

  period seven (八年级下units 5—8)一、大纲要求
  词汇单词与短语flower, against, chance, tonight, window, improve, collect, pair, since, raise, several, thousand, mind, perhaps, return, voice, allow, smoke, suggestion, receive, asleep, open, instead, instead of, rather than, interested, besides
  重点句型if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. i am interested in the writer job.for a foreigner like me, the more i learn about chinese story, the more i enjoy living in china.would you mind turning down the music?why don’t you get her a scarf?what a lucky guy!
  1. happen
  happen v. 意为"发生"。用法如下:
  (1) sth. happen to sb. 意为"某人出了什么事"。 eg:
  an accident happened to her the day before yesterday. 前天她出了一场车祸。
  (2) happen to do sth. 意为"碰巧做某事"。 eg:
  i happened to see him in the park. 我碰巧在公园里看见了他。
  [注] happen多指偶然发生的事情;而take place多指事情是有计划的。两者都属于不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。 eg:
  the accident happened at about 9:00. 事故发生在9点左右。
  the meeting will take place tomorrow. 会议将明天举行。
  2. pair
  pair 意为"一对,一双",修饰名词时用a pair of。"a pair of+名词复数"作主语时,谓语
  动词要用单数形式。若表示两/三/几双(对)时,要用two/three/several pairs of。它作主语
  时,谓语动词用复数形式。 eg:
  i wear a pair of glasses. 我戴着一幅眼镜。
  there are two pairs of shoes under the bed. 床下面有两双鞋。
  [注] pair 前面有时可以用指示代词this, that, these和those来修饰。 eg:
  that pair of trousers costs me 200 yuan. 那条裤子花了我200元。
  3. room
  room 既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,作可数名词时指"房间",作不可数名词时
  指"空间"。 eg:
  she’s in the next room. 她在隔壁房间。
  there isn’t room to put the table. 没有空间放桌子。
  4. receive
  receive 意为"接到,收到",常指"(客观上)接到,收到"。accept意为"接受,接纳",表示同意或愿意接受,常指"(主观上)接受"。 eg:
  he received a letter. 他接到了一封来信。
  i accepted the invitation. 我接受了邀请。 (准备去)
  she received the present, but she didn’t accept it. 她接到了礼物,但是没有接受它。
  5. instead
  (1) instead是副词,意为"代替,顶替"。 eg:
  if we can’t go to qinhuangdao, we’ll go to chengde.
  (2) instead of是介词短语,后可跟名词、代词、动名词,表示前者替代了后者,但两者必须是相同的成分。 eg:
  he will go instead of me. 他将替我去。
  we will visit the museum instead of going skating tomorrow.
  6. rather then
  rather than.是连词,其前后所连的词性是一致的,意为"与其……不如……,不是……而
  是……",有时还可用instead of代替。 eg:
  i think i will have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。
  he is writing a letter rather than (=instead of) watching tv. 他在写信而不是在看电视。
  the sweater is comfortable rather than pretty. 这件毛衣与其说好看,不如说舒服。
  1. since & for
  点,强调动作的起点,也可接时间状语从句,而for后接时间段。 eg:
  her mother has been working in the company since 10 years ago.
  where have you been since i last saw you? 自从我上次见到你以后,你到哪儿去了?
  the boy has been playing tennis for five years. 这个男孩打网球已经5年了。
  [注] since作连词时,还可表原因,意为"因为,既然"。 eg:
  since we’re party members, we should set a good example to others.
  2. maybe, perhaps, possibly & probably
  maybe, perhaps 和probably三个词都表示"可能",都是副词。但maybe (=perhaps)是普通用语,常用于口语。perhaps表示"或许,大概",是较正式用语。possibly 表示"大概,也许",常与may, must连用,表示可能性小或不确切。probably (=most likely)表示"大概,也许",可能性较大,比较肯定。 eg:
  —are you coming to the party? 你来参加舞会吗?
  —maybe, i don’t know yet. 也许会来,不过现在还说不定。
  perhaps it will rain in the afternoon. 下午也许会下雨。 (也许不下)
  could you possibly take care of my dog while i’m away? 我不在时,你能照顾我的狗吗?
  he will probably succeed. 他很有可能会成功。
  3. besides & except
  except 意为"除了……,除去……",表示除外的部分不包括在内。而besides意为"除了……还有",表示除外的部分还包括在内。 eg:
  she likes physics besides english. 除了英语,她还喜欢物理。 (喜欢英语和物理)
  everyone except jim went to the park. 除了吉姆以外大家都去公园了。(吉姆没去)
  4. pay for, spend, take & cost
  pay for, spend, take和cost 都有"花费"的意思。但pay for和spend 的主语是人,而take的主语通常是形式主语it, cost的主语是物。常用句型为:sb pay some money for sth. sb spend some money (in) doing sth/ on sth. it takes sb some time to do sth. sth cost sb some money. eg:
  he paid 20 yuan for the book. 买这本书他花了20元。
  he spent 100 yuan in buying the ticket/ on the ticket. 买这张票他花了100元。
  the t-shirt cost him 80 yuan. 这件t恤花了他80元。
  it took the workers ten years to complete the project.
  1. if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. 如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得很开心的!
  if 意思是"如果,假如",引导条件状语从句。在含有时间状语从句或条件状语从句的复合句中,如果主句是一般将来时态,从句应用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 eg:
  if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will have a sports meeting.
  i’ll tell him as soon as i see him. 我一见到他就告诉他。
  i won’t stop shouting until you let me go. 你不放我走我就一直喊叫。
  [注] if还可引导宾语从句,意思是"是否",宾语从句的谓语动词要根据主句谓语动词的时态而变化。 eg:
  i don’t know if my sister will telephone me. 我不知道姐姐是否会给我打电话。
  2. by the way, what’s your hobby? 顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么?
  way 可以和不同的介词构成短语,意思不同。 eg:
  by the way 顺便问一下,顺便说一声 on the/ one’s way to… 在……的路上
  in the/ one’s way 挡住某人的路 eg:
  by the way, when will the train leave? 顺便问一下,这次列车什么时候出发?
  don’t stand in my way. 不要挡我的路。
  on his way to school, he picked up a wallet. 在去上学的路上,他捡到了一个钱包。
  3. i am interested in the writer job. 我对写作工作感兴趣。
  (1) interested是形容词,意为"感兴趣的,关心的",通常作表语,作表语时常用人作主语。
  be/ become interested in 意为"对……感兴趣"。 eg:
  she is interested in english. 她对英语感兴趣。
  (2) interesting 也是形容词,意为"有趣的,引起兴趣的",可作定语,也可作表语,作表
  语时,常用物作主语。 eg:
  his brother gave him an interesting book. 他哥哥送给了他一本有趣的书。
  the story is very interesting. 这个故事很有趣。
  (3) interest可作名词,意为"兴趣";也可作动词,意为"引起……关注,
  edison took an interest in science when he was young.
  the book doesn’t interest me. 这本书不能引起我的注意。
  4. i didn’t finish writing my test because i ran out of time.
  finish v. 意思是"完成,结束",后可跟名词、代词或v-ing形式作宾语。也可用作不及物动词。 eg:
  i have finished school. 我已经毕业了。
  she finished reading the book last night. 她昨晚读完了那本书。
  this term finishes next week. 这学期下周结束。
  [注]后可接v-ing形式的动词还有:enjoy, mind, keep 等。 eg:
  i enjoy living in shanghai. 我喜欢住在上海。
  don’t keep him waiting too long. 别让他等得太久。
  5. for a foreigner like me, the more i learn about chinese story, the more i enjoy living in china.
  "the+比较级+主语+谓语,the+比较级+主语+谓语"意为"越……,越……"。 eg:
  the more you read, the more you’ll understand. 你读的书越多,你懂的就越多。
  the more you eat, the fatter you get. 你吃得越多就越胖。
  6. —would you mind turning down the music? 你介意把音乐关小点吗?
  — no, not at all. 一点也不介意。
  would/ do you mind…? (你介意……吗?请你……好不好?) 的用法有:
  (1) would you mind doing sth? 用来客气地提出请求。 eg:
  would/ do you mind closing the door? 关上门你介意吗?
  (2) would you mind+ sb’s doing sth? 用来提问询问,征求对方的意见(在非正式文体中,
  doing前的所有格可换为宾格)。 eg:
  would/ do you mind my/ me having a rest? 我休息一会儿你介意吗?
  (3) 在回答mind的问题时如表示"同意",要用no, not at all. /certainly not. /sure not./ of
  course not. 如果表示反对,要用yes, you’d better not. 或sorry. 表示"介意,你最好
  别……"。 eg:
  —would you mind my opening the window? 你介意我开一下窗户吗?
  —no, not at all. 不介意。
  —would you mind not putting your bike here? 你介意不把你的自行车放在这里吗?
  —sure not. 不介意。
  7. even if you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice down in public places.
  it’s better/ best to do sth. 意为"最好做某事"。 eg:
  it’s better to take some medicine when you are ill. 生病时,最好吃点药。
  it’s best to go by bus. 最好坐公共汽车去。
  8. why don’t you get her a scarf? 为什么不给她买一条围巾?
  (1) why don’t you…表示提出建议,意为"为什么不……"这一句型还可以表示为"why not+
  动词原形……?"。 eg:
  why don’t you come to school earlier?
  =why not come to school earlier?
  (2) get 在这里意为"买",相当于buy。get sb. sth. =get sth. for sb., 类似的用法还有buy/ make/ cook sth. for sb. eg:
  i’m hungry please get something for me to eat. 我饿了,请去给我弄点吃的。
  his father bought a new bike for him. 他爸爸给他买了一辆新自行车。
  my mother has cooked dinner for us. 妈妈已经给我们做好晚饭了。
  [注] 动词give, pass, bring, show 等常在间接宾语前用介词to。 eg:
  she passed the letter to me. 她把信转交给了我。
  she showed her new coat to me. 她给我看了看她的新上衣。
  could you give it to me? 你把它给我好吗?
  9. what a lucky guy! 多幸运的家伙啊!
  这是一个感叹句,也可表示为:how lucky the guy is! how修饰形容词、副词。what 修饰
  (1) what+ a/ an+形容词+单数可数名词+其它!
  (2) what+形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数+其它!
  (3) how+形容词/副词+其它! eg:
  what an interesting story! 多么有趣的故事啊!
  what good news it is! 多么好的消息啊!
  how carefully she does her homework! 她做作业多么认真啊!
  10. maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of english.
  friend n. 朋友 它可以组成以下短语:
  (1) be friends with 与……要好 eg:
  lily is friends with mary. 莉莉和玛丽很要好。
  (2) make friends with 与……做朋友 eg:
  i made friends with her. 我与她结为朋友。
  [注] (1) (2) 词组中friend要用复数形式。
  1. before XX we will finish the olympic park.
  a. build b. built c. building d. to build (北京)
  2. frank a film if he’s free next saturday.
  a. see b. saw c. has seen d. will see (北京)
  3. you look really cool in the new dress, dear. how much did you it?
  a. ask for b. pay for c. think about d. find out (山东)
  4. —tom is six and he is his sister jane. how old is jane?
  a. twice as old as b. two years older than
  c. three years younger than d. as old as (山东)
  5. long the bridge is! let me drive you over it.
  a. what b. what a c. how d. how a (江苏)
  6. they have been in this city three years ago.
  a. for b. about c. since (长沙)
  7. —look! this sweater is beautiful.
  — ?
  a. why not trying it on b. why not try on it
  c. why not try it on d. why not trying on it (陕西)
  8. —tell him about the news when he , john.
  —yes, i will.
  a. comes b. will come d. would come d. is coming (河北)
  9. —i’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
  —oh, not at all. i here for only a few minutes.
  a. have been b. had been c. was d. will be (浙江)
  10. they since the factory opened.
  a. had worked here b. have worked here c. worked here (哈尔滨)
  11. hard work it is to plant so many trees around the lake!
  a. what a b. what c. what on d. how (福建)
  12. — there _____for me in the bus?
  —no, it’s crowded.
  a. is, a room b. are, any room c. are, rooms d. is, any room (福建)
  13. important job it is!
  a. what a b. what an c. how d. how an (甘肃)
  14. this book is very and i am _____ in it.
  a. interest… interest b. interesting… interested
  c. interested…interesting d. interested…interested (甘肃)
  15. i’ll go to the zoo if it tomorrow.
  a. doesn’t rain b. will rain c. rains d. won’t rain (甘肃)
  16. lucky people they are!
  a. what b. what a c. what d. how (湖南)
  17. how the song "two butterflies" sounds! most of the young like the words more than the music.
  a. softly b. sweet c. famous d. beautifully (内蒙古)
  18. i’m doing my homework would you please turn your radio a little?
  a. up b. down c. off (四川)
  19. —can you do it by yourself?
  — .
  a. no problem b. very well c. it doesn’t matter d. you’re welcome (浙江)
  20. —can i help you?
  —i’d like for my twin daughters.
  a. two pair of shoes b. two pairs of shoe
  c. two pair of shoe d. two pairs of shoes (湖北)
  21. —it’s too hot. would you mind my the window?
  — . do it as you like, please!
  a. to open, ok b. opening, certainly not
  c. closing, of course d. open, good idea
  22. —could you tell me what you think about hainan?
  —oh, if you get a chance there, take it.
  a. going b. gone c. go d. to go (海南)
  23. why do you put the rubbish here? it smells terrible, it away, please.
  a. bring b. take c. hold (太原)
  24. he didn’t help me. , he laughed at me.
  a. instead b. but c. so (青海)
