

  english around the world教案
  the third period
  this is the third period of the unit.the lesson deals mainly with the grammar,that is,the structure which expresses commands and requests and the reversal of the indirect speech and direct speech.the second part of this period is another passage "standard english and dialects".after it,there is an exercise for us to make up dialogues using the commands and requests.this part is to give students a chance to practice this kind of structure.the second part of this period is another passage "standard english and dialects".
  in this lesson we first review the grammar we learn in last unit.so students will be asked to do some exercises about this grammar item.by doing so,students can recall some rules of the reversal between the direct speech and indirect speech.then,students will have a task to tell the requests from commands.then show the sentence patterns of requests and commands.using is the aim of the language teaching,so after learning the structures,the most important one is to put them into use.after doing some exercises about reversal of direct speech and indirect speech,students will use these sentence patterns in daily life by making up dialogues according to the situation on page 13.to make the students master the structure well,i think it is necessary to offer more practice.
  and the passage in this part is to provide students with more information on english and improve students’ reading speed.so i think it is not necessary to treat it as an intensive reading material according to the aim.instead,i will teach it as an extensive reading passage.
  learn and master the sentence patterns which express an order and a request,and their different features.
  use these patterns to communicate with others.
  help students master the points in this period.
  point out the features of an order—which uses the imperative,namely "tell/order sb. to do sth." and a request—which uses a question form or an imperative,very polite,namely "ask sb. to do sth."
  how to change orders and requests into reported orders and requests.
  step 1 greetings and revision
  greet the whole class as usual.
  review the useful words and expressions by letting students make up sentences using these words and expressions.
  step 2 grammar
  t:in the last unit,we have learnt something about the direct speech and indirect speech.we know while we change direct speech into indirect speech,we should change many things such as the tense,some adverbials and some verbs.
  now let’s first do some exercises.
  turn the following into indirect speech
  1."i broke your cd player," he said to me.
  2."are you sure you didn’t do anything to this?" he asked me.
  3."a friend in need is a friend indeed," mother said to me.
  4.tom said,"i bought a book for my brother yesterday."
  5.he said,"i shall meet her at my office."
  6.the teacher said,"i must go now."
  7.he said,"i can do homework myself now."
  8.he said,"the house was built in 1965."
  9."why was jenny late for school?" mr baker wanted to know.
  10.they said,"will you visit the museum tomorrow?"turn the following into direct speech.
  11.i said that i would try my best.
  12.he wondered (asked) how long it took to do the work.
  13.bob asked john whether he had seen his wallet.
  14.his aunt said that she had got there five days before.
  15.i asked tom why he had not told her the truth.
  suggested answers:
  1.he told me that he had broken my cd player.
  2.he asked me if i was sure i hadn’t done anything to that.
  3.mother told me that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
  4.tom said that he had bought a book for his brother the day before.
  5.he said that he would meet her at his office.
  6.the teacher said he had to go/must go then.
  7.he said that he could do homework himself then.
  8.he said that the house was built in 1965.
  9.mr baker wanted to know why jenny had been late for school.
  10.they asked if we would visit the museum the next day.
  11.i said,"i’ll try my best."
  12.he asked,"how long does it take to do the work?"
  13.bob asked john,"have you seen my wallet?"
  14.his aunt said,"i got here five days ago."
  15."why didn’t you tell her the truth?" i asked tom.
  t:you did a very good job.today,we’ll go on to study indirect and direct speech.but firstly,we should learn to tell requests from commands.in english,giving commands is less polite than making a request.so most of time,commands are made by those people who are bosses,teachers,leaders,officers,or some other one who has authority.now would you please tell which of them are commands?
  (show them a slide)
  1.close the door!
  2.would you please help me carry the case?
  3.get me something to drink.
  4.could you lend me 100 yuan?
  5.please turn off the lights.
  6.don’t smoke here.
  7.will you clean the blackboard?
  8.clean the table please.
  s:1,3,6 are commands,and others are requests.
  t:that’s right.so we can draw a conclusion:
  sentence pattern for commands:do.../do not do...
  sentence pattern for requests:do...please./can you do...?/could you do...?/will you do...?/would you do...?
  then if we want to change them into indirect speech,we should do like this:
  commands:sb. told/ordered sb. (not) to do sth.
  requests:sb. asked sb. else (not) to do sth.
  according to these rules,let’s do some practice.
  1.change these sentences into indirect speech.
  he said to me,"don’t smoke in this room."
  he said to me,"please don’t smoke in this room."
  he said to me,"could you please help me with my work?"
  suggested answers:
  he told me not to smoke in that room.
  he asked me not to smoke in that room.
  he asked me to help him with his work.
  2.change the following sentences into direct speech.
  the landlady asked him to put his coat in the closet.
  the young father told his children not to move.
  mother told me to lock the door after midnight.
  suggested answers:
  "put your coat in the closet please," the landlady said to him.
  the young father said to his children,"don’t move."
  mother said,"lock the door after midnight."
  3.(the teacher show the screen)
  come into/lab/without...
  talk/so loudly
  suck finger
  t:look at the screen.let’s practise commands and requests in pairs.you may notice on the left,under the word "don’ts",there are three orders,under them there are three orders,under them there are three requests.on the right,under the word "dos",there are three orders,under them there are there requests.first we are going to practise the commands.i can give you an example.look at the six orders.in direct speech,i can say "watch the teacher carefully.don’t come into the lab without a teacher." in reported order.i can say "she told us to watch the teacher carefully.she told us not to come into the lab without a teacher." after you practise the orders,you may practise the requests.are you clear?now let’s begin.(give students several minutes to practise them,then teacher may check)
  suggested answers:
  direct speech:
  1.don’t come into the lab without a teacher.
  2.don’t touch anything in the lab.
  3.don’t smoke.
  4.watch the teacher carefully.
  5.dip your fingers into the mixture.
  6.suck your fingers.
  7.will you please not put anything in the basin?
  8.don’t talk too loudly,please.
  9.don’t leave the books in the lab,please.
  10.write your answers on the blackboard,please.
  11.could you please tidy the lab after the experiment?
  12.put everything in the cupboards please.
  indirect speech:
  1.he told us not to come into the lab without a teacher.
  2.he told us not to touch anything in the lab.
  3.he told us not to smoke.
  4.he told us to watch the teacher carefully.
  5.he told us to dip our fingers into the mixture.
  6.he told us to suck our fingers.
  7.he asked us not to put anything in the basin.
  8.he asked us not to talk so loudly.
  9.he asked us not to leave the books in the lab.
  10.he asked us to write our answers on the blackboard.
  11.he asked us to tidy the lab after the experiment.
  12.he told us to put everything in the cupboards.
  4.now let’s use these patterns to make up some dialogues.please turn to the exercise on p13.
  suggested dialogues:
  (1)a:excuse me,could you please close the door?it’s so windy.
  b:of course.
  (2)a:excuse me,please make some room for me.i have to get off the train now.
  (3)a:look out!a bear is approaching you!
  b:help!i’m so scared!
  a:don’t move!keep calm.a bear won’t attack someone who is not to offend it.
  step 3 reading
  t:as we all know,china is a very big country where different dialects are spoken.can you list some of them?
  s:guangdong dialect,shanghai dialect,sichuan dialect...
  t:is there anybody who can speak a dialect from other place?
  s:(some students act it out)
  t:thank you!do you think that it is easy for people to follow those speaking different dialect?
  s:no.some dialects are really difficult to understand.
  t:then how can we solve this problem?
  s:we can communicate in putonghua.
  t:yes.the difference between chinese dialects are so big that it’s really hard for people to communicate in it.so now most students are taught in school in putonghua.then do you think that it is the same case with the us?
  s:i think so.
  t:what is it that makes you think so?
  s:i think that the us is a big country just like china.besides,it is a country in which many people are from different places.so i think that people may speak dialects.
  t:let’s try to find it out whether it is the case.now read it fast and then answer these questions.
  1.is there the same case?can you list some examples?
  2.why are there so many dialects in the us?
  3.what is the standard english?
  4.do you think there’s the standard english?
  5.can you tell an interesting or funny story that shows great difference between dialects in chinese?
  suggested answers:
  1.yes.it has many dialects,such as midwestern,southern,african american and spanish dialects.
  2.because people have come from all over the world.geography also plays a part in making dialects.
  3.it is believed to be the english spoken on tv and the radio.
  5.keys or kiss?
  one friend of mine was giving an english lesson to a class of adults who had recently come to live in the united states.after placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler,the book,the pen and so on.the class went very smoothly,and the students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until my friend turned to an italian and said,"give me the keys." the man looked surprised and somewhat at a loss(有点手足无措).
  seeing this,my friend thought that the student hadn’t heard him clearly,so he repeated,"give me the keys." the italian shrugged his shoulders.then,he threw his arms around the teacher’s neck and kissed him on both cheeks.
  step 4 summary
  t:today we have learnt some patterns which express commands or requests.and we have dealt with the reversal of the sentence patterns.after reading the passage,we have known that american english has different dialects.though there is no standard english,we should learn to pronounce the english words correctly.
  step 5 homework
  t:today’s homework is to recite words and phrases and make a dialogue using sentence patterns of expressing commands and requests.
  unit 2 english around the world
  the third period
  do not do...do...please
  will you do...?
  would you do...?
  can you do...?
  could you do...?
  speechsb. told/ordered sb. to do...
  sb. told/ordered sb. not to do...sb. asked sb. to do/not to do...
  1.one aim of this activity is to give students a chance to practice the sentence patterns in practice.so students are requested to make a research of the situations in which requests and commands are used.the other aim is to make research on dialects in china.they are asked to look into which dialect is the most popular in china and what causes this situation.
  the following dialogue is an excerpt from mark twain’s the million-pound bank note.
  henry found that there was a million-pound note in the envelope.he thought the two brothers had made a mistake.he hurried to their house and rang the bell.the servant appeared.henry asked for the brothers.
  servant:they are gone.
  servant:to the continent.
  henry:the continent?
  henry:when will they be back?
  servant:in a month,they said.
  henry:a month!tell me how to get word to them.it’s of great importance.
  servant:i can’t,indeed.i’ve no idea where they’ve gone.
  henry:then i must see some member of the family.
  servant:family is away,too—in egypt and india,i think.
  henry:there’s been an immense mistake made.they’ll be back before night.tell them i’ve been here,and that i’ll keep coming till it’s all right,and they needn’t worry.
  servant:i’ll tell them,if they come back,but i’m not expecting them.they said you’d be here in an hour to make inquiries,but i must tell you it’s all right,they’ll be here on time to meet you.
  english teaching in the usa
  the united states of america is mainly an english-speaking country.the majority of the population speak english as their native language.business,education,social activities,etc.are conducted in english.across the country,people pronounce many english words in several different ways,but for the most part,americans speak one common language.this language is sometimes called american english.
  however not everyone in the u.s.a. is a native speaker of english.most immigrants(移民) are speakers of other languages.there are hundreds of communities(社区) around the u.s.a.where english is not the most commonly used language.chinese,italian,german,greek,spanish,and french are all spoken in various communities in the u.s.spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after english.it is widely spoken in new york and across the southern part of the country.for speakers of other languages,learning english is important,but teaching people to speak english as a second language was given little attention.non-english speakers were expected to "pick up" the language by meeting with others in public.recently,this has changed.
  today,most large public schools and community colleges have esl(english as a second language) programs:american english teachers feel that english students should learn the language the way they will use it.therefore,esl programs offer different english lessons to different students.some programs teach students to communicate in english in public.other programs teach the kind of english people will need for their jobs.american esl instructional methods do not lay emphasis(强调) on grammar or translation,but on the importance of communication.the goal is to get the english learners to learn by using the language.
  multiple choices:
  1.people in the united states____________.
  a.are all native speakers of english
  b.speak english in various ways
  c.all speak american english
  d.are immigrants from english-speaking countries
  2.in the past the non-english immigrants____________.
  a.didn’t know how to learn english
  b.found that english was not important
  c.learned english through books
  d.paid special attention to teaching english
  3.____________is the most widely used language except english in the u.s.
  a.esl b.frenchc.spanishd.chinese
  4.the phrase "pick up" in the second paragraph means "____________".
  a.try to masterb.repeat again and again
  c.go to school sometimesd.learn without studying or taking lessons
  5.esl programs teach the students____________.
  a.only grammatical rules and idioms
  b.to use english through practice
  c.different languages
  d.to learn english by translating their own native languages into english
  answers:1.b 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.b
  words and idioms
  to break your neck 美国人在讲话和写文章的时候经常用一些和人体各部分有关系的成语或俗语。本文介绍的两个习惯用语就是和脖子(neck)有关的。在美国英语里有一些习惯用语都和neck 这个词有联系,但是它们的意思却各不相同。例如to break your neck,它的意思并不是指你的脖子真的断了,而是尽一切力量努力去做某件事的意思。
  i wish sam would study harder,because i am breaking my neck to scrape up the money to keep him in college.我希望萨姆念书再用功一些,因为我一直在想尽办法凑足钱好让他继续念大学。
  you don’t have to break your neck fixing this tv set:i really don’t need it next week.你不必赶紧修这个电视机,我下星期并不需要它。
  "to stick your neck out"有时把脖子伸得太长是很危险的。中国话里有"枪打出头鸟"的说法,在英文里就是"to stick your neck out."据说,"to stick your neck out"这个说法是用来形容乌龟的处境的。当乌龟的头缩在乌龟壳里的时候,一切都很安全。可是,一旦它们把头伸出来,那可就危险了。现在,"to stick your neck out"已经成为美国人在日常生活中常用的表达形式了,它的意思是不顾一切地硬来、担风险。
  i think my boss is dead wrong about hiring his son-in law,but i’m not going to stick my neck out and tell him!我认为我的老板雇用他的女婿是绝对错误的,但是我才不去冒那风险告诉他呢!
  i admire our congressman—he’s one politician who’s not afraid to stick his neck out and say what he really thinks,even if it costs him some votes.我很钦佩我们的国会议员。他是一个敢于冒风险说自己心里话的政治家,即使那样做会使他失去一些选票。
