

  说是与听密切联系的,但是它的要领却与听恰恰相反 它在于你敢不敢张开你的嘴,大声地、哪怕是错误百出地表达你的思想。张嘴的次数越多,英语让你所犯的错误就会越来越少。听和说都需要注意积累,一些好的搭配、一些地道的用法都是从平时的不断积累中来的。听和说的另外一个共同点是它们都以掌握单词的正确发音和标准的语音语调为基础,只有勤于摹仿、不断练习才能够保证你学到一口地道的原汁原味的英语。
  1. 放松
  2. 预览
  3. 预测
  4. 检查
  i. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  1. a. hates b. hurts c. hearts
  2. a. tom642081@bs178.com b. tom640281@bs178.com c. mom642081@bs178.com
  3. a. work outb. find out c. put out
  4. a. dogs are our pets. b. dogs are easy to take care of.  c. taking care of dogs is difficult.
  5. a. the scientist only cares about his research.
  b. the scientist cares about everything except his research.
  c. the scientist cares about everything including his research.
  ii. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  6. a. she is very busy. b. she has much homework today. c. she isn’t feeling well.
  7. a. linda is more athletic. b. liu ying is smarter than linda. c. linda.
  8. a. for three years. b. five years ago. c.the stamps are very beautiful.
  9. a. please look at the man. b. don’t worry. i can help you. c. well, i don’t care.
  10. a. the car is useful at the moment. b. it was invented in 1885. c. the car costs $ 200.
  iii. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  11. what is the boy doing for vacation?
  a. going hiking. b. going boating. c. visiting his friends.
  12. why did the boy call the tv station?
  a. because some people hurt in a car accident.
  b. because the girl fell off the bicycle.
  c. because some people were fighting in the street.
  13. whose must the soccer ball belong to?
  a. grace’s.b. mary’s. c. li ying’s.
  14. what special day is it?
  a.b. c.
  15. what will the boy give the kids?
  a.b. c.
  iv. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
  16. what’s the matter with the writer?
  a. have a headache.b. have a stomachache.c. have a fever.
  17. did the doctor come to the hospital at last?
  a. yes, he did. b. no, he didn’t. c. i think so.
  18. where is the woman speaking?
  a. a factory. b. a museum. c. a lab.
  19. which floor are the good cars?
  a. first floor. b. second floor.c. third floor.
  20. what must we do in order to keep healthy?
  a. eat healthy food.b. have a good living habits.c. wear warm clothes
  21. how many ways does the writer talk about to prevent illness in the passage?
  a. three.b. four.c. five
  22. how do they talk with each other?
  a. face to face. b. by qq. c. on the phone.
  23. where are they going on the school trip?
  a. south hill. b. west hill. c. east zoo.
  24. when are they leaving?
  a. at 7: 45 am.b. at 8:00 am. c. at 8: 10 am.
  25. where are they going to stop on the way back?
  a. east lake. b. east zoo. c. south park.
  v. 听短文填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  26. the north seas is a office.
  27. the office has moved to part of the town.
  28. their new address is the church bank.
  29. their business hours are from to 5:00 pm.
  30. they have many exciting at special prices.
  i. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  1. a. style  b. single c. supply
  2. a. flight no. 618 b. flight no. 608 c. flight no. 628
  3. a. deal with b. talk with c. busy with
  4. a. my mother would like me to climb the tree.
  b. my mother doesn’t want me to climb the tree.
  c. my mother doesn’t stop me from climbing the tree.
  5. a. they decided to stay at home. b. they decided to go shopping. c. they didn’t go shopping.
  ii. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  6. a. for a day. b. twice a week. c. at 6:00.
  7. a. i think so. b. lin ping is very tall. c. i’m outgoing,too.
  8. a. i was sleeping at home.
  b. i am doing my homework at that time.
  c. i did some housework with my parents.
  9. a. at home. b. with my mother. c. on sunday.
  10. a. i like places where the weather is always warm.
  b. i’d like to go paris.
  c. i hope to visit hawaii one day.
  iii. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  11. what should jane eat more?
  a. tofu. b. apples.  c. beef.
  12. what views does the boy have about good friends?
  a. good friends should have the same clothes.
  b. good friends should have different interets.
  c. good friends should have the same haircut.
  13. what does the girl look like before?
  a. she had short hair. b. she had long hair. c. she was quiet.
  14. where are they probably talking?
  a. b. c.
  15. which sign is there?
  a. b. c.
  iv. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
  16. which floor are the double rooms?
  a. on the third floor. b. on the fourth floor. c. on the fifth floor.
  17. how much are the double rooms each night?
  a. $ 200. b. $ 400. c. $ 600.
  18.what plays an important part in our dialy life?
  a. telephone. b. computer. c. car.
  19. when was the computer invented?
  a. 1876.  b. 1976. c. 1967.
  20. which olympic games did wang wei volunteer to serve in the dream?
  a. london. b. beijing. c. sydney.
  21. did li ming know the way to the sun hotel?
  a. yes, he did. b. no, he didn’t. c. i’m not sure.
  22. what’s the painting about?
  a. a bird. b. a flower. c. a tiger.
  23. hong long is the painting?
  a. two meters. b. half a meter. c. an meter.
  24. who lost the painting?
  a. tom brown. b. john brown. c. mary john.
  25. what’s the address of the man?
  a. on park street. b. on guang ming road. c. on park road.
  26. the chens stayed in copenhagen for days.
  27. their children bought huge in the park.
  28. a was working in the picture of the postcard.
  29. some of the streets were called " streets".
  30. there were also some chinese in copenhagen.
  no.1. my head hurts a little, but it’s not serious.
  no.2. tom’s e-mail adress is tom642081@bs178.com.
  no.3. find out what you are good at.
  no.4. dogs are too difficult to take care of.
  no.5. the scientist cares about nothing but his research.
  no.6. what’s the matter with nancy?
  no.7. who do you think should get the job, linda or liu ying?
  no.8. how long have you been collecting the stamps?
  no.9. i don’t know the way to the station.
  no.10. when was the car invented?
  no.11. w: what are you doing for vacation, tony?
  m: i’m visiting my friends in hong kong.
  w: that sounds interesting. i’m going hiking in the mountains.
  q: what is the boy doing for vacation?
  no.12. m: what were you doing when i called the tv station?
  w: i was riding my bicycle to school. what’s wrong?
  m: some people hurt in a car accident.
  q: why did the boy call the tv station?
  no.13. m: look! here’s a soccer ball. whose does it belong to?
  w: grace loves soccer ball very much. i think it must belong to grace.
  m: oh. there’s a name on it. it is mary’s.
  q: whose must the soccer ball belong to?
  no.14. m: i’ve been here for two months, but i really miss my home, especially at this special time of the year.
  w: come on. let’s buy some mooncakes and enjoy ourselves.
  q: what special day is it?
  no.15. w: i’d like to join the school volunteer project. i will clean up the zoo. what about you?
  m: i’d like to fix up bikes and give them away to kids who need them.
  q: what will the boy give the kids?
  one night, i was woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach at about 2: am. i called up my friend and he drove me to the hospital. when i got to the hospital, the nurse let me sit down and wait for a doctor. i sat down and waited, but the doctor didn’t come. luckily, my stomachache disappeared later and i went home.
  questions:no.16. what’s the matter with the writer?
  no.17. did the doctor come to the hospital at last?
  good morning! welcome to the science museum. i’m mrs black, and i will be your guide today. ok, on the first floor there are some science labs. we will spend an hour here. then we will go to the second floor. there we can learn about the history of cars. we have half an hour to see some good cars. on the third floor we will learn something about space. we will spend an hour there. please follow me.
  questions:no.18. where is the woman speaking?
  no.19. which floor are the good cars?
  many students are getting h1n1 flu these days. in order to keep healthy, we must have good living habits. first, it’s important to wash our hands as often as possible, especially before we have meals. clean hands will help us to prevent illnesses. then we’d better exercise regularly and sleep well. i think we should also open the windows to let the fresh air in, finally, when we feel sick, we must go to see the doctor at once.
  i believe we can keep away from illnesses if we form good living habits.
  questions: no. 20. what must we do in order to keep healthy?
  no. 21. how many ways does the writer talk about to prevent illness in the passage?
  w: could i speak to john, please?
  m: speaking.
  w: this is alana. are you going on the school trip to south hill tomorrow?
  m: yes, i am. why?
  w: well, i wasn’t in school yesterday, and i need some information.
  m: what do you want to know?
  w: when will the bus leave?
  m: at 8:am. but we have to be at school by 7:45 am.
  w: ok. when shall we get to south hill?
  m: we’ll be there at around 10:00 am and we’ll have lunch at 12:30 pm.
  w: and when shall we leave to come back?
  m: we will leave south hill at 3:00 pm, and we’ll stop at east lake on the way back.
  w: sounds like an interesting day. see you tomorrow.
  m: see you.
  questions:no.22. how do they talk with each other?
  no.23. where are they going on the school trip?
  no.24. when are they leaving?
  no.25. where are they going to stop on the way back?
  hello! this is the north seas travel office. i’m sorry that there is no one to answer your call at the moment. the north seas travel office has moved to another part of the town. please ring us at 8478696. that’s our new telephone number. our new address is close to the church bank. our new office will open for business on june 26. and our business hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. we hope to see you soon at our new address. we have many exciting holidays at special prices. if you spend $500 on your holiday, you will get a travel bag. thank you for calling the north seas travel office.
  no.1. i don’t like the color, but i like the style.
  no.2. it is the flight no. 628 to china.
  no.3. how did we deal with the money?
  no.4. my mother tried to stop me from climbing the tree.
  no.5. they decided to go to the malls instead of staying at home.
  no.6. how often do you eat fruit?
  no.7. lin ping is a little more outgoing than me.
  no.8. what were you doing at nine yesterday?
  no.9. when are you leaving for london?
  no.10. where would you like to go on vacation?
  no.11. m: why do you look weak, jane?
  w: i always feel tired and don’t feel like studying.
  m: you should eat hot yang foods, like beef.
  q: what should jane eat more?
  no.12. m: my friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as i do. what should i do?
  w: it is because that he likes you very much, i think.
  m: i think good friends should have different interests.
  q: what views does the boy have about good friends?
  no.13. m: you have long hair now and are different from before.
  w: yes, i used to have short hair.
  m: do you think which is better?
  w: short hair is better.
  q: what does the girl look like before?
  no.14. m: good afternoon, madam. what can i do for you?
  w: i’d like to check out room 501.
  m: all right. here’s the bill.
  q: where are they probably talking?
  no.15. m: oh, how beautiful the pictures are!
  w: yes, i haven’t seen such beautiful pictures before.
  m: let’s take some photos in front of them.
  w: no, we mustn’t. look at the sign, please.
  q: which sign is there?
  hi, peter. thank you very much for your telephone call. i’m glad to tell you that we have two double rooms for you now. the rooms are on the fifth floor and you can have a good look at the red sea. the price for each room is $ 200 each night. every morning from 7:00 to 9:30, your breakfast is free, but you have to pay for your lunch and supper if you eat in our hotel.
  questions:no.16. which floor are the double rooms?
  no.17. how much are the double rooms each night?
  inventions have changed our life greatly. one of the most useful inventions is the telephone. it was invented by bell in 1876. it plays an important part in our daily life. another important invention is the computer which was invented in 1976. we can surf the internet to get information. it also makes our life colorful.
  questions:no.18. what plays an important part in our dialy life?
  no.19. when was the computer invented?
  wang wei had a dream last night. in the dream he volunteered to serve in the london olympic games. he tried his best to help the people from different countries. when he found a chinese friend, li ming, he was very excited. li ming didn’t know the way to the sun hotel. then wang wei helped him to find it. wang wei was very happy. he smiled and smiled happily. then he woke up.
  questions:no.20. which olympic games did wang wei volunteer to serve in the dream?
  no.21. did li ming know the way to the sun hotel?
  m: excuse me. i lost my painting.
  w: i see. i’ll have to fill out this lost and found report for you. it is a painting, isn’t it?
  m: that’s right.
  w: can you tell me anything about it?
  m: yes. it’s famous painting, worth 5, 500 dollars. it’s about a tiger. it’s two meters long and half a meter wide.
  w: and where did you leave it?
  m: i’m sure i left it at the tea house.
  w: and when was that?
  m: at about 1:30 , i think.
  w: don’t worry. i’m sure it will be returned. now could you give me your name? m: john brown.
  w: and your dress, mr brown.?
  m: 20 park road.
  w: and your telephone number, please?
  m: 46712390.
  questions:no.22. what’s the painting about?
  no.23. hong long is the painting?
  no.24. who lost the painting?
  no.25. what’s the address of the man?
  the chens went to europe for a holiday. they visited copenhagen, the capital of denmark, and stayed there for three days. while they were in copenhagen, they went to a famous park. their children bought huge ice creams and enjoyed themselves in the park. mary chen bought a postcard. there was a picture on the card. in the picture, a policeman was working. some of the streets were full of cars, trucks and bicycles, but some were called "walking streets". because people could walk along them safely. copenhagen was clean and it was not very noisy or busy. some of the shopkeepers there spoke english and there were some chinese restaurants.
