

  作者 | 天元浪子
  来源 | CSDN博客
  1.1 虚拟机和容器
  1.2 容器、镜像和Docker
  1.3 Docker 和 k8s
  2.1 在ubuntu中安装
  在linux系统中安装Docker非常简单,官方为我们提供了一键安装脚本。这个方法也适用于Debian或CentOS等发行版。  curl -sSL https://get.daocloud.io/docker | sh
  安装过程如果出现超时,不要灰心,多试几次,总会成功的。安装完成后,Docker只能被root用户使用,可以使用下面的命令取消权限限制:  sudo gpasswd -a <你的用户名> docker
  然后,重启docker服务:  sudo service docker restart
  顺便提一下,如果在CentOS下安装,可能会出现一堆类似于下面的错误:  问题 1: problem with installed package podman-2.0.5-5.module_el8.3.0+512+b3b58dca.x86_64   - package podman-2.0.5-5.module_el8.3.0+512+b3b58dca.x86_64 requires runc >= 1.0.0-57, but none of the providers can be installed   - package podman-3.0.1-6.module_el8.4.0+781+acf4c33b.x86_64 requires runc >= 1.0.0-57, but none of the providers can be installed   - package podman-3.0.1-7.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64 requires runc >= 1.0.0-57, but none of the providers can be installed   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - cannot install the best candidate for the job   - package runc-1.0.0-64.rc10.module_el8.4.0+522+66908d0c.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering   - package runc-1.0.0-65.rc10.module_el8.4.0+819+4afbd1d6.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering   - package runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+786+4668b267.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering   - package runc-1.0.0-71.rc92.module_el8.4.0+833+9763146c.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering  问题 2: package podman-3.0.1-6.module_el8.4.0+781+acf4c33b.x86_64 requires runc >= 1.0.0-57, but none of the providers can be installed   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package docker-ce-3:20.10.7-3.el8.x86_64 requires containerd.io >= 1.4.1, but none of the providers can be installed   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.2.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.2.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.2.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.2.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package podman-catatonit-3.0.1-6.module_el8.4.0+781+acf4c33b.x86_64 requires podman = 3.0.1-6.module_el8.4.0+781+acf4c33b, but none of the providers can be installed   - problem with installed package podman-catatonit-2.0.5-5.module_el8.3.0+512+b3b58dca.x86_64   - package podman-catatonit-3.0.1-7.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64 requires podman = 3.0.1-7.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4, but none of the providers can be installed   - package podman-3.0.1-7.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64 requires runc >= 1.0.0-57, but none of the providers can be installed   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.2.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.3-3.2.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.4-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.4-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_64   - cannot install the best candidate for the job   - package runc-1.0.0-64.rc10.module_el8.4.0+522+66908d0c.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering   - package runc-1.0.0-65.rc10.module_el8.4.0+819+4afbd1d6.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering   - package runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+786+4668b267.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering   - package runc-1.0.0-71.rc92.module_el8.4.0+833+9763146c.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering   - package containerd.io-1.4.4-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.4-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.4-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.4-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-70.rc92.module_el8.4.0+673+eabfc99d.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 conflicts with runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package containerd.io-1.4.6-3.1.el8.x86_64 obsoletes runc provided by runc-1.0.0-73.rc93.module_el8.4.0+830+8027e1c4.x86_64   - package podman-catatonit-2.0.5-5.module_el8.3.0+512+b3b58dca.x86_64 requires podman = 2.0.5-5.module_el8.3.0+512+b3b58dca, but none of the providers can be installed   - package podman-2.0.5-5.module_el8.3.0+512+b3b58dca.x86_64 requires runc >= 1.0.0-57, but none of the providers can be installed
  这是由于docker和Podman冲突造成的,需要先卸载Podman:  yum erase podman buildah
  2.2 在Win10中安装
  Docker的运行,依赖linux的环境,官方提供了Docker Desktop for Windows,但是它需要安装Hyper-V,Hyper-V是微软开发的虚拟机,类似于 VMWare 或 VirtualBox,仅适用于 Windows 10。这个虚拟机一旦启用,QEMU、VirtualBox 或 VMWare Workstation 15 及以下版本将无法使用!如果你必须在电脑上使用其他虚拟机(例如开发 Android 应用必须使用的模拟器),请不要使用 Hyper-V!
  我的电脑是win10家庭版,不能直接安装hyper-v,需要将下面的命令保存到cmd文件中:  pushd "%~dp0" dir /b %SystemRoot%servicingPackages*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt for /f %%i in ("findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul") do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%servicingPackages%%i" del hyper-v.txt Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V-All /LimitAccess /ALL
  2.3 Hello world
  docker服务启动的情况下,运行下面的命令:  docker run ubuntu:20.04 /bin/echo "Hello world"
  此命令的含义是:  docker run:运行docker镜像命令  ubuntu:20.04:镜像名称为ubuntu版本号为20.04  /bin/echo "Hello world":运行参数,此镜像的参数含义为运行镜像的echo命令显示hello world
  docker官方还提供了一个hello-world镜像,可以直接运行:  docker run hello-world
  从hello world的例子中,也可以体验到,docker实例的运行是非常快的。
  新建文件/etc/docker/daemon.json,输入如下内容:  {     "registry-mirrors" : [         "https://registry.docker-cn.com",         "https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn",         "http://hub-mirror.c.163.com",         "https://cr.console.aliyun.com/"     ] }
  然后重启docker的服务:  systemctl restart docker
  3.1 列出本地所有镜像
  执行命令 docker images 可以查看  $ docker images REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE ubuntu              20.04               f643c72bc252        5 weeks ago         72.9MB hello-world         latest              bf756fb1ae65        12 months ago       13.3kB
  3.2 从镜像库中查找镜像
  执行命令 docker search 镜像名称可以从docker镜像库中查找镜像。  $ docker search python NAME                             DESCRIPTION                                     STARS              OFFICIAL          AUTOMATED python                           Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   5757                [OK]                 django                           Django is a free web application framework, …   1039                [OK]                 pypy                             PyPy is a fast, compliant alternative implem…   260                 [OK]                 joyzoursky/python-chromedriver   Python with Chromedriver, for running automa…   57                                      [OK] nikolaik/python-nodejs           Python with Node.js                             57                                      [OK] arm32v7/python                   Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   53                                       circleci/python                  Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   42                                       centos/python-35-centos7         Platform for building and running Python 3.5…   38                                       centos/python-36-centos7         Platform for building and running Python 3.6…   30                                       hylang                           Hy is a Lisp dialect that translates express…   29                  [OK]                 arm64v8/python                   Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   24                                       revolutionsystems/python         Optimized Python Images                         18                                       centos/python-27-centos7         Platform for building and running Python 2.7…   17                                       bitnami/python                   Bitnami Python Docker Image                     10                                      [OK] publicisworldwide/python-conda   Basic Python environments with Conda.           6                                       [OK] d3fk/python_in_bottle            Simple python:alpine completed by Bottle+Req…   5                                       [OK] dockershelf/python               Repository for docker images of Python. Test…   5                                       [OK] clearlinux/python                Python programming interpreted language with…   4                                        i386/python                      Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   3                                        ppc64le/python                   Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   2                                        centos/python-34-centos7         Platform for building and running Python 3.4…   2                                        amd64/python                     Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   1                                        ccitest/python                   CircleCI test images for Python                 0                                       [OK] s390x/python                     Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec…   0                                        saagie/python                    Repo for python jobs                            0
  3.3 下载新的镜像
  执行命令docker pull 镜像名称:版本号即可下载新的镜像。  $ docker pull python:3.8 3.8: Pulling from library/python 6c33745f49b4: Pull complete  ef072fc32a84: Pull complete  c0afb8e68e0b: Pull complete  d599c07d28e6: Pull complete  f2ecc74db11a: Pull complete  26856d31ce86: Pull complete  2cd68d824f12: Pull complete  7ea1535f18c3: Pull complete  2bef93d9a76e: Pull complete  Digest: sha256:9079aa8582543494225d2b3a28fce526d9a6b06eb06ce2bac3eeee592fcfc49e Status: Downloaded newer image for python:3.8 docker.io/library/python:3.8
  4.1 启动容器
  执行命令docker run即可启动容器,也就是创建某个镜像的实例。docker run命令非常复杂,可以先执行一个docker run --help来查看帮助:  $ docker run --help   Usage:  docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]   Run a command in a new container   Options:       --add-host list                  Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)   -a, --attach list                    Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR       --blkio-weight uint16            Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000, or 0 to disable (default 0)       --blkio-weight-device list       Block IO weight (relative device weight) (default [])       --cap-add list                   Add Linux capabilities       --cap-drop list                  Drop Linux capabilities       --cgroup-parent string           Optional parent cgroup for the container       --cidfile string                 Write the container ID to the file       --cpu-period int                 Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period       --cpu-quota int                  Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota       --cpu-rt-period int              Limit CPU real-time period in microseconds       --cpu-rt-runtime int             Limit CPU real-time runtime in microseconds   -c, --cpu-shares int                 CPU shares (relative weight)       --cpus decimal                   Number of CPUs       --cpuset-cpus string             CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)       --cpuset-mems string             MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)   -d, --detach                         Run container in background and print container ID       --detach-keys string             Override the key sequence for detaching a container       --device list                    Add a host device to the container       --device-cgroup-rule list        Add a rule to the cgroup allowed devices list       --device-read-bps list           Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device (default [])       --device-read-iops list          Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device (default [])       --device-write-bps list          Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device (default [])       --device-write-iops list         Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device (default [])       --disable-content-trust          Skip image verification (default true)       --dns list                       Set custom DNS servers       --dns-option list                Set DNS options       --dns-search list                Set custom DNS search domains       --domainname string              Container NIS domain name       --entrypoint string              Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image   -e, --env list                       Set environment variables       --env-file list                  Read in a file of environment variables       --expose list                    Expose a port or a range of ports       --gpus gpu-request               GPU devices to add to the container ("all" to pass all GPUs)       --group-add list                 Add additional groups to join       --health-cmd string              Command to run to check health       --health-interval duration       Time between running the check (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)       --health-retries int             Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy       --health-start-period duration   Start period for the container to initialize before starting health-retries countdown (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)       --health-timeout duration        Maximum time to allow one check to run (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)       --help                           Print usage   -h, --hostname string                Container host name       --init                           Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes   -i, --interactive                    Keep STDIN open even if not attached       --ip string                      IPv4 address (e.g.,       --ip6 string                     IPv6 address (e.g., 2001:db8::33)       --ipc string                     IPC mode to use       --isolation string               Container isolation technology       --kernel-memory bytes            Kernel memory limit   -l, --label list                     Set meta data on a container       --label-file list                Read in a line delimited file of labels       --link list                      Add link to another container       --link-local-ip list             Container IPv4/IPv6 link-local addresses       --log-driver string              Logging driver for the container       --log-opt list                   Log driver options       --mac-address string             Container MAC address (e.g., 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)   -m, --memory bytes                   Memory limit       --memory-reservation bytes       Memory soft limit       --memory-swap bytes              Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: "-1" to enable unlimited swap       --memory-swappiness int          Tune container memory swappiness (0 to 100) (default -1)       --mount mount                    Attach a filesystem mount to the container       --name string                    Assign a name to the container       --network network                Connect a container to a network       --network-alias list             Add network-scoped alias for the container       --no-healthcheck                 Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK       --oom-kill-disable               Disable OOM Killer       --oom-score-adj int              Tune host"s OOM preferences (-1000 to 1000)       --pid string                     PID namespace to use       --pids-limit int                 Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)       --platform string                Set platform if server is multi-platform capable       --privileged                     Give extended privileges to this container   -p, --publish list                   Publish a container"s port(s) to the host   -P, --publish-all                    Publish all exposed ports to random ports       --read-only                      Mount the container"s root filesystem as read only       --restart string                 Restart policy to apply when a container exits (default "no")       --rm                             Automatically remove the container when it exits       --runtime string                 Runtime to use for this container       --security-opt list              Security Options       --shm-size bytes                 Size of /dev/shm       --sig-proxy                      Proxy received signals to the process (default true)       --stop-signal string             Signal to stop a container (default "SIGTERM")       --stop-timeout int               Timeout (in seconds) to stop a container       --storage-opt list               Storage driver options for the container       --sysctl map                     Sysctl options (default map[])       --tmpfs list                     Mount a tmpfs directory   -t, --tty                            Allocate a pseudo-TTY       --ulimit ulimit                  Ulimit options (default [])   -u, --user string                    Username or UID (format: [:])       --userns string                  User namespace to use       --uts string                     UTS namespace to use   -v, --volume list                    Bind mount a volume       --volume-driver string           Optional volume driver for the container       --volumes-from list              Mount volumes from the specified container(s)   -w, --workdir string                 Working directory inside the container
  比如我们要执行python的shell,需要添加-it参数,即:docker run -it python:3.8  $ docker run -it python:3.8  Python 3.8.7 (default, Dec 22 2020, 18:46:25)  [GCC 8.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
  4.2 将宿主机的文件挂载到容器
  我的hello.py保存在主目录的/docker_test目录中,将这个目录挂载到容器的/docker_test目录,然后在容器内执行python /docker_test/hello.py:  $ docker run -v ~/docker_test:/docker_test python:3.8 python /docker_test/hello.py hello
  4.3 容器的端口映射
  我们修改一下hello.py,创建一个socket服务端,并监听5000端口,当有客户端连接时,打印客户端的地址,先客户端发送hello,然后关闭连接:  import socket   ip_port = ("", 5000)   sk = socket.socket() sk.bind(ip_port) sk.listen(5)   while True:     print("server waiting...")     conn,addr = sk.accept()     print(addr)     conn.sendall(b"hello ")     conn.close()
  在容器内执行:  docker run -v ~/docker_test:/docker_test python:3.8 python /docker_test/hello.py
  需要注意的是,上面的代码创建的服务器,无论如何也不可能被客户端连接,因为代码中绑定了127.0.0.1的ip,在容器中运行时,需要绑定所有ip,即0.0.0.0。  import socket   ip_port = ("", 5000)   sk = socket.socket() sk.bind(ip_port) sk.listen(5)   while True:     print("server waiting...")     conn,addr = sk.accept()     print(addr)     conn.sendall(b"hello ")     conn.close()
  然后,再使用-p参数,-p还需要三个参数,即宿主机的ip地址、宿主机的端口、容器的端口,三者之间使用:分隔。一般的,可以将宿主机的ip地址省略,只写宿主机的端口:容器的端口即可。  docker run -v ~/docker_test:/docker_test -it -p 5001:5000 python:3.8 python /docker_test/hello.py
  这样,就将容器的5000端口映射到了宿主机的5001端口,使用:  telnet 5001
  4.4 容器管理
  上面的服务运行之后,可以使用docker ps命令,查看运行中的容器:  $ docker ps CONTAINER ID     IMAGE           COMMAND                  CREATED           STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES ec4c86b8a163     python:3.8      "python /docker_test…"   5 seconds ago     Up 4 seconds>5000/tcp   eager_wilson
  显示的内容有下面几列:  CONTAINER ID:容器ID  IMAGE:镜像名称和版本  COMMAND:执行的命令  CREATED:容器创建时间  STATUS:容器的状态  PORTS:端口映射  NAMES:容器名
  要想结束容器,可以使用docker kill 容器ID命令。
  要制作镜像,需要编写Dockerfile。DockeFile由多个命令组成,常用的命令有:  FROM:基于某个镜像来制作新的镜像。格式为:FROM 镜像名称:镜像版本。  COPY:从宿主机复制文件,支持?、*等通配符。格式为:COPY 源文件路径 目标文件路径。  ADD:从宿主机添加文件,格式与COPY相同,区别在于当文件为压缩文件时,会解压缩到目标路径。  RUN:在创建新镜像的过程中执行的shell命令。格式为:RUN shell命令行。注意,此shell命令将在容器内执行。  CMD:在容器实例中运行的命令,格式与RUN相同。注意,如果在docker run时指定了命令,将不会执行CMD的内容。  ENTRYPOINT:在容器实例中运行的命令,格式与CMD相同。注意,如果在docker run时指定了命令,该命令会以命令行参数的形式传递到ENTRYPOINT中。  ENV:在容器中创建环境变量,格式为:ENV 变量名值。
  5.1 自制显示文本文件内容镜像
  编写cat.py,接收一个文件名,由python读取文件并显示文件的内容:  import os import sys   input = sys.argv[1]   with open(input, "r") as fp:     print(fp.read())
  这个例子比较简单,缩写Dockerfile如下:  FROM python:3.8 WORKDIR /files COPY cat.py /cat.py ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/cat.py"]
  这个Dockerfile的含义是:  以python:3.8为基础镜像  容器启动命令的工作目录为/files,在运行镜像时,需要我们把宿主机的某目录挂载到容器的/files目录  复制cat.py到容器的根目录下  启动时运行python /cat.py命令
  需要说明的是,ENTRYPOINT有两种写法:  ENTRYPOINT python /cat.py ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/cat.py"]
  这里采用第二种写法,是因为我们要在外部给容器传递参数。执行命令编译Docker镜像:  docker build -t cat:1.0 .
  这个命令中,-t的含义是目标,即生成的镜像名为hello,版本号为1.0,别忘了最后那个.,这叫到上下文路径,是指 docker 在构建镜像,有时候想要使用到本机的文件(比如复制),docker build 命令得知这个路径后,会将路径下的所有内容打包。
  这样,我们的第一个镜像就制作完成了,使用下面的命令执行它:  docker run -it -v ~/docker_test/cat/files:/files cat:1.0 test.txt
  5.2 自制web服务器镜像
  测试的ws.py如下:  import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import tornado.web   from tornado.options import define, options define("port", default=8000, help="run on the given port", type=int)   class IndexHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):     def get(self):         self.write("Hello world")   if __name__ == "__main__":     tornado.options.parse_command_line()     app = tornado.web.Application(handlers=[(r"/", IndexHandler)])     http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)     http_server.listen(options.port)     tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
  编写Dockerfile文件如下:  FROM python:3.8 WORKDIR /ws COPY ws.py /ws/ws.py RUN pip install tornado CMD python hello.py
  在此我们验证一下CMD与ENTRYPOINT的区别。在Dockerfile所在有目录下执行如下命令:  docker build -t ws:1.0 .
  执行完成后,再使用docker images使用就可以看到生成的镜像了,然后使用下面的命令运行:  docker run -it -p 8000:8000 ws:1.0
  在这个例子中,我使用的运行命令是CMD,如果在docker run中指定的其他的命令,此命令就不会被执行,如:  $ docker run -it -p 8000:8000 ws:1.0 python Python 3.8.7 (default, Dec 22 2020, 18:46:25)  [GCC 8.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
  此时,容器中被执行的是python命令,而不是我们的服务。在更多情况下,我们希望在docker run命令中为我们的服务传参,而不是覆盖执行命令,那么,我们应该使用ENTRYPOINT而不是CMD:  FROM python:3.8 WORKDIR /ws COPY ws.py /ws/ws.py RUN pip install tornado ENTRYPOINT python ws.py
  上面这种写法,是不支持传递参数的,ENTRYPOINT和CMD还支持另一种写法:  FROM python:3.8 WORKDIR /ws COPY ws.py /ws/ws.py RUN pip install tornado ENTRYPOINT ["python", "ws.py"]
  使用这种写法,docker run命令中的参数才可以传递给hello.py:  docker run -it -p 8000:9000 ws:1.0 --port=9000
  在生产环境中运行时,不会使用-it选项,而是使用-d选项,让容器在后台运行:  $ docker run -d -p 8000:9000 ws:1.0 --port=9000 4a2df9b252e2aff6a8853b3a8bf46c0577545764831bb7557b836ddcd85cba70 $ docker ps                                        CONTAINER ID   IMAGE        COMMAND                  CREATED           STATUS            PORTS                    NAMES 4a2df9b252e2   hello:1.0    "python ws.py --p…"   9 seconds ago     Up 8 seconds>9000/tcp   elegant_sammet
  5.3 自制apscheduler服务镜像
  接下来,制作一个使用apscheduler编写的服务镜像,代码如下:  import sys import shutil from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger   def scan_files():     shutil.copytree(sys[1], sys[2])   scheduler = BlockingScheduler() scheduler.add_job(     scan_files,     trigger=CronTrigger(minute="*"),     misfire_grace_time=30 )
  Dockerfile也是信手拈来:  FROM python:3.8 WORKDIR / COPY sch.py /sch.py RUN pip install apscheduler ENTRYPOINT ["python", "sch.py"]
  生成镜像:  docker build -t sch:1.0 .
  应该可以运行了,文件复制需要两个目录,在运行时,可以使用两次-v来挂载不同的目录:  docker run -d -v ~/docker_test/sch/src:/src -v ~/docker_test/sch/dest:/dest sch:1.0 /src /dest
  docker hub上有个一python:3.8-alpine镜像,大小只有44.5MB。之所以小,是因为alpine是一个采用了busybox架构的操作系统,一般用于嵌入式应用。我尝试使用这个镜像,发现安装一般的库还好,但如果想安装numpy等就会困难重重,甚至网上都找不到解决方案。
  1、在ubuntu镜像的基础上安装python:  FROM ubuntu RUN apt update      && apt install python3
  然后运行:  docker build -t python:3.8-ubuntu .
  2、在python:3.8-ubuntu的基础上安装pip:  FROM python:3.8-ubuntu RUN apt install python3
  然后运行:  docker build -t python:3.8-ubuntu-pip .
  3、多阶段构建目标镜像:  FROM python:3.8-ubuntu-pip RUN pip3 install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple numpy FROM python:3.8-ubuntu COPY --from=0 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/
  第二个FROM是以FROM python:3.8-ubuntu镜像为基础,将第三方库统统复制过来,COPY命令后的–from=0的意思是从第0阶段进行复制。实际应用中再从上下文中复制程序代码,添加需要的ENTRYPOINT等。
  最后,再运行:  docker build -t project:1.0 .
  刚才使用docker images命令时,已经看到了生成的镜像:  $ docker images                           REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE hello               1.0                 01fe19111dc7        59 minutes ago      893MB python              3.8                 f5041c8ae6b1        13 days ago         884MB ubuntu              20.04               f643c72bc252        5 weeks ago         72.9MB hello-world         latest              bf756fb1ae65        12 months ago       13.3kB
  我们可以使用docker save命令将镜像保存到指定的文件中,保存的文件是一个.tar格式的压缩文件:  docker save -o hello.tar hello:1.0
  将hello.tar复制到生产环境的机器上,然后执行导入命令:  docker load -i hello.tar
