

  unit 5 getting the message整体感知单元要点
  word study1. advertise 2. consideration 3. brand 4. charge 5. loss 6. .blame 7. broadcast .8. post 9. react 10. annoy 11. defender 12. accuse 13. associate 14. appeal 15. frequent 16. .figure 17. profit 18. campaign 19. policy 20. nowadays 21. target 22. attach 23. discount 24. bargain 25. bonus 1. 广告 2. 考虑3. 商标4. 负责5. 损失6. 责备7. 广播8. 张贴9. 反应 10.恼怒 11. 辩护人12. 指控13. 使发生联系 14. 呼吁 15. 频繁的16. 数字17. 利润18. 运动19. 政策20. 如今21. 目标22. 附加23. 打折扣24. 交易25. 以外的好处
  useful expressions1. take sth. into consideration 2. be to blame 3. in charge of 4. be annoyed with 5. accuse sb. of 6. get across 7. appeal to sb. to do sth.. 8. make profits 9. attach to 10. make sense 1.把……考在内2. 应该受责备3. 掌管 4. 对……感到恼怒5. 控告某人……6. 传播或为人理解7. 呼吁某人做某事8. 获取利润9. 附上10. 有意义sentence, patterns &communicative english 表抱怨the newspaper is to blame … he shouldn’t haven done it … 表达感情及不同意见 i’m angry about the ads for …i’m very upset because i have just …i think the newspaper is responsible and should help you get money back. grammar复习宾语补足语(review the object complement)some people find advertisements useful and entertaining . therefore advertising, instead of making a product more expensive, often makes it cheaper. topic& writing运用所学语言,围绕广告的作用这一题材,表达不满或其他信息背景知识 advertisingadvertising is a message designed to raise a product, a service or an idea .in many countries, people come into daily contact with many kinds of advertising. advertisements reach people through newspapers, magazines , television , radio, outdoor signs, large boards and balloons and so on. the purpose is to sell products or services. producers advise to try to create an "image "of the company and their products. to be effective, an advertisement must be attractive and can gain a person’ interest .advertisers often pay film and tv stars, popular athletes and other celebrities to endorse products .repeated advertisements can help build a company’s reputation, increase product sales and reduce price. advertising is now a scientific business. once managers would say jokingly ,"i know half of what i spend on advertising is wasted , but i don’t know which half". now all parts of an advertising program are properly measured and researched.
  细说教材warming up what are they trying to persuade you buy?他们试图说服你买些什么?【点拨】 persuade 动词 "劝说 说服"(指对方接受了),可用以下短语persuade sb of sth. 使某人相信某事persuade sb. (not )to do sth.说服某人(不要)做某事 persuade into /out of doing sth. 说服某人(不要)做某事 e.g.1.they finally persuaded the father to send his daughter to school.他们最终说服了那位父亲把女儿送到了学校。 e.g.2. everyone in his family tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but he won’t listen.家中的每一个人都试图说服他戒烟,但他不听what kinds of words do you think you would need to talk about advertising and advertisements你认为你需要用什么样语言来谈论广告及广告业 ?【点拨】 这是do you think引导的宾语从句的特殊疑问句形式, 宾语从句要用陈述句的语序e.g.1.whom do you suggest he have repair. the washing machine? 你建议他让谁来修理洗衣机?e.g.2 .what information do you think ads can give you? 你认为广告能给你带来什么信息?…then list the information in order of importance 然后按重要性先后排列【点拨】 in order of … "以……的 顺 序" e.g. in alphabetical /numerical /correct 按字母/数字/正确的顺序in order 整齐 有条不紊e.g.1 .everything in the house is in order. 这所房子里一切都井然有序e.g.2 get your ideas into order before beginning to write .写作以前, 先把思路理一理。listening…make a list of things that you think are important to take into consideration when buying a laptop computer.当你购买膝上电脑时,列出你认为重要的该考虑的事情。【点拨】 1. when buying a laptop computer = when you are buying a laptop computer. 这是状语从句的省略问题,状语从句的省略有以下几种情况。(1) 在状语从句中如果主语与主句的主语一致,同时从句中又含有动词be则通常可省去从句中的主语和动词be,留下其余部分。e.g.1.she stood at the gate as if (she was )waiting for someone. 她站在门口好像在等人。e.g.2. the woman teacher hurriedly left the classroom as though( she was )angry. 这位女教师匆匆忙忙离开教室,好像生气了。e.g.3. the man , while (he is )over eighty, can walk faster than i .这人虽年过八十,却比我走得快。e.g.4. don’t speak until (you are )spoken to. 有人对你说话时你才说。e.g.5 .be careful while (you are)crossing the road. 过马路时要当心。e.g.6 .when (it is) heated, ice can turn into water. 冰经过加热能变成水。(2)若状语从句中主语是it,动词是系动词be,则通常可省去主语it及系动词be,留下其余部分。 e.g.1. though (it was) cold,he still wore a shirt.天气虽然冷,他还穿一件衬衫。 e.g.2. come tomorrow if (it is) possible.可能的话就明天来吧。 e.g.3. if (it is) so,you must get back and get it. 如果这样的话,你必须回去把它拿来。 e.g.4.i’11 buy a tv set if (it is) necessary.如有必要,我就买一台电视机。 e.g.5. everything went on better than (it had been) expected. 一切进展得比预料的顺利。 e.g.6. no matter how difficult(it may be),we are determined to carry the research to the end. 不管有多困难,我们决心把研究进行到底。(3)状语从句中的部分内容若与主句的部分内容相同,可将从句中的此部分内 容省去。 e.g.1. he has no money.if (he has) any,he will give us. 他没有钱,如果有,他会给我们的。 e.g.2. some flowers shut up at night as if (they did this in order) to sleep. 有些花夜间收拢,好像为了睡眠一样。2. take …into consideration =give consideration to sth ."把……考虑在内"e.g. 1. your teachers will take your recent illness into consideration when they mark your exams. 你的几位老师评定你的考试成绩时,会考虑到你最近生病的情况。e.g.2. taking everything into consideration ,the result was better than i expected.从各方面考虑,结果比我预料的好。speakinguse the role cards below to prepare a meeting between concerned readers and the editor in charge of the newspaper’s advertisement section .用下面这些角色的卡片来准备一次有兴趣的读者与负责广告部分的 编辑的会面【点拨】in charge of "负责,掌管" in the charge of "在……掌管下"take charge of "负责,掌管"e.g.1. who is in charge of the factory when you are out ? 你外出时谁来负责工厂?e.g.2. a new teacher will take charge of the class .一位新教师将来接管这个班级。e.g.3. don’t worry about your daughter, mrs. zhang will be in charge of her , that is , she will be in the charge of mrs. zhang . 别为你女儿担心,张女士会照顾她的。也就是说她会在张女士的照顾之下。e.g.4. he is a doctor in charge of this operation . 他是这次手术中的主治医生。与名词"charge"搭配的词还有.e.g.1. this park is under the charge of the city. 这座公园由政府管理。e.g.2. we gave her the charge of the house while we were away.当我们外出时,我们托付她管理家务。e.g.3. these children are my charges. 这些孩子由我负责照顾。charge 可用作动词意思是"索价",常与for搭配e.g.1. she charged me ten dollars for a hair cut . 她给我理发,索价10美元。e.g.2. how much do you charge for a room with buss ? 一间带浴室的房间要多少钱?e.g.3. they’ll charge at least $600 for moving the piano.搬运这架钢琴最少要花费600美元。e.g.4. the government charged a heavy tax on luxuries.政府对奢侈品征重税。you think the newspaper is to blame for this because…你认为报纸应该负责,因为……【点拨】 be to blame的意思是该受责备,不可说成 to be blamed 如需说明事由。后接 for e.g.1. i am not to blame for the mistake. 这个差错不该怪我。e.g2 .who is to blame for the inflated rents? 房租上涨该由谁负责。blame 还可以用另外句型 blame sb. for sth. = blame sth.on sb.  e.g. they blamed her for the accident.=they blamed the accident on her. 他们为这次事故而责怪他。ask for explanations and examples when necessary. 必要时请给一些解释和说明【点拨】when necessary=(when it is necessary ). 这是一个省略的状语从句pre-reading make a list of advantages and disadvantages of advertisements. 请列出广告的好处与弊端【点拨】 advantage 作名词,意为"益处,优势,利益"to one’s advantage 对某人有好处e.g.1 . more practice will be to your advantage. 多练习是对你有好处的。e.g.2. voice training will be to your advantage if you plan to go into the theatre.如果你想当演员 ,进行发音训练对你是有好处的 have the advantage of比……占优势e.g .i had the advantage of him. (=i was in a better position than he was. )我比他占优势。take the advantage of利用,欺骗 e.g.1. he often took advantage of her lack of business knowledge. 他经常利用她对经商缺乏知识这一弱点。e.g.2. i took the advantage of the fine weather today to play tennis. 我利用今天天气好这一机会打网球。e.g.3. he took the advantage of me .他欺骗了我disadvantage 名词,"不利条件" e.g. the disadvantage with carrying out interviews is that it may take a long time. 进行采访的不利条件是要用很长时间…readingadvertising 广告【点拨】 advertise作动词,意为"为……登广告"用法如下advertise 名词for…/that-clausee.g.1. they advertised a used car for sale (=they advertised that they had a used car for sale ).他们登广告卖一台旧车。e.g.2. they advertised a house for rent in the newspapers .他们在报纸上登广告出租房屋。advertise for …登广告征求(寻找)……e.g.1. we should advertise for someone to look after the garden.我们应登广告找个人来照看花园。e.g.2. he has advertised for a job. 他已登广告求职了。advertisement 是advertise的名词形式put /place an advertisement the newspaper 在报上登广告e.g.1. that company has put an advertisement in newspapers for clerks.那家公司已在报上登广告招聘职员。e.g.2. advertisement helps to sell goods. 广告有助于推销货物.(advertisement有时表抽象概念)the development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising.无线电、电视、电影、杂志和报纸的发展同广告业的发展是齐头并进的【点拨】 hand in hand "手拉手,携手,共同地"e.g.1. dirt and disease go hand in hand . 肮脏和疾病是形影相随的。e.g.2.. the two firms work hand in hand 这两家公司联手经营。e.g.3.. they both walked into the hall hand in hand 他们两个手拉手走进大厅。结构类似的短语还有 side by side 肩并肩地, face to face 面对面地,arm in arm 臂挽臂地, shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地defenders of ads say that ads help us make informed choices as consumers by introducing good quality products. 指责广告人说广告通过介绍高质量的产品使我们做出了有信息的选择。【点拨】 product名词意为 "产品,生产物,结果"e.g.1. important products of south africa are fruit and gold. 南非重要的物产是水果和黄金。e.g.2. our car is a product of that factory . 我们的车就是那家工厂的产品。e.g.3. this plan was the product of many hours of careful thought. 这个计划是许多个小时精心思考的结果。product 与 production的区别product 意为"产品,产物,结果"是可数名词。production 是动词produce(生产,制造)的名词,一般说来是不可数名词,意思是"生产,制造,产量"。e.g.1. production is at all times and under all conditions a social one .生产在任何时候和任何条件下都是社会的生产。e.g.2. japan is famous for the production of transistor radios . 日本以生产半导体收音机而闻名。e.g.3. production has increased in the last few weeks. 在过去几周里,产量已增加了。on the other hand , critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to misleading us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy the product.另一方面,有时爱挑剔的人指责广告公司利用广告来误导我们,从而使我们相信如果我们买了某种产品我们就会更加幸福或对产品夸大其词。【点拨】. accuse "指责 谴责 控告"e.g.1. he was accused of murder. 他被指控为谋杀者e.g.2. the report accused the government of shirking its responsibilities..这份报告制作政府推卸责任。e.g.3. are you accusing me of cheating? 你在指责我作弊吗?customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across. 顾客们每天都可以看到许多广告以至于广告人不得不设法使他们的信息被人接受。【点拨】. get across 使……理解或接受e.g.1.our teacher is very clever, but not very good at getting his ideas across to us .我们的老师很聪明,但他不善于把他的观点向我们讲清楚。e.g.2.the message got across at last. 这信息终于被理解了。the best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.使顾客理解的最佳机会是吸引他们的情绪。【点拨】.appeal "恳求 哀求 强烈呼吁"e.g.1. the police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim .警方呼吁公众提供被杀害者的情况e.g.2. they are appealing for funds to build a new church .他们呼吁为建造新教室而募捐。appeal to "使……喜欢 吸引 使……感兴趣"(不用进行式)e.g.1.this color appeals to me . 这种颜色我喜欢。e.g.2. toys appeal to small children. 玩具使孩子们很感兴趣。 armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or a saleswoman。具有了事实和价格,顾客们能够对付那些销售员做出的强烈论断。【点拨】1. armed with facts and figures…这是过去分词短语用作状语e.g.1. covered with green trees, the hill looks more beautiful.长满了树,这座小水看起来更漂亮了。e.g.2. crowded with small children. the room sounds noisy. 挤满了小孩,这房间听起来更嘈杂了2. arm 及物或不及物动词 "为……提供武器装备,武装"e.g.1. the crowded armed themselves with broken bottles. 群众用破瓶子武装起来e.g.2. the country armed ( itself ) in preparation for war. 这个国家已武装起来准备打仗。 not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits. 并不是所有的广告都能促销或增加公司的利润。【点拨】 这是一个不完全否定的句子,还可以说成all ads aren’t used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits .当all, every, both 等词与not连用时,表示不完全否定,若需用完全否定,则用 none, neither, no 等e.g.1. not every child likes to get presents. 并不是每个孩子都乐意得到礼物。= every child doesn’t like to get presents.e.g.2. no child likes to get presents. 没有孩子乐意得到礼物。e.g.3. all that glitters isn’t gold. 闪闪发光未必都是金子e.g.4. not both of them have been to america. 他们俩并未都去过美国e.g. 5. neither of them has come. 他们俩都没来integrating skilla good ad often uses words to which people attach positive meanings .一个好的广告通常使用人们认为可信的语言【点拨】attach "系 连接 附着" attach to "重视 和……有关"e.g.1. be careful, the handle isn’t well attached. 小心! 那个把手接得不牢e.g.2.she attaches great importance to regular exercises. 她非常重视常规训练e.g.3.no blame attaches to him for the accident. 这次事故的责任与他无关。e.g.4.i am deeply attached to the old car. 我非常喜欢这辆旧车a product will sell better if it is promoted with a slogan.如果用标语促销,产品的销势会更好【点拨】sell 这里用作不及物动词,主动式表被动意义类似这种用法的动词还有 write, wash, open, close , record 等,e.g.1 the pen i bought last week writes well. 我上周买的钢笔很好用e.g.2. the door opens easily. 这门很好开e.g.3. this kind of cloth doesn’t wash easily. 这种布料不容易洗。nobody bought the product ,because when translated, it meant "x puts living things into dry hair."然而,谁也不来买这种产品,因为原句经过翻译之后,意思变成了"x 使干发生虫"【点拨】when translated=when it is translatedsometimes, the promises don’t make sense.有时,这些诺言没有任何意思【点拨】make sense "讲得通,能被理解,有道理"e.g.1. no matter how i read it ,this sense doesn’t make any sense.这句话不管我怎么读,都看不懂e.g.2. does it make sense to let children play with fire ?让小孩玩火有道理吗?e.g.3. his attitude doesn’t make sense .他的态度毫无道理。make sense of "了解……道理,懂得……"e.g. can you make any sense of what he says ? 你理解他的话吗?grammar语法:宾语补足语英语当中,宾语补足语是用来补充说明宾语的状态、特性、身份或是宾语所进行的动作。能用来充当英语补足语的结构有名词、代词、形容词、 介、 副词短语、动词不定式、分词等等。e.g.1. we made him our monitor at the meeting. 在会议上我们选他做我们的班长。(名词)e.g.2. how can you get someone to help you? 你如何能找人帮助你。(动词不定式、)e.g.3. his words kept us thinking deeply. 他的话使我们陷入沉思。(现在分词)e.g.4. i’ll have my bike repaired tomorrow. 我明天要修自行车。(过去分词)e.g.5. you’d better keep your windows open while you are at home. 你在家时最好开着窗子。(形容词)e.g.6.. when i arrived there , i found nobody in . 我到达那时,发现没有人在家(介词短语)。(1)常见的带名词作宾语补足语的动词有:call , name , make , elect , think , find , consider , leave, keep 等e.g.1. they found her a very suitable person for the job. 他们发现她很适宜做这项工作。e.g.2.we must keep it a secret. 我们必须保密。e.g.3.. that year his mother died , leaving him an orphan. 那年他母亲死了,使他成为孤儿。e.g.4. what do you call this kind of flower ? 这种花你们叫什么?e.g.5. for that reason , i consider it something we must never do. 因为这个缘故,我感到这是件绝不应该做的事。(2)下列动词接动词不定式作宾语补足语时 hear,listen to,see, watch, notice ,feel, let, have, make要省略to。若把它们变为被动语态时,则要带上to。e.g.1. who will you have repair the washing machine? 你打算让谁来修理洗衣机。e.g.2.. he was made to work twenty hours a day. 有人让他一天工作20个小时。(3)有些动词既可以接动词不定式作宾语补足语,也可以接现在分词作宾语补足语,二者的区别是动词不定式表全过程,现在分词则表动作正在进行e.g.1.we saw people celebrating the victory everywhere. 我们到处看到人们在欢庆胜利。e.g.2.i saw him enter the room 我看到他走进屋里了。(4)现在分词作宾语补足语,和过去分词作宾语补足语的区别是,现在分词表主动或动作正在进行,过去分词则表被动与完成。e.g.1..they found the room crowded with people. 他们发现屋里挤满了人。e.g.2.how shall we set the whole thing going? 我们该怎样着手把这件事推动起来。(5)当to be结构跟在feel或find后面作宾语补足语时,to不可省略掉,但可把to be都省略掉。e.g.1.what you feel ( to be )right may not be right. 你觉得正确的不一定正确。e.g.2.he found himself( to be )in a forest. 他发现他自己处在一个大森林里。
  考题档案1. (XX海淀二摸)o’neal works hard. he is often seen heavily before his teammates have ever arrived at practice. a. sweated b. to be sweated c. sweating d. being sweated 2.(XX 南京质检)――who would you like to see at the moment ?――the man mr. nelson a. called himself b. we call him c. calling himself d. is called 3.(XX 名校联考)you will see this product wherever you go.a.to be advertised b. advertised c.advertise d advertising 4.(XX 名校联考) you will find the word "humidity" under "h" in any dictionary. a.has listed b. listed c. list d. listing 5.(XX 西城四月)television has so many advantages. it keeps us about the news, and also provides entertainment in the home. a. informed ,latest b. to know latec. learning, later d. to think , latest 6.(XX汕头模拟) ――is that the laundry? i have some clothes . ――leave them in your room, please, and we’re going to fetch them soon. a. to wash b. to be washed c. washed d.washing 7.(XX荆州二检) the party was successful, but we thought it a pity not you.a. invite b. to invited c. to have invited d. inviting 8. the old man had a letter from his son in the army to him .a. read b. write c. written d. received9. (XX上海 ) i you not to move my dictionary. now i can’t find it a. asked b. ask c. was asking d. had asked 10. (XX 上海)i feel it is your husband who for the spoiled child. a. is to blame b. is going to blame c. is to be blamed d. should blame 11.(XX北京春高) the manager has got a good business so the company is doing well. a. idea b. sense c. thought d. thinking
  参考答案1.选 c see sb.doing sth.看到某人做某事2.选 c 自称为3.选 b 过去分词用作宾语补足语4.b 5.a 6.选 b have作"有"解 而不是使役动词i并不是wash 的主语 因此要用动词不定式的被动式作定语7.选 c 动词不定式的完成式表示动作发生在主句之前8.a 9.选 a 过去我 (反复 )告诉你不要动我的字典, (但你动了字典)现在(我)找不着了10. a11. b
  a级 (基础训练)ⅰ.单项填空1. yesterday professor smith gave us a talk. his speech some new points. we were in it .a. has, interesting b. had .interestedc. brought in, interested d. brought about ,interested 2 .—— this dialogue should a question, not a puzzle.——i am a. have started with, to blame b. start with , to be blamed c. have started from, to blame d. start from , to be blamed3. don’t while a. breaking in , speaking b. get in , spoken to c. break out, speak d. get out , spoken 4. there was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself .a. be heard b. heard c. to be heard d. hear5. our football team, successful in qualifying for the XX world cup finals, still has a long way to go .a. as b. after c. once d. though 6. this is a illness that can result in total blindness left untreated.a. after b. if c. since d. unless 7. ——the boy is gaining weight recently.——i’m afraid so. he always has a great deal more , chocolate and sweets, for example, is necessary. a. that b. where c. what d. than 8. these books are both interesting and instructive .no wonder they reading public.a. appeal for b. appear in c. appeal to d. appear on 9. the professor sometimes makes remarks that are not the topic.a. associating with b. relating to c. associated with d. relating with10.—— their offer seems too good to be true.—— don’t worry. there are no strings .a. attached b. accused c. aware of d. attacked b级 (应用创新) ⅰ.单项填空1. person with good education usually gets good job.a.the, a 不填 b.a, a, a c.the, 不填,the d. a, 不填, 不填2.helen the money from the office, she didn’t come into the office on the day it was stolen.a.needn’t, have stolen,because b.might have takenc.can’t have stolen,for d.must have stolen:as3.two meters of snow during the night.as a result,several main roads .a.has fallen, has blocked b.fell, were blockedc.was falling, had been closed d.had fallen;covered with snow4.i remember alice,my little niece,often asked questions that children would ask.a.twice so old as she b.twice as old as her agec.older twice than her age d.twice of her age5.——what do you think of the computer on exhibition?――well,that’s great.but i don’t think much of you bought.a.the one b.it c.this d.which6.the writer and professor, i often refer to at the meetings, famous for those works.a. whom, is b.who, are c.that, am d.which, were7.the teacher’s eyes,without any expression, the boy who made faces.a. watched b. stared at c.was glared at d.were fixed upon8. he has learned through practice before him a lot in his future work.a.that, helping b.what, helped c.that, it helps d.what, ;will help9.mr. white found her husband by letters and papers and very worried.a.surrounded, looking; b. surrounding, lookedc. surrounded, looked d. surrounding, looking10. i’m penniless,dear:i can afford of what you asked for.a.little b.nothing c.none d.few11.—— isn’t his job satisfactory?―― we can’t praise it too highly.a.yes,it is b.i think just so—so c.no, it isn’t d.not so nice,you know12.——i"d like to have some lunch but i have to stay here doing my work.―― what you want and i can get it for you.a.to tell me b.telling me c.if you tell me d.tell me13. ――. is her brother ?―― the boy on the right wearing a blue jacket.a. who b. what c. which d. where 14. although mary had been away from for a long time ,when she came near her house ,everything suddenly became . a. clear b. similar c. anxious d. familiar15.the better use you can make time, the greater contributions you will make societya.in, to b.on, for c.of, to d. in, on ⅱ完形填空  i was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye:queen city casket company."what is it?" i wondered.i  1  it over.there,in faded ink, was a hand-scrawled(手写的)  2 . immediately my mind traveled 3 many years. i was nine years old, walking down the cold,wet streets of springfield,with a bag of magazines on my shoulder.on my 4 that day.i came to that company finally,whose owner,mr. rader,had always taken me there to ask his workers 5 they wanted any magazines. shaking off the 6 like a wet dog.i entered mr. rader"s office.after a quick glance ,he 7 me over to the fire-place.noticing the 8 in the top of my 9 ,he said,"come with me!",pulling me into his pickup 10 .we pulled to a stop before a shoe store.inside,a salesman 11 me with the finest pair of oxfords i had 12 seen.i 13 about 10 feet tall when i got up 14 them."we’d like a pair of new socks too." mr rader said. back in his office, mr rader took out a 15 ,wrote something on it, and handed it to me.with 16 eyes,i read,"do to others as you would have them do to you." he said affectionately(深情地),"jimmy,i want you to 17  i love you". i said good-bye, and for the first time i 18 a flicker of hope that somehow things would be 19.with people like mr rader in the world,there was hope,kindness and love,and that would always make a 20 .1.a.read b.thought c.turned d.passed2.a.address b.1ist c.message d.information3.a.forward b.so c.ahead d.back4.a.return b.rounds c.trip d.arrival5.a.if only b.how c.whether d.why6.a.dust b.sweat c.tail d.rain7.a.led b.followed c.watched d.carried8.a.hole b.mud c.water d.cover9.a.magazine b.shoe c.sock d.bag10 a.truck b.factory c.home d.storel 1.a.dressed b.fitted c.showed d.comforted12.a.ever b.already c.never d.hardly
  13.a.appeared b.seemed c.looked  d.felt
  14.a.for b.with c.on    d.in
  15.a.pen b.paper c.card   d.notebook
  16.a.tearful b.unbelievable c.curious.  d.puzzled
  17.a.admit b.know c.consider   d.express
  18.a.sensed b.received c.lost  d.gained
  19.a.mistaken b.fight c.all right   d.possible
  20.a.deal b.fortune c.choice   d.difference
  ⅲ 阅读理解
  a money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any i know of.it serves directly to bring about a rapid sale of goods at reasonable prices,so setting up a firm home market and making it possible to provide for export(出口)at good prices.by drawing attention to new ideas it helps greatly to raise standards of living.by helping to increase demand it causes an increased need for labor,and is therefore a nice way to fight unemployment.it lowers the costs of many services;without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much,the price of your television program would need to be doubled,and travel by bus or subway would cost more. and perhaps most important of all,advertising provides a promise of reasonable value in the products and services you buy.besides the fact that twenty seven acts of parliament(国会)govern the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare produce anything that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.he might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising.he will not do so for long,for the public has the good sense not to buy the poor goods more than once.if you see product frequently advertised,it is the proof i know that the product does what is promised for it,and that it has good value. advertising does more for the good of the public than any other force i can think of. there is one more point i feel i ought to touch on.recently i heard a well-known television person declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.he was telling us the real difference.0f course advertising tries to persuade.if its message were nothing but information,that would be difficult to get more people to buy,for even the choice of the color of a shirt is a bit persuasive(有说服力的)——advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention.but perhaps that is what the well-known television person wants.1.by the first sentence of the passage the writer means that . a. he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertising b. everybody knows well that advertising is a waste of moneyc. advertising costs more money than everything elsed. money on advertising is worth spending2.in the passage,which of the following is not included in the advantages of advertising?a. getting great fame.b. providing more jobs.c. raising living standards.d. reducing newspaper cost.3.the writer thinks that well-known tv person is  a. quite right in passing his judgment on advertising b. interested in nothing but the buyers’ attention c. correct in telling the difference between persuasion and information d. obviously unfair in his views on advertising4.in the writer’s opinion, .a. advertising can seldom bring material interest to man by providing informationb. advertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them overc. there’s nothing wrong with advertising in persuading the buyerd. the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement
  b not everyone in the world requires the same amount of living space.the amount of space a person needs around him is a cultural(文化的)difference,not an economic(经济的)one.knowing your own psychological(心理的)space needs is important because they strongly affect your choices,including,for example,the number of bedrooms in the home.if you were brought up in a two-children family and both you and your sister or brother had your own bedrooms,the chances are,if you have two children or more,that you also will offer separate bedrooms for them.in america,for example,they train people to want to have their own rooms by giving them their own rooms when they are babies.this is very rare in the world,in many other countries,the baby sleeps in the same bed with his parents or in bed near them.  the space in the home also shows a lot about psychological space needs.some families gather closer to each other and the size of their house has nothing to do with it.other have separate little corners where family members go to be alone, although it is true that、psychological space needs are not decided by economic reasons,they sometimes have to be changed a little because of economic pressures.it is almost impossible,however,to completely change your psychological space needs.5. the first sentence in paragraph 1 "not everyone in the world requires the same amount of living space" mean  a.no two people need exactly the same amount of living space b. living space requirements are not always the same c.the world requires the same amount of living space d.nobody needs a required amount of living space6.some families gather closer to each other at home than others because . a.they have limited living space b.they are brought up in a large family c.it satisfies their psychological space needs d.the children in the family sleep in the same bed with their parents 7.which of the following is true according to the passage? a. americans are trained to live in large rooms at birth. b. .economic situation decides one’s amount of space needs. c.people in various countries demand different psychological space. d.knowing your psychological space needs is important,as it affects your future.8 according to the writer of the passage,psychological space needs .  a.are not affected by income at all  b.can hardly be changed altogether  c.can be changed if you make up your mind to do so d.have nothing to do with cultural background9.the best title for passage is . a.american way of living b. psychological space c.space needs in different countries d.psychological space and economic pressureⅳ.短文改错a hobby is something that interest you very much, 1. and is making or doing or learning something just on fun 2. of them. in the days that most work was done by hand. 3. people don’t have much time for fun. even children 4. sometimes worked fifteen and sixteen hours a day. now 5. things are quite different from the past. school lasts only 6.. about six hours a day .and there are long summer and 7. winter vocations. almost everyone has great deal of 8. time to spend that he pleases. much spare time 9. is now spending on various hobbies. you can do what you 10. want to when you are free . ⅴ书面表达 某地计划修订《中小学生守则》,欲将"生活谦虚、简朴"去掉。假如你是某校学生会主席,组织部分学生就这一问题进行讨论。有人赞成,有人反对。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一份总结材料。赞成的人认为反对的人认为1.过分强调谦虚,简朴,你将不会引起别人的注意1.学生应该生活简朴2.会犹豫不决,失去很多机会2.我们的衣食都依靠父母3.表现自己很重要3学习比衣着更重要4.自信和良好的外表会给别人留下好的印象4 谦虚会学到很多东西5牢记古训:骄傲必败注意1 字数 :120左右2 参考词汇:谦虚简朴 modesty and simplicity 自信confidence3 文章的开头已为你写好。some students think that ……参考答案a 级ⅰ单项填空1 5cabbd6 10 bdccab级ⅰ单项填空1 5 bcbda 6 10 addac 11  15 adcdcⅱ完形填空1 5 ccdbc 6 10 daaba 11 15 baddc 16 20 abacdⅲ 阅读理解 1 4 dadc 5 9 bccbbⅳ短文改错1.interest interests 2. on for 3 .that when 4 don’t didn’t 5. and or 6. thing things 7.   8 vacations vacation 9 that as 10 spending spentⅴ书面表达some students think it’s good to change the items. putting too much emphasis upon modesty and simplicity will mean you will never be noticed by others. you might hesitate and lose many chances. in modern society, it is important to show yourself to others. confidence and good appearance help you make a good impression. so everyone should be confident and take the chance to show off their ability. some other students don’t agree with it .students should learn to live a simple life. because they depend on their parents for food and clothing. they should also spend more time on their studies. as a student ,studying is more important than the clothes that he wears. as for modesty. an old chinese saying reads, "pride goes before a fall". it tells us that if we are to be successful, we must learn to be modest first. being modest will help us learn more.
  习题对话word study 1 1) blame 2) react 3) broadcast 4) posted 5) annoyed 6) advertised 7 ) appeals 8) associate2 husband grandmother granddaughter brother girl uncle niece bride chairwoman lady sir queen hero actress host waiter saleswoman god 3 1)in charge of 2) posted 3)broadcast 4) to get the message across 5)evidence 6) campaigns 7) annoying 8) appeal to 9) taken into consideration 10) accurate 11) salesmen 12) associate with grammar 1 1) e 2) a 3) f 4) d 5) c 6) b 7) g 8) h 2 1) find 2) feel 3) encourage 4) employed 5) consider 6) influenced 7 )aren’t misled 8) helps 9) to make
  广告到处可见——它们可以在电视上播放,在收音机上广播,在英特网上宣传,也可以印制在报纸上,以及我们城市里的海报上。广告是一个高度发达的产业,无线电,电视,以及其他媒体的发展,与广告业的发展是齐头并进的。人们对广告做出的反应各异,有人认为,广告是有益的和具有娱乐性的,也有一些人认为,它们是令人恼怒的,广告的代言人说,广告可以通过介绍高质量的产品帮助我们消费者做出明智的选择。另一方面,反对者有时控告一些公司利用广告来误导我们,因为广告对某种产品夸大其词,或者说我们买某件产品我们就会更加幸福。广告的最基本的原则非常简单,公司可以通过向一些可能的消费者介绍一个品牌,或者是把消费者的需要与产品联系进来,来影响消费者做出选择。每天消费者可看到如此多的广告,以至于广告商不得不努力地使他们的信息广为传播,基于这种原因,公司不得不花大笔钱来雇佣广告人,使消费者能够理解的最大可能性是迎合他们的胃口,如果这样,那广告似乎在向消费者出售他们用钱买不到的东西:爱情 幸福和成功,而不是卖产品。广告以不同的方式来帮助公司及顾客。连续的广告能增加产品的销售量,这已经被反复证明过。因为销售量的增加意味着产量的增加,因此价格可以大大降低了。所以广告往往使产品便宜而不是昂贵。广告还可以帮助顾客做出合理的选择。在我们买一些比较昂贵的东西时比如汽车,电脑等,有许多事情需要考虑。(这时)广告就能帮助我们做出正确的选择。也许广告最重要的作用是介绍新产品。真实的广告可以提供一些有用的信息,从而有助于顾客做出决定他们是否需要广告的产品,通过解说产品或服务业等的特征,作用及成本等,广告还允许顾客在进商场前,对产品的价格和质量进行比较。有了事实和数据,顾客就能更好地应付广告人的强烈地说词。并不是所有的广告都用来提升产品或增加公司的利润。许多政府部门也利用广告来使人们认识一些社会问题及政府的政策。一些机构通常让一些名人当他们的代言人。来使他们的信息被人了解。例如,联合国曾动用球星罗纳尔多和歌手小室哲哉代表联合国向公众宣传他们的计划。通过广告高科技,政府部门及其他一些非盈利组织能够传播知识,改变态度及促进社会的发展等。也有一些广告是没有用的。也有一些"恶劣"广告用一些非法手段来误导消费者。识别一个不良广告不是一件容易的事。但是有几点需要我们留心。首先,我们应该谨防那些"隐藏的信息",有些广告通过呈现一些部分真实,部分被改良过的照片来误导我们。类似的伎俩也被用在所谓的"诱饵"广告上,在这样的广告里向顾客展示的是一样产品,而最后给顾客的又是另一样产品。没有明显的证明来证明广告的效应到底是多大。但是它们对公司和顾客来说的确很重要。好的广告可以帮助公司介绍新产品和增加销售量。若广告提供精确的信息。他们能帮助普通的消费者以最优惠的价格买到理想的产品。因为广告来势汹汹和一些广告公司常企图误导我们,在阅读广告时,我们一定要加倍小心。我们不能辨别真伪,我们就会成为一些广告商的目标。另一方面,如果我们学会分析广告,我们就会保护我们自己不受假广告的影响并且做出合理的选择。
  销售语言话语不值钱,但是在广告的世界里,适时恰当的话语可以赚几百万。用于广告的语言和普通的语言是不同的。为了给他们所促销的产品创造一个积极有影响的形象,广告的设计者在选择语言与商标时是十分小心的。一个好的广告通常是用人们所相信的语言。当然选择产品的名称是极其重要的。公司或产品的名称具有不同的作用。它们能告诉消费者它们的产品或公司的优点。如果一个公司选择一个滑稽的或不平常的名字,那么顾客就很容易记住它。有的公司选择一些广为人知的词语,有一些选择一些来自古老的故事或传说的名字,也有一些公司为自己的产品或商标创造新的名词。如果一件产品用标语促销的话,那么它的销售情况会更好。其中有一个最出名和成功的标语是"尽管做"当然类似的还很多。例如,"新一代的最佳选择""可口可乐"。一个好的宣传词应该吸引人,容易记住并且能传送信息或意见,从而使顾客对公司或产品形成一个明确的轮廓。人们读广告,部分因是为了获得信息,还有部分原因是广告读起来有趣味。今天的广告常常以一个问句或—个谜语开头,目的是引起读者的注意。当然,多数广告都含有信息,但这通常包含在一篇有趣而又滑稽可笑的广告词中。幽默是重要的。有时候广告讲述一个故事,这个故事也可能在好几次广告中连载。然而,这样做有个危险。读者或观众可能记住了广告,却没有记住产品的名字。还有一些其它的危险。如果你在国外市场销售你的产品,你就必须检查译文是否正确无误。以前有一家销售发乳的公司想要说"x使干发生辉"(x puts life into dry hair)。 他们给一位英俊的演员拍了几幅照片,把广告张贴在路旁的巨大的广告牌上。然而,谁也不来买这个产品,因为原句经过翻译之后,意思变成了"x使干发生虫"(x puts living things into dry hair.)。 在60年代,有一家制造豪华小汽车的英国公司,在德国马上就要销售最新型的小汽车了。然而,到最后一分钟,公司不得不更改汽车的名称。工厂里一个说德语的人给销售经理指出:那个汽车的英语名称在德语中的意思是"牲口的粪便"。最有力的广告词是涉及到销售价格的语言。有些商场就向我们许诺打折过的商品或他们有"便宜货"和他们是"最低的价格"。有时,他们的许诺并无真正意义。当我们收到"赠品"或意外好处时,我们应该慎重考虑。当然有时尽管我们并不真正要买那些"待销品",但那些简单而具有魔力的语言似乎把我们拖进了商店。
