

  §136 cost/ spend/ pay/ take
  ⅰ.cost 指某东西"值……钱"; "需要花费……钱/ 精力"等,它的主语一般为表示东西的名词,不能为表示人的名词,作及物动词和名词。可接双宾语,无被动语态。如:
  ①i’ll bet that dress cost a thousand dollars.我敢说那件衣服得花1000美元。
  ②the chair cost me thirty yuan.这把椅子花了我30元。
  ③the building of the dam cost many lives. 修建这个水坝使许多人丧生。(使花(某种代价);使损失)
  ④bad driving may cost you your life.开车技术不行可能使你丢掉性命。
  ⑤作名词时意为"花费;成本" the cost of the house was too high for me.这房子的价钱太高,我买不起。
  ①at all costs 不惜一切代价,¬¬¬¬¬— the officer told the soldiers that they must defend the town at all costs. 军官对士兵们说要不惜一切代价保卫这座城市。
  ②at the cost of 以……为代价。
  1). he finished the work at the cost of his health. 他完成了这项工作,但失去了健康。
  2). she saved him from fire, but at the cost of her own life. 她从火中把他救出,但她自己却牺牲了。
  ③cost of living 生活费用。
  — as the cost of living goes up my standard of living goes down. 生活费用越上涨,我的生活水准越降低。
  ⅱ.spend 的主语经常是人 , 用来表示人花钱买东西或花时间做某事,
  常用的句型有: 如:
  ①i spend 5 yuan on the book.我买这书花五元钱。
  ②the boy spent 10 minutes drawing a dog.那个男孩花了10分钟画一只狗。
  ⅲ.pay "支付,花费",主语只能是人 且只用于花费金钱,其结构是: pay + sb + some money + for sth. "为……付给某人多少钱" 其中的人、钱、事,可以根据具体情况取舍。如:
  ①i paid (him)5 yuan. 我付(给他)5元钱。
  ②i paid him 5 yuan for the book. 我买那本书付给了他五元钱。
  ③i paid him for the book. 我买那本书付给了他钱。
  ④i paid for the book. 我付了那本书的钱。
  ⅳ.take 也可表"花费时间和金钱",(一般只指花费时间)
  其常用结构为:it +take(各种时态)+time/money+to do sth. 如
  it took me three hours to finish the work.
  §137 country/ state/ nation
  ⅰ. country "国家"着重指疆土而言。"乡下、农村"相当于countryside, 但它指风景而言。如:
  ①this country is in the south of europe. 这个国家在欧洲南部。
  ②germany and france are european countries. 德国和法国是欧洲国家。
  ③the countryside around nanjing is beautiful at this time of the year.
  ⅱ. state "国家"着重指政权而言。如:
  ①i’d like to borrow a copy of "the state and revolution".我想借一本《国家与革命》。
  ②the state is an organ of violence at service of class rule. 国家是阶级统治的暴力机器。
  ⅲ. nation "国家"着重指人民而言。如:
  two friendly nations support each other. 两个友好国家互相支持。
  §138 crazy/ mad
  ⅰ. crazy "发狂的、糊涂的、狂热的"常指由于忧虑、悲伤、欣喜、渴望、激动等某种强烈的情绪而引起的一种心神错乱、失去控制的精神状态。如:
  ①he was crazy with joy. 他欣喜若狂。
  ②you are crazy to do such a thing. 你干这样的事真糊涂。
  ③the boy is crazy on (or about) skating. 那孩子对溜冰着了迷。
  ⅱ. mad "发狂的、发疯的"通常指精神狂乱完全不能自我控制的一种病态。在口语中它也表示由于某种强烈的情绪而失常。如:
  ①the poor fellow is mad. 这个可怜的人是疯子。
  ②the dog has gone mad. 这条狗疯了。
  ③this worry is enough to drive me mad. 这烦恼足以使我发狂。
  ④he is mad about the stage. 他迷恋于舞台生活。
  §139 crop/ harvest
  ⅰ. crop "收成"指谷物、水果、蔬菜等一年或一季的收成 它表示"农作物、庄稼"的意思。如:
  ①the rice crop was very good this year. 今年稻子的收成很好。
  ②the rice bears two crops every year. 稻子一年收两次。
  ③it is harmful to growing crops. 这对于正在生长的农作物有害。
  ⅱ. harvest "收成、收获"多指谷物的收成,也指水果、蔬菜等的收成;有时指收割行为。也可用于借喻,指行动或行为的结果。如:
  ①rich harvests have been gathered in for several years running. 连续几年获得了丰收。(可用crops代替)
  ②the summer harvest is about to start. 夏收即将开始。
  ③he reaped the harvest of his hard work. 他获得了辛勤劳动的成果。
  §140 crossing/ turning
  ⅰ. crossing "交叉点、十字路口"
  ⅱ. turning "路的拐弯处"如:
  take the second crossing / turning on the left. 在第二个十字路口/ 拐弯处向左拐。
  §141 cry/ shout/ exclaim
  ⅰ. cry "叫、喊",常指因痛、痛苦、恐惧等而叫喊,仅表示某种感情而不表达思想。它有时也指用言语高声叫喊,如表祈求。如:
  ①he cried with pain. 他痛得叫了起来。
  ②"help! help!" he cried. "救命啊!救命啊!"他高声地叫喊。
  ⅱ. shout "叫喊",指表达思想的高声叫喊或说话。有时是用以表示高兴、痛、痛苦或惊恐等,有时是用于发出命令、提出警告或要别人注意。如:
  ①i shouted to him, but he was out of hearing. 我对他呼喊,但他听不到。
  ②he shouted with pain. 他大声叫痛。
  ⅲ. exclaim "叫喊"指因高兴、痛苦、愤怒、惊讶等而突然地、感情激烈地高声叫喊。如:
  ① "what!" he exclaimed "are you leaving without me?""什么?"他喊道,"你要丢下我离去吗?
  ②they exclaimed with one voice. 他们齐声呼喊。
  §142 cup/ glass
  ⅰ. cup "杯子"通常指带柄的瓷杯,用以喝茶、牛奶、咖啡或可乐等等。如:
  ①the cup stands on the table.杯子放在桌子上。
  ②will you have another cup of tea? 你要再喝一杯茶吗?
  ⅱ. glass "杯子"用以饮酒、或喝等。如:
  ①the glass is broken to pieces. 这只玻璃杯打碎了。
  ②he drank two gasses of milk. 他喝了两杯牛奶。
  §143 dear/ expensive/ high/;cheap/low
  ⅰ. dear 表示"贵"的意思时和cheap相对,指索价过高。主语是物。如:
  ①it is too dear. 这太贵了。
  ②the flowers were not dear. 这些花我贵。
  ⅱ. expensive "昂贵的",指超过物品的价值或购买者的购买力。主语是物。如:
  ①it is too expensive for me to buy. 这东西太贵了我买不起。
  ②this is an expensive hat. 这是一顶价钱昂贵的帽子。
  ⅲ. high 与low相对,主语是价格(the price), 如:
  ①the price of the pen is not low for him. 这支钢笔对于他来说不便宜。
  §144 decide/ determine/ make up one"s mind
  ①nothing has been decided yet.什么都没有决定下来。
  ②they decided to accept the invetation. 他们决定接受邀请
  ①we determined on an early start.我们决定尽早出发。
  ②he has determined to learn english. 他已下决心学英语。
  ③we are determined to get the work done before may day. 我们决心要在五一节前完成这项工作。
  ⅲ.make up ine’s mind "决定、决心",是和犹豫不决等相对应的用语。意即:打定主意。如:
  ①he made up his mind to go there at once. 他决定立刻到那儿去。
  ②he has made up his mind to be a dotctor. 他决心当医生。
  §145 deep/ deeply
  ⅰ.作副词用时,都有"深深地"之意,但deep用于具体的深度,包括时间和空间。而deeply用于抽象的、比喻的意义;再者deeply可以修饰形容词和过去分词,deep 则不能。如:
  ①they lived deep in the sea.他们深潜海里。
  ②i’m deeply sory for your uncle’s death. 为你叔叔的去世我深表遗憾。
  §146 defend/ protect
  ⅰ. defend "保卫、保护、捍卫"指采取积极措施以抵御或击退外来的威胁或攻击。它还可以表示"为……辩护"。如:
  ①it is the duty of every citizen to defend his country.保卫祖国是每一个公民的职责。
  ②he defended his comrades from harm. 他保护同志使其不受伤害。
  ③they defended the fundamental principles of marxism-leninism. 他们捍卫了马克思列宁主义的基本原则。
  ④he made a long speech definding his ideas. 他发表长篇演说为他的见解辩护。
  ⅱ. protect "保护"指采取措施,使之不受伤害或损害。如:
  ①the government protects the people’s interests.政府保护人民的利益。
  ②he built a fence to protect his garden. 他围起了篱笆以保护园子。
  §147 department store/ shop/ store
  ⅰ. department store "百货公司"原是美国用法,现在英也用了。不过英也把百货公司叫stores.如:
  ①i’m going to the department store. 我要到百货公司去。
  ②i get most things at the stores. 大部分东西我是在百货公司买的。
  [注]:在美国,杂货商店(铺)叫grocery 或drugstore.
  ⅱ. shop "商店、店铺",在英国,零售商店一般都叫shop.如:
  ①the shop opens at eight o’clock. 商店八点钟开门。
  ②the shop sells embroideries.那家商店出售刺绣品。
  ⅲ. store"商店、店铺",在美国,零售店一般叫store. 如:
  ①he keeps a store in new youk. 他在纽约开了一个商店。
  ②the wares in that store are dear. 那家店里的东西很贵。
  §148 desire/ wish/ want/ hope/ expect
  ⅰ. desire 表"想、希望"等意。着重表强烈的愿望,热切的心情。如:
  ①i desired to see you. 我很想见见你。
  ②he desired success. 他渴望成功。
  ⅱ. wish 语气不如desire 强,且可以表示一种不能实现的愿望,(从句动词有虚拟语气形式);后接"不定式"或"代词/名词+不定式"结构。所表示的"希望"大体是可以实现的;此外,还可以接双宾语,表"祝愿"或表委婉的语气。如:
  ①i wish i could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day. 但愿有一天我能坐宇宙飞船飞向月球。
  ②i wish i were you.但愿我是你就好了。
  ③we wish to visit yanan. 我希望能参观延安。
  ④we wish you to be happy. 我希望你幸福。
  ⑤i wish you a long life. 祝你长寿。
  ⑥i wish you success. 祝你成功。
  ⑦we can begin to work at once now if you wish(不及物动词)要是你愿意,我们现在可以立刻开始工作。
  ⅲ. want "想"其搭配关系为:want to do sth. or want sb to do sth. 比较口语化,没有wish那样正式。如:
  she wants me to do with her.
  ⅳ. hope 表对愿望的实现抱有一定的信心。后接"不定式;that 从句。"但不能接 双宾语。
  ①i hope to be a doctor. 我希望当一名医生。
  ②i hope she will be well again. 我希望她会痊愈。
  ⅴ.expect "期待、盼望、预料"等,指对某一特定的事件的发生抱有颇大的信心。如:
  ①we are expecting a letter from her. 我们当时正期待着她的来信。
  §149 desk/ table
  ⅰ. desk "课桌、书桌、写字台"指读书、写字或办公用的桌子。如:
  there are fifty desks in the classroom. 教室里有50张课桌。
  ⅱ. table "桌子、台",指供吃饭、游戏、工作或安放其他各种东西的桌子或台子。它的广义包括desk在内。如:
  we all sat at the same table. 我们同桌吃饭。
  §150 develop/ developing/ developed
  the child is developing well. 这孩子发育很好。
  ①china is a developing country. 中国是一个发展中国家。
  japan ia a developed country. 日本是一个发达国家。
  §151 die/ dead/ death
  ⅰ.die 是不及物动词,一般指因生病,负伤等原因而死。且是非延续性动词(瞬间动词),不能和表示一段时间的状语(for+段时间短语;或since……)连用。如:
  ①he was born in 1847 and died in 1913. 他生于1847年,死于19XX年。
  ②his grandfather has been dead for two years. = his grandfather died two years ago. 他爷爷去世两年了。
  ③he died ten years ago.他是XX年前死的。(不可说:he has died for ten years. 或应说:it is 10 years since he died)
  ⅱ.dead 是形容词,表状态,可在句中作表语和定语。但不可作谓语。如:
  ①he is dead, but his name sill live for ever in our hearts.他虽然死了但他的名字将永远活在我们心中。
  ②it doesn’t look like a dead fox.看来不像一只死狐狸。
  ①the murderer was sentenced to death. 杀人犯被宣判死刑。
  ②i heard of his death when i got to his house.我一到他家就得知他已经去世了。
  [注]:①die /dye 此两词本来意义是完全不同的(die "死" dye "染,染上"),只时二者的现在分词形式常易混淆。die— dying dye— dyeing
  ② die for / die from / die of/die away/die down/ die off/ die out
  1.die for 表"为某一目的、事业等而死";"渴望、极想"。
  1).to die for the people is a glorious death..为人民而死,虽死犹荣。
  2).i’m dying for a cup of coffee. 我很想喝杯咖啡。
  2. die from. 表"死于(创伤、劳累、忧愁等)"。(除疾病或情感以外的原因)。如:
  1).he died from a wound. 他死于创伤。
  2).she died from overwork. 她过度操劳而死。
  3. die of 表"死于(疾病、情感、饥饿、年老等)"。
  1).the old man died of cancer.那老人患癌症死的。
  2).his father died of starvation in germany.他的父亲饿死在德国。
  3). the old woman died of grief soon after her husband’s deth. 那位老太太在失去丈夫后不久就因悲伤而死。
  4. die away "消失;停息"如:
  1).the sound of the car died away in the distance.汽车的响声在远处消失了。
  2).the wind has died away. 风已经停息。
  5. die down 指灯火等慢慢地"熄灭";指骚动等渐渐地"平息下来"如:
  1).they waited till the storm died down. 他们一直等到风暴停息。
  2).the fire died down. 火慢慢地熄灭了。
  3).the fighting has died down. 战斗渐渐停止。
  6. die off 指一个个相继"死掉"如:
  1).they had to watch their young children died off through lack of food. 他们不得不眼睁睁地看着孩子们因为没有东西吃而一个个地死掉。
  7. die out. "死光;绝种"如:
  1).these animals have already died out. 这类动物已经绝种。
  §152 difficult/ hard
  ⅰ. difficult "困难"多指智力上的困难。一般可与hard代换。但比它程度要大。如:
  ①the question is difficult to answer.
  ⅱ. hard "困难"多指体力上的困难。如:
  ①some of the apples are hard to reach.
  §153 litter / rubbish
  litter 和 rubbish 都可指"垃圾",用作不可数名词。litter 常指"(室内或公共场所)乱扔的废物(纸屑、不要的包装纸、废瓶等)"还可回收;
  rubbish 则指"没用的东西(被扔或将要丢弃的无用的东西)"不可回收。如:
  ①throw the rubbish out. 把垃圾扔出去。
  ②the room is full of rubbish. 房间里堆满了垃圾。
  ③pick up your litter after a picnic. 野餐后将废弃物收拾好。
  §154 discover/ invent/ find / find out
  ⅰ. discover "发现"发现的事物是本来存在的或是有人知道的。如:
  ①columbus discovered america. 哥伦布发现了美洲。
  ②he discovered a box hidden under the floor. 他发现了一只藏在地板下箱子。
  ⅱ. invent "发明", 发明的东西是从前没有的。如:
  ①who invented the steam engine?谁发明了蒸汽机?
  ②he has invented a new way of making silk. 他发明了一种造丝的新方法。
  ⅲ. find "找到"指寻找的结果。是非延续性动词。如:
  i am looking for my bike, but i may not find it. 我正在找我的自行车,可是不一定能找到。
  ⅳ. find out "找出、查明"指经过观察、调查把某事、某物查出来,搞清楚,弄明白。如:
  when he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. 他孩提时代时,就爱弄明白各种事物的来龙去脉。
  §155 dollar/ pound
  ⅰ. dollar "美元"其货币符号为:  如:
  ①$12.5 = 12.5 dollars 12美元5美分。
  ⅱ. pound "英磅",英国货币单位。符号为: 。如:
  ② 12.5 = 12.5pounds. 12英磅5便士。
  [注]人民币为yuan, 符号为: 。
  §156 door/ gate
  ⅰ. door"门"指进出房屋的门或屋内的门,也指车辆或橱柜等的门。如:
  ①the door opened and a man came out. 门开了,一个人走了出来。
  ②there are sliding doors between rooms. 房间之间有滑门。
  ⅱ. gate "门、大门",指出入某一场所的门,如城门以及围墙、围栏、篱笆等的门。如:
  ①we’ll gather at the school gate at 6:30. 我们六点半在校门口集合。
  ②who is the man at the garden gate? 谁在花园门口?
  §157 drag/ draw/ pull
  ⅰ. drag"拖、拉" 指慢慢地拖着笨重的东西,意味着所拖的东西阻力很大。如:
  ①the horse was dragging a heavy load. 马拖着很重的东西。
  ②the escaped prisoner was dragged out of hiding place. 那逃犯被人从隐藏的地方拖了出来。
  ⅱ. draw "拖、拉"与pull相比,它通常指较平稳地,也往往是比较从容地拉。如:
  ①draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。
  ② he drew the book towards him. 他把书拉/拖到他面前。
  ⅲ. pull "拖、拉"是普通用语,指用力拉,与push 相对。如:
  ①pull the door open. don’t push it. 把门拉开,别推。
  §158 put down/ put up/ put on/ put away /
  put off /put one’s heart into…
  ⅰ. 如:
  ① don’t put down your hands. put them up. 不要放下手,举起来。
  ② a new notice has been put up. 已经贴出来一张新的通告。
  ③he took down the old picture and put up the new one. 他把旧画拿了下来,挂上了一幅新画。
  ④a big building has been put up (= set up / build)in our school. 我们学校又盖起了一座大楼。
  ⑤he put on his coat and hat and went out. 他穿上大衣,戴上帽子出去了。
  ⑥has the play been put on at this theater?这个剧院上演过那部戏剧吗?
  ⑦let’s put our christmas gifts away and keep them a while. 我们还时把圣诞礼物暂时保存起来吧。
  ⑧put away your coats in summer. 夏天时把大衣收起来。
  ⑨the meeting has been put off because of the rain. 大会因大雨而延期举行。
  ⑩you can do anything well if you put your heart into it. 如果你全心身地投入,你什么事都能做好。
  ⑪he put his heart into his work and didn’t notice me.
  §159 dress/ put on/ wear/ in/ try on
  ⅰ. dress "穿"指穿的动作,也指其状态。如:
  ①his mother dressed him in new clothes. 他的母亲给他穿上了新衣服。
  ②get up and dress quickly. 快起床穿衣。
  ③she dresses neatly. 他穿着整齐。
  ⅱ. put on "穿;戴"强调其动作。如:
  ①put on your coat. 穿上大衣。
  ②he put on his hat and went out. 他戴上帽子出去了。
  ⅲ. wear "穿;戴" 强调其状态。如:
  ①he wears a coat. 他穿着大衣。
  ②the teacher wears glasses.老师戴着眼镜。
  ⅳ. in "穿;戴" 是介词。它构成的短语作定语或表语表其状态。其后还可接表颜色的词。如:
  ①she is in a coat . 她穿着大衣。
  ②the boy in blue is my brother. 那个穿蓝色衣服的男孩是我的弟弟。
  ⅴ. try on "试穿/ 戴"如:
  please go to the tailor’s to have a suit tried on. 请到裁缝店去试穿一套衣服。
  §160 drill/ exercise/ practice
  ⅰ. drill "练习" 指有组织,有指导地反复进行的练习。尤指在课堂上或军队里进行的教练。如:
  question-and –answer drills are important when yu are learning a foreign language.
  ⅱ. exercise 指为发展智力或锻炼身体而进行的练习。如:
  ①he is doing an exercise in english grammar.
  ②we do morning exercises every day.
  ⅲ. practice 是不可数名词,指为了达到熟练或完善的程度 而反复进行的练习。尤指在艺术、手艺或技巧方面。如:
  piano playing needs a lot of practice.弹钢琴需要多练。
  §161 drop/ fall
  ⅰ. drop 可用作不及物动词或及物动词,意为"下降,丢下,放下"。fall 只用作不及物动词,意为"落下,下降"。 如:
  ①the boy fell off the tree. 这男孩从树上掉了下来。
  ②the temperature is dropping. 温度在下降。
  ③can you drop me? 你能让我中途下车吗?
  ④i dropped the box on my foot. 我失手让盒子砸了我的脚。
  ⑤i’ll drop off at the next stop. 我要在下一站下车。
  §162 maybe / perhaps / probably
  ⅰ. maybe, perhaps. & probably,都是副词,有"或许、可能"之意。用法略有不同。
  ⅱ. maybe 和 perhabs 意思基本相同。如:
  ①maybe / perhaps the weather will get better.可能天气会变得好一些。
  ②maybe / perhaps you put it in your basket. 或许你把它放在蓝子里了。
  ⅲ. probably "很可能"比maybe. perhaps 的可能性都大。如:
  they will probably refuse to speak at the meeting.他们很可能会拒绝在会上发言。
  ⅳ. maybe 可用于句首或句尾。perhaps 可用于句首或句中; probably 一般用于句中,不用于句首。如:
  ①maybe they will come.他们可能来(也可能不来)。
  ②they will perhaps come. 他们可能来(也可能不来)。
  ③they will probably come. 他们很有可能来。
  §163 during/ in/ for
  ⅰ.during 和in 二者都表示某事的发生贯穿于某段时间中,或发生在某段时间 中的某一点上或几点时间上。 在多数情况下,当我们不强调对比或某一段时间时,in 和during都可以用,意思上并没有什么区别。当我们要表达某事具体发生的时间时, 多用in.当我们指一项活动而不是一段时间时,只能用during, 另外during 还用来强调某动作持续了一段时间。如:
  ①i woke up three times in / during the night. 夜里我醒了三次。
  ②he had some amazing experience in / during his childhood. 他童年时有一些惊人的经历。
  ③we usually go on holiday in july. (不能用during) 我们通常七月份度假。
  ⅱ.during 和for. 两者都是表示一段时间的介词。
  1.during 意为:"在……(时间)内"的行为或状态,与一段时间的整体连用。如:during the spring, during last year, during 1980等也可以和表示延续性事件的名词连用,如:during my childhood, during our stay, during his visit等,一般不用于现在完成时的句子里。如:
  ①during the winter we play fotball. 冬季我们踢足球。
  ②many comrades went to see him during his illness. 在他生病期间许多同志去看望了他。
  2.for引导一段时间,强调时间由始至终,可译为"(时间)长达……"一般与有长度的时间短语连用,如for three weeks. for a long time等,可用于现在(过去)完成时或过去时句子等。 如:
  ①he studied english for three years. 他学了三年英语。
  ②the french teacher has been in china for about a month.
  §164 each/ every "每个"
  ⅰ. each 和every 常可通用,后跟单数名词。但也有一些区别:1)着重强调个体,而every 着重强调整体。如:
  ①each student has got a new dictionary. 每个学生各有一本字典。
  ②every student has got a new dictionary. 每个学生都有一本字典。(every student = all the students)
  ⅱ. each 用于指两个或两 个以上的人或事物, 而every 则用于指三个或三个以上的人或事物。 如:
  ①there are some ads on each side of the road. 公路的每一侧都有一些广告。(each side – both sides.这个句子中的each 不能用every 代替。)
  ②you look more beautiful each / every time i see you.每次见到你,你都看起来更漂亮。
  ⅲ. each 可用作代词,后跟"of+复数名词 / 代词"。动词仍然用单数,every 则不能这样用,因every是形容词。如:
  ①each of students has got a new book. = every one of the students has got a new book. = the students each have got a new book.(the students have got a new book each.)每个学生各有一本新书。
  ②each of them likes light music. = every one of them likes light music. = they each like light music. (they like light music each.) 他们人人都喜欢轻音乐。
  §165 earth/ ground/floor/field/ land/ soil
  ⅰ.earth "地;地球;泥土"。它着重批"大地",以别于"天空";也可以指区别于坚硬岩石的泥土。如:
  ①the earth moves round the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。
  ②snakes creep on the earth.蛇在地上爬行。
  ⅱ.ground. "地;地面"主要指大地表面。不论是呢地,沙地或水泥地,均可用这个词表示;也可用来指运动场地。如:
  ①the ground is covered with leaves in the woods.树林的地面上落满了树叶。
  ②there is a football ground in our school.我们学校有个足球场。
  ①the cat is on the floor. 猫在地板上。
  ②the first floor(美:)一楼 / (英:)二楼。
  ⅲ.field. 表"田;地"常用于指种植农作物的"农田、土地"有时也可指研究、活动的"范围;流域"如:
  ①they are working in the fields.他们正在田里劳动。
  ②what’s your field of study? 你的研究领域是什么?
  ⅳ.land. "陆地"与河流和海洋相对;也可指"土地",可耕种的田地就叫做land;它还可以表示"国土;国家"如:
  ①we travelled by land until we reached the sea.我们从陆路去一直旅行到大海。
  ②all the waste land in this area has veen opened up.这个地方的荒地全被开垦了。
  ①the soil is very thin in the forest. 森林里土层非常薄。
  ②the peasants are preparing the soil for seed.农民们正在平整土地。
  §166 elder/ older
  ①he is my elder brother. 他是我的哥哥。
  ②my elder sister works at a factory. 我姐姐在工厂里工作。
  ③which is the elder of the two? 这两个人中哪一个年龄较大?
  [注] elder用作形容词时,通常放在名词前面作定语。它也可以用作名词,其复数形式表示长者、长辈的意思,例如:
  we respect our elders. 我们尊重长辈。
  ⅱ.older是形容词old 的比较级形式,指年龄较大、较老,也指较旧。例如:
  ①comrade zhang is two years older than comrade wang. 张同志比王同志大两岁。
  ②this tree is older than that one. 这棵树比那棵树。
  §167 else/ other"别的、其它的"
  ⅰ. else adj.& adv 作形容词时,主要用在 who, whose , what , 等疑问代词,或,nobody, nothing, somebody, something, anybody, anything, 等不定代词之后作宾语;作副词用时,用在where,when等词后作状语。如:
  ①he said what else you would like? 他问你还想要什么?
  ②where else are you going to stay? 你们还要在别的什么地停留?
  ⅱ. else 可带’s。读作:[′elsiz] . 如:
  i took someone else’s book by mistake. 我错拿了别人的书
  ⅲ. other 是形容词,有来修饰名词时,须放在名词之前。如:
  where are the other boys? 其它的男孩在哪里?
  ⅳ. 还可以修饰代词one, 或ones. 如:
  this story is more interesting than the other one.这个故事比那个故事更有趣。
  §168 end/ finish/ stop
  ⅰ.   end 指动作过程终止。
  stop 侧重动作的停止,即由"动"到"不动"。如:
  ①everything ended. 一切都结束了。
  ②have you finished your work? 你的工作做完了吗?
  ③he stoppedreading to have a rest.他停止阅读,休息了一会儿。
  §169 enjoy/ like/ love/ prefer
  ⅰ.like意为"喜欢、爱好",语气较弱,其后可跟名词、代词、不定式、动名词等作宾语。like也跟复合宾语,宾语补足语常用动词不定式,即like sb. to do sth. "喜欢某人做某事"。如:
  ① in england many people like fish and chips. 在英国,许多人喜欢鱼和油煎土豆条。
  ② he likes playing volleyball. 他爱打排球。
  ③ i don’t like to eat pears now. 现在我不想吃梨。
  ④we love our party. 我们热爱我们的党。
  ⑤i love to skate. 我喜欢滑冰。(可用like替换)
  ⑥they love playing table tennis. 他们爱打乒乓球。(可用like替换)
  ⅲ.enjoy意为"喜欢、欣赏"之意;有"乐于;享受…之乐趣"的意思,其后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语,不接不定式形式。另外enjoy oneself 是"玩得愉快"之意,相当于have a good time,如:
  ①many old people enjoy living in a village. 许多老年人喜欢在乡村居住。
  ②did you injoy yourself in the park yesterday? 昨天你在公园玩得痛快吗?
  ⅳ.prefer为"更喜欢、宁愿"之意。常用于两者之间的选择,其后可跟名词、代词、动名词和不定式,也可跟宾语从句,但宾语从句要用虚拟语气。prefer还可以与介词to连用,表示"喜欢…,而不喜欢…"。其中to为介词,后跟名词或动名词。prefer to do…rather then do…意为"喜欢…,不喜欢…"。如:
  ①li lei likes chinese , but i prefer english. 李雷喜欢语文,而我更喜欢英语。
  ②mr green prefers walking to riding a bike. 格林先生喜欢步行而不愿骑车。
  ③which would you prefer, tea or coffee? 你比较喜欢喝茶,还是咖啡?
  ④he prefers to write her some letters rather then telephone her. 他喜欢给她写信,不愿给她打电话。
  总结:rather than"宁可;是…而不是…",连接各种并列成份,在语气上肯定前面否定后面。也可写成would…rather than;rather than…would…,相当于instead of,如:
  ①he ran rather than walked. 他跑步而不是步行。
  ②they lost fame rather than wealth. 他们失去的不是财富,而是名誉。
  ③he would die rather than give in.=rather than give in he would die. 他宁死不屈。
  ④these shose are comfortable rather than pretty. 这双鞋不好看但穿起来很舒服。
  ⑤she would rather be poor than do that. 她宁愿受穷也不愿那样做。
  §170 enter/ enter into
  ⅰ.enter. "进入"表进入一个具体处所,如房间、场所等,后面无需加介词; 也可表"进入"某个时期或阶段;当表示加入某个组织而成为其成员时, enter相当于join.如:
  ① she entered the house.她走进那间屋子。(不用into)
  ② china is entering a new stage of development.中国正在进入一个新的发展阶段。
  ⅱ.enter into. "进入、参加、开始从事",后加抽象名词,主要表示"进入"某种状态。一般用于表抽象和借喻的意义。
  tom’s accident didn’t enter into our plan. tom的事故是我们的计划中没有预料到的。
  §171 error/ mistake/ fault
  ①this is an error in grammar. 这是一个语法上的错误。
  ②he made an error in opinion. 你的意见有错误。
  ⅱ. mistake "错误", 指由于粗心、疏忽、缺乏正确的理解等原因而造成的"错误"。与error可通用,但在某些固定词组中不能换用。如:
  by mistake. in error 等。如:
  ①you have made a mistake in your spelling. 你在拼写上弄错了。
  ②i took his umbrella by mistake. 我拿错了他的伞。
  ⅲ. fault"缺点、毛病"也可表"过失、过错"含有当事人对造成的过错有责任的意味。如:
  ①with all his faults , he is still a good comrade. 尽管他有缺点,分还是一个好同志。
  §172 even if / even though/ though
  三者都可以引导让步状语从句。even if 与even though一般可以换用,意为"即使、纵然",引出的从句叙述的是假设或把握我大的事情,有时动词可用虚拟语气;though 意思是"虽然",引出的从句叙述的是事实。如:
  ①he won’t tell me about it though he knows the news 虽然他知道这个消息但他不愿意告诉我。(他是肯定知道的)
  ②he won’t tell me about it even if / though he knows the news 即使他知道这个消息,但他不愿意告诉我。(他对消息或知或我知,句子含有一定的推测意味)
  ③i will try even if i may fail. 即使失败,我也要尝试一下。
  ④though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还继续工作。
  [注] though 和but 不能同时出现在句中。
  §173 evening/ night
  ①i must start by tomorrow evening. 我至迟到明天傍晚必须动身。
  ②we have a film every saturday evening. 我们每星期六晚上都有电影。
  ①they spent the night in the forest. 他们在森林里过夜。
  ②we sleep during the night and work during the day. 我们夜里睡觉,白天工作。
  ③we saw the play on the first night. 这戏第一晚上演我们就看了。
  §174 every day/ everyday
  ⅰ.every day连写和分开,不但在句中的作用不同,意义也不同。 every day是副词词组,意为"每天、天天",在句中作状语。如:
  we go to school every day.
  i study everyday english every day.
  §175 every one/ everyone
  ⅰ.every one是"每个"的意思,通常指物,后面常跟of短语。但跟of短语的every one既可指人,也可指物。具体指什么要看of短语的内容。如:
  ①he ate up every one of those apples.他把那些苹果一个个都吃完了。
  ②every one of us went there. 我们每个人都去了那儿。
  ①is everyone here?
  ②everyone can do it.
  [注]every one后不与of连用时,即可指人又可指物,指人时与everyone 相同。如:
  everyone (every one) can do it.
  every one与of连用必须分开写。
  everyone 与not连用,只表示部分否定,并不是每个人的意思。
  §176 examination/ test/ quiz
  ①we have an examination in english today.我们今天考英语。
  ②the students did very well in the terminal examination. 学生们学期考试成绩很好。(这里指多门课程的考试,故examination 用复数形式)
  ③they’ve passed the entrance examination for nanjing teachers’ college. 他们通过南京师范学院的入学考试。
  ①we are going to have a midterm test next week.。我们下周进行期中考试。
  ②the teacher gave us a test in grammer. 老师对我们进行了语法考查。
  ①the teacher gave us a five-minute quiz.老师对我们进行了一次五分钟的测验。
  ②how ofter do you have your quiz? 你们多长时间测验一次?
  §177 exciting/ excited
  ⅰ. exciting 与excited 都含有"激动"的意思,在句中可作定语或表语。
  exciting 指某事物"令人兴奋、激动",主语常是物。如:
  ①skiing is more exditing than skating. 滑雪比滑冰更令人兴奋。
  ②it was an exciting match. 那是一场激动人心的比赛。
  ⅱ. excited 表示某人对某事物"感到兴奋、激动",主语常是人。如:
  ①the boys were excited when they saw their team was winning 男孩们看到自己的球队要赢了,都十分激动。
  ②the excited children were opening their christmas presents.兴奋的孩子们正在打开各自的圣诞礼物。
  interested 感兴趣的 interesting 令人感兴趣的
  worried 感到着急的 worrying 令人着急的
  tired 感到疲倦 tiring 令人疲倦的
  bored 觉得厌烦的 boring 令人厌烦的
  frightened 感到害怕的 frightening 令人害怕的
  §178 excuse …for/ excuse … from
  ⅰ. excuse … for "原谅某事"。如:
  ①he excused me for being late. 他原谅我迟到了。
  ②please excuse me for using your telephone without asking permission. 请原谅我没经你允许就用了你的电话。
  ⅱ. excuse … from "使免于……,允许不……"如:
  ①the teacher excused him from the examination. 教师同意他免试。
  ②the boy was excused from doing housework. 允许这男孩不做家务事。
  §179 expect/ wait
  ⅰ.expect 是及物动词,作"期待,预料,指望"解,表"期待某人会来或某事会发生"的意思,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或从句。如:
  ①we expected you yesterday. 我们昨天就盼你来。
  ②we expect to meet you again next year. 我们期待明年再见到你。
  expect 可引申为汉语的"等待",多用于进行时态,主要指"期盼"的心理状态,其后不可接介词for. 如:
  ③mr brown was anxious. he was expecting you.布朗先生很焦急,他在等着你来呢?
  ⅱ. wait 是不及物动词,常常与for连用,主要指"等候"的具体行为。如:
  ①xiao hu is waiting to have a word with you. 小胡等着和你说几句话。
  ②i have a month to wait yet. 我还得等一个月。
  ③we are waiting for a bus. 我们在等公共汽车。
  §180 family/ home/ house
  there are four rooms in the house.
  ①his family is a large one. 他的家是一个大家庭。
  ②my family are all watching tv. 我们家的人在看电视。
  hise is home near the station. 他的家在火车站附近。
  另外,home还可作副词。如:let’s go home.
  §181 faraway/ far away
  the faraway guests 远方的客人
  a faraway look 恍惚的神色
  ⅱ.far away是副词词组,只表距离远,在句中作状语还常作后置定语。如:
  ①he’s standing far away.
  ②he lived in a small village far away.
  §182 farm / field
  ⅱ.field是"田地",或生长草木的原野,多用复数形式,但一块稻田可以说:a rice field,其前常用介词in。如:
  ①there several kinds of animals on the farm.
  ②they’re working in the rice field.
  §1 83 farmer/ peasant
  §184 farther/ further
  father, further都可以是far的比较级,意为"较远、更远",但further除此之外,还有"更进一步,此外的"等意思,既可以作形容词,也可以作副词。如:
  ①they made further arrangement. 他们作了进一步的安排。
  ②i may be able to give you some further information about it. 关于这件事,我可以提供另外一些信息。
  ③she didn’t argue further about it. 她对此不再争论了。
  §185 fast/ rapid/ swift/ quick
  ⅰ. fast "快"一般指物体的运动速度(speed)快,常用来形容交通工具跑得快,钟表走得快,人的动作快等。如:
  ①a car goes faster than a truck. 小汽车比卡车跑得快。
  ②how fast the horse runs! 这匹马跑得多快呀!
  ⅱ. quick 指较短的时间或较近的将来即可发生或完成某事,常用来形容动作敏捷、反应迅速。如:
  ①come quick! 快来呀!
  ②please give me a quick reply. 请迅速给我答复。
  ⅲ. rapid 表速度之快,往往可与fast通用,但它多指运动本身。如:
  ①the boy is making rapid progress. 这孩子进步很快。
  ②rapid speech is usually indistinct. 急促的语言往往不清晰。
  ③the current was rapid. 水流得很急。
  ⅳ. swift 表速度很快而又常指运动平稳而不费力。如:
  ①eagles are swift in flight. 鹰飞得很快。
  ②the curent was very swift. 水流得很快。
