器,然后当你下一步是才会执行,比较节省内存 from typing import List   def new(size: int = 1024 * 1024):     yield new_data(size)   def new_data(size: int) -> List[int]:     return [0] * size   data = new() print(type(data)) print(len(next(data)))  # 只能执行一次 next不然报错 """  1048576 """脚本base64输出echo "aGVsbG8gcHl0aG9uCg==" | python -c "import sys,base64; print(sys.stdin.read())"  ->  echo "aGVsbG8gcHl0aG9uCg==" | python -c "import sys,base64; print(base64.b64decode(sys.stdin.read()))" -> stdout: b"hello python "文件操作r   ,w  ,x   ,a  四种类型(a: append, w=truncate+create, x=truncate+create if not exit)b  ,t   文件类型
  第一列可以和第二列文件类型组合,第一列不允许并存 import os   with open("file.log", "w") as file:     for x in range(0, 100):         file.write("hello world"+os.linesep)   with open("file.log","r") as file:     for line in file.readlines():         print(line)jsonimport json  print(json.dumps({"k1": "v1", "k2": [1, 2, 3]})) print(json.loads("{"k1": "v1", "k2": [1, 2, 3]}"))
  如果是class,需要继承 JSONEncoder和JSONDecoder实现子类   ,或者import json, datetime  class Demo(object):     def __init__(self, name: str, age: int, birthday: datetime.date):         self.name = name         self.agw = age         self.birthday = birthday      def to_json(self, _):         return {"name": self.name, "age": self.agw, "birthday": self.birthday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}   data = Demo("tom", 18, datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)) print(json.dumps(data, default=data.to_json))typing (申明类型)
  官方文档: https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/library/typing.html
  可以参考这篇文章: https://sikasjc.github.io/2018/07/14/type-hint-in-python/
  对于喜欢静态类型的语言,我觉得是非常nice的 from typing import Dict, List   def test(data: Dict[str, str]) -> List[str]:     return [x for x in data]   print(test({"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"}))
