

  Chris Forde
  The Open Group
  Ladies and gentlemen,
  What a great joy it is to have you join us today to open our Global event from Shanghai China, where we begin a world wide celebration of the 25th Anniversary of The Open Group.
  今天,我们非常高兴邀请您参与我们的全球活动,中国上海作为全球首发站共庆The Open Group成立25周年全球庆典。
  in 2009 The Open Group entered China for the first time and since then has worked tirelessly, with you to address the rising tide of digital transformation that fundamentally revolutionizes the way business is done.
  2009年,The Open Group首次进入中国,从那时起,The Open Group一直与在座的各位共同努力,应对不断上升的数字化转型浪潮,这股浪潮从根本上改变了商业运作的方式。
  Almost 2 years ago as we entered 2020, — volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) was already a norm, and today in the last quarter of 2021 we find ourselves in the reality of a world continually struggling with the ongoing impact of the global pandemic, where issue s race around the world and towards us like a tidal bore causing ongoing disruption.
  We have all seen an exponential increase in pressures, transform to win or to simply survive in the face of these constant and unpredictable changes and uncertainties at both an organizational and personal level. Transformation is no longer an option — it is unavoidable. Architectural thinking, digital first modes, and agility are the materials that we use to shape our future.
  在组织和个人层面上,我们都看到压力以指数级增长。面对这些不断的、不可预测的变化和不确定性,我们需要在转型中赢得机遇,或仅仅是生存下去。  转型不再是一种选择,它是不可避免的。架构思维、数字优先和敏捷性是我们塑造未来的基石。
  In this sense, ladies and gentlemen, we are at the same time, builders, navigators and evangelists. Together we have envisioned, constructed and laid a path navigating amid business disruption, and system complexities.
  We have wrestled with; chaos, using architectural thinking, we have tackled information silos with open data platforms and translated isolated proprietary APIs, protocols and requirements into a lingua franca by establishing trust, developing executable open standards using transparent policies and sharing local and global best practices.
  Today this joyous occasion celebrating our achievements for the past quarter of a century offers us the perfect opportunity to recap some of our recent milestones and achievements in 2021:
  今天,在共庆过去四分之一世纪所取得的成就之际,让我们共同回顾The Open Group最近的一些里程碑和2021年的成就。
  In March, we launched the OSDU Data Platform Mercury globally, an open-source, standard-based and technology-agnostic data platform that promises enormous possibilities of innovative digital solutions to address transforming the worlds energy demand.
  2021年3月,我们在全球范围内推出  OSDU数据平台Mercury  。这是一个开源、基于标准、和技术无关的数据平台, 为解决世界能源需求转型提供了巨大的创新数字解决方案的可能性。
  In May our Open Process Automation Forum released its O-PAS Version 2.1 aimed at building open, interoperable and secure-by-design process automation systems architectures through technical standards and business practices. The release represents a prominent milestone of the O-PAS standard in that it enables greater interoperability and portability in industrial process control systems, it reflects the overall consensus of industry leaders for open, secure and interoperable architectures in industrial process automation systems.
  2021年5月,开放流程自动化™论坛发布了其O-PAS™版本2.1,旨在通过技术标准和商业实践建立开放、可互操作和内在安全的过程自动化系统架构。该版本代表了  O-PAS标准的一个突出的里程碑,它赋予工业过程控制系统更大的互操作性和可移植性,并反映了行业领导者对工业流程自动化系统的开放、安全和互操作架构的整体共识。
  in August 2020 we the formed the Open Footprint Forum with the vision of reliable tracking of environmental footprint data for mandating compliance reporting and meeting transparency demands, the Forum’s first deliverable, Minimal Viable Product One focusing on GHG Scope 1 and 2, was scheduled to be launched in Q1 2021.
  2020年8月,我们成立了开放足迹论坛(Open Footprint Forum),其愿景是对环境足迹数据进行可靠的跟踪,以强制执行合规报告并满足透明度要求。  OFP论坛的第一个可交付成果计划在2021年第一季度推出,侧重于温室气体范围1和2的最小可行产品。
  Since our publication (dates) of COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Campaign: A Global Guide by The Open Group Healthcare Forum, it has been enthusiastically echoed by the global community of public health policymakers and practitioners.
  2021年8月,The Open Group医疗论坛出版《COVID-19大规模疫苗接种运动全球指南》,自出版以来得到全球公共卫生政策制定者和从业人员的热烈响应。
  Turning now to specifics for China, since March 2010 when I first joined The Open Group journey here in Shanghai, I have been continually awed and humbled by the vibrant dynamism, innovative creativity and the exceptionally pragmatic down-to-earth attitude of this country and its people. I am happy to call China, my second home.
  现在来谈谈The Open Group在中国的历程。2010年3月,我在上海开启The Open Group的本土旅程,我不断地为这个国家和人民的活力、创造力和极其务实的态度所折服并深受触动。我很高兴把中国称为我的第二个家。
  On August 19th as a homage to China Physician’s Day, the Chinese language version of the Covid-19 Guide was released, providing a clearer view of the challenges and breakthroughs in facilitating a mass vaccination campaign while offering an architectural perspective in mass vaccination as a crucial tool to end this pandemic. This publication is one of the many initiatives exemplifying our commitment to promoting the wellbeing of humanity through technological innovations.
  8月19日,作为对中国医师节的致敬,  《COVID-19大规模疫苗接种运动全球指南》的中文版发布,更清晰地展示了促进大规模疫苗接种的突破和挑战,同时提供了大规模疫苗接种的架构视角  ,提供了结束这一流行病的重要工具。该出版物是体现我们致力于通过技术创新促进人类福祉的众多举措之一。
  For the Open Group community in China, one of the most important deliverables in 2021 was the re-formation of localization workgroups in July. This re-formation was timely. It followed the circulation of State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s notice on accelerating digital transformation in State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) to promote integrated development of real economy and digital economy while boosting SOEs’ core strengths in a highly competitive global economy.
  对于The Open Group在中国的社区来说,2021年最重要的成果之一是在7月重新组建了本地化工作小组。这次重组非常及时,它响应了国资委《关于加快推进国有企业数字化转型工作的通知》,促进实体经济和数字经济融合发展,并在竞争激烈的全球经济中提升国有企业核心竞争力的呼吁和指引。
  In this context, forum-specific localization workgroups are very active and delivering value, the initial phase covers our Architecture Portfolio, Open Process Automation™ and IT4IT™, with others to follow. Up to now more than 60 experts have signed up for their participation in these workgroups, for which I feel immensely grateful and encouraged.
  在此背景下,  针对各个论坛的本地化工作组非常积极活跃地向公众和业界提供价值  。初期涵盖了架构论坛、开放流程自动化™论坛和IT4IT™论坛,其他工作组也将陆续成立。到目前为止,已经有60多位专家报名参加了这些工作组,对此我们备受感激和鼓舞。
  Today you will witness the release of 8 publications in the Chinese language during this event. They are classic examples of how the localization initiatives of our China based operation and experts tear down language and information boundaries and boost The Open Group’s value creation of the rising digital tide in China.
  今天,我们共同见证  8个中文出版物的发布  。它们是我们在中国的运营,协同专家的本地化举措如何打破语言和信息的界限,促进The Open Group在中国数字浪潮中创造价值的经典案例。
  The Open Group and its engagement in China has certainly increased its deserved global reputation, that reputation is enhanced through the activities and contributions of the members and local community. These contributions do not go unnoticed, and we would certainly have missed our vision of "Boundaryless Information Flow™" if the local adoption and application of our global standards and best practices are compromised by language barriers.
  The Open Group及其在中国的参与无疑提高了其应有的全球声誉,这种声誉通过成员和当地社区的活动和贡献得到了加强。这些贡献不会被忽视,如果我们的全球标准和最佳实践因受到语言的障碍而影响当地的应用,那么我们肯定会错过The Open Group "无边界信息流™"的愿景。
  These highlighted topics brighten our day, they are milestones that mark our continued progress and cast a light on our future direction. For industry futures it is about fostering a healthy ecosystem that generates value and growth and nurtures innovation for all stakeholders; for organizations it is about addressing both transformation and optimization and operating effectively on the right things; while for inpiduals it is about continuous up-skilling and updating your expertise with an inquisitive mind and a realistic attitude.
  这些高光主题照亮了我们的今天,标志着我们持续进步的里程碑,并为我们的未来方向投下了光芒。  展望行业的未来,我们需要培养一个健康的生态系统,为所有利益相关者产生价值和增长并培育创新。  对于组织来说,需要解决转型和优化,并在正确的事情上有效运作。对于个人来说,需要不断提升技能,以好奇心和务实的态度更新专业知识。
  In a recent dialogue with a Circle of Influencers, I mentioned that typically everyone is in the transformation boat together, some are rowers, some are passengers; some are navigating and some are hanging on. In this digital age, your vision and action, creativity and adaptability have never been so relevant as now.
  在最近应邀参与Wipro影响者圈层的对话活动中,我提到,在数字时代通常每个人都在转型的船上,有些人在划桨,有些人是乘客,有些人在掌舵,有些人在坚持。  愿景和行动、创造力和适应性从未像现在这样重要。
  For the past 12 years I have been challenged, nourished and intellectually inspired by the wisdom of the people of China. Confucius once said that "At fifteen I set my heart upon learning; at thirty I planted my feet upon the ground."
  The silver jubilee of The Open Group, in this sense, may be be seen as an illustrious milestone for a young adult readying themselves for the future, built upon accumulative, knowledge, explorations and endeavors, a source of empowerment for members and partners in this digital era, and a synonym of standard and policy excellence embracing the vision of "Boundaryless Information Flow™".
  从这个意义上说,  The Open Group的银禧纪念日可以被看作是一个为未来做好准备的年轻人的辉煌里程碑,它建立在积累、知识、探索和努力之上,在数字时代赋能我们成员和合作伙伴,同时,它也是拥抱 "无边界信息流™"愿景的卓越标准和政策的代名词。
  We are celebrating a quarter century of innovation, expertise, collaboration, networking and connection across industries, languages and continents. From Shanghai, Mumbai, London, Sao Paulo, San Francisco, Tokyo, Johannesburg, ending in Boston, 24 hours later this coming day will offer truly global knowledge and insights as we acknowledge and reminisce on the remarkable achievements in our arena for the past 25 years. A time to get edified and inspired by our Open Digital Standards, and to celebrate our milestones that have been part of the game-changing and culture-transforming saga throughout these eventful and rewarding 25 years.
  Most importantly we look forward to the next 25 years and beyond with you all. Thank you.
  本文为Chris Forde在The Open Group 25周年全球盛典活动上的欢迎致辞。如需转载,请注明出处。
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